The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1119: Heavy nuclear aircraft carrier

Heavy aircraft carrier: the core force of naval deterrence, the most powerful proof of the navy of a major power.

The navy's main surface combat ship, the primary combat aircraft carrier of the Red Police Corps, is a heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Warships that provide military aircraft for take-off and landing. They have huge decks and islands on the left and right. Aircraft carriers are generally the core ships of an aircraft carrier battle group. Other ships in the fleet provide protection and supplies. The aircraft carrier provides air cover and long-range strike capabilities.

The construction price-250 million, the time from construction to service-half a year, (consuming 1.37 million funds per day).

Simple data: full load displacement 86,000 tons, four pressurized water reactors provide 200,000 horsepower, maximum speed of 36 knots, cruising speed of 27 knots, maximum turning radius of inclination angle of 35 degrees, two steam catapults on the right and inclined decks There are four arresting cables and one arresting net, and four elevators on the angled deck. The entire ship has 3,500 personnel.

Standard configuration: 68 sea-based Black Hawk fighters, 10 anti-submarine aircraft, 5 electronic warfare aircraft, 4 "Sky Eye" fixed-wing early warning aircraft, and 6 multi-function helicopters.

Armament: four eight-unit vertical launch systems, four Phalanx short-range defense weapon systems, two short-range air defense missile systems...

Electronic equipment: 3d multi-spectrum phased array radar system, 2d air search radar, plane search radar, ship self-defense combat system, integrated target automatic tracking system,...


"Yes, it's four months." Cai Ruichen said again with certainty.

This time, the big boss did not feel that he was really hearing voices, because he also found a time chart on the wall of the shipyard in the video.

From the beginning of the laying of the keel to the time the ship island is now installed, the entire construction process took 120 days to complete.

Combine Cai Ruichen's and determined answer. Although the big boss couldn't believe it, he had to believe it.

After all, Cai Ruichen had no need to deceive himself, he believed it. Cai Ruichen is not that kind of person either.

It was only four months, which made the big boss really unacceptable for a while.

At the moment in his mind. Recalling all the assembly processes in the picture just now, it seems that there are not many artificial traces in everything, all of which are the four huge mechanical arms around, automatically completing the assembly work of the aircraft carrier.

At this moment, the big boss also thought of one thing, that is, the final form of human industry, the fully automatic robot production mode.

Obviously, the Future Technology Group has fully reached the highest level of human industry. Fully automatic robot production mode, at this moment, the big boss even thinks, does the future technology group have the conditions to go out of the earth.

This idea was immediately put aside by the big boss. At this moment, all of his mind was the aircraft carrier in front of him.

After pondering for a moment, the big boss continued to ask: "It can be completed in two months. Is such a huge aircraft carrier outfit so fast? You know that just laying the lines on it is an extremely huge project, various lines. The total length must be at least tens of thousands of kilometers..."

Hear the words of the big boss. Cai Ruichen had prepared for a long time, and said: "That's the way you used to build aircraft carriers, but we are different. In the hull modules of each aircraft carrier, the lines have been laid. When assembling the modules, you have to think about it. For the relationship between the wiring and the plug, just connect the built-in wiring of each module together, and then only need to check it again."

Hearing this answer, the big boss can only shook his head, and can assemble an 80,000-ton aircraft carrier in four months. What else is impossible?

now. He had no doubts, at least everything in front of him. Each one is refreshing his worldview, and his original worldview. It's messy.

And Cai Ruichen really wants to sell this aircraft carrier to the big boss, and continues to introduce: "At present, the electronic equipment on this aircraft carrier has not been installed. If the big boss likes it, this aircraft carrier can be sold directly to his hometown. The power system is complete, and you can set sail when you launch it. Then you only need to sail to your hometown and install electronic equipment to have combat effectiveness. At that time, only one or two years of running-in will be required to travel the initial combat effectiveness."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused, and continued: "The most important thing is that this aircraft carrier is completely suitable for the style of the hometown. The J-15 J-15 Flying Shark and all the models of the hometown are also no problem. , If my hometown needs it, I am willing to install our latest electronic systems and radars, but I am afraid that there will be a certain conflict with the original combat system and mode of my hometown. However, just give us a little time to modify it to Compatibility, there is no problem."

"How do you want to sell?" The big boss is indeed very excited. The most important thing is that such an aircraft carrier fully meets the needs of the hometown. Although the steam catapult is not perfect for the hometown, other things are quite perfect. .

The most important thing is that in the entire world, if my hometown wants to shorten the gap with the United States, it needs such an aircraft carrier.

Just being able to see the above-mentioned various technologies and the system of the aircraft carrier cabin layout has been powered on, for my hometown, it is almost invaluable.

Even for the large-scale naval nuclear power reactor that my hometown is developing, it can play a very huge role.

At this moment, the big boss really moved, but reason quickly calmed his inner asked: "What price?"

"I don't need any money, as long as there is 100 million tons of iron ore in my hometown in exchange, there is also a condition that the aircraft carrier needs to be delivered in a year, but before that, my hometown can secretly dispatch personnel. Get on the ship to understand the details." Cai Ruichen said.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's conditions, the big boss' brows instinctively jumped. The Future Technology Group has been importing iron ore from all over the world over the years, and it has become the world's second largest imported iron ore, just under his hometown. .

Although the boss is not clear why Cai Ruichen uses iron ore as a bargaining chip for aircraft carrier transactions, in terms of price, the price of 100 million tons of iron ore is at least five or six billion US dollars.

It is not expensive to buy such an aircraft carrier, and the price is very fair. Even compared with the meaning of having such an aircraft carrier in his hometown, Cai Ruichen is indeed taking care of the naval construction in his hometown.

The various technologies inside are invaluable in the face of a complete Western blockade.

With such an aircraft carrier, to put it bluntly, the development of naval battles in the hometown can be shortened by at least ten years. (To be continued.)

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