The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1111: Counterattack

The wind direction on the global Internet has all undergone a shocking reversal in just two hours.

The people who originally condemned Cai Ruichen in large numbers either disappeared or became Cai Ruichen's supporters.

As more news was released, not only the people of Huaxia were surprised at the dedication of Cai Ruichen's hometown compatriots every year, but also surprised the whole world.

At the same time, the World Red Cross also announced a large list of donations from Future Technology Groups. Many backward and poor countries also announced the help of Future Technology Groups for them.

For a time, Cai Ruichen almost became the top ten best people in the world.

There was no such news before, and all the organizations that announced the news also stated that when they received the donation, the other party asked not to disclose it.

But they could not accept this slander of a good person, and such an excellent person could not be so slandered, so they released all the news.

Among African countries, a large number of African countries, even heads of state, all stood up to help Cai Ruichen.

Will receive all the free help from Cai Ruichen every year, one by one to the public.

Interested people counted all these news and came up with an extremely alarming figure. The total value of donations from Cai Ruichen and Future Technology Group to poor regions and backward countries, as well as various charitable organizations, exceeds 20 billion US dollars each year.

This kind of help has always been free of charge, and even many of them are anonymous donations. At the same time, this does not count as a large number of charitable foundations established by the Future Technology Group.

No matter where the disaster is in the world, everyone can see the shadow of Future Technology Group and Cai Ruichen.

The main thing is that if it weren't for this incident, the news would still not be announced.

If there is still no one to say in the future, no one will even understand this.

At this moment, the whole world has nothing to say about Cai Ruichen's feelings.

Based on this alone, few people in the world can do it, or even say it. This kind of charity has surpassed all true philanthropists.

Cai Ruichen has never said this to the outside world, and even asked the donated institution to help keep it secret.

Such feelings are more than noble. At least no one can spend a huge amount of 20 billion U.S. dollars a year for charity.

Even 75% of countries in the world have not yet reached 20 billion U.S. dollars in annual fiscal revenue.

A storm that was originally extremely negative for Cai Ruichen suddenly became a wave of public opinion praising Cai Ruichen.

And all the Internet organizations that contributed to the flames before have suddenly become the target of everyone's attacks. One after another was asked to stand up Daoqin, even countless people. It is hoped that the Future Technology Group will sue these companies and let the people compensate Cai Ruichen for his mental losses with crimes made out of nothing and slander.

Even a large number of lawyers organizations and teams around the world have proposed to Future Technology Group that they can help them deal with this matter for free, fight for the maximum amount of compensation, and even send organizers to jail.

Soon, Future Technology Group announced that it would not sue. I just hope that everyone can make their own judgment before hearing any news.

At the same time, Future Technology Group also officially responded to the previous slander of Cai Ruichen:

"As for the previous news, as the party concerned and the sole owner of the group, Mr. Cai Ruichen felt that there was no need to explain at all, and the clearer should clear it up. Everything is right and wrong.

It’s just that we didn’t expect that everyone would support this way, and our boss didn’t intend to say anything about the announcements of various charity funds, the Red Cross and other countries, but also to meet the demands of the majority of netizens. We also officially acknowledge that those donations are indeed from Future Technology Group and Mr. Cai Ruichen. "

"The source of this incident was in China. Although our boss is an overseas Chinese, he has been silently helping those Chinese who need help. The development of the group in the field of clean energy is all inclined to China. , In order to make the sky of China as pure as possible.

For this reason, the Group has also tried the most advanced waste gas recovery technology in China. At present, a clear data can be obtained. An exhaust gas recycling center can recover 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide and various dust particles in the air every year.

It’s just the previous news that made our boss very disappointed. He didn’t expect that the person who didn’t believe him the most was actually a Chinese. This will definitely affect our future cooperation with various companies in China, and it is possible to terminate what has been agreed upon. All cooperative projects.

We will not say sorry about this, but we are protecting ourselves, because no one knows that this kind of crisis will not continue to occur in the future..."

With the words of the Future Technology Group, there was a feeling that a stone was stirred up. I did not expect the real storm to come so suddenly.

Because after the announcement of this news, many companies in their hometown that were about to negotiate and cooperate with the Future Technology Group have all received notices of termination of their cooperation intentions, and some companies that even started to prepare for capital cooperation have also received notices of termination of cooperation. Even the contract and liquidated damages were paid in full.

And this news immediately caused a huge response in the country. Almost all the originally ambitious companies were stunned.

Then all of them became angry, they hated it! After finally catching up with the God of Wealth, the Future Technology Group, the cooked duck will be eaten to the mouth, and it will fly away.

Especially seeing the directors and bosses of all companies automatically paying liquidated damages, the expression on their faces is like a cold winter in December.

Even if the liquidated damages are ten thousand times more, they are not as good as the prospects of cooperation with Future Technology Group.

No one does not hate, who hates is who is targeting Cai Ruichen and who is swaggering.

All companies invariably put pressure on the government and must severely punish all personnel who maliciously cause this incident.

Faced with such a huge pressure at home and abroad, at this moment, the whole hometown can feel a sense of wind and rain.

Unexpectedly, when the future technology group is angry, it will be able to burst such powerful energy.

And let alone those private companies, the home government is not comfortable, because Future Technology Group has also cancelled a large number of follow-up investment plans, which is also a huge loss for the home government.

Even the big bosses feel a lot of pressure. Faced with the joint request of hundreds of large enterprises across the country, even big bosses cannot ignore it. To be continued. :

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