The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1094: Waste gas recycling center

The special plane landed in a private airport affiliated to the Future Technology Group in the northeast. This airport was specially built to land the transport aircraft of the Future Transportation Company.

Future Technology Group has also built a large industrial base in the northeastern region of its hometown. A large number of high-tech products sold to the hometown are produced here.

Chen Gaoyuan, the head of Future Technology Group in his hometown, also appeared in the airport for the first time.

There were several business and political figures in his hometown who accompanied Chen Gaoyuan. Cai Ruichen went home and the whole hometown paid great attention.

There is no way, who makes Cai Ruichen rich, after all, not everyone's vision is at the level of national strategy.

These people came here, to be honest, they came here for the money in Cai Ruichen's pocket.

Investment cooperation is the purpose of these people. Cai Ruichen, who just got off the special plane, did not say hello to these people, and took the special car to inspect the factory here.

In this industrial zone, there are four technology expansion stations for the construction of construction units.

In the Northeast, there are still many technology expansion stations scattered throughout the Northeast, and factories belonging to the Future Technology Group are also rapidly rising.

At present, Future Technology Group has become a major tax collector in the three northeastern provinces, and has also helped to solve the employment of hundreds of thousands of people.

In the special car, Cai Ruichen put away all his leisure thoughts, and his expression became focused.

He will only stay here for an afternoon, and will fly to the capital in the evening, which is slightly tight.

Chen Gaoyuan got into his special car, but Natasha and others stayed on the special plane and did not follow.

"Why are there so many people in the airport?" Cai Ruichen asked Chen Gaoyuan in the special car, before the car left the airport.

"I'm very sorry, Commander. They all heard that you were coming, and they all wanted to follow you." Chen Gaoyuan said depressed.

"What are they doing here?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

"It's nothing more than wanting to get to know you, hoping to further cooperate with us." Chen Gaoyuan said.

"Then leave them alone. My time is very tight, and I will go to the waste gas recycling plant first." Cai Ruichen directly left those people behind. Said.

In fact, he didn't really like the appearance of those fat heads and big ears, and he still had impressions of some people, some of whom were senior officials at the ministerial level in the Northeast.

But in Cai Ruichen's eyes, these people are all small shrimps.

There are some nasty things about the development of Future Technology Group in his hometown, and he also knows that for some people, there is not much good face.

And this time he went back to his hometown. I wanted to avoid too much contact with government personnel.

For his entire hometown’s itinerary, the only plan he could count as contact with government officials was to be invited to attend the private welcome banquet of the big boss.

He didn't want to see the rest.

The cooperation with his hometown has not yet officially started, and he is unwilling to attract too much attention from abroad.

The special car drove towards the outside of the industrial base. The waste gas recycling plant was not built in the industrial base, but was built close to the city.

At present, in the northeast of my hometown, almost every big city has waste gas recycling plants operating.

Especially near those cities with more heavy industries. There are even more than two waste gas recovery plants.

The special car stopped next to the waste gas recycling plant, and the entire plant was protected by a fence, with tall barbed wire erected on it. There are also power-on warning signs, the fence is also covered with surveillance, and at the gate, you can also see several security guards, the gate even uses fingerprints and double authentication.

And in front of the waste gas recycling plant, there is a sign warning not to approach.

Such strict protection is only because the technology in the entire factory needs to be highly confidential.

The security soldier here, after seeing Cai Ruichen's special car. There is no direct release, and routine inspections are still carried out.

This is what Cai Ruichen requested. Even if you are oneself, you can't avoid it.

The waste gas recycling plant covering an area of ​​one square kilometer is currently in operation. The free carbon dioxide in the air and industrial gases are all collected from all directions.

Walking into the waste gas recycling factory, Cai Ruichen refused the reminder to put on the chemical protective suit. His current physical fitness is not afraid of the chemical gases inside.

Waste gas recycling center: a polluted waste gas recycling unit, with a construction price of 3 million yuan, a construction time of seven days, and an area of ​​one million square meters. It can only be built on the ground and cannot be integrated into existing buildings.

Note: Each waste gas recycling center has four groups of waste gas and carbon dioxide capture main factories. The capture work is to use special chemical solvents to capture waste gas and carbon dioxide in the air, and concentrate them into waste gas crystals and carbon dioxide crystals, which can be used for recycling Become base funds, and can also be used as auxiliary materials for artificial production of gasoline and diesel.

Each group of exhaust gas carbon dioxide capture main factory can recover 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide and exhaust gas each year (equivalent to the carbon emissions of 1.5 million cars per year). If the recovery becomes capital, the price per ton is 100 yuan (per day It is equivalent to an extra RMB 550,000 in capital income).


In the waste gas recycling center, all the equipment is in operation, and the collected waste gas is concentrated, and then directly recovered for the fund.

Such factories, built in the northern regions of their hometown and key industrial cities, do not worry about not having waste gas and carbon dioxide for recycling.

Otherwise, if it is built in a place with pure air, then this unit is a display After all, if the carbon dioxide produced by the human body alone is absorbed by plants, it is completely enough.

The best location for this unit is those areas that have been polluted by industry, and those developed cities can also be built.

After all, there is enough exhaust gas emitted by urban cars, and there is no worry that there is nothing to recycle.

Such a waste gas capture factory can also greatly reduce environmental pollution. Even just one such factory can reduce the waste gas emissions of a city by 95%, and the air will get better and better.

Of course, the base will have more and more funds, and the waste gas recycling center that runs every day can bring the base 550,000 yuan in capital income.

At present, in my hometown, the amount of funds obtained from waste gas recycling every day is six million, which is equal to six hundred ore refining plants, and one hundred tons of iron ore are recycled every day.

In the future, there will naturally be more and more factories like this. This is also a project highly supported by my hometown. For this reason, the various taxes of the Future Technology Group are even reduced to the lowest level. (To be continued.)

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