The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1069: Jordanian Air Force dispatched

Flying from Israel to the Syrian border is much farther than from an intruder coming from an industrial zone to intercept.

In addition, the combat radius of the invader fighter is not bad. Although it is a light fighter, it is a little bit different compared to the f-15 Eagle fighter.

This gap is not obvious in the time of air combat.

And other fighters of the subsequent Raptor Wing can also come to support at any time.

So if it takes time, it is good for the invader fighter.

And for Cai Ruichen, it is also good. After all, if conflicts can be avoided now, it is better to avoid them.

However, Cai Ruichen did not naively think that these two Israeli fighter jets just came to provoke with nothing to eat.

After all, the Israelis are also very clear that such a provocation is of no use to an organization that is not a state.

Unless Israeli fighter jets dared to approach the vicinity of Marin town to provoke, it will be effective.

And choosing to fly closer is also a flying posture specially made considering the other party's intention to attack suddenly.

On the other side, the other two fighters also maintain the same flight mode. Unless the f-15 Eagle fighter can instantly adjust the fuselage to the intruder flying side by side, it will still be unable to attack.

However, when the two sides maintained this flight attitude for less than ten minutes, the Raptor in the intruder fighter unexpectedly received a message from the early warning aircraft:

Over the central part of Jordan, two close aircraft were found, which can be determined to be F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, flying at an altitude of 6,000, coming towards the border here.

Two Fighting Falcons, coming from the direction and height. It is certain that it is not an Israeli fighter plane, but an air force fighter plane of the Kingdom of Jordan.

The Jordanian Air Force also owns the Fighting Falcon, just like Saudi Arabia. They are all purchased from the United States, and the relationship between Jordan and the United States is also very good.

But the relationship between Jordan and Israel is not so good. In the twentieth century, Jordan, just beside Israel, also had two separate wars with Israel.

During the first Middle East war, Jordan was also the main participating country, which was to help the Palestinians seize the Palestinian areas occupied by the Jews.

In the first Middle East war, the Kingdom of Jordan dispatched 5,000 troops, which was smaller than Egypt or Iraq.

During the Third Middle East War, Israel not only deployed all its military forces. A full-scale air strike was carried out on Egypt, Iraq and other countries, and troops were sent to Jordan, and the Arab world was defeated in just a few days.

Jordan also participated in the Fourth Middle East War and fought against Israel. In the Fifth Middle East War, although there was nothing about Jordan, it was a matter of Israel and Lebanon, but the enmity between Jordan and Israel has not ceased.

One is on the West Bank and the other is on the East Bank. It is commonplace for conflict to break out.

In the 21st century, the relationship between Jordan and Israel has eased somewhat. But the relationship is still cold.

Jordan has also been extremely angry about the fact that Israeli fighter jets passed through its sovereign airspace over and over again.

Just because of the United States, Jordan has always exercised restraint. Just symbolically keep protesting.

In fact, every time an Israeli fighter jet passes through the territory of Jordan, Jordan himself didn't know it at the time, and it became clear afterwards.

And the two air strikes by Future Technology Group in Israel were all passing through Jordan, and Jordan did not find it.

But this time, it was completely different. The two Israelis flew slowly over the border between Jordan and Syria. No matter how backward the early warning system of the Kingdom of Jordan is, it is enough to detect it.

The air force was immediately dispatched to check and intercept. Because the Jordanian Air Force still doesn't know which country's aircraft it is.

At the same time, the ground in Jordan also moved. See who it is, so don't put yourself in the eye.

When the Jordanian Air Force began to dispatch, the radars on the two fighter jets on the border had not yet seen it, but the early warning aircraft did.

When the Raptor received the information, the pilots of the two Israeli fighters also received the news from the Jordanian Air Force fighters.

Just this news is not good news for Israel.

Once the Jordanian Air Force is allowed to come over, there will inevitably be an air conflict, which is beyond doubt.

After all, the clay figurines still have three points of anger, not to mention the relationship between the Kingdom of Jordan and the Future Technology Group is developing very well, and the Jordanians have ideas.

The most important thing is that this is an armed invasion by Hong Guoguo, and it is reasonable to knock down Israeli fighter jets.

It is not the first time that Jordan has seen Israel's hegemony in front of the Arab world. It has long been used to it.

At this time, the senior Israeli Air Force also received detailed data on the front line. Should they decisively take an offensive against the fighters of the future security company, or just retreat in this way and look for better opportunities?

At a time when high-level Israeli officials are considering the pros and cons for this, the situation on the border between Jordan and Syria is also changing.

Before the two Jordanian fighters arrived, the security forces on the Jordanian border had already seen two Israeli fighters.

The King of Jordan, who was watching the game, left the court angrily. At the same time, an order was sent to the Jordanian military to shoot down an Israeli fighter.

This time, Israel’s reaction was a little slow, or perhaps they had never looked at Jordan directly, never regarded Jordan as an opponent.

As a sovereign country, the Jordanian royal family and Saudi Arabia are on the same leg, and the relationship with Iraq and Syria is not good. Therefore, a lot of troops have been placed in this place.

In addition, air defense missiles have been set up in many places. Although they are only short-range air defense missiles, they are sufficient.

Neither the Israeli pilots nor the Syrian raptors expected The two sides were still fighting, and several anti-aircraft missiles suddenly flew out from under several sand dunes in Jordan and directly approached Israel. Fighter.

The speed of the missile is extremely fast, and the f-15 Eagle fighter that kept flying at a slow speed in order not to let itself fly ahead, hurriedly increased the speed, but the anti-aircraft missile was faster, and the f-15 Eagle fighter hurriedly accelerated , Seeing the approaching missile, hurriedly dropped a series of decoy bombs.

The Israeli pilot in the cockpit instinctively controlled the aircraft away from the incoming missile, but when the aircraft began to evade and flew horizontally, the Israeli pilot realized that he had completely entered the Syrian airspace.

The most tragic thing is to accelerate the sideways maneuver and appear directly in front of the invader fighter.

ps: On the gorgeous WeChat public account, the pictures of the Black Hawk fighter have been released, and there is also an event to give away the J-20 metal assembly model. Participate in the opportunity to get a gorgeously presented aircraft model!

Follow method: Open the WeChat official account search page, search for the gorgeous pseudonym "gorgeous hypocrisy", and then add attention. There are many wasteland materials and pictures of weapons and equipment, and historical news can be seen. (To be continued.)

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