From the north to the west, do not directly go to the manor area in the west, slightly to the south, without entering the lower class of the west, nor completely leaving the upper class. There are high-rise apartment buildings in the center of the district. ┡㈧㈠In the "Text ΔNet WWW% W. 8⒈Zw. Com say something interesting, here is the individual name, "waiting list"-

It means that if the person or family who owns the manor at the top of the Western District, huh, hangs up, loses power, is poor ... Any bad thing you can think of leads to a vacant manor. The people in this apartment, those who are marked on the house number of the apartment building, are candidates for queuing to buy and 'collect' the estate.

Now that we have all said it, let me tell you another interesting fact. Liszt used to live in this apartment complex, but Pixar was not behind. Liszt 'received' Pixar's former manor. Let's talk about a less interesting fact, Herman Manor was taken by Ethella.

The "Waiting List" is very close to the West Side School-there is a Rimmer, Eve Smith mixed with a group of ordinary children to go to school.

Driving Louise, hesitantly glanced at Zac next to him. He was shocked. He took out his sunglasses and brought Zac to his co-driver. He hesitated for a moment. ... "Eve.

"School, why go to school?" Zach's voice, uh, fluttered a little, and very fast, two eyebrows were raised behind the sunglasses, and twitched meaninglessly.

Louise frowned, and she regretted it. She should n’t look away and let Zach take away the things she picked up from the ground. Now she does n’t know what happened to Zac. “Uh, uh, are you okay?”

"Okay?" Zack shook his head on the co-pilot. "Define it." Still hurried.

Louise didn't dare to stop. Now it's not a good time to let Zac get off and move around casually. I recognized the intersection, turned, made a decision without permission, and went in the direction of the school.

"The wrong turn." Zac's hand was inserted directly from the side and pressed on the steering wheel held by Louise, the deflection was completed in an instant.

A piercing friction sounded at the intersection. Fortunately, there were no vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Louise's car came back and flicked twice. The direction of the exercise was forcibly reversed and returned to the direction of continuing to Heather's house.

Zac withdrew his hand and actually smiled at Louise, "This is the right direction."

Louise glared at Zac in surprise. It only took half a second to think about it. Immediately he found a turning lane and rushed directly into the steering wheel. Zac reached his hand again, but this time, Louise had already I stepped on the brakes and pulled out the key in one stop, facing Zac sideways, with a serious face, "Zac! Are you 'Hi' !!!"

The eyebrows drawn from the top edge of the sunglasses were still twitching, "" Hi "? What is Hi? Does it feel very good?" Gone with a hurry.

Louise rolled her eyes and took off the sunglasses on Zac's face. The two prominent eyebrows were too distracting. But after Sunglasses left Zac, the situation didn't get any better, distractingly became the crimson that filled the eyes.

If the diffused pupil is a way for people to routinely judge whether someone is ‘Hi’, then the pair of red light bulbs on Zac ’s face can probably explain something.

Louise's eyes flicked, frowning tightly, and pressed the sunglasses back. "We'll wait here! Wait until you get awake again!"

"Why?" Heather's house. In a brutal way, we can kill it all the way. She lives on the top floor, so it takes some time. After all, we should not leave a living mouth, and we also need to dispose of the body. When we came, we saw a deli, We can get the body over there. Or, in a civilized way, we can act as a couple, come to see the house, you can be the wife who asks for unlimited and capricious, I can be the one who has no opinion and can only say good things , But very very wealthy husband, you can ask to see the scenery from the top floor, I can bribe the administrator. Or, insidious way, we can set fire to the building next to it, let people start to evacuate, when everyone starts to take refuge, We have a vacant building ... "

"No!" Louise stared at Zac. "No! What are you thinking!"

"Oh?" Zach's eyebrows are still distracting. "You don't like it." It only paused for a while, and immediately, "I have other ways, I can ..."

"No!" Louise shook her head. "We won't kill, bribe, set fire, uh, or anything!" Louise ripped the corner of her mouth, staring at Zac's sunglasses, shaking her hand in front of her eyes. , "We just use the enchanting pupil to make a lie, go in and out, it's simple and convenient!"

"Oh." The distracting eyebrows stopped twitching. In a flash, Zac pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth and lifted his hand to remove the sunglasses, exposing those crimson eyes. "Then, let's go, I'm ready Now ... "

Louise pressed the sunglasses back again. "No! We won't go anywhere now! Waiting for you ..." Silently gestured in front of Zac, "Go again after this state disappears!"

"What state?" Zach seemed unconscious.

Louise pursed her lips, holding her arm and stopped talking. This situation began when they had just left Grande, and Louise worked hard to prevent Zac from smoking that cigarette, for good reason, not too shameful, but, "even if you try , And wait till night, we do n’t go out, is it okay when everyone is there, if something happens, shall I stop you? "

Zack's answer was this, "No, it's medicine." It doesn't matter. "If ordinary veterans can use this thing as medicine, there should be nothing to worry about. Besides, Sissi is also trying to use it in school."

The effort failed, and Louise turned away, and Zac pulled away.

When entering the North District, Louise was still lucky that Zac was not abnormal. Zac was also wondering whether this thing was expired. Suddenly, "I feel like I am missing something. Can you feel me, Louise, I have n’t used the magic control technique of Tortoise. ”

It was at this time that Louise began to worry a little and replied, "I can feel you, uh, you seem to have nothing unusual. Uh, should we go back?"

"No. Continue, there is a feeling of unexpected relaxation."

Then, when entering the West End, Louise showed that there was a constantly invading red awn on the side of her vision, accompanied by someone's faster and faster heartbeat. He glanced sideways, surprised, okay, we already knew that he put a pair of sunglasses on Zac's face.

Then it is now.

"No, seriously." Zac raised his hand and touched his sunglasses. The line of sight should be on Louise. "What is my state now? Although I have countless clear ideas in my head, I feel everything. No. I can't feel myself. "

Louise frowned and looked at Zac, a look that he didn't understand. "What makes you feel you can't feel yourself?"

Zac's answer was to raise his hand and roll up his sleeves, "You try."

Louise looked at Zac still puzzled. What do you mean? But instinctively gave an action and pinched it.

"Oh. Pain." Zack snorted, um, doesn't it feel very sensitive, "Isn't you pinching, it's biting me."

"No!" Is still an instinctive answer. Although she and Zac did not do much to exchange blood, they basically did it with some adult affairs at the same time, so instinctively would think that this is not suitable for outdoor. thing……

Zac withdrew his hand and sat still on the co-pilot.

It was so quiet for about five minutes, and the airflow in the lane began to tremble slightly, as if some airflow vibration had passed over. The two vampires in the car should not be able to detect the slight vibration, but Zac suddenly leaned forward and looked up at the front window, "The air is shaking."

For a guy who just said that he can't even feel himself, his senses are abnormally sharp.

Louise frowned, still holding her arms, "I didn't feel any shock ..."

Before he finished, a black shadow spread across the ground in front of the car window.

Louise froze for a moment. "What ..." The Zac on the co-pilot had disappeared, leaving only the sound of the door being closed again.

Louise's face was black, she quickly pushed the door, and her eyes began to look around the alleyway. A sixth sense intuition made her take a step back.

Then, Louise's eyes widened to see what fell from her front!

It was a black cane inlaid with gold rims, which vertically penetrated the floor tiles in front of her, and was inserted vertically on the ground.

Louise opened her mouth, just thinking about her emotions ...

"let me go!"

A sharp scream suddenly appeared above the head, and a shadow of confusion waved wildly on top of Louise's head. Louise looked up.

Zac is flying.

Or, Zac is being taken flying, up and down, flicking, struggling ...

The ugly Mrs. Sheila poses strangely under the huge wingspan, constantly undulating over the alleyway surrounded by buildings. The posture is weird because she does n’t fit the freedom and stretch of a “flying man” at all. She curled up her hands and feet in the air, almost feeling lifted by the huge wings behind her. Zac, who held the corner of her skirt, "Let! Open! Me!"

Zac swayed under Mrs. Sheila like a pendulum, "Don't ~"


The fabric fibers began to break and a chain reaction occurred.

In Louise's already wide-eyed eyes, Mrs. Sheila's ugly, rag-like face began to show the color used to wipe the toilet.

After a sharp howling that seemed to puncture the eardrum.

The air in the alleyway was suddenly deflated, and all the floating dust floating freely in the air was instantly pressed into the ground.

At this moment, Zac and Mrs. Sheila in Louise's field of vision disappeared, vertically.

Louise didn't know if the pair of vampires were normal-her heart missed a beat. Then, in the vertical sky, a black dot appeared, and the black dot was gradually expanding, gradually ... showing a large human figure, and a red-red afterimage with a bright blue sky as the background.

The figure of the falling man became more and more clear, and in the sight of Louise's vampire, and Zac could be seen, the falling hand was holding a piece of cloth ...

Louise's head upwards gradually widened, and her brain went blank for a moment, trying to understand what happened during this short time. But don't deceive yourself, you can't understand. The only thing that can be clear is-

Louise's whole body tensed, and the first move began. She held the black gold cane inserted in front of her. Predict where Zac fell, if she doesn't want her man to be penetrated, she has to get rid of it.

Probably an instant tension, Louise's first attempt didn't pull the cane. The second time, Louise directly used her feet and black gold cane, flipped off the pierced ground, spun forward, and inserted diagonally into the wall.

Then, Louise raised her head again, her heart stood up and missed a beat. Zach fell much faster than she expected. Even without the vampire's usual eyesight, you can confirm that it is a person.

Louise was even more nervous, although she knew that the way the vampire died was chopping, burning, destroying the heart, and the blood of the deceased. Then, can it be counted as a meatloaf? After all, even if you imagine in your mind that a pile of finely chopped meat will heal itself into Zack, it is too ‘shocking’ picture ...

Louise began to look around herself anxiously. Anything, anything that she can use to slow Zach's fall!

Louise looked up at Zac again, and his heart missed a beat again. It was good. I could clearly see Zac ’s face that was beaten by the air without a trace of texture, as if even the pores were pulled away. .

The crimson eyes that resembled the bulb were pulled by the airflow.

Louise ’s heart almost stopped, she could n’t help it. She watched as she fell into the area of ​​the building. She looked sideways at the windows of the building next to her and continued to fall ...

Louise's brain was blank, and her hands were stretched out, which was a move to catch. If, if the animation is true, the falling female reporter can be caught, Louise probably thinks she can also ...


Fragmentary traces like spider veins spread in this laneway.

Louise took the space.

Zac snorted, patted his calf, stood up from the squat position, and got into Louise ’s outstretched hands, and a pair of red eyes looked at Louise ’s distracted face, “Hehe, the idea is Okay, but no. "Shaking the cloth in her hand," Sheila should be there for a while and will not come down. "

… (To be continued.)

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