Zac is a bit late. Most of Nofil has already gone to the port of Massa, including Dora and Bumi, to ‘supervise’ imports. ㈧㈠Chinese website www┡W. 8⒈Zw. Com Zak can only continue north to Port Massa.

When he passed Becky, Zac didn't know what he thought, he turned around the shelter and didn't see anything worth staying, such as Harrison, such as Quinn, such as Emilia. The only thing that made Zack a little more careful was the person who came in and out of the shelter—

It can be seen that they have experienced the baptism of war, and those veterans are holding cigarette boxes with familiar packaging in their hands.

After pretending to be casually asking for a cigarette, "Sorry, this is my medicine, I should not share it with strangers, sorry." After refusing, Zac also successfully remembered where he had seen this cigarette. Mrs. Sheila discarded it without mentioning it. It was the new work of Saint Remer, which the Saint Cici said was used to refresh.

Zac was a little upset. It ’s still based on Rymer ’s conviction-we all remember that there is vampire blood in the composition of ‘Valmirna’, right? That ghost knows what special rare ingredients are in this new "medicine"!

The most uncomfortable thing is that if it is done only occasionally to give the saints a sober spirit, but as Zac now sees, the veterans of this entire shelter are using this ‘medicine’! Obviously, it is already an important part of the plan to legalize something in the Quinn and Smith plan, so what the **** is this? Is it still mass-produced! Legal mass production? ! Smith better know ... No, Eve and Lydia better know what they are doing! Don't make the second ‘Valmina’!

After paying attention to this point, Zac went straight to Port Massa without much delay.

Early to stop the car on Becky Street, Zac detoured a bit and sneaked into the Port of Massa from the direction of the warehouse cluster. Yes, it was sneaking in. Although Zach walked up with his chest up and looked like a bright and gentle gentleman, with his vampire's senses, he avoided all the people or things that would pay attention to him-people, as Shepard said in the morning Police tied here; things, security measures upgraded by security companies, surveillance, intrusion alarms and the like.

This caused Zac to stop when he was standing on the embankment of the port, on the sea, in a gap-at his feet, the sloshing waves that would cover Zac ’s shoes at any time, and the wet fern on the surface of the head, eh Or, the mold of the moss is cold in front, blocking the entire line of sight of the bow of the cargo ship.

But here is the right place, because the water behind Zac is just the outlet that doesn't know where to go. Not surprisingly, soon, Norfil will emerge from this spout and then jump onto the freighter in front of him.

Listen, Zac has already heard some sounds from the two people ’s high spout, standing expectantly waiting.

"Woo ~" A touch of blue, under Zac's eyes, and a voice, "You are right ~ I feel like a goldfish in a pipe ~"

So blue turned a circle in the dull sea, and came back again, as if not seeing Zach next to him, lying on the water outlet, obviously waiting for something, "Oh, you are so slow ~"

"Who's slow? Morman." Zac said aloud. He doubted that if he didn't, the murloc would never show himself. Yep. How to say, Morman, whose body is covered with blue phosphorescence, is not very ‘humanoid’ ~ er, basically it can distinguish heads, hands, feet and the like, but it is definitely not ‘humanoid’. Have you ever seen anyone with eyes above their heads, right? There is one here, floating in the sea.

"Zac!" Morman's fan-shaped thing flashed on his head. The face that seemed to be covered with an exoskeleton could not distinguish the expression, but fortunately, the blue phosphorescence began to fade. Normally, the one we have seen Beach lifeguard Morman, who had a wheat complexion and a good face, came back. "How are you here? Uh, sorry." He was a deep, disappeared, and when he appeared, he wore a pair of soggy beach pants and climbed up. On the platform of the Zach station, "This is much better." Randomly shake off the water stains of the whole body at a tremor frequency that humans cannot complete.

At the seaside in late autumn, Morman's dress will make people cold when he sees it, but he is obviously not absolute, neither will Zac. He looks at Morman and raises his eyebrows, "How are you here?"

"Oh!" Morman was very happy when he fiddled with his wet head, "I'm here to play ~ Oh! Your friend ..." Actually pushed Zac, kindly, "explored the whole city Give me a picture, now I do n’t need to worry about where I should go when I swim ... "My face looks weird for a moment, but it disappears immediately, and I return to happiness." So, I'm playing everywhere ~ "and immersion In joy, he gestured with his hands, "Do you know that human-like fish tanks are all pipes? Just like that! I didn't know much about the fun, but now I think it's really good ~"

Zac has really seen that kind of thing. One or two boring goldfish can only swim in a fixed direction in a transparent channel ... Uh, Morman is just happy, "My friend? You mean Norfil Are you? "

"Yeah ~" Morman looked at the spout. "He's really slow ~"

Zac pouted, not wanting to guess who would be the Nofele who would come out from here. Anyway, Nofile started making friends with Barton's local aliens, which is a good thing, right.

"Do you know what Nofler is doing in Port Massa?" Zach tried to remind Morman that he could play casually. After all, no one would go to the beach in the current season. Morman is 80% unemployed. There is nothing else to do. But he ca n’t delay the work of his new friend, can he? Nofil is not fun in Port Massa.

"I know, I can help too." Morman was still very happy. "I'm in the sea very fast, very fast!" To Zac winked, it was proud. In fact, he didn't need it, Zac knew Morman was quick. Morman continued, "You don't know how many republican aliens will be escaped into the sea in the future." Contentedly pointed at himself with two thumbs, "Then I can play, hehe, nothing can pass ... "

I don't know when he will be stumbling, but Zac raised his eyebrows over Morman's arm and put it in front of his eyes, looking at a red knot tied on the other person's wrist, "What is this?" It looks dark red under the moisture of seawater.

It's not familiar anymore. Zac remembers it clearly. Mrs. Sheila put it away and Harrison hung it in the car. Now, it also appears on Morman's wrist.

"Oh. This." Morman shook his wrist. "It was probably a lucky charm or something that someone gave me. I will take it with me."

"Who?" Zac asked, subconsciously.

"A republican." Morman raised his eyebrows, probably not knowing what Zack asked about this. "It's a bit strange, probably because of the language barrier, but it looks like a good guy." Morman smiled. , "Hey! You are finally here!"

The topic was changed.

A face floated under the black sea, not Domi or Dora. It was a three-generation Nofeller with some impressions of Zac. This impression was also offensive. Zac couldn't tell whether the other person was male or female with his naked eyes.


This is the traditional respect of the vampire clan, the other party still completed a salute to the elders in the water.

"Mr. Grande, or Zac." Zac nodded, responded to the question, and responded, then glanced at the freighter in front of him, "I don't need to check this ship anymore. I've seen it." Delayed Nofler's work by his own personal affairs? Oh, Zac is a gentleman, but not so rude, "What's your name?"


Zac pursed his lips. It ’s nice, the name is also neutral, and the gender is still unknown, but for the essence of Nofile ’s clan, it ’s not a special case. After all, they are excluded from society and need to be hidden. The formed clan, "Lexi, I look for cloth ..." Zac pursed his lips. The reality was better. Find a reliable person. "Dora, I'm waiting for her here."

Lexi nodded in the water and looked at Morman.

Morman smiled at Zac, his active arms were already covered with blue phosphorescence, "I'm not here to disturb you ~" There was no sound, I crossed an arc and entered the water. Lexi disappeared underwater.

Zac blinked, and he wanted to ask more about the Republican, um, forget it.

Waiting in the life of a vampire is never a rarity. Zac stands idle on this small platform, listening to the sounds of the port, and time passes quickly.

Zac didn't notice any signs, Dora was already standing in front of Zac. The two shrunken arms on the side of the body shook and shook off the scattered shadows. "Why are you in the mood to help?" Dora misunderstood.

"I'm here for your help." To Dora, Zac didn't have to be polite.

"Uh, it's a pity that we really used your help." Dora pouted, not very impatient. "Your James." Your James, hehe, "I like not to go the usual way. , Just trouble us if you are fine. "

Zac smiled. "Just follow him."

Do you know what this is saying-the population business carried out at Massa Port, Zac did not explicitly tell James that he will be blamed on Liszt, now there is a concession to tie the police with theft of general goods. Attention, you can guess what Fisher and the West Side are really arranging. So, that ’s it, and it ’s clear that James, who wo n’t let Zac succeed, can only harass, harass, and lower Nofile here, and continue to let everything go with the degree of cooperation he has not yet noticed. Methodical.

Dora also shook her head, actually looking like a smile, "But I have to say, I also start to think that his attachment is very interesting ~ you should see, every time he passes the sewer, he has to stop Come down and talk to yourself, it's really funny. "

"Just make sure you don't laugh out loud." Zach asked with a smile. James was very adaptable and could accept the fact that there was Nofeller under the city. Wave your hand without delay, "Dora, do you still have influence with the vampire forces in the middle?"

Dora was also a little more serious, "Yes. What's wrong? Did something happen in the middle?"

"It's nothing." Let Dora rest assured first, and then, "It's a friend of mine, Nore Repet, seems to be a little trouble in the middle. Can you find a few trusted vampires to help him?"

Dora frowned, "Are you human?"

Necessary, this is the first point that Dora thought of.

Zac pursed his mouth and nodded.

Dora pouted, "Your friend, okay. Well, I try, but there is no guarantee."

"Well, make sure you can trust a vampire." Zack emphasized.

Say so. Remember Mocavi's identity transfer, that is, the use of Nofiler's power in the middle. But even if we say here, ‘Nofeller ’s power’, in fact, Nofeller is now in Patton. Can you realize it? We who have seen that Nofil is still in the middle (Nofel sells blood to abandoned vampires in underground urban facilities), has clearly understood that the so-called forces in the middle are actually after the hidden alliance leaves , A vampire alien who had been sheltered by Nofil for some time.

Mocavi's identity was transferred to Barton, and Norfil could use this to work for the Mocavi ancestors, relying on the name of the top of the thirteen clan, to persuade some low-level alien vampires who depended on buying blood to take over. But, help a human? Why?

Dora could only say that she tried her best, and Zac could only emphasize that the vampire must be trusted. Zac didn't want Nuo to be sucked by any foreign vampire.

Dora nodded, "I understand." Take a look at Zach, "If this Noe Repet is really your friend ..."

"He is." Zac must be clear about his position, so he immediately affirmed.

Dora continued to nod her head, her face slightly relaxed, and it was a matter of seeking advice. "I probably still have some means of controlling the vampires in the middle, for example, promising a surname."

Zac frowned, looking at Dora, instinctively, "No." It's about the dignity of the thirteen clan, "Those are foreign vampires, it's already a blessing to keep them alive ..." But, Zha When Ke twitched the corner of his mouth, he silenced himself.

A fact that cannot be ignored to keep them alive? Do you need to give it to me? Is there still a so-called controller in the middle of the world, the Secret Alliance, which does not allow these abandoned foreign vampires to survive? No. The dignity of the thirteen clan is meaningless to the foreign vampires in the middle.

Seeing Zac fall into thought, Dora shook her head. "What I'm thinking is, um, it's only a matter of time. After the foreign vampires are forced into desperation, they start thinking about their future. It's just a matter of time." Dora lowered her head and sighed, "Instead of letting them flock to the present, the only option-the Demon Feast, let the Devil Feast easily get access to the chaos in the middle of the country, it is better for us to do it. At least for now, we have me, Nofi Le, Torredo, Mocavi, Rimer, hey, count Thomas Gangro. This advantage, if not used, is wasted. "

Zac was silent for a long time, "Okay." And decided, "With my surname, if we are going to be in front of the magic feast, then use 'Toledo'." In Dora's brief confusion, " The Magic Banquet now thought I was completely on their side. Take advantage of this misunderstanding. Oz Kozier can help. "

Dora smiled, "OK ~" (to be continued.)

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