"I have one thing to insist on. Eight ★ one Chinese √ Wen Wang Ww く W ★. く 81 √ z √ W ★. く CoM" Zack's tone did not insist on anything at all, and gave up completely leaning on the back , "The alliance will take place in Grande."

Spella didn't care about turning her head, "just whatever." No matter how, Spella was not positive, and I really don't understand how these two people talked about this atmosphere, "We can now, here, right in front of you Alliance. "

Zac knocked on the table with little energy, and was too lazy to reach for the bell. When Danny pushed the door, "call Dora to come up."

Danny nodded and went on.

The office was quiet for a while, "We still need to talk about the case three years ago, the one Papa did at midnight ..." Zac, as the master, was obliged not to let the atmosphere be too stiff. But the effect is not as expected-

"My things, I want to talk to you and your allies, you can listen to their retelling at that time." Sibella finally gave her a face.

Forget it, Zac gave up completely. If it wasn't his office, he had already left.

When Dora came up, Bumi didn't come. Fortunately, Bumi was not good at this kind of thing. Dora sat down next to Spira, not a respectable, "Sorcerer."

"Nofile." Spella responded.

"You all know what to do." Zac waved his hand, "Start ..." The phone rang, Zac glanced at it, or finished, "When I don't exist, let's go." He answered the phone.

Before starting the phone call, Siberia began to move towards the first sentence of the alliance. At the beginning, she slammed Zach's slap. "There are a lot of Nofil, the entire Patton, only us, the wizard, has the experience of settling a large number of outsiders. Do n’t look at the expansion of the living area on the west side of Grande. Those are not prepared by Zac for you, but the human employees he gave Grande ... "

Although Spella had that attitude, she came prepared.

Oh, phone.

There was silence for a while, the voice of fallen angel Jessica, "Did I hear the voice of Spira?"

Zac didn't look at Spella, and responded directly, "Yes. Is there anything on your side?" Reminds the fallen angel to concentrate.

"Look at how you understand it." Jessica seemed to be deliberately apprehending Zac's appetite. "I mentioned those republican souls. I asked. I interrogated. I tried. Although language and beliefs are not available, I have overcome difficulties , Got something interesting. "

Zac was waiting, but the earphone stopped here deliberately and did not continue.

Zac pouted, and probably guessed the intention of the fallen angel. The information was used to exchange, and he asked the other party, it was wrong, then, "Maya looked at it, except for those who died normally, and saw that she had not seen Death. She did n’t know the reason and could n’t see the sudden death of the process. "

When Zac said this, Spella paused and said, glancing at Zac, the look was not blame for ‘I ’m negotiating, please do n’t influence me’, it was pure curiosity.

Of course, Zac can't bother to think about Spira now, holding the receiver, and Jessica's turn is to say, it is a question, "what does it mean? The mourning banshee can't see the process of death?"

"Don't ask me." Zach shook his head. "I don't know. Even now, Maya is still calling Yuehua and trying to understand."

Dora was already raising her little hand and shook it before the always distracted Spira's face, reminding the wizard to concentrate.

Jessica on the other side of the receiver was silent for a moment. "I'll just say it. I've obtained something after interrogating the souls of those Republicans, but it shouldn't help at all."

Zac pursed his mouth, so I'm sorry to say it first, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Tell me."

"Have you noticed my wording. I'm talking about the soul of the republic." Jessica was emphasizing something that Zac really ignored. There is no way. This is the phone. Toledo's communication skills for observing everything now Only listening to the sound, plus Zac actually did not pay much attention, ignoring one or two points, excusable, "not a necromancer."

"Meaning?" Zac asked slightly with a raised eyebrow.

"These souls haven't become the undead of hell." Jessica's tone had an inappropriate and appropriate smile, which was so rare that Zac could doubt and feel complacent. "They, uh, were forced by **** dogs. The soul, the simple soul, that breaks the connection with the present world. "Jessica's voice paused." The moment we speak, a soul has just disappeared naturally. "

Zac was quiet for a long time, and there was only a dialogue of alliance negotiations in the office for the time being-

Dora: "Let's live in Paisin with a lot of Inean property? Wizard, you must have a black hole in your head."

Don't care about Dora's attitude. Shebella herself has to bypass Zac to carry out this alliance, then she should be ready to be humiliated by a vampire who has not had any exchanges before coming to Barton. If it is Zac, of course it would not be so straightforward.

Spella: "This black hole has been opened by your Toledo friend, Zac. You can ask yourself if he has been hindered by Paisin ’s activities. And, I need to remind you that Patton ’s Does the mayor have In'an descent (Anthony has In'an descent), if you don't have a proper and proper identity in Patton, sooner or later, you will be out of luck. Come Paisin, I can solve this problem. "


Back to the phone.

Zac's silence also ended. "Is this a special case or ..." Zac waved his hand and changed the question. "When you went to the Republic, did this happen?" This is questioning, Republicans Why the soul is not affected by the belief of the Holy Lord, why this strange thing will be revealed now.

"How do I show up?" Jessica asked, "I left the five-second door to Hell in Barton when I went to the Republic." Mike said, "The soul of the Republic will be taken away, not by me. I It ’s already very difficult to communicate with heaven among various forces why they are in republic. I have never experienced anything that asks heaven if there is a republican ’s soul. "

"You mean, do you think the saint angel Camille knew about the republican soul?" Camille came from the republic, remember, in addition, when Jessica said that the republican soul was disappearing Zac understands that there is nothing present on the fallen angel's side, and as time goes by, the republic's soul gradually disappears, and the chance of any information is getting smaller and smaller. This is understandable.

So what Zac is thinking about now is to help Crowley to retain those souls that do n’t become **** undead, and will only disappear one by one, thinking that they will get some hope for information later-Maya in the showroom and Yuehuana The long-term communication on the side can already prove that there is no way to report the banshee, is it?

"Camille, of course, he may know something, I have contacted him, but I do n’t have any hope. In the republic, the situation of the Lord ’s faith was not good, the power of heaven is very weak, now I know why it ’s so weak. ”The fallen angel wanted to express that because the soul of the Republicans did not fit into the soul belonging of the Holy Lord ’s faith, it was weak.“ I personally think that your ink is more helpful. ”Jessica This is obviously a request, she wants ink.

Zac frowned, "I don't really want Mo to be involved in this matter."

"I can understand what you think." The receiver took a step back. "But, you should give her a little more faith, don't you." Faith? The fallen angel is talking to the vampire, uh, "She is the 'ghost' who seized the opportunity, left the Republic, and came to Barton, right. If she still has memories of the Republic, she shouldn't be here."

Zac pursed his lips and was silent again. Well, just listen to the negotiation by the way.

Spella: "Paisin is near the southeast, southeast, I don't need to say more, unless you like the sheep in the south."

Dora actually gave Zac a sorry look at this time. I don't say the meaning, I should understand it.

Spella continued: "And Paisin is the center of the entire Barton, Back Bay, Massa Port in the north, West District in the west, Liszt in the southeast, Beach, the city government, the police ..." The history of Baker, Barton In the original exhibition area, Patton ’s urban foundations are all over there, "If Nofeller really is as legendary and a shadow of human civilization, I really ca n’t think of a more suitable place for you than Paisin. Staying in the South What can you do in the district, peep-peek-the farmer's spare life? "

Spella continued: "Rimmel himself is a magician. Ganggro has a saint. Even your Toledo friend, Zac, has a mourning banshee. I'm sorry. Sister demon. What do you have in Norfolk? There is a Mocavi. Hum. Congratulations, based on your Toredo friend who is about to start a new era and have a wizard, you, Norfolk, there is no need to continue to single Now, I, the wizards, are waiting for Paisin. "


Spella has fully mastered the rhythm.

Zac ’s silence also came to an end again, facing the receiver, “Well, talk to Mo and decided to be on her own.” Zac was only comforting himself. He had previously expressed that Mo should go to Port Massa together. I promised without hesitation, even for a glance at the familiar faces of the republican souls. Is n’t that right, look.

"Then hurry up." Jessica urged directly. "Every minute and second, these souls are dying." Hanged.

Zac put down the phone and made a signal that no one had bothered to leave. He temporarily left the office and found ink in the entertainment room that was watching soap operas.

"Do you know that the soul of the Republican cannot be the necromancer of hell? Even if it was forcibly brought to **** by the **** dog." Zac used this beginning.

Mo's face staring at the screen tensely seemed to pay no attention to Zac's grace. Immediately, the picture on the TV flickered, and Anthony's face occupied the screen and began his campaign advertisement.

Ink stared at the screen a bit, and turned his face to Zac, pointing at the screen, "You know, I really don't have any opinions about your mayor friend, I don't have any! But her face Start twitching, "Every time! Every! One! Times! The key! The moment!"

It was almost the continuation of the interruption of the last time I watched the drama, and Mo's emotions seemed to have advanced a layer, and began to be intolerable. But this time, Zack was in no mood to help Mexico, "The fallen angel just told me that the soul of the Republican is dying."

Mo waved his hand, "I told you that the Republicans don't believe in anything that they don't think they are. After the end of human life, it will naturally end."

To make Zac unexpectedly calm, perhaps, the fallen angel made Zac a little faith, and Mo still misses the republican aliens, not these people who forced them to have no place to hold, "What do you do? , Can you keep these lost souls? "

"Why?" Anyway, with his eyes closed, Mo could now figure out every frame of the campaign advertisement, and simply looked sideways at Zac.

"The case of the disappearance of illegal workers in Port Massa."

"I thought this was done by you deliberately, in order to confirm that this was Fisher's secret business." Mo raised her eyebrows and listened to her, as if she didn't know what Zac had done last night. That's right, after Zac explicitly refused her to join the Port of Massa, she consciously wanted to avoid it.

Zac was gratified and helpless. Now that Mo is taking the initiative to avoid it, he will pull Mo again, eh. Things are impermanent, "Last night, we didn't do anything, but a boatman disappeared, and disappeared at sea, before he entered the port." Zac knew that his statement caught Mo's attention when Mo raised his eyebrows, " I asked some insiders on the ship. ”The investigation given to Fisher at the Port of Massa last night, although it was a show, was still a bit rewarding.“ When they last delivered food, the person was still there, but the inspection before entering the port, but the person Is gone. "

"Uh, got out of the boat?"

"Where did you escape? In the sea?" Zach shook his head. "There are no clues and signs. We can only find clues from the people who died and were lost by us. Just now Maya saw a few of us hiding. The body, now dying she did not understand, is being discussed with Yuehua. "

Ink subconsciously lowered his eyes to the lower side, and there was the emotion in his eyes. Probably just understood why Maya kept calling, and then continued to look at Zac, frowning, almost knowing what Zac wanted to say, "The demon side, because the soul disappeared and could not get information, so I thought Ask me for help, right? "

Zac nodded, "I won't force you, after all, I said, I don't want to participate in this matter, you look ..." Still not sure, "I don't want to care about those people."

Mo pouted, "I really don't want to. I said at the beginning that I wanted to meet the republican interracial, not people. I don't have any nostalgia and 'shou gong' (Great Dane Golden) here, because of those people. "Mo shook his head and stood up again." Okay, I'll take a look. I can help. "She raised an eyebrow." If I understand it well, the devil needs only the soul of the soul. " The imprint is right. The demon does not need the soul to live and exist, all it needs is that the imprint of the soul does not disappear, right. "

Zac nodded, don't listen to Jessica's questioning, just thought it was a one-to-one question, or maliciously, tortured or something. No, no, no language.

I have n’t forgotten that James was forced to fall into the angels, right, all the demons need is to traverse the Soul Mark in their special way to get intelligence. The disappearance of the soul is just the final result of the disappearance of all the soul marks of a soul, which means that the demons can't keep the information-containing soul marks now.

Finally, before leaving, the most important and important explanation—

"Help me record it, I don't want to miss any plot, Sophia just now shows that Ranando is her relative ..." (To be continued.)

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