The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Minxin people exchange

"Damn it!" Coulson stared at his shoes. "My shoes are not bright enough!" Indeed, walking on the marble floor that almost reflected, Coulson's shoes were like cow dung on the whole green grass field. Eight> One Novel Network W

"No one looks at your shoes!" James frowned, glancing toward the center of the meeting, and found the heart reader Oz Kozier, "Stay here, I will come as soon as I signal!" Then take a deep breath, Walk towards Oz.

Coulson pouted and stood outside the door. His job was very simple. When James began to touch his ear, he rushed over with a light badge, and then gave James a reason to leave here.

This is stupid. The reason for this is that James, who came up with this method, is very clear that Oz will have full insight into his escape trick. But still do it! Oz's invitation forced James to come, how to say that Lance and Kozil also have a relationship in the west. But James really does n’t want to get along with this mind reader, so what can I do, I can only use this stupid method, Oz knows it, other people do n’t know it, keep Lance and Kozil on the table Face.

"James!" Oz seemed to be very happy to see James come forward and greet the past warmly, but when walking, the smile on his face was helpless. Detective Cowson, who was hiding at the door, shook his head helplessly and whispered as he approached James. He said quickly, "Really? Just go out in front of me? I'm so sad. But at least, take a picture, what kind of explanation to some people in the west. "

James hadn't had time to respond. He had been handed a wine glass and his shoulder had been taken by the landlord. "The camera was there." Oz motioned to the reporter in the lower corner. His face was already full of smiles. As soon as he raised the glass, he A touch from Mushi's hand, "Laugh one. Let some people in the West know you are cooperating."

James was obedient and laughed.

Then I started to touch my ears. I really didn't want to waste time. But, uh, the **** Korsen came along with a glass of red wine, turned a corner, and came to the open bar. Looking at this posture, it is impossible to achieve a good warning badge.

The little thought at this moment was heard by Oz and still whispered, "It seems that your partner does not want to cooperate with you, very good, just Zac is late, you come to help me."

Because the camera in the corner was still facing here, James had to continue to smile. In fact, the eyes that looked slowly at Coulson were already breathing fire. "You invited Zac." It was also quiet.

"It's a communal public banquet. I can invite anyone." First, I answered with a glossy reason, and then, "And I have to invite him to look over there." Oz indicated the direction of the next band. Morelin stood there with a glass of wine and seemed to be staying, "He has been there for half an hour, and I have been absent-minded with these people for half an hour here." What is this guy saying? "It seems that we didn't think how to start the conversation."

"I can't help you." James glanced at the people here. It is worthy of being an industry exchange activity. James couldn't understand the clothes of these people. Really, James saw a woman wearing a shell, not a decoration The embellishment is full of shells.

Oz glanced at James. "Me too." This is the ability of mind readers to respond to other people's voices immediately. To be honest, this is a very annoying ability. While James frowned momentarily, Oz continued, “Kozil ’s men ’s concept is very simple, traditional, you can say that. But women, I really do n’t understand, but since I want to expand this business , You must touch these ... "

"I, no, care!" James lowered his voice.

Oz pouted, pushing James towards the band.

"What are you doing!" James is rebelling, but don't be naive, the heart of Oz, the heart reader, can be stopped in advance in the direction of James trying to dodge, pushing James towards unhindered. Morrillin approached, "I said I can't help you!"

"There's no need to refuse." Oz smiled. "I just need someone to help us open the situation." He glanced at James. "The way in which mind-readers communicate with each other, even if I tell you, you probably It ’s impossible to understand. So, all you have to do is stand there and keep the topic on the surface in a peaceful place. "

How do Minxin people communicate? Superficial topic? Uh. James's face went dark, and he glanced resentfully at Curson in the direction of the bar.

Coulson responded with a triumphant smile and a lip, ‘Go? joke? ! It ’s okay to partner with you. It ’s rare to get some light from ‘Lance’. How can you not enjoy this kind of occasion? ’

James doesn't have the ability to read lips, but he can fully receive Coulson's thoughts. Helpless.

Before approaching Morrill, Morrill turned around, glanced at James, nodded with a smile, and then looked at the same smiling Oz Kozil.

The conversation of Xinxinren began.

"Mr. Morrillin, long admiration."

"Mr. Kozil, keep admiring."

Well, it was a peaceful start, but what happened to the blue muscles that both burst into the forehead at the same time, oh, that should be a conversation under the surface. It is a pity that it is impossible for us non-minded people to know.

"It looks like we have someone we know together." Oz, "Detective James Lance. I saw the suit Mr. James made for James. I appreciate his skill."

James frowned, "I never walked in front of you, where did you see it." Of course, ignored.

Morrillin, "I'm honored that my work is appreciated by the owner of the most famous men's clothing brand in the Federation." He raised the wine glass in his hand. "That's just a piece of work that I woke up for. The wishes of a common friend are presented as a gift. "

"No." James stared at the two readers. "That's not for me. You charged me." Of course, it was ignored.

"The common friend you mentioned, could it be Mr. Grande of the Grand Funeral Home in the Southern District?" There was one more green muscle in the forehead.

Uh, what are these two mind readers ‘communicating’? So intense!

"Oh? Does Mr. Kozil's social circle also include the Southern District? Actually know Mr. Grande."

James wanted to go, sir, sir, it was so uncomfortable to hear such a formal dialogue in such a clear and well-informed way. But, this time, there were two hands in the direction he tried to get out. Ha ha, give Ke Sen a bitter look again.

"I met by accident." Oz smiled, and sweat beads began to permeate on the forehead. Huh, probably, laugh, is a very difficult thing, "Speaking, I also invited Mr. Grande, but he seems to be late."

"Late late." Morrillin's situation was similar. The flatness of the glass in his hand reflected the excessive force of the person holding him. "Detective Lance, do you know why Mr. Grande is late?"

Very good, the two mind readers looked at James at the same time, and at the same time, their mouths were slightly exhaled slowly, as if this was an intermission.

So this is ah! This is called maintaining the superficial topic in the mind-to-person communication that ordinary people cannot understand. It is simply the highest level of expression in a conversation. The level is too high, too high, mortals already fully understand can not.

James sullenly, "I, no, know, say!"

The two mind readers took a deep breath together and looked at each other again. The gluten that had just disappeared broke up again, and the conversation continued.

"Speaking of it, since I met, I have always appreciated the taste of Mr. Grande's clothing. He told me that it is Mr. Morrillin's work."

"Thank you. Mr. Grande is a loyal customer for ten years."

This whole "talk" has been a torment for James. He is praying, please, please don't continue to put this topic on Zac, OK!

The two readers raised their eyebrows together, glanced at James, then shook their heads with a smile.

James wants to be happy that his prayer was answered? No, he regretted praying.

"As far as I know, Kozil has been exhibiting in the west, why did he suddenly come to the east." Morrillin smiled, "Oh, I asked everyone for this exchange."

"How could a great brand restrict itself. Kozil, no longer only satisfies the western market."

The topic went west, James's face was black, and he would rather these two guys talk about Zac.

"Oh? Is the market in the west saturated?"

"Yeah, the west, huh, huh. If Kozil can't continue to go higher, then going horizontally and horizontally is the way out, isn't it."

James could actually understand this time, but looking at the two mind readers, the forehead was covered with tiny sweat beads, and the liquid in the wine glass fluctuated at high frequency. James's "understanding" seems to be completely pediatric, and the masters of these two dialogues are going deeper in this superficial dialogue.

"You, a Kozil master, said such a way out, huh, I am ashamed of a little businessman like me."

"Please don't, I am all people who love this industry. It is natural to want a better exhibition."


Ignore the uncomfortable conversation here, Zac arrives, and finally.

At the entrance, without entering, I saw three people in the direction of the band. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, wishing James good luck in his heart, and then he turned around to leave.

James was taken over by this stressful communicative event, and Zach did not need to continue playing, did he? Zac also needed to go home and calm down, because Anthony had just scolded him.

Yes, before coming, in the attitude of being late anyway and don't care about being a little late, Zac went to find Anthony first-

It is considered to have completed the commission of her husband brought by Ethela.

It ’s not so verbose to describe, it ’s what Esra has always wanted to emphasize, and Zach can only continue to emphasize after seeing Anthony— “Isra means helping her husband, who has something to do with Patton The benefit, that is to say, the beneficiary does not need to be short-sighted to think that it is now Isela himself, it is the future, the mayor of Barton in the next four years, and this mayor will not be Isela, you, Anthony.

Then Zac was criticized, "Where are you sure? The result of the first poll, I was only two points higher than Ethela! Now a little mistake will make these two points go to her. ! You ... uh, what's the use of telling you! What do you know! I tell you, don't care about these things! "

That's it, so Zac's mood is not good now.

"Hey! Mr. Grand!" Coulson ran over, his posture still lame, "You're here too!"

Zac only greeted with a smile, "I'm about to leave."

"Oh! That's a pity." Coulson pouted, "I don't know a person here, and there's nothing to talk about with those guys." Looking at the direction of the band, "Lance was also stumbled over there. , I thought this occasion would be very interesting. As a result, it was quite boring. I do n’t know what to do except rubbing the wine and food here. "

Zac smiled, responding. He wasn't going to be bored with Coulson, "Then, see you again." Turned away. Leaving Coulson disappointed and returning to the venue, he was thinking that it would be too late to execute James's escape plan now.

Don't worry about Kossen, huh, no matter Zac, let alone those mind readers who can't understand the conversation anyway. We looked at a slightly strange place.

This dinner held by Kozil was born in the Liszt Hotel. After all, there is only such a place as a landmark in the small city of Button.

As the tallest building in Barton, it is still a commercial building. The internal structure of this building, I mean the "inner" part, ventilation ducts, freight passages ... In short, it is not accessible to ordinary people, or even prepared for people to pass through the entire building. In the complex passageway, inside the wall of a corner of the banquet president, there are two, um, people.

"I know." Bumi's voice, "We are wasting time on what kind of information we can get from such an open banquet event."

"It ’s not a waste of time. At least it ’s confirmed that there are now two mind readers in Patton, one is Kozil and the other is Morrillin, and it is also confirmed that there were rumors that the son of General Lance was transferred to Patton Detective Lance. "Dora's voice," Now at least we have confirmed the power of the Demon Banquet in Button. "

Bumi ’s disappointed voice, “There is still no Toledo. Thanks to me there is still some hope that such a place of communication, he will definitely come.”

After being quiet for a while, “It ’s no surprise not to come, after all, he disappeared for so long, probably this habit of attending social occasions is gone. I am curious how he survived for so many years, and how to get to Barton This, uh, inexplicable place. "

"We should go to the police station." Bumi suggested, "there is the news, we should ..."

"No, Bumi, we have already discussed it. Commissioner Darcy, the man at the Feast, and now there is Kozil, the heart reader, and the detective Lance. We need to be careful! Before a certain level, we have to be careful! "

"Well, then you continue to waste time here, I'm going back."

"Okay, go back and see Mocavi."

"Uh, Dora, let's change, I'm wasting my time here, you go back and watch Moka ..." (to be continued.)

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