The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 11: Vampire Bible

"Cain of Divine Punishment" is a history of vampires written by the faith of the Holy Lord thousands of years ago. Just like the history of human beings written in the Holy Scripture, the Holy Scripture is the Bible where the Lord ’s faith teaches to mankind, and the “Cain of God ’s Punishment” is the Bible where the Holy lord ’s faith teaches aliens.

But since the saint Cici announced the truth about the vampire and smashed the face of the Lord ’s faith, "Cain of the Divine Punishment", ah, it is not worthy of the existence of the Bible as an alien.

For human beings, the faith of the Lord will exist, um, because inevitably, the concept of good and evil in heaven and hell, or the concept considered by humans, will not disappear from human culture in a while. There will be people who desire to go to heaven, that is, someone will know that he is only worthy of hell.

"Sacred Books" ... Probably in the long-term human civilization in the future, will not lose the status of the Bible.

But in terms of alien races ... All Africans in this world know that the Lord ’s belief in this world has been abolished.

No alien will ever obey the enlightenment of the holy Lord's belief-the holy Lord's belief is used to intimidate and suppress the vampire creation vampires of this world, ha! Others are the race to abolish faith!

Wait a minute, it seems that there is nothing to be happy for interracial. Vampires suppress other aliens for the belief of the Lord, and vampires suppress other races for their own ethnic living space ... no difference! Vampires are still the most powerful alien race in the world! Add one at most!

Equipped with vampires to deeply cultivate the right class of human civilization ... Vampires are the top aliens in this world! All other aliens still have to look up at the existence of vampires! One is to remove it.

The Holy Bible is used to educate alien Bibles, meaningless of existence ... well, vampires, you can write your own Bible!


Then, according to the model that should be followed in the enlightenment book, compile this new vampire bible.

We all know the trick of this kind of faith reading. It shows a story without a head: characters, time, place, passing. Finally, sum up with "oracle". Hey, how can we leave it for future generations to play and interpret?

The following is a chapter in the New Vampire Bible. As an example, please read it with piety-

The vampire Zachary Torrido walked through the rocky path in the early morning and came to Papa, the **** of witchcraft faith, at the door of the federal spokesperson Boque Quinn, intending to use The power to rescue the lover Louise Torrido who is in deep trouble.

"Pochi hasn't returned." Mu Enyan, the wife of the witch **** spokesman, knew the obstacles facing the vampire.

Toledo, a vampire who knew everything was dangerous: "I can wait."

"I need to go to work." Next to the wizard Mu En, Andrew, the strongest heir to the witchcraft faith in this world, is still a young child at this time. "The child also needs to be taken to the nursery. No one at home can stay with you." Boqi is back. "

"I can wait alone." Vampires who take eternal life as their pride are not afraid of loneliness.

"At least enter the house and wait." The wizard Mu En invited the vampire into the house, and gave the spare key to the vampire Toledo.

At this moment, four centuries ago, when the vampire stepped on this continent as an aggressor, he was limited by the guardian of the In’an, the **** of witchcraft faith Papa at midnight-vampires cannot step into the In’an homeland The rule of the world was subverted by the vampire who got the key to the In’an family, Zachary Torrido.

The new Bible chapter ends with an example. I hope you have received what I am trying to express. The focus is only the last sentence "oracle".

Now, we can restore our normal narrative.

Zac looked at the key in his hand and glanced at Mu En, "I don't need your house key, I just stare at the door."

Mu En smiled at Zac, "Just looking for Bourges, you just need to wait for Lily to go back in Grandry ~ I know you still want to hide from the Countess in your house ~ I invited you to stay My house did n’t invite her ~ you can relax here ~ "

Zac pouted, "This is true." Nodded, and accepted Mu En's kindness, "Thank you."

"No, I'm going to bother you in the middle of the night. It's considered a return ~" Mu En understands the harmony of the neighborhood.

Zach watched Mu En urging Andrew to resolve the breakfast while packing up the children ’s lunch. “Pooch they ’ve been in Newton for a day, do n’t you worry.”

"Don't worry." Mu En shrugged his shoulders. "He just called back and said that things went smoothly on the side of the Black Witch."

"It won't take so long for it to be smooth." Zac corrected it casually.

Mu En just smiled and didn't answer the question. The woman knew that she didn't need to worry about certain things. All she had to do now was: "Do you need me to take Nana to the nursery?"

"Ah ~" Zach raised an eyebrow. "Please."

Mu En smiled and packed two lunches and asked Andrew to go to Grande to find Nana. Andrew runs faster than the rabbit ...

"The TV is in the living room, there are some movies in the cupboard, and the study is on the second floor ..." Mu En is doing the duty of a homeowner who will leave the guest alone at home. "You still don't go to the basement. There is blood in the dead, It is used for summoning rituals. "Mu En is waiting for someone to help." Papa insists on this ritual thing at midnight ... The backyard is actually the blood of living creatures prepared by some experimental witchcraft props. You can ... "

"I brought it myself." Zac showed off his snack jar.

Mu En thought for a while, and there seemed to be nothing to explain, "If you want to leave, just lock the door."

Zac looked back at the key in his hand and nodded. Five minutes later, Zac was alone.

When I came to dinner last time, Zac had "tasted" the decoration of the first floor of the Poche's house. Anyway, I waited and waited. Go to the second floor to see it.

The master bedroom, Andrew's bedroom, guest room ... Zac glanced at it, nothing worth noting, and finally entered the study.

I just selected a book on the cover that wrote the history of In'an, and a golden abruptly sprinkled in the room.

Saint Cici fell from the ceiling divided by the golden light, cursing and cursing the witchcraft mantra that was swaying in the gold while landing, "*! I knew that witchcraft was so difficult to control and would not swallow anger ) ... "

Zac and Sissi looked at each other.

"Good morning, Sissi." Zach continued to open his handwriting and looked away. "I saw nothing."

Sissy's face stretched, "I don't care what you see !!!" It was a very convincing tone. But ah, if you really have a clear conscience, if you choose Mu En, Bo Qi, and Andrew for Mao, you must play this way when you are not at home?

The golden light continued to penetrate the floor, and the divided space showed the first floor and the basement below.

Sissi continued to hold the witchcraft spells that seemed to be out of her control, and continued to land.

It was the instinct of curiosity that Zac looked at the book's eyes and moved to the golden crack that Sissi had fallen.

Zac and Sissi met each other again.

This time, both of them didn't speak. Sissi waved his hand, the golden light disappeared, the divided spaces merged, and Zac saw the normal floor.

Oh, Sissi just said she didn't care about Zack watching. It's really a face-loving girl, including her own 'cute' girl ~

Zac shrugged his shoulders and looked back at his handwriting. Uh, In Anwen. Zac put the book back and went to watch TV downstairs.

Turning on the TV, I randomly adjusted a station, and Zac's eyes narrowed. This was a smile--

The federal soap opera on TV has subtitles in the Republican language.

Spira's mobility is really high ~ great ~

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