The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 23: Small twists and turns

Due to the cause and effect of a mess of time created by a certain bug, we can understand the psychological activities of some people at this moment-

The advantages that Annabel has just established by establishing a cooperative relationship with White Cat are being lost.

One of the most republican people around Federation, Barton and Zack knows Republican. Alpha Revenge.

"We can't trust Ravench." When Zack just ordered the "General" to contact Ravench for Spira, Annabel inserted the conversation without hesitation.

The eyes of the two men fell on Annabel, Spella and ‘General’.

In fact, ‘General’ has noticed this vampire who has always been with Zac, and the ‘General’ who has never been blocked from the news knows that this is Fanjo who was brought home by Zac from Port Massa. But the more detailed content is not known.

"General" will of course be curious, but Annabel is quiet all the way, he has no chance to talk. Now it seems to be a good opportunity, "I didn't introduce it well before, I am a‘ general ’, Zac ’s first in Barton ...”

Was interrupted.

Do n’t forget about Spella ’s view of Annabel—Annabel is a republican intelligence bank. She experienced Anabel ’s analysis of the world punishment of the Republican God on the coast, which further strengthened Spella ’s view, but the corresponding , Silbera is also very clear. Those who know very well the republic of the present day will inevitably lack a cognition of the current state of the federal state ~ for granted.

So Spira ’s interruption of the “General” was provocative, “I ca n’t trust my own son? Why, because he is Alpha. Fan Zhuo, your knowledge of the current relationship between the vampire and the werewolf in the Federation is outdated too It ’s been a long time! ”You can guess whether Dora told Spira the story of the countess four centuries ago ~

Annabel smiled apologetically at the "General"-this is the way to win people's hearts. See it. Annabel is begging the Toledo clan. Then he looked directly at Siberia and looked directly, "Who said that because he is Alpha, he can't be trusted? Isn't Zack's closest friend in Barton Alpha Benjamin." Annabel is proving her alien relationship with the current Federation. Knowing everything, do n’t forget the existence of Zagar in the hidden alliance, "I say the reason your son is untrustworthy is that he is Papa's midnight man."

Spira's face turned black instantly, "Papa has a new recruit at midnight, Ravenc has been released, he is free now!"

"Remove your mother and child filters. How much do you trust someone who used to work under Papa's midnight?" Annabel tilted her head and looked directly at the question of Spira's soul.

The gaze of the creatures on the field changed again.

‘General’ ’s gaze retracted, frowning, and looked down at his own drink glass. Reflecting on whether or not you are in contact with Ravenci is really a bit risky.

Spira's sight, on Zac, seemed to be a pure emotional vent, and was dissatisfied with why Zac didn't care about the people he brought, what nonsense!

As for Zac, her eyes are on Annabel. Zach is aware of one thing-the resources in Annabel are only the knowledge of republican aliens? No, there is everything Papa did in the Republic at midnight!

Seems to feel Zac ’s eyes, Annabel turned his head and gave Zac a smile, “I told you, I will follow you ~ If all you need now is the wizard ghost friend I helped you, choose a safe offering Way ~ "White Cat ’s words, let Zack pay more attention to his opinions, Annabelle is perfectly executing," Just tell me, I will do it for you ~ "

The atmosphere became awkward.

Even the backgrounds in this bar, humans and vampires, felt the strange atmosphere between Zac and Annabel ...

Zac's eyes twitched slightly, retracted his eyes, and looked at Siberia. "Then help Siberia." Another look at "General" naturally reminded "General" to pay attention to contact with Ravenci. Words and deeds. Then Zac walked straight out of the bar.

Zac did not go away. Just ‘ordered’ Annabel to help Bella. The wizard ghost must rely on the two key points of enlightenment to grow stronger and stronger, choose the right path of self-cultivation, and, choose the right devotee who wishes to pray. While Zac was standing outside the bar, avoiding the awkward atmosphere just now, Annabel was teaching Sibella, what is right.

Of course Zac did not stand still, and the crisis in Spira was a little bit twisted, but it was finally solved. Then return to the previous problem, what to do with Sam.

Uh, where is Sam now? Is he even in this world? It's all Zack's headache.

Annabel had made it very clear when explaining the enchantment to Sam, that the vampire's enchantment is the same as the expansion of the once soul, there is no way. Annabel also said that among the gods of republic, the **** who mastered dealing with the devil was Pucci who was standing in the midnight camp of Papa.

Therefore, the direct thinking advancement is that if Zac wants to save Sam, then he must go to Pucci next to Papa at midnight!

This will inevitably allow Zach to implement the new function of Annabel that was just realized-everyone in the Annabelby Federation (hey, except for Ravenci who doesn't know if he can trust) knows about Papa Midnight and Pucci. This is undoubtedly an increase in the bad situation of having to face Annabel.

Zac needs a second solution to save Sam.

The second option is available.

If enchantment is really so similar to the expansion of the soul, the method used to solve the expansion of the soul should also be used to save people.

Walter who can freely enter the world at different points in time.

But there is a problem here. Wall's specific method of soul expansion is to know exactly when the soul expansion occurs.

After all, the way the soul expands and attacks is too ... bloody. Every time the expansion of the soul occurs, it is a social event for Button. The world created by the soul and on the timeline is easy to confirm the precise time point, so that Walter can complete the rescue operation.

And enchanted, hey.

Zac knew the time when Maitreya was enchanted in front of himself, but that was not the time when Maitreya kidnapped Sam, right? When Zac can provide coordinates to Walter, Zach only had a very vague yesterday after Sam left the Grand ...

Remember, every time Zach asked Walter to do something for himself, Walter's attitude.

"Hey, Walter, can you go back and search for everything from yesterday to today, and see if you can't find Sam? Please?"

Walter's answer must be, air leak, "Hah, get out!"

But Zac had no choice.

Turning back into the bar, while Annabel was still explaining the republican culture to Spella, "I want to use your phone." Said to the "General".

"General" will of course not refuse anything. Zac went away. He himself has been attracted by what Annabell said-Annabel is helping Sibelah choose the path of cultivation, and the path of republican cultivation is truth. Oh. A thousand years of civilization on the other side of the world, the truth of its culture, let the young general vampire who just started to experience eternal life, listen for a moment.

Zac dialed directly and called Walt's residence-to Zac's previous understanding, Walt and Inge perfume merchant Maggie were in the same state of being married.

The phone ... no one answered, and I left a message--

"This is the home of Walter and Maggie ~ But sorry, you missed us ~ We are on the honeymoon in the Republic ~ You can try to leave a message, if our message recording is not full, and you have the patience to wait for us to come back ~ Good luck Luck ~ "


The second option is pawn.

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