
The girl Nana seems to have forgotten to go home for a while and eat packed food in the restaurant.

In the office, Zac called the detective of Vega's successor to explain Lily's situation.

"Uh, perfect!" This is ironic, "another case of alien kidnapping human children!"

The violent tone has fully demonstrated Vega's current social situation. Uh, ‘again’ is the point.

"Can it be solved." Zack asked.

"I need to find a relationship. After all, from the information you provided, this is not a pure kidnapping case!" Detective Bell is not purely-"This child is a child in the adoption system! So the legal aid is sought Not a human parent, but a government foster care agency! "

Zac heard it, "Government, is Vega's government chaotic right now?"

"Chaos?" Detective continued to be irritable. "It's not chaos to describe it! God knows what the vampires are doing! The city government is almost abolished!"

Rosembra's power struggle.

"So does this have any effect on the case?" Zac did not experience Vega's situation after all, and some things cannot be based on imagination.

"Either very, very good, or very, very bad!" Like nonsense, "If there is a Lesenbull who wants to use this case as a model, hey, that Lily can't run away!"

typical? I'm afraid it's more than typical meaning. How many children can be kidnapped under normal human parents? Ha ha, but if it is the government ’s foster care system, there are more children who can be kidnapped ~~

Uh, maybe this kind of thing shouldn't be said in a mocking tone. But politics, everyone knows.

"But again, if those Rosenbull are concerned that Lily's original status as Secretary of Rut Rosenbull affects their current power struggle, this matter may be easily resolved!"

Sure enough, it is either good or bad extreme, no middle term.

"Then trouble the detective to control things in a direction where we can all save trouble."

"*!" Meaningless swearing, pure emotional venting, "I try my best!" I can only say that.

Before hanging up the phone, "About Darcy ..."

"You can go in all directions, Darcy is completely under Barton's control, and your secret is safe."


The call ends.

Zac put down the phone and looked at Lily, who was sitting across the desk, "Reassured?"

Lily sat for a while without expression, and started a new topic without any expression. "I need food, and there are places in Barton where I can get real food."

Corpse, human body.

Grande just happened to have a corpse ... the funeral work he took yesterday ... but everyone was relieved. Zac will not do such a disgusting thing.

"Barton also has a ghoul. His previous food source was the three cremation funeral homes in Barton." The important point is that it used to be impossible now. Ford funerals have raised their prices. The mill and Allen funerals are for their own reasons In cooperation with the Southern District Police Station) no longer supply Harrison with food. "Now this ghoul has opened a homeless shelter in Newton ..."

Zac didn't finish, Lily's critical expression of disgust reappeared: "Buying a corpse from a funeral home? How is this ..." Her eyes looked back, "Sad lifestyle! We are not mice! We can only be in the dark In the sewers! "

Hey, this mentality may not change for a while. I really ca n’t blame Lily. After all, it ’s common sense to understand that a society that allows someone to truly show their life is higher than those that need to hide themselves!

The alien Lily coming out of the 'high-level' society like Vega will naturally criticize Barton's 'low-level' society!

But the society constructed by the Magic Banquet is not within the scope of common sense! Is the Magic Banquet really 'advanced'? It does provide an environment but any race can live with its own real attributes, but at the same time, it also puts a price on these races!


Do we really think that a society with prices on the head of each race is advanced? What are we? Admirer of slave society?

Lily's criticism is not over yet. "Hobo shelter?" He looked at Zac inconceivably. "Do I have to eat something, but also kill it myself?"

This misunderstanding is nothing to say, after all, we also thought that Harrison opened the shelter to store his own food. It's just that we said that Lily is not so advanced. Ha ha, kill it yourself ...

Zac waved his hand with no expression. “First of all, Harrison ’s shelter is a real shelter to help those who are homeless. Is there something like this in the west, or once citizens are abandoned by society, It ’s thrown into the slums and it ’s self-destructive. ”Zac has been very polite, at least the slums are already a benevolent 'home' in a society that materializes all values," This is not the west, and we will help any need Help people, even interracial. "

From the beginning, Zac did not want to get used to Lily's contradictory ‘superiority’, and it was necessary to beat Lily in time. Of course, everything is still for the purpose of quickly letting the new ghoul know about the new environment, and Zac will not start a civilized debate with Lily-meaningless, no one can convince anyone with subjective opinions.

The reason for Zac ’s mention of aliens is also very clear, "Harrison ’s shelter in Newton is mainly for containing aliens. If you have the ability to" get "(kill yourself) food in the shelter, you are free , The consequences are at your own risk. "

Newton's containment of all the aliens from the west, and Lily is almost in a situation-can't stay in the west. Lily wants to really have the consciousness to start to get rich and feed and return to the barbarous alien life, and Zac has nothing to say.

But Zac knew that Lily wouldn't, because if it was really those aliens who had completely abandoned civilization, why bother to come to the east and join the all-out alien chaos in the middle, right?

Therefore, Lily can be regarded as a typical example of these aliens who are migrating. She is those who are used to living in a civilized society and are looking for any alien representative who can retain a civilized lifestyle.

"Harrison's shelter is related to all kinds of interracial people, Newton's former illusionist lord Rich, the ancestral office of Alpha (Benjamin) in Barton, and Papa Paine's men's nursing home at midnight "This relationship is very clear to us, right, Harrison's shelter is an interracial transfer station for those who want to enter Barton. Zac did n’t give Lily so much of Barton ’s social relations as soon as he came up, but instead, “The Zuma Office is a place to solve life problems for aliens. You used to be Ruth ’s secret. There should be a lot of information in this regard. "" Lily is provided with a way to solve things. You can delegate it. After all, this is the basic problem of alien life. However, this is not Zac's suggestion. "Newton Illusionist Rich has been doing coordination between humans and aliens."

After seeing Rich's fantasy office, we can be suspicious of Zac's statement-Magic Man Rich almost indulges human desire for depravity. But there is no need to deny that the illusionist actually used his ability to build a bridge between human desires and alien lifestyles. Do n’t judge whether the bridge is good or bad-it ’s humans who have dark desires. The illusionist just provides an alien way to achieve it. Similarly, humans also have bright desires, and the illusionist has realized it, right? International exchange student program obtained by Newton University.

For Lily, Zack expresses here, "Newton's social atmosphere is very ... especially, your food problem can be easily solved."

What Zac is expressing is not just that the illusionist Rich is deliberately or unintentionally indulging the dark desires of certain human beings, but also the actions of the Newtonian angels-the angels give humans too much to do whatever they want to gain the soul to enrich the population of heaven. Encouragement.

Lily's food, in Newton, a lot. There is no need to whitewash Newton, because Newton is not Barton anyway.

"I'm staying in Barton." Lily didn't know if she heard Zach mean to introduce her to Newton, and suddenly interrupted Zac, "I'm not stupid, I know where it is for me Safe! "Looking at Zac," And now the entire Federation, hum, the whole world, the safest place around you! "

Zac blinked subconsciously, not suddenly being ‘praised’ to control his expression, but, “You mean you are going to rely on me at Grandry?”

Lai? ?

Zac did not expect to provide Lili with a permanent residence.

When a fragile woman said, "I need a place to live, do you have a place?"

Answer ‘I have’. It's a gentleman's behavior.

There is no need to avoid suspicion, we will not question Zac's character in this respect. In the four centuries, there were only two marriages, uh, what more proof is needed? ?

Zac's original intention is more to compensate, plus a face of Logan ... Logan actually has no face, but Zack does not want to live up to Logan, this is all right.

To give Lily a temporary adjustment, Ben was in Zac's expectations. You asked Zac to throw out the person with the former secretary status of Rut Lesenbra outside to adapt to the environment of Barton and the environment of the city of Toledo? ?

Therefore, it is inevitable that Lily is destined to live in Grande for a period of time, throwing the human city government to Grande's "Halfway House" meaning and expanding to the alien level. But Lily pinched off the 'halfway' in her own consciousness.

Lily looked at Zac, "Lai? Why are you talking so unpleasant?" Her face was confused.

Okay, it ’s Zac ’s fault, the wording mistake, “Are you going to live in Grande all the time?”

Lily frowned, not looking at Zac. "I don't know if you have any presuppositions to me." The words are inexplicable. "But your image in my heart is almost ruined."

Zac tilted his head, "Huh?"

"Logan is your man, Charlie is your man, Russell is your man. A human who wants to become an alien, a descendant who exchanges blood, a person who finds a friend who becomes a vampire and becomes a blood businessman." Lily shook her head. "Neither are the marginal vampires I know would care. I thought you could provide such a person with a future. Your vampire is different from all the vampires I know. You have ..." Lily 抿After thinking for a while, wave your hand, "There is a reason why you are addicted to Rute."

Looking at Zac, "But I have been so disappointed in such a short time of real contact with you."

Zac can only issue a "huh?"

"You are no different from the vampires in my cognition. You have a natural sense of superiority and feel that others are lower than your existence! All the arrangements you give to others are not based on the tolerance and empathy that I originally thought you had , Just sympathy looking down. "

Uh, how did this conclusion come out?

Lily explained: "Obviously you don't like the society created by the Feast, but you also stubbornly don't recognize the defects in the Barton city you made!" Lily stared at Zac, "You think you are in this city of Barton There are some so-called people who understand aliens, is this city harmonious? The social value of the ridicule demon feast high on your side, in your own city, are these non-human aliens valuable? ”Lily ’s emotions seem to be again Started to vent, "Or do you think that all species, putting a mask of human society on their appearance, is worth it?"

Zac blinked and seemed to understand a little Lily's logic. The origin of these words is what Zac said to Lily in the restaurant-

"Putting the aliens in the structure of human society, you have such a sense of superiority? What does it mean that my goal is just an ordinary citizen, and the city government and police of Barton will not trouble me? I am a ghoul, and I do not need I want to live like a human being, but in your Patton, will my life become a part of human society? There are people who understand me in what is called a civilian, why do I let civilians understand me? Need to care what my neighbor is doing or how to look at me? I do n’t need it, he does n’t understand, I ’m all alive there, stronger than him and longer than him! ”

Lily's criticism, after all, overflowed Zac's understanding.

But ... this is a good thing. Zac took up these overflowing ideas and broadened his knowledge.

Zac nodded, "I get it." Zac looked at Lily very seriously, "This is my fault. No, I think it's the two of us who are wrong. You first showed resistance to the Barton society. I can only defend. For this, I want to apologize for presupposing your attitude towards life. "

Lily leaned back in her chair and turned her head, her emotions had begun to relax.

The office was quiet for a while, "I thought you kind of people who understand each creature, as long as they are living creatures, have their own pursuit of life." Lily said.

Zac picked up quickly, "I am." First expressed his position, and then continued to apologize, "I don't think Barton is superior. I don't like the atmosphere of the magic banquet is a fact, but I don't think Barton is so good." For details, please see Zac's mental journey a few days ago. "We start again."

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