The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 2: City of Toledo

Zac ... sat on a bench in the center of the City Hall, holding a metal bottle in his hand. It's not his snack jar, it's Gangro's relic-the blood of Gangro that contains the key to the door of heaven.

Why is Zac sitting here? Because Zack is a Barton citizen, he can sit where he wants!

Not to mention this first.

How did Zac get here?

After coming out of Grande, Zac went directly to Sissi ’s villa. No one was at home. It was just right. Zac found Gangro ’s blood, put it away, and went to the North District.

Grande is a bunch of people waiting for Zac to bring back the 'answer'. It stands to reason, no, according to Zac's previous way of dealing with people, he will go to the soul of Sissi and ask if something happened in purgatory.

But the current Zac is not the former Zac.

Zac already has consciousness-in Barton, he has not been the role that others have asked for, and what role he has to give ...

Oh, Zacben shouldn't be in this role. I still remember that when Zac and Benjamin came to the city eleven years ago, it was the top biological layer of the city. The combination of vampire and Alpha can easily dominate the city.

However, we know that vampires and Alpha did not do this. They cleaned and ruled out those disobedient aliens, and signed a coexistence agreement with the remaining aliens. At the request, "Go" went to the Grand Funeral Home to be a "hermit."

If a person is a diamond in itself, you can't cover his Guan Hui with too much soil.

Zac is this diamond.

Even if Zac has only one funeral home in the city of Patton that is quite ironic for vampires, Zac has still become a role that everyone in this city must look up to!

Yes, Zac knew what his real role was after his story was no longer written by Madison.

Those who need Zac to give answers, wait, Zac will decide whether to give them what they want ...

Therefore, Zac did not go to find the soul of Sissi, even though Zac roughly guessed where Sissi is now, hehe, Zac just would n’t go there ~ he had to sit here and watch people coming and going ~

Ysera stepped on her high heels and came over, "What are you doing here?"

Zac received the metal bottle in his hand and squinted at Ethela, sunglasses and hat, fully armed, "Good noon, Secretary of the Mayor ~"

"Who's good at noon with you!" Eyes behind Ethella's sunglasses looked around irritably. This is the city government square. The time is noon. Many city government staff come out to breathe in the fresh air during work breaks.

But Esra's irritability was not her mayor secretary talking to a passerby on the city square, but her new four-generation Lesenbra, who could not stay for long under such sunlight. "Mayor Anthony made you okay, don't sit here! He looked upset!"

Zac raised his eyebrows. After he was proficient in blood control, Zac could n’t say that he was completely immune to the midday sun, but he was countless times calmer than Ethela. Adjusted a more comfortable posture, "I am a Patton citizen, have you sat in his mayor's office, hehe, what is he nervous about ~"

Ysera stared at Zac for a moment, then turned around, "Just you!" And walked away.

Zac looked at Ethela's back, smiled, and continued to enjoy the midday sun.

With such a short period of time, the sight of real passers-by toward Zac has increased.

Everyone remembers that Zac's only appearance in the media was the funeral of Spira. The influence is there, but it is more of images outside Barton-such as the Devil's Feast, the society in the west knows the position of Toledo in the east on the wizarding tradition.

Zac's face, no one in Barton knows who is normal.

But Ysera's face, ah, she was wrapped into dumplings, and could be recognized at a glance around the city government! This woman comes with aura to gain attention.

So, some people are paying attention to Zac now.

"Who is that person? The mayor's secretary never went out at noon, so how did he come here to find this person?"

"I don't know, this person seems to have been sitting here for a while. I just took a wine bottle (metal bottle) in my hand. It wouldn't be trouble."

"No, if it's troublesome, the mayor's secretary just brought the security guard."

"Don't you think this person is familiar, where have you seen it? You are at the reception, has this person been to the town hall before?"

"Huh, so many people come to do things every day, how can I remember who is who."


"I am the owner of the Grand Funeral Home." Zac suddenly waved at the man on the other bench. "Zacary Grand. I was in the news some time ago." A smiling face Self introduction.

A row of people embarrassed each other and blamed each other for being too loud to hear. Wan Zun laughed, and then quickly dispersed.

Zac watched the row go away. Keeping a smile, continue to sit and enjoy the sun.

The passerby's voice is still in Zac's ear. Everyone knows the senses of the vampire. Unless this group of people runs out of the gossip of the city government square, Zac can hear it clearly.

The gossip of these passers-by is not completely meaningless--

"He's Zachary Grande. The funeral owner who has nothing to do with the mayor in the rumors."

"What's the matter, just good luck. I participated in the privatization of the funeral industry. The cemetery of Ford Funeral in the North District cannot be kept. If we want to keep a piece of burial land in Barton, we can only have two in the South District. Choose at the funeral home. "

"Why didn't you choose another one, uh, what's the name, yes, it's Allen! Why not keep the burial ground of Allen's funeral? It's not that the mayor who was later exposed is a veteran relationship, this Grand brother , What is it called, er, the army was born anyway. "

"You can't even remember the name. What a gossip! Hey, I said that luck is luck. You see the development of the cemetery of Ford and Allen. One is the large comprehensive supermarket of the West Side rookie Quest. The Republic entered the Union, and most of the commodities that our city of Barton can hold! One is the construction site of the new port in the Southern District! This is simply urban planning! His Grande is lucky, and the cemetery is remote and has little future. It ’s just a place. "

"Yeah. We also know what happened last year when the mayor favored people from the military. Hey, it wasn't the result of Esera's campaign and the mayor's interaction."

"The governor of the Southern District Prison, right. Hey, speaking of the relationship of the high-level gang really ..."

"Use words carefully!"

"Liu Anhuaming ... former competitors, now working together for the development of our Bud ..."

"Huh, the sun is making me dizzy, go back, work!"

"let's go……"

Zac wants to keep some gossip civil servants, what an interesting person ~ But forget it, but it just embarrassed the other party.

The time of the lunch break passed, and the people in the square were scarce. But there are still some passersby swaying casually. From the appearance, it can be seen that these retired elderly citizens are bored and chaotic.

Zac still sat there.

It ’s time to say Zac ’s purpose of sitting here—

This purpose is coming.

Mayor Barton, Anthony, walks with great momentum. Unexpectedly for a while, Zac accidentally discovered Anthony's middle-aged feature-his slightly raised stomach flattened out. Could it be that Iselah is now back to his side, he made some efforts for some kind of life needs?

"Are you sick!" Anthony stood in front of Zach and said his attitude, "What are you sitting here! Go to the sun and go back to your Grande to dry! Don't stay outside my office!"

Zac looked up and looked at Anthony's face, "Hi ~"

"Huh!" Anthony glanced back at the direction of the city government. I don't know how many people found that their mayor was not working in the office, and ran out to chat with passers-by. "Are you all right ?! Let's go to the office to say something! "After talking, Anthony really turned around. It seems that as long as he opens his mouth to allow the vampire Zac to enter the city government, Zac will follow suit ~

Anthony walked a few steps, only to realize that Zach hadn't kept up, turned around and stared at Zack, "What the **** do you mean ?!"

Zac gave Anthony a smile, but looked away from Anthony's face. This face, the old is too fast-"You said how good you promised to be my descendant more than ten years ago."


"What you want, I will give you, after all, you will be my first descendant to make a hundred years." Zac waved his hand, "or the descendant that I confirmed to meet the criteria of Toledo." Shaking his head, " You see, because you did n’t agree to be my descendant, your younger brother, Ian took over your place and became the eldest son I do n’t care about, and now Papa ’s begging for life under the unreliable **** at midnight. You ... ha ha And that ’s it, the mayor of Barton is your limit. "

Anthony's face changed a few times, and finally became tense. Every wrinkle of the middle-aged man on that face was tightened. Anthony walked to Zac again, "What do you mean!"

Zac looked back at Anthony, still smiling, and did not make any explanation for the inexplicable words just now, "I will inform you, this city of Patton, I took over."

"Can you say that again!"

Zac knows that Anthony is not deaf, so he will not repeat, "From today, Barton is the territory of Toledo. If you have any questions, you can ask the representative of Toledo, my second son," General ", for consultation. . "

Anthony stepped up again, approaching Zac a little, and now that Zac was still sitting, looking down, "What did you say ?!"

Zac overlooked by Anthony, "As the leader of the human regime in the city of Barton, I need to inform you that your regime is only valid in the North District, so the" general "is enough to deal with all your questions." Zha Ke didn't finish the sentence, "Don't touch anything in Barton West."

Anthony can't get close to Zac anymore. He's leaning on him, so he will lie on him. "Oh, are you dreaming, Zac?"

Zac was too lazy to answer such a boring question, "If you have an itchy hand, you want to take care of things in the West End." Smile, "I won't stop you, but if you hinder Torrido's representative in the West End, Mrs. Quinn, The consequences are at your own risk. "

Zac, stand up. Put your hand on Anthony ’s shoulder and pat lightly, “I ’m not going to save you because we used to be friends, humans.” After saying this in Anthony ’s ear, “Good luck, An · Anthony. "Leaving sideways.

"Stop it for me!" Mayor Anthony is quite imposing, but ... "You wait for me!" A mayor dropped his naive class status, caught up with a civilian, and grabbed the civilian's arm, "What the **** do you mean?"

Zac looked back, his face ... seemed sad?

Zac closed his eyes, and when he opened it, his face turned into a smile that Torito often had. "I was thinking when I was sitting there. If you don't come out, I won't say those words. But Anthony, you came out after all. "

Anthony ’s face changed again several times, and he paused in anger, “Can you not sit here and I ca n’t come out ?! The ghost knows what ’s going on with you! I ’m the mayor of this city, I ’m responsible for this city, Can I not come out ?! "

Zac chuckled and turned Anthony to hold his hand. Anthony rebelled, but it did n’t make sense. "This is what I mean. As long as I appear in your sight, you ca n’t ignore me ~" This is not Ambiguous 'love words' are countless times harsh ... threatening! "Why can't you ignore me? Anthony, because of our friendship?"

"*!" First, Zac was forced out of his city government, then Zac was informed of a bunch of shouting notices, and now he is so strangely confronted by Zac ... Anthony's cultivation, and that's it, "You're so sorry to say ! As you just said, you got a 'general' in the North District to manage a gang of gang members! You got a Mrs. Quinn in the West District again, staring at the West District family that makes sense to Barton! You yourself In the Southern District again! A vampire with a bunch of magic feasts! How can you tell me to ignore your existence? "

Great, Anthony has finished talking about the situation we need to be aware of.

Zac nodded with kindness, "Look, aren't you clearer than me. Haha, Anthony, you know my position before I understand my situation, don't you ~" Zac stepped up again , Leave, "Anthony, the pieces on the board have been set for a long time, but I am too gentle, always worrying about everyone, not going to play this game. But in the end, I realized my tenderness, as if not appreciated by anyone What about ... "Zac looked back," It's time to play chess for myself. Good luck Anthony, as I said, your identity in this game is not good, take care Myself. This is my last contribution to our friendship. "

Maybe it's time to sum up.

Zac's heart journey during this time was very bumpy, and now it finally fell to the flat ground. This flat ground ... maybe bad, maybe beautiful, just watch while walking.

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