The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 22 Chapter 6: Seaside park

Ripter looked calm and serene, without the usual youthful atmosphere. Zach parked the car in front of Ripter and got out of the car with Nick, bypassing Ripter and heading to the park where the drug addicts were supposed to gather.

"Waterfront Park?" Zac glanced at the entrance sign and pouted. A fart on the waterfront, across this park and further north, it is the Upper North District where the political center of Barton lives. Others are the waterfront. Above the park is Massa Port, below is the high school, on the left is the Becky area, and on the right is the fishing ground.

In such a location park, the role is obviously used to separate the various areas in the city. The straight point is just the buffer zone. Waterfront, uh, this name is left for Barton to become a metropolis in the future, and how good it belongs to other places. It is now occupied by a green belt, or a green belt occupied by addicts. Uh.

Zac and Nick have just taken two steps.

Nick pulled Zac and stopped, "There are dead people."

Zac glanced at Nick, and Toledo's perception of the corpse could not be sharper than Giovanni. Zac no longer advances, "Sam."

The wizard ghost floated out of Zac's eyes and flew into the park.

"Dead, increasing." While waiting, Nick said to Zac again.

Zac opened his mouth, ready to ask, the sound of the ambulance began to approach, one, two, three ...

Before Sam returns, Zachra takes Nick and exits the entrance to the waterfront park. No special meaning, just to make way for those ambulances from Mercedes.

After a while, five or six ambulances stopped at the entrance of the park. The ambulance rushed out of the car and saw Zac and Nick standing outside when they rushed inside. "Is it your emergency call? Where do you suffer? "

Zac didn't know what the patient was and didn't answer. But when he realized that Nick didn't mean to speak, Zack pushed Nick.

Nick yelled at the anxious first-aid personnel-the first time I saw this vampire interacting with humans, you can compare with Zach: "There are already a few bodies lying in the Central Garden. Go and collect them."

The first responders stared, ignoring Nick and Zack, and rushed into the park.

Zac glanced at the direction of the emergency personnel, and then glanced at Nick, too lazy to say this guy's attitude, "Someone called for first aid. Go to the nearby phone booth and find him." Then, regardless of Nick's re-entry park. Sam is too slow.

Seeing Nick's appearance, he was reluctant to listen to Zac's mission, but obviously he didn't want to enter the park with Zac, and began to circle around the park with his mouth closed.

There was already a chaotic call deep in the park, and the rescue situation seemed terrible. Zac did not approach, looking for Sam while looking at the situation.

Zach saw other passers-by in the park, running suspiciously from the chaotic first aid direction, and then quickly bypassed Zak and rushed outside the park.

Zac reached out and grabbed the passerby, staring at the enlarged pupil of the other party for the first time, "You are dying." Zac used the enchanting pupil, and the scarlet sweat permeated through each pore on the opponent's skin. , "Your organs are failing, and you are fleeing someone who can save your life. Are you so stupid?"

Loosen the passer-by, and the enchanting pupil disappeared. Zac watched the passer-by start to run back to the way he came back after running back to the direction of the emergency personnel.

But it was still too late. The passer-by ran two steps, fluttered to the ground, flipped and twitched for a while, and foamed in his mouth.

Zac's face twitched twice, and he didn't want to see more. He was ready to continue looking for Sam-there was nothing to see. The death of the earth-bound spirit only appeared for a while, and the soul was torn and disappeared into the world. Hellhound is already in action.

"Go and see why it's so noisy over there?"

Zac turned his head and looked at the path separated by bushes, uh, New West was slowly approaching.

"Meow ~" Zac bowed his head, and the black cat biscuit was scratching Zac's shoes. At the same time, "I'm not a dog, the reason I made by walking me was very unpleasant. Do you still have to instruct me to run errands for you "Take the flower scratching Zac's shoe upper, and look up," Vampire, teach the Republican God who came out of your house. "

Zac lifted his foot and kicked the black cat away.

"Meow!" The black cat fell into the bush next to it.

West stood beside Zac and looked at the black cat wowing in the bush. "I regret it. It's no use raising this guy! I'm going back to Grand!"

Zac wouldn't answer this, he glanced at West, "How are you here?"

West should be conscious, since she decided to cooperate with the black cat, that is, she and Grande broke off their ‘love’, and they did n’t say much about regret, “Walk the cat. Why are you here?”

Zac pointed to someone who hung up not far away.

"Dead." West glanced, and then looked in the direction of the noise. "More dead." Looking back, looking at the black cat that had just drilled out of the bush, "Go find your kind Ask what happened. "

Zac pressed curiously.

"I said, I'm not a dog." The black cat shook his head and shook off the wood sticks on his head. His thin pupil looked at Zach and turned his tail in the opposite direction.

West watched the black cat walk away until it disappeared, and suddenly approached Zac. "It is a creature trapped in the rules of time like a **** dog!"

This is inexplicable, and Zac does n’t want to go deeper—because it ’s not necessary, who is New West, hehe, the republican **** in charge of identification! She said yes, nothing to discuss.

Zac took a step back and distanced from West. "Did you see Sam?"

Sam is a republican ghost, and the West in front of him is the essence of republic, the essence of immortality.

West's answer to this question was to stare at Zac.

The meaning is that I do n’t know, thinking that Sam is still in Zac ’s eyes.

But since we met West here, Zac stepped up and began to look for Sam, "'Jian'." Telling the other party he would like to ask about the republican aliens, "You have heard that you can give vampire restraint Are drugs that republican alien abilities? "


Does n’t it look like it ’s pretending, is this new West coming here really walking the cat? Humph, Zac doesn't believe it.

"Do you know that this park is a gathering place for Barton addicts?"

"Uh, this, I know. My sister told me." West followed Zac, and she seemed to have nothing to do.

West's sister-"Principal Reipt?" Zac squinted at Reipt's direction. "She knows there is a gathering place for drug addicts around her school?"

"A few days ago, she was still complaining about the inaction of the North District Police Station. She has reported countless cases, but every time the police just grabbed a few people."

Zac retracted his gaze looking at Ripter's direction, so it was not the principal who did not want to provide a healthy environment for the students, but did his best. Don't blame the principal who has a good impression.

It was West, looking at the direction of the noisy, thoughtful, "Sister mentioned the kind of hope that a major event here, so that the government attaches importance to it, it is best to still have a holiday when students are no longer in school ... "

Zac looked back and glanced at West. "Are you trying to say that Principal Ripter has made what is happening now?" The judgment was a bit horrified. Although Zach has never been to the place where the ambulance personnel are the most chaotic, after entering the park, he can feel the increasing number of corpses. Not to mention there is a passerby who died in front of Zac. Now the situation of this park will definitely change afterwards! And listening to West, this seems to be planned by the principal of Button ’s most famous Raptor High School ...

West noticed that Zac was looking at himself, "Don't look at me, I don't know much about my sister, don't forget, I only recently started dealing with this family of" West "status." I want to say that this judgment is not reliable.

Zac waved his hands silently. "You shouldn't say this kind of judgment if you don't understand it. Plain and uncomfortable."

"What's wrong with you. Huh, don't you think that her sister Alice's group can't have such a principal's school study?" West smiled.

"No, I am their guardian."

"It's as if the gang of high school students need your supervision." West glanced at Zac. "Do you know how much my sister has trouble with small groups in the school." West shook his head. "'After entering the society, these children will find the cruelty of the social class sooner or later, but now they are only children, why are the children so eager to create their own class?' Her original words."

Zac heard two important points. The first is that the principal of Laipute is really a good principal. The situation of this waterfront park should not be related to her. The second important point is, "Is the reason you reconnected with your family is to inquire about these high school students." "Jian" Ah, yes, after leaving Grande, he didn't waste his relationship with West.

West glanced at Zach, "Not everything has a purpose." This should be a denial, "Do you think I would care about high school dog blood."

Zac did not respond, and West has no obligation to be honest with himself now. After all, the partnership has survived. "I am a little worried about Sam." He accelerated his pace, but had no goal at all, just on the park road Just go around.

West shook his head and looked around for a while. After confirming that there was no line of sight of passers-by and civilians, his body was surrounded by a mirror, and one step disappeared into the mirror.

Zac stood there and waited for a while, the mirror appeared again, and West stepped out, "found it." He glanced at Zac, "Come with me."

Zac kept up.

West is fast, and after several accelerations, the two are still in the park, beside a small fountain.

Two corpses were lying outside the fountain, with a black death label attached to them. It should be that the ambulance staff had already come. After giving the death judgment, temporarily put the corpse here and wait for the rescued to save. Come and deal with these two bodies.

Zac ignored the body directly and looked at the water in the fountain.

Sam is lying in the water. The translucent body looks like the scene in a cheap horror movie under the sway of the water wave.

"Sem?" Zach reached out and pulled Sam straight away ...

The water wave calmed down slowly, and Sam also gathered in the swaying wave shadow. The face under the water looked at Zac, and his face was confused. "Are the two people dead outside?"

Being able to speak should be a good omen.

"Dead." Zack answered, "Are you all right?" Nonsense.

"Not good." Sam's swaying face lifted a little from the water. When he left the water, his face actually collapsed, as if it had been in the water for a long time. It was soaked in the water, and it was barely human. After breaking away from the water, it will completely fall apart!

Sam lay in the water, his face was a little ugly, not just the reason for the image sloshing, "I found that there are two more alive here." I started talking about it, "I tried to find out what happened, but they no longer work I know that they will have **** dogs to bring souls to **** immediately after their death. Now Jessica is busy with Newton, and we are afraid that there will be no chance to know what is going on. "

Zac is very grateful, Sam thinks comprehensively. Sam continued, "So I thought about dragging their souls out with wizards and keeping them first." Sam's head shook underwater, "But when I touched them, I felt ..."

West suddenly spoke next to him, "Returning to the feeling of once binding the earth."

Sam looked at West in the water, "She was right, I feel that my sense of substance has disappeared after I became a republican ghost, and inexplicably I have to use a strap to catch something and maintain my sense of existence. . "

Zac glanced at West and could only wait to ask. Zac is very grateful, Sam thinks comprehensively. Sam continued, "So I thought about dragging their souls out with wizards and keeping them first." Sam's head shook underwater, "But when I touched them, I felt ..."

West suddenly spoke next to him, "Returning to the feeling of once binding the earth."

Sam looked at West in the water, "She was right, I feel that my sense of substance has disappeared after I became a republican ghost, and inexplicably I have to use a strap to catch something and maintain my sense of existence . "

Zac glanced at West, and could only wait until he was asking.

Sam continues, "The ability brought by the republic ghosts is disappearing. I can't maintain the physical ability to move. I just heard that there is a human emergency responder coming here. I am not sure if my state can be seen When you get there, you just ... "looked back under the water and looked at the pile of coins and copper plates on the bottom of the fountain. "Just find something to grab with a strap and hide."

Sam looked at Zac. "I don't seem to be able to get out now."

Zac frowned, turned directly into the fountain, and fumbled among the coins at the bottom of the fountain, "Which one."

"left side, right side……"

After a while, Zac picked up a coin.

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