The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 20 Chapter 19: Zac's heart

When Mokawi came, Zac was sweeping the ashes of the basement.

"Sad, sad, another eternal companion lost his life ~"

Mocavi's expression was not sad at all. A lunatic is a lunatic.

Zac ignored it and cleaned the ashes, pulled out the vampire corpse with only one left, and placed it in front of Mokawi. "You touch him."

"Why ~"

Zac put his own blood directly, tasted it for Mokawi, and reminded, "Please use the power of Lesimbra." Get the information in the blood. Zac was really afraid that his communication with Mokawi would fly to the horizon, so she used the method of avoiding communication to make her not up to now.

Mocavi was obedient, holding Zac's blood to find the feeling of looking for Lesenbull, and took a sip.

Even if this is the case, Mokawi ’s focus is still crooked to the horizon, "You burned the body for the funeral ~ Little Zac, what about your funeral ~~"

"There will always be a way." There is a flash of red in Zac's eyes, and Esra may be right, use it when you should use the enchanting pupil! (At the time of the halfway house review) Now is not the time to continue to hide ability and hypocrisy.

Mocavi's focus is still on the horizon, "I have an idea, I can make it easier for you ~~"

"Thank you." Zuck can maintain politeness under any circumstances. "But you don't need to worry about it. Please touch this body and let me confirm that the black cat is right."

Mokawi followed suit, putting his hands on the vampire corpse. Nothing happened, if the black cat, the verification is complete.

"Please back away." Zac calmly gave Mocavi new instructions, and then, "Sam, burn."

After a burst of bright red, new ashes appeared in Grand's basement, and Zac began to clean again.

Mocavi can go, and Zac once again politely thanked, "Thank you, please go back to the ancestors office and tell Benjamin for details."

When Zac called Mocavi to come, he promised Benjamin to explain later. But apparently Zac was unable to explain himself, hoping that Mokawi could solve Benjamin's doubts for himself.

Do n’t think Zac is disrespectful of Mocavi ’s call, let ’s think about what information Zac called Mocavi to tell her-the biggest crisis of vampire and holy Lord belief It's all in Zac's blood for Mokawi.

Among the ancestors awake in the Federation, Mokawi is the first ancestor who understands the crisis facing the entire vampire race today! What more to say and how to respect? !

Mocavi didn't leave, her focus was still on the horizon, "I'm serious, I have an idea to make your funeral go smoothly ~"

Cleaning the remains of vampires is already a very negative task, but the only vampire ancestor of Barton has not yet received the problems faced by the vampire race and seems to be concerned about the funeral.

Zac really didn't want to talk anymore. Then be silent.

Mocavi said several times that she had an idea, but after being ignored by Zac, "I used the rank of my Mocavi ancestor to order you to ask me what idea ~~"

Zac poured a pile of ashes into the garbage bag and calmly replied without any hope for the future. "I am also the ancestor of Toredo, you have no right to order me."

"Then I will use a person who has taken care of Toledo for three centuries and ask you to ask ~"

Gee! This is not the first time Mokawi is used. Remember, the last time Mocavi bluntly thanked Torredo for his constant care that Mocavi took the commission of the central werewolf blood market (when helping Jessica).

Mocavi seems to have determined that Zac is a 'gentle' person.

Zac sighed, "Then you say, what's the idea."

Mocavi, who made Zac open for help, was very happy, dancing ... It was in the basement, spinning like a madman, and all the ashes of the remains of the vampire that Zac missed were raised under the skirt of the flying skirt , Yang in the air ...

"The Slime Bill that our ancestors sent to Emilia to receive the" Barton Residence "evaluation ~~~"

Zac swept behind behind the rotating Mocavi, his face was already desperate for life, "Is that Slime Bill who wanted to resell my blood from the beginning of Barton." What more can I say! Yes! Zac is an emotionally gentle person, but don't play with Zac's emotions like this. Occasionally be gentle with Zac and take into account Zac's heart?

"Yes, yes, it's him ~" Taking into account Zac's heart? Does not exist, "Slime's ability is very convenient ~ he can make a body for you ~ absolutely the same as the original ~ the funeral can be carried out smoothly ~~"

When Slime appeared, we said that there was an opportunity to explain the species Slime. It seems that this is an opportunity.

Slime, Zach has few chances of seeing this creature in his eternal life. One reason is that such things do not need to survive in human society.

Do you still remember the fairy Leipken abandoned by the times? They have to live in human civilization because they want to play the hide-and-seek game with humans. However, with the progress of human civilization, it was increasingly marginalized until it became extinct.

Slime does not need to interact with humans to maintain a meaningful game. Slime does not even need to interact with any species to live well in this world. Slime eats everything. Slime can digest everything.

Slime's body is a lot ... It is something like a water drop. The new slime will be as clean and transparent as a water drop. After instinctively swallowing some material, Slime will grow in size and gain consciousness. All of them can maintain the survival of this species, and what kind of life they have thought about is entirely their own choice.

Then the focus came. Slime's ability is very special-the body is a variety of substances that they are digesting at any time, which is different from any species in this world in appearance. What allows them to integrate into the life of a certain species is the excretion of their bodies ... well, Slime's excrement has the ability to absorb light and shadow.

Slime will smear his discharge on the body, and then absorb the images of other species as they move the Tuo body into other species, and then use them together on their own!

There is no change in Slime's body, only those who observe Slime! Amazing species ~ but also very disgusting species.

Remember that creepy piece of meat in Sorin's nightclub, and the bounce around the southeast surrounded by high school regiments? That's Slime's real body. The former is peeled off from the body and loses the ability to build light and shadow. The true appearance of Slime is what it eats, what is that Tuo Tuo, at Sorin Nightclub It's obviously meat. The latter is the only means of slime creatures when they are in danger. Believe me, no one wants to be shot by Slime's body. You don't know what is intimately in contact with your skin, what Slime eats!

The explanation is finished.

Zac sighed, Mokawi's idea was not to make trouble, it had to be admitted. It is a simple matter for Slime to forge a body, which is easier to use than the many shape-shifters. But this guy, Slime Bill, really made Zac uncomfortable. Isn't this giving the other person a chance to get close to him!

Zac thought for a while, "Thank you." First thank Mocavi for his efforts, and then, "I can solve it myself." Standing at the door of the church, the big deal greeted everyone who attended the funeral!

"Why don't you like to be helped by someone else ~~" Mocavi stopped spinning, looked at Zac, and actually raised his hand, holding Zac's temporarily ignorant face, "Little Zac ~"

Zac reacted before taking a step back, and some soundproofing touched the face he was holding. It ’s not a cleansing habit, it ’s simply physical discomfort.

Mokavi continued, approaching Zac again, "Or you just don't like this statement, you can use others to achieve your goals, but don't like others to help you accomplish your goals ~~"

These two sentences are really only different from each other ~

Mokawi seems to know Zac really well, "Then use this as a chant ~ You use that Slime Bill to successfully complete a funeral, and then kick him off ~~ Anyway, you are a vampire , He's just a low-level alien ~ right ~ what can he do ~~ "


"I agree!" Roy, who suddenly ran to the basement, looked at Zac. "I said, I want to teach that slime! It just gave me a chance to get to know the vampire again!"

With Roy's interruption, Mokawi successfully took Zac's face again and rubbed it, "Look ~ If you don't enter, you can use Slime, and you can teach this Slime to survive in this society. Respect the humble class ~ Did kill two birds with one stone ~ Little Zac ~ Are you the one who likes this kind of thing right? "

Zac escaped again, "Mocavi, please don't touch my face." Mocavi wasn't like this before. What kind of nerve is it today? Hey, it's wrong. Mocavi has always been nervous. Zac didn't say more, looked at Roy, and still insisted on his own heart, "I don't want to give that Slime a chance to contact me, I'm not comfortable."

"Humph." Roy didn't mean to come down on the stairs. "You're useless if you don't give it a chance. I think that Emilia's woman is ready to let Slime settle in Barton."

Zac frowned, Emilia is revenge! Red-naked-naked-revenge!

One is that when I talked with Emilia, I accidentally showed sympathy for Emilia who wanted to give up human life. The second is to bring Harrison to Grande and put an angel in the body!

Roy did not finish, "That Bill has already looked at the property in Barton. If you don't want it, he will come to Barton, and then try to come to Grande to find you!"

Zac lowered his head, thinking for a long time, and raised his head. The cleaning tool in his hand was lost. "It doesn't matter, you are free, I don't care." I really ignored Mocavi and walked up the stairs. Naively pushed Roy, "You should be on my side." Hey, a little harmless complaint.

Zac walked into Grand's backyard and felt the fresh air and sunshine ...

No time to adjust emotions to Zac, Hank rushed out of the living area, "You! Come!"

Zac walked blankly toward the living area, "Why."

Hank held a stack of paper in his hand. "Every employee's travel thoughts!" Hank stuffed the paper in Zac's hand. "Look!"

Listening to Hank's tone, Zach thought that who wrote something anti-social was angry, and didn't want to answer it, "You can't do it with your Resonbull's transformation, what should I do." Transformation, everyone understands, stuffs the information into the blood and injects it into the human body to complete the forcible change of human character and consciousness! It is the same nature of Torrido ’s false memories that change attitudes in life.

Hank was still in that tone, "No! I'm letting you read it! I can't see these hypocritical feelings! You are suitable for this job! You can check them again! What do you want to modify? Give them ..."

Zac turned around and left. What is hypocrisy suitable for Zac? ? What exactly did Zac do badly? Was this group of people treated like this? ?

Zac decided to autify for a while. Completely ignoring Hank ’s yelling in the living area, and Roy, who came out of the east basement, and Mokawi, which began to rotate, went back to Grande, went up to the second floor, entered the master bedroom, and closed the door , Go to bed, sleep in a vampire style.

In the mirror, the image of dry skin and broken face with Zac suddenly sat in the mirror, "Zac, get up."

Zac in the mirror is calling Zac.

Zac opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, "You are me, please don't say anything that makes me sad like others."

"No." Zac had a smile on his face in the mirror. "It's news from the Demon's Banquet. Rut Lesenbulla listened to you and burned the documents of the Zmiche medical experiment at home."

Zac raised an eyebrow and sat up, "How do you know?"

"You participated in Spella's funeral, and the news has been reported to the west. The report has your picture, which is me ~" Zac smiled in the mirror, "Rut Lesenbra cut the picture Come down and hang on the wall as a dart board ~ "

Zac pouted, "Did you get stuck with darts."

"Of course not. I will hide. I will give him a smile after hiding. Face him with anger and anger with your best smile ~"

"Good, I am worthy of my image." Zac felt better.

"I really look at his medical experiment data of burning Zmiche ~"

"Are you sure all?"

"I asked ~" The image turned around, as if it was really talking to someone behind him, and then, turned back, facing Zac outside the mirror, "Yes ~ all ~"

"Very good." Zac was in a good mood.

"He is now starting to ask me why I want to burn these documents. Should I answer him."

Zac tilted his head, "Huh, no. Let him guess, and don't tell him if he is right, let him be in a hurry."

"OK ~"

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