Zac was really curious, "Since it is a secret that has never been exposed? How did Naut Lesenbull know? No, all the vampires at the Demon Banquet seemed to know it."

The Angel of In'an floated in the air, and his body shone with gold. For a little while, "Don't ask me, don't interrupt me, I'm just repeating what Crowley said, and now I forget where I said it."

Zac doesn't want to care about the Angel of India. It ’s also embarrassing them. Only by brainwashing can they become the Angel ’s soul of the Angels. What is the true heart of the secret news of the Lord ’s faith? It ’s Zac ’s fault. Momentum.

Zac looked back at the tea, the secret of the Lord ’s faith, and should ask the fallen angel. These fallen angels were the angels who first followed the Lord.

Strangely, the tea ’s expression seemed a little weird, and Zach frowned a little irritably after observing himself. “I never thought that the key to heaven ’s door is real. Become a general” When I described the passage, I thought ... "

Zach noticed an important point, "Wait a moment, how do you and the 'general' know that Sgal is in paradise?" If it is confirmed that Sgal is in paradise, why would he go to Crowley's dignitaries?

This problem should have been solved from the beginning, but Zach's topic was too fast and missed. Exactly, make up now.

Tea hesitated for a while, then shook his head and made a decision, "The soul belonging to the faith of the Lord is not in this world, it can only be in the world of the Lord, past, present, and future." Some laments mean, "Since the Lord has ignored us (The former angel, now the fallen angel.) When dissuasion connects our world to this world, we, all the holy Lords believe in the soul of the world, are bound by the time of this world. "Repeat again," In the past, Now, in the future, we can only exist in one of these three worlds. "

Hell, this world, heaven. This correspondence has been said many times, no more explanation.

"Sgall may be dead." Zac hasn't asked a question about what 'general' is doing with Sgal, so there is no burden to say this, 'general', who is the son of Toledo The product is not taught by Zach.

Tea pouted, and Zac seemed speechless towards his son. But tea also has the consciousness of the vampire ’s parent-child relationship, which is not related to his fallen angel. "I ’m pretty sure that Sgal is not dead. He passed the ranks and became a middle-level demon. The soul mark used is still alive."

Zac raised his eyebrows. Now, instead of discussing the demon advanced skills, there is still such a one-hand monitoring function, but, "That Sgal is not in this world, nor in hell, so you confirm that he is in heaven."

Refreshing, "Crowley didn't mean to hide, asked if she was there, she said yes. Let her put in, she said no." The expression returned to irritability.

"Go on. You never thought that the key to heaven's door is not real, what does it mean?"

"No one knows how the Divine Lord divided his world, and became heaven and hell, connected to this world. But all the angels know that it is just that the Holy Lord needs a part of angels to manage the divided **** ..."

"Stop." Zac actually interrupted the tea. Zac looked at the tea seriously, "Are you about to tell a story that subverts all the creatures in our world and thinks about the fallen angel?"


"I just assume you are the default." Zac waved his hand. "I don't want to listen."


"I'm a vampire, I don't want to listen." Zach repeated, thinking that the reason was sufficient. "Let's move forward. I'm the key to heaven's door, a legendary fan until it It popped out of the chests of my descendants and me. "Zac was dashing and looked back at the Angel Angel." If Crowley had to blame someone, hum, Sissi is impossible, then blame me. "One Shake hands, "I have revealed the secret of the Lord's faith. The demons of Skaul are innocent ..." Innocent? Sgal? demon? What did our poor Chapman say to Zac before he died? He said that most of the illegal behavior in Barton now originated from this gang in the southeast.

Uh, but this matter, Sgal is really innocent.

"... I'll find a way to find out how to make Crowley satisfied and allow Sgal to leave heaven. After that, Crowley wants to punish me, and I'm here."

The Angels of Yin'an exchanged their eyes, and together they made a long-distance contact with both eyes.

Crowley ’s reply was quick, quoted by the Angel of In’an, “The method of letting Gogall does n’t need you to find, when heaven returns to a certain level, **** can be repressed, and the demons outside Newton are solved the problem of knowledge time . "

Zac just wanted to vomit-since Crowley already had this idea, why refused tea with a hard mouth, eh.

Zac just opened his mouth, and was completely tempted to be interrupted by Zac again, and the Anan angel who disturbed his narration was snatched ahead. "If you have too much free time, you might as well think about how to save you on the other side of the Federation The descendant of Charlie. The Devil Banquet is not as conscious as you, and will stop when you touch the secret of the faith. "

Zac closed his mouth and said nothing.

The purpose of tea coming to Grande was achieved. At least it was only a matter of time before Crowley, who had always refused to let people go, was here at Zac.

"I should go back to Mary Church." Tea was ready to leave.

Zac will naturally not stay, something unexpected happened. Two Inian angels stopped the tea, "Is there a Inan demon in Patton?"

"What?" When Cha didn't respond to the question, Zac had left the office and had no intention of ignoring what the two Indian angels wanted to do. Anyway, it was Crowley and the fallen angel ...

"This is not what Crowley asked us to ask, is it the two of us who are curious, Patton, is there an Inan demon?"

Zac kept going downstairs at a constant speed, but he didn't need to deliberately, the dialogue naturally entered his ears.

"Do you want to ask, does Barton have the same Indians as you are?"

The same situation? The difference between **** and heaven is different, it seems that it was deliberately thrown away by tea, and only extracted the "Indian soul in the faith of the Lord" from these two Inian angels.

The two angels should have communicated, and Zach only heard back when he walked to the first floor, "Yes, we have not denied that before we died, we never seriously understood the religion, heaven, or **** of your colonizers, There is no difference in our eyes. So yes, our question is, does Barton have the same Indians as us? "

These remarks are very frank, without any stereotypes.

This frankness was respected by the tea, "Sorry, no. The only thing similar to your situation may be the raging wizard of Sissi."

"The raging waves have no reference significance." The Angel of In'an is also straightforward. "The saints only used him, did not educate him, and forced him to believe in the Lord."

Tea ’s response is also submissive and direct, “Then you should n’t be looking for references from demons, demons do n’t teach souls into hell.”

"But Crowley was the former Jessica, and the Patton Demon was also disciplined and pious ..." Angel Crowley, Fallen Angel Crowley (Jessica), not to mention the middle things, wasting time. But the Angel of In'an said a point, the Patton Demon is indeed very self-disciplined under the management of Jessica. Who believes that Barton ’s demons did not apply religious brainwashing to his soul?

"That's just because there is no fallen angel beaten by demons. But if you beat it, you can only obey. Understand." Tea seemed to have a smile. "Don't Angel Crowley ever teach you, fallen angels go to **** Do you manage hell? And the only reason we can manage **** is because we are strong. "Zac heard a sigh of tea before going out," Hey, but the truth is, unfortunately, the number of fallen angels is fixed, and was This past, which is constantly being left behind in this world, is infinite, and the devil is infinite ... "

Zac walked out the door.

Another piece of information that Zac did n’t particularly want to know but still knew—the reason why fallen angels are now in hell. What a reality, just because the demons keep appearing, and the fallen angels, only the batch that once “fallen” from heaven.

No wonder Jessica cares so much about her compatriots who may still be alive throughout the Federation. Fallen angels are endangered species.

Zac was heading straight to the warehouse to find Murphy.

Zac believes that Murphy has heard his conversation with tea in the office. Zac needs people who can think in a vampire way of thinking, but Louise is not.

Hey, don't mention Cyrus Cappadocia looking at the counter.

Was the demon vampire in the dialogue just a positive image? No, it was in the mouth of the Indian Angel who recounted Crowley ’s words, had been spying on the secret secrets of the Lord ’s faith, and for Zach, imprisoned Charlie ’s 'villain'.

There is no need to avoid Cyrus in this conversation. Who does n’t know that Ruth Lembulla of the Feast will get Zucker Torrido at the first opportunity? Need to avoid suspicion?

When Zac walked to the warehouse, Ceres was calling Ellen's funeral, angrily telling Nedner that the West was rectifying the Toledo clan.

Therefore, it is meaningless to discuss with Cyrus who is completely on his side. Zach needs an objective voice.

Who is more objective than Murphy?

Murphy's whole body exudes glory—the color of blood. Murphy worked very **** the blood control exercise of binge eating.

Zach said nothing, "Charlie, your descendant, used to be Bruch. If he still has a little loyalty of Bruch, you don't have to worry about betrayed by him."

Sure enough, Murphy listened to the conversation in the office. It did not disappoint us, and gave such a rational judgment directly.


"Bruch's stupidity is to Fan Zhuo, not me. And Charlie is not exactly Bruch. He is an abandoned alien and an orphan. I don't even think he meets Bruch's descent standards."

Murphy held the blood tank taken from Grande's basement, and continued to deepen the whole body's blood color, "Then I am wrong, he will betray you." Changes, such as turning the book. This is not emotional, but admits that Zach is more correct.

"I'm not asking you if Charlie will betray Toredo." Zac was a little speechless. Sure enough, there was a reason for the ugly failure of this marriage, and the tacit understanding between the two was too bad. "I was thinking, Toredo. Can you take advantage of this and fight Lesenbla. "

Murphy's thinking path should be severely hindered. The hand holding the blood pot stopped in the air, reminded by a Miley Lister staring at her, before putting down the half-pot of red that had flowed out on the ground. The blood tank on the face looked at Zac expressionlessly, "Why don't you care if your descendants will betray you." This is a question. Murphy did not turn his mind out.

"How did he betray something he didn't know about." Zac pouted, and answered simply. Even if Rute licked Charlie from beginning to end and from the inside out, he would not get some information about the key to heaven's door. Do n’t dismiss this statement as disgusting. Lesenbra, who is good at obtaining blood information, was used for interrogation in this way.

Murphy blinked. "Melly, the mop." It should be that his thinking turned out, and he began to notice the blood he had made.

Zac did n’t mind Murphy ’s dual-use, and continued, “Rute did n’t get the information about the key to Heaven ’s Gate from Charlie. I guess he would have two reactions.” Zac wants to show his understanding of the human heart. “One He would think that I did n’t trust this descendant who became Toledo halfway, and did n’t tell Charlie this secret. Second, he would ignore the fact that he had nothing from Charlie and think that Toledo had a way to restrain him. ”

Murphy responded to Zac with blood on the ground and messed up, "The reason for your judgment is that Rut Lesenbull hates you, he will not treat you as an innocent person."

"It's dripping." Zack also didn't have an expression, declaratively, "He couldn't admit it from his heart, I was just involved in an event that I didn't understand. The only difference was how he was paranoid to me. Now. "

The two reactions that Zac had just speculated that the former was that Zac was a bad guy, and he didn't even treat his descendants sincerely. The latter, negating the facts in front of me, believed that Zac had the secret of the key to the gate of heaven, which extended to Zac and there were more secrets, such as the blood information deception against him.

See, it's just the difference in Zack's degree of paranoia.

"As long as Rute is paranoid to you, you can take advantage of this." Murphy gave the mop to Miley.

Zac was about to make sure that Murphy was finally thinking about it with himself. "Yes ..." The mop came to him. Zack looked at Miley, who was putting the mop in his hand, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a guest, you are the master." Miley, this has always been fearless.

Zac pouted, lost his mop, and looked at Murphy. "What is unexpectedly beneficial to me is that the other vampires of the Demon Banquet seem to be no less secret than Rut's secret curiosity about the key to this heaven's door."

Murphy looked at Zac and looked at him with a red face, "So, it's clearly the secret of the Demon Banquet's collective needs. Everyone hopes that you will share the secret with Toredo, but Rute will be too aggressive because of his paranoia. Deviation behavior. "

Zac nodded, "Once he put the interests of the Demon Banquet under his own paranoia, and is seen by everyone, then the position of the leader of the Demon Banquet ..." Zac nodded, becoming Shaking his head, needless to say.

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