The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 4 Chapter 34: The source of the conserved soul?

Going back to a little grand without ‘home’, Mike is waiting here.

"You recovered too?"

"Yeah." Grande has changed too much for Mike. He didn't feel it the day before yesterday. Today, "I don't like Grande now."

"No." Zach's eyes are loose, from Miley who is still peeping-peeping, to the newcomer Dale Walker, to the former criminals in the living area, "In the future, they will be your demons Companion. "The meaning of this sentence is clear enough-one by one, are all going to hell.

"No." Mike shook his head, very sure, "They will die, hell, that's for sure. But you will live forever." Mike is saying something, "In this world, here. Always fallen angels Friends, partners, allies here. You are important, they are not. "Mike also swept Zander's eyes in Grandry," They will go to hell, but only become food. "

Zac didn't know how to respond to this for a while, but the smile was enough, and it was enough, "What's the matter with you coming here?"

"I want to tell you something about witchcraft beliefs." Mike sorted out his emotions and looked at Zac. "What about your wizard?"

Zac, pat your pocket, "Here, you say it." The devil wants to talk about witchcraft faith? Oh, Zac knew that he was talking about mourning banshees in hell. The naming of Sam is just to tell Zack that Sam can participate in this exchange.

"Last time I told you that the demons and undead in **** hate to report banshees."

Zac nodded. If we want to sum up the last topic about the reason why the mourning banshee 'dominates hell', Zac believes that personal opinion is not the ability of the mourning banshee to repeat the death of the soul, and It is her ability to resurrect infinitely in hell.

Hopefully, this will be the focus of Mike's talk this time.

Zac did so.

"The witchcraft faith is about where the soul belongs after human death." Mike looked at Zack's pocket. Please the wizard.

Sam, "Return to nature. It ’s like falling leaves back to the earth. The soul comes from this world and returns to this world."

"The soul never disappears." Mike looked back at Zac. "Like the material of this world, it will change, but it will not disappear."

"It makes no sense." Zac directly shook his head to deny that it was the disapproval caused by the vampire's understanding of the world. "We have seen enough changes in the soul, wandering souls, shadow figures, angels, demons, ghosts ... "It is not necessary to list them all." If you want to compare the soul to matter, it will change but not disappear. This world, with the history created by human beings in this world, the world should be flooded with souls. "

Sam interjected, "The Lord's faith stole ..."

"The history of the Holy Lord's faith does not run through the history of mankind." The devil Mike, said the lie at the beginning of the scriptures. Have you seen it, the genesis of the opening chapter.

Zac glanced at Mike. Forget it, this devil's position has always been this ... true. He said what he said. But the meaning is that we have to understand that Mike expressed that the Lord ’s faith did not steal much soul. Sam doesn't have to throw away the pot now.

Mike, "The soul of witchcraft faith returns to nature, not alien souls, illusions, shadow figures or something. The earth-bound spirit of witchcraft faith will disappear. The trees growing out of the soil become earth. Compared Become a soul of soul alien, more souls return to nature. "Mike looked at Zac," And, before the blood of the vampire, the nemesis of the soul alien is witchcraft, magic ... Material life has never made the soul alien into the world. The mainstream. "

Sam replied, "This is a fact. It was only when the vampire appeared with the demon that the wizard found out that he was clearly an alien soul, but he was immune to witchcraft. The Holy Lord believed in alien soul. The restraint of witchcraft on the alien soul gradually It ’s a way for other soul aliens in the Wizarding Alliance to fight against the Holy Lord ’s belief in soul aliens. For example, there are a lot of Barton soul aliens around Spira. "

Zac nodded slightly, this thing, Zac personally experienced it, it was clear, at the same time, he remembered the purgatory guard Leo, the explanation of Banlin-Banlin was misunderstood by the current belief system as a product of the ancient beliefs, It is the same as the relationship between Holy Lord belief and vampire. But the fact is that Ban Lin is a product of escaping from his previous beliefs-Ban Lin wants to survive in this world, so he can only seek a new way of survival under the rules of belief at that time.

Then think of it this way, the general soul aliens, such as shadow people, are escaping the fate of witchcraft beliefs or holy Lord beliefs, and forcefully maintain their independence to remain in the soul of this world.

Mike continued to try to give an example, "I believe that since humans invented ..." Mike shook his head, looked around, and finally looked at the chair they were sitting on, and pouted, "Behind the chair, the chairs of this world are also coming There are more. But, the total amount of wood in this world has decreased. "

Does this demon really compare human beings and souls to a cheap artificial creation?

Zach also understood Mike's meaning a little bit, "You want to say something like material conservation." Then this topic can't go on. So far, we humans have not figured out the total amount of matter on our great earth. Even we humans have tirelessly continued to explore the unknown substances of this world for generations, thinking of Faer's use of these substances to make artifacts.

Well, when did the aliens who did not contribute anything to the world have explored how many raw materials are used to make souls in this world? ?

But Mike, he just went on with this topic, "We, the Lord ’s faith, do n’t know how many souls this world can make, so the Lord relies on time to create a past that lasts forever-hell, and an infinitely stacked future -Heaven. Two infinite spaces to accommodate the soul of this world. "


Zac pursed his lips and patted his pocket to calm Sam. "If I remember correctly, we are talking about the mourning banshee."

"She came to the **** in Patton to find Papa at midnight. She asked Jessica to talk to Papa at midnight. She was tired. She disappeared in **** and was reborn a sufficient number of times. Her only, not in hell, The conservative soul has no expectations of hell, she will go home. "

"Conservation." Zack asked.

"In this world, we don't know how much the soul can reach. So we can only regard the soul as infinite." Mike is about to end. "But in hell, it's not infinite. There is only one source, the mourning banshee. Her Belief, the soul will not disappear. A soul for one person is a soul. ”Mike looked at Zack ’s pocket.“ We can torture her, tear her, and take away her mark of soul. There is only one **** you believe in. The source of her soul reserve, born, will always be her **** of witchcraft faith. "

Although Mike's face gave him a respect that did not match his demon status, there was only one fact, "You think we can help Papa to talk to midnight and take away the mourning banshee."

"Jessica asked me to look for Boque Quinn." Mike, looking at the sky at 45 degrees, "but I don't like him. I should be Grande's neighbor."

Too. The title of Grande's neighbor was only occupied by a church of the Son for more than ten years. Mike just went to Newton to make a tolerance. The title was gone.

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