Noor district is not a sea-view room with a private beach, but an ordinary single-family house on the west. The curtain behind the window on the second floor was opened, and Mr. Pixar showed a face behind the window.

"Snow stopped." Mr. Pixar shouted back into the room, then froze for a moment and shook his head. He just forgot to forget that his son had hung up.

But apart from the amnesia at this moment, in general Mr. Pixar handled his bereavement's performance quite calmly. No more emotions, disappeared by the window, and entered the bathroom.

It is normal washing. I do n’t know how long it will take. Take a look at Mr. Pixar ’s bedroom.

In addition to the cross-related objects hanging on the wall, the holy statues, etc., it is worth noting the daily furniture. The thin cloth of gauze covers most of the utensils, and it looks like the entire bedroom, except for the bed to be used for sleeping and the wardrobe for use. This is the way to leave home.

Pixar came out and sorted out his appearance in front of the closet, the clothes to go out.

Leaving the bedroom, he turned a corner in the hallway and entered a room that seemed to be a study. The same gauze covered most of the utensils, leaving a desk with letter paper on the table.

Pixar picked up the letter that should have been written last night at the desk. The beginning is-Herman, add a colon.

Unable to read more, Pixar had folded the letter, put it in the envelope that was to be set aside, sealed it, and stuffed it into his pocket. You should send a letter when you go out.

Go downstairs.

It is estimated that Pixar is really leaving this house. If the room on the second floor is still used, some functional furniture is still kept. The first floor is almost completely covered by gauze. It matched with the world covered with snow outside first, white.

the phone is ringing.

Pixar hesitated for a moment, presumably too lazy to go upstairs, and went straight to the living room to answer the phone.


Pixar's footsteps were still walking towards the phone, but his gaze was uncontrollably fixed on the strange man sitting on the sofa covered with gauze. What a fat man ...

Illegal invasion?

It seems not. The man flipped through the newspaper after reading it, glanced at Pixar, raised his finger slightly, and flashed the lights and bells under the gauze, "You first."

Pixar blinked, shook his head blankly, and chose the latter irrationally in the intrusion of his home by strangers and the increasingly harsh ringtones that had been ringing in a quiet environment. Lifting the gauze and picking up the microphone, "Pixar." The gaze was still uncontrolled by the man sitting in his living room.

"It's me, Blake." There was a talk over the earpiece. "I'm off. I probably won't be able to come with you today." Blake's voice felt a little irritable. "But I should have some time at noon. We are in Bay. Let ’s have a meal at a place in Qiyo, before I leave ... "

Pixar's eyes were taken back, frowning, and his face was irritated. "How many times have I said, I don't need you to accompany you, nor do you need to send you. Work is done when the vacation is over, you work on behalf of the mayor, concentrate ! I don't need you ... "It seems to be the feeling of a normal elder education junior.

Wow, it's the voice of a strange fat man flipping through the newspaper. Then there is no warning, "Blake, is the PR of the mayor's office. Work ..." He seems to be doing reasoning in combination with the news in the newspaper, "Is Mayor Barton experienced at the Mary Church yesterday, hey, attack? . "

Pixar stared at the strange fat man ...

"Still, the Barton-Newton urban relationship that happened between the two mayor candidates."

"Mr. Pixar? Mr. Pixar? Are you still there?" Blake in the receiver asked twice.

"I, I'm still there." Pixar struggled so hard that he pulled his sight on the strange fat man back and stared at the phone. "I still have something. Hang up." Really hung up.

Take a deep breath to adjust your emotions and turn your hands to the strange fat man without leaving the microphone. Something has been lost, solemnly, "Who are you! Why are you at my house! Answer me, or I will call the police!"

This is logical. But it seems, useless—

"Are you calling the police? It's more useful than running the police when you run out of time." The strange fat man closed the newspaper. The fat fingers pinched the newspaper in half. The fat body moved on the gauze covered sofa. "Take your newspaper's I found this in your mailbox. "

It's incredible, a shoe-sized package just didn't know how it was blocked behind this guy's body. Threw it to Pixar in front of the phone.


The parcel fell to the ground, and the touch of the ground was full of weight.

Pixar didn't pick it up, normal people wouldn't pick it up. But the rhythm of Pixar's questioning seemed to be interrupted by this inexplicable action-just judging by the clues now obtained, can someone determine whether this strange fat man is good or evil?

Pixar glanced at the package right in front of his feet, which had been opened. The postal seal that was cut smoothly was blocked by the opened package and could not be seen.

But in the opened parcel box, you can clearly see the manuscript that has been opened.

"A letter was attached." The strange fat man was playing with his fat fingers, without tone. "It's a woman named West. She seems sorry to meet you for a meeting at the Church of the Son on Saturday. make up."

Pixar froze again. Humans, sometimes it ’s really impossible to describe them, and they always leave the window inexplicably at critical moments, "What is this?"

"The letter said that it was a novel written by her friend. A man named Zachary Grande was the main character." The strange fat man shrugged, if the edge of his huge body could still be regarded as a shoulder, "Little turned For a moment, it's too long to want to watch. "

"Zha, Zac ?!"

The strange fat man raised his eyebrows. Ibid., If he had a hair squeezed in meat that he didn't know how to describe, it was a brow. "Oh ~ do you know?"

Of course. Who doesn't know Zac? But now is not the time to talk, it is time to follow Pixar's thinking.

The protagonist written by Ms. West's friend.

About Ms. West's friend, about the protagonist written by this friend. Starting from these two points, Pixar knew something.

So, putting aside everything in real life, all the newspaper analysis of Barton's funeral industry; accidental funeral owners who were called friends by Blake; people who forcibly held their son's funeral; people who were persuaded to take care of the detainees at midnight ... Yes, information about Zachary Grande.

What did Ms. West with the cat mask say at the rally that blew up?

Maybe it's ridiculous. Pixar began to tremble, and he remembered that he had asked Zac the question before he fell asleep after taking medicine in Grande—

"Do you know vampires?"

This should have been a topic of time-consuming talk to avoid Zac ’s role-playing ...

"Your heartbeat is changing impermanently." The strange fat man spoke again. "What do you think?"

The most urgent logic finally returned: "I don't know you! Go out! I call the police!" Pixar really picked up the microphone and started dialing with the other hand.

The phone disappeared.

Pixar held the microphone in one hand and dialed in one hand, but the thing touched by the end of the finger was not a dial, but a huge, fat, creepy hand that replaced the location of the phone.

The weirdest? It's the line connecting the microphone and the phone, yes, that kind of line that is twisted and twisted to meet the stretching needs. At one end, at the end of the microphone Pixar lay on his face. At the other end, on the back of that fat hand.

Like anyone with a blank brain, Pixar ’s gaze, along the swaying phone line, along the thick, bloated arm like a leg, along the broad outline that almost obscured his entire field of vision ...

This stranger, huge enough to resemble a human, has red eyes. All the red in Erosion Pixar's vision.

"You have not answered my question, human."

what is the problem? !

"Do you know this Zachary Grande?"

"I ..." I didn't know the two words-my home is white! White that matches the outside world! No red!

Pixar turned around and ran when the red moment of disillusionment in the field of vision.

"Huh." The strange fat giant raised his hand.

Although as always, this monogram is marked with Roman numerals to mark the beginning of the timeline, which is the perspective of Mr. Pixar. But I hope that, with God ’s perspective, we have guessed what this fat stranger is.

Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, Pixar's body, which had probably only taken one step, was turned over like a ragged bag, and turned back to this huge 'giant'.

The red eyes were closed, and the fat on the forehead cracked in a crack.

The slit opened, red, the third eye.

"Answer me, do you know Zachary Toledo."

The world has been covered by red. Pixar could not regain consciousness under this eye.

but. Something went wrong, Pixar didn't know the answer to this question-Zacary Torredo? Who?

The huge body is melting.

The creeping flesh was twitching, reddening, and strangely showing blood vessels. It seemed as though I could hear the clatter of blood rushing through that squirming meat! The huge silhouette shrank in the blood flow of countless interlaced, rushing to the third eye of the forehead.

"Huh!" The questioner whose body is melting seems to be losing patience, "Zacary Torre ... *! Grand!"

"Know!" There was no resistance.

"Where is he ?! Is it in this manuscript ..." The manuscript that was quietly wrapped in the ground, "The place called Grand Funeral Home?! *! * !!!" It doesn't matter anymore, it's pure emotional venting—

The third eye closed, and after consuming nearly half the volume of this huge body, it closed.

The world is back to white.

Pixar's eyes regained their proper look. Pixar turned around again and ran when the strange fat man left his body with his shrunken but still fat arms and pressed his forehead.

Only this time, I'm afraid I didn't take a step forward.

Didn't the cracking sound of the bone just now exist. Pixar collapsed to the ground like a monkey with a bone removed.


The phone disappeared for a while and fell in front of Pixar's eyes. The very heavy feet stepped into Pixar's sight.

It seemed like to sigh, "It's useless. Gee, it doesn't matter anymore. Grand Funeral Home ... No." The box containing the manuscript was dragged to the border of Pixar's field of vision, picked up, and disappeared into the field of vision, " West and her friends. "Footsteps stepped out of Pixar's vision.

The world is quiet.

There was a little movement. It was a breath, a bit long, as if it was the last time in life.

Pixar looked at himself, and Pixar, lying on the floor with himself, unexpectedly bent a smile in the corner of his mouth, "Is it hallucination, huh, I looked at myself."

"Not an illusion." Another Pixar said, "It's me, Toby."

Consciousness is probably really falling apart, don't try to find logic in the dialogue that happened at this time.

"Yeah, Toby. I always think you inherited my nose, but I think your mother's nose looks better. You should follow her, and don't look the same as me."

The other Pixar rolled his eyes. "No, father, you are dying, all you see is yourself."

"Yeah. Is it really an illusion, hehehe ..."

"Why are you talking to him nonsense, ask him!" Third, the third Pixar appeared, also lying on the floor, his head clinging to the first two Pixars, with an impatient look, "Ask him for body! You don't want him now Really die now! "

The second Pixar, yes, the one who rolled his eyes, "But he is my father, and I feel a little weird when I possess it. It would be better to let him die and become a ground-bound spirit, and see what I really look like."

The third Pixar said, "Are you stupid! Become a terrestrial spirit and then? You let your father glance at you, hey, he guessed he wouldn't see it, he just began to reappear death, and then went to heaven for the faith trial You think it ’s just like you, there ’s Jackson ’s stupid deliberate action to delay your trial! Do n’t do this kind of hope, no one knows when the faith trial will appear! This is your only chance to save your father ’s life! "

"Oh." The second Pixar looked back at the first Pixar and blinked, "But it's still weird, this is my father's body ..."

The first Pixar, smiling, closed his eyes. Who can think of it, the hallucination before death is so ...

"Uh, hell, let go, you don't come to me!" The third Pixar moved.

The Pixars disappeared. Standing up is the only Pixar, with twisted, corrected dislocations and broken bones.

The black shadow raised a tentacle on the surface of the gauze, "Wandel? Is it you?"

"Otherwise!" "Mr. Pixar" twisted his body. "At most two days, hey, that Zmich was too heavy to start!"

"How about father?"

"Here." The twisted body still patted his head, "Place it in the corner to give him time to accept it all."

"Then, what shall we do now?"

"Save your father! Vampire blood!"

"Go to Grand?"


"Don't you go?"

"Don't make me think about it!"


This thought took about three minutes in Pixar's limited life.

"I don't want to be involved in Zac's affairs! That Zmish just didn't look good, did you see it? The third eye! That's Torrido's enchanting pupil! I don't want to explain to Zac I do n’t know what ’s unclear! ”'Mr. Pixar' face was irritable.

"Then what should we do?"

"Sibella, there is vampire blood in Sibella! We can 'borrow' a little, she won't find it! Then anyway your father is going to leave this dangerous Patton, we deal with the rest of him and send him out of Patton ! "

"Then let's go to Spira." The little black tentacles began to move.

"Wait a minute!" "Mr. Pixar" looked tangled, "but we can't not remind Zac at all! He is ultimately the most important guy in Button now! Well, we have to remind him!"

"Oh, what do we do?"

"Huh, Toby! Can you use it a little bit ?!"

"Me, am I still learning from you ..."

"You are a shadow man! It's not a brain ... er, forget it." 'Mr. Pixar' covered his head and started talking to himself, "How do I remind Zack, how do I remind Zack, I want What a reminder ... have! "

'Mr. Pixar' picked up the phone on the floor, and when dialing, it seemed like a premature murmur, "I want Zac to realize that Zachary Grande's identity has already equated the vampire somewhere, I want Zac to know that something is happening here in Pixar, hey, **** Madison, send manuscripts everywhere! And that West ... "Don't vomit, dial, super slow," I, I want to get rid of my participation Traces, when Zac appeared, he resolved all Pixar ’s private affairs and sent him out of Patton! Disappeared! Um! That ’s it !!! "

The phone was connected, and Zac answered the phone astonishingly fast.

"Mr. Pixar" is no longer necessary for performances, the tension in that moment is real enough, "Yes, is it, Zacree Grande?"

Zac over the receiver.

"Mr. Pixar?"

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