The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Volume label

Some things belong, you know it will happen, but you are not sure what will happen at that point in time. Similar to a negative attitude towards being living. Of course, negative is only for human beings, because human life is too short. Anything that has been crowned as "being" for less than a hundred years is very pitiful-you will only occupy such a short period of time in this long-existing world, and you will be robbed by others, passive Gave a section of Roman numerals that should belong to you to others ...

Uh, everyone, either you have discovered what I am about to express, or you just think I am talking nonsense ...

Madison came to Grande in the moonlight of the east.

Zac was waiting for Sam to return on the back porch, watching Madison parked against the back porch, got off the bus, stuffed his heavy briefcase into Zac's arms, and then looked directly at Zac.

Zac weighed the briefcase in his arms and knew it was Madison's manuscript without opening it. "What are you doing?"

"Everyone has seen it, and you should too." Madison said calmly.

Zac opened the briefcase only to give Madison due respect, but only glanced at the huge manuscript inside, then, "Why so many? The manuscripts you have given to others are obviously not thick."

Zac clearly had a seat beside him, but Madison did n’t sit down. He stood in front of Zac and looked at the reluctant Zac. The protagonist, you are everywhere. "

Although Madison said no tone, Zac just felt that this was not praise.

Zac pulled the briefcase helplessly, and it took a little time to pull out the manuscript completely and put it on his lap.

Human beings cannot read effectively in this night, vampires can.

But Zac did n’t want to read it. He turned the manuscript according to the bound manuscript, and the whole manuscript seemed to be bound into many copies. Soon, Zach raised an eyebrow--

He flipped through the bound manuscript at will, "Is this a separate volume?"


"Well. It ’s strange. Although you said I ’m the protagonist, I ’m everywhere ~" It ’s intentionally emphasized again. "But, it seems that except for the beginning of your story, the first volume, it ’s me, and the rest is all others. The story. "Zach shook several copies casually," Kepler broke up at Noor Beach with Jimmy Yuri, Dylan's girlfriend went to Boyson to buy Valmina, and Drake was on the way to Patton. Picked up by Spella, Georgina was brought back by Robert to Patton, and a bunch of teenagers spoiled the return party of the Yuri family ... "Zac turned to the final roll, raising his eyebrows a little higher," Sai Reese ’s embarrassing morning ... "Because of the approach of the timeline, Zacto stayed for a while," on the bus that burst out. "Looking up at Madison," Do you really want to write me? " "

"Is there any difference to you in the beginning of each volume." Madison said nothing. "Anyway, you will find a way to intervene." I don't know what Madison is expressing, probably just talking nonsense ... Yes. , I am deliberately repeating the word-"You are immortal, you will always find a way to intervene in the short life of these poor people who started each volume of me, and then, completely change and turn others' stories into yours."

"It's not fair." Zac actually retorted, and the ghost knew whether he was sincere. The example was in his hand. "Nuo was attacked by a hunter looking for 'Colt' in his home, and Ike was about to die. Come to Barton to find me, Austin bumps into Bumi Revenge Georgina ... "Take it at hand, every copy is an example," It's not that I want them, it's their business that finds me. I should do What, ignore it? "

"Yeah, how could the protagonist ignore any matter in the supporting role in his own story." Madison actually spoke in an unusually detached tone. "That's the story of fart." The eyes don't know where it's drifting, it's messy. It happened to be with the two people who came out-

Charlie and Russell.

Madison ’s eyes flashed, but he quickly withdrew and did something that made Zach speechless-he pulled a manuscript from Zac ’s men, hesitated, and pressed Russell into his arms. You should take a look. Do you want to know why Zack ’s attitude towards him has always been strange? The reason is here. ”

Ah ~ Russell is also the beginning of a certain Madison story ~ Isn't it, the volume where Sloane returned.

Russell was naturally ignorant, he didn't know Madison.

But if everyone is curious why Russell and Charlie are only coming out of Grand now. Is such that:

In the afternoon, Charlie was actually out of the basement, in order to show Russell his ability to walk in the sun as a friend.

Now he was only accompanied by Russell while he was at Grande dinner. Do n’t look at the brightest night of the month, but it ’s actually the relationship of the seasons, it ’s just dinner time.

Oh yes, two friends have already said what they should say. The betrayal and abandonment of those dog blood ... no longer exists ~

Although Zack was helpless about Madison's behavior, he also had doubts, "Madison, how do you know something?" At the same time, Charlie and Russell should go where they are going, and don't be in a daze here.

Madison watched the pair of friends walk down the back porch and return to the staff area before looking back at Zac. They did a very simple act—removed the hat and pointed a frizzy head at Zac. “You Did you see anything? "

"I saw that your hair is like x hair. You should not wear a hat, you should give your hair room to grow."

I hope you have n’t forgotten how Madison, who has allowed her hair to start growing again after baldness, has seen her hairstyle for a while. Because, the content mentioned below is related to that period of time.

Yes, it was Madison ’s ability to awaken during that time ...

"I mean color." Madison twitched the corner of his eyes, put on his hat again, and covered the color of the hair.

Zac was a little surprised, "What happened just now, you changed the future?" As far as Zac's knowledge is concerned, Madison's hair will only change color when the future is changed, isn't it ~

"Incomplete." Madison turned his head. "Sometimes, I will experience some ... well ..." Consider the words, "What's going to happen. Then, when you look back, I will find what I experienced just now. It has n’t happened yet. ”The sight fell on Zac.“ It took me a while and I did n’t get it. Well, the secret of this ability, but, sometimes, it ’s very convenient, I can know what I do n’t know, Because I have experienced it once, and when I get back to it, instead of going through it step by step again, I write it down. "

Madison began to write in Zach ’s arms that “You ’re hiding in Kozil ’s pretense to die, and many things I wrote in this way.” Shrugging, “If it ’s not for you, even if you suffer Limited, but still magically exerting your influence on everything, I really feel like I ’m not writing your story. "

Zach roughly understood, "So just now, you experienced your ability again, right." Prompted Madison not to deny, "I see your eyes change."

"Yes." Madison didn't deny, "I just 'visited' Russell and Charlie. I knew all the conversations they had in the basement, and they knew they were unhappy, how to re-accept the relationship of friends, I ... "Inexplicable began to fall ill." You can make up this paragraph when you go back, and you should still be in this volume ... "

Zac: "No." is an indescribable ... nausea, "you can't write." With absolute command tone, "If I didn't feel wrong. You just said to Russell, why did I treat him 'S attitude is very strange. If you really have the kind of ability you just said, you may have mastered the reason why I don't like Russell. "Looking at Madison, he asked Madison to respond in order to remove the words. in case'.

Madison responded, "You are not wrong. Although you are hiding in Kozil, no one may come in contact with you and listen to your journey, but I know. You are jealous. Charlie got a thousand miles. A friend who apologizes to a friend, and what you get is Eli who crosses the ocean and looks at his work. "

Zac frowned, and for the first time showed a fateful expression. Shaking his head, "Then I forbid to continue to use my Russell and Charlie reconciliation in your book to continue to express my emotions."

Madison couldn't hold back and grunted, "You forbid me to show my protagonist."

"Yeah." Zac is very simple. "Because your protagonist can kiss your neck now, not gentle." Zac is very straightforward. "So, you will distinguish it now. Now, at this moment, yes What you have not experienced yet is still reality. Then choose whether you want to try me. "

As everyone knows, how did ‘I’ end up with the occasional guest Zach snack pot? Well, ‘I’ tried it, occasionally. Sometimes it's a fluke, sometimes it's not so lucky.

At this moment, Madison counseled, for the first time, to be honest with Zac about his ability, understandable.

Zac also specifically waited for Madison to reply, knowing Madison did n’t dare, and did n’t wave his hand in joy, “This is a very recent thing, what happened before?” He flipped through the manuscript, “Many things are You should n’t know. "

"I have Lyon." Madison replied honestly. "When he was not expelled. The demons are the most aliens in Barton. They are everywhere in the true sense. And I don't know if everyone has already I ’m used to demons in this city, and no one cares about them anymore, so he can give me a lot of material. "

Zac nodded and added, "And most of you, as the characters at the beginning of each volume, are humans, they don't know the devil." It means it's easier to provide Madison with content.

Then, "Matthew will go to the mill every day to get a work report, so I can basically grasp what you did when you were in Grande. You will always find someone ..." Little taunt, "Find someone to share Before, most of it was Benjamin, and after the appearance of Mokawi, it was Louise. "Madison was a little selfish and confirmed," That, now Benjamin has left Grand, Matthew ... "

Zac knew what Madison wanted to ask, so he answered directly, "Matthew will stay in Grande, you can rest assured, your source of intelligence is very solid." The anti-sneer returned.

What a harmonious relationship between author and protagonist ~

Madison had nothing to worry about, looking at Zach's random manuscripts, quiet for about half a minute, somehow, "Why did Maitreya want me?"

Zac's disgusting feeling reappeared, staring at Madison, "What did you do!"

Madison was very direct, took off his hat, and showed a curved, colored x hair to Zac, "I said I can't master that ability."

Uh, so at that moment, Madison obviously got some ‘materials’ again.

Zac frowned, thinking for a while, "I don't know what we said in the future that I haven't experienced, but since you asked such a specific question, you should think I will ask back." Zac looked at Madison, "When Maitreya went to find you, he didn't find it, where were you."

"I'm in West." Madison frowned, "He lives in Becky, beyond your simulated world."

"In the middle of the night?" Zac wanted to confirm.

"Why, she is my friend, is it strange that I stayed at a friend's house in the middle of the night."

Zac doesn't want to continue this topic because Ms. West, we know that this is what Zac doesn't want to touch, it's ... forget it.

Zac shook his head and continued to Madison, "Since you know it is not in the world I know, what do you expect from me to give you the answer?" Too lazy to continue talking to Madison.

Madison didn't respond. "What happened to Maitreya in the simulated world you collected?"

"Are you in your uncontrollable ability, didn't you ask."

Maddison was honest, "No, I didn't have time, I'll recover." Hey. I don't want to say it.

"I don't know." Zach shook his head. "I only knew he came to me and asked where you were. I didn't have time to ignore him. Because of his departure, Eve found an opportunity to persecute the Yuri family. . I have more important things to deal with, so. "

Needless to say, I just don't know anyway.

Madison stopped questioning, and continued to watch Zack flip through the manuscript.

Knowing that Zack stared at Madison, "Do you still have things, leave without anything, I don't want you to stay with me now."

Madison did n’t resist, still the sentence, "I said I couldn't control it." But still obediently left the back porch and got into his car, "I don't know why I have this ability, if you If you know ... "

Not finished, "I don't know." Zach didn't look at Madison, "I don't want to know." It was just emotion.

Madison did not continue to answer the call, got in the car, and started. Before leaving Grand, he knew Zac could hear, "Do you have any suggestions for your story."

"No ..." Immediately changed his mouth, "Yes, why is your order not marked, I don't even know where to read it now." Hey, which guy turned it over, Madison handed the manuscript to him At the time, but the order is good.

"Go ahead and mark yourself, anyway, you can't know the order of everything." Madison opened away.

Zac, shook his head, and took over the pen that Louise, who had actually been hiding aside, listened to it, "Quick bid ~ I want to see ~"

Zac was speechless for a moment, and could only turn out his most certain first volume. The only story he appeared as the opening chapter was marked with I.

"Uh, why are Roman numerals?"

"I don't know, it feels like ..."

Now that Zach has said so, give me a name. At the beginning, I did n’t talk nonsense.

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