The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Discounted grand

Zac did n’t know much about the modern medical system, but after trying his best, he put Pixar in the hands of a nurse who seemed responsible, and began to resist his temperament at the hospital, looking for his brother.

In the "simulated facts" that deviated from the timeline, Drake did not appear, but this does not mean that Drake did not experience the end. On the contrary, Zach felt that the characters not included in the incomplete world experienced worse- —

Waking up overnight, almost one-third of the city's population disappeared, died, or shattered for no reason. Ordinary people do not know that these people who usually live beside them ... not people, or people who are closely related to things that are not human, disappeared in a ‘civil war’ that suddenly broke out all night.

Zac ’s desire to find Drake is naturally not a fact of wanting to talk to Drake about another world, but ... a special emotion that makes Zack feel that he should need to tell Drake some things— —'If one day, Grande disappears along with something that affects the entire city, don't have any meaningless ideas, and it has nothing to do with you. Grand Ben should have ceased to exist from the moment that Old Grand died. Just as if Benjamin and I did n’t find Grande in Barton, and you did n’t come to Barton to find Grande, continue your life and forget about it. ’

Let's call this emotion human nature. Doomsday belongs to aliens and people who have been deeply involved with aliens, not those of ordinary innocent humans, not Drake. Zac wants to help Drake avoid the end.

Of course, Zac does n’t say it exactly as he did above. He will whitewash and decorate it, saying in a way acceptable to Drake, the human head ...

"Hanke?" Zack looked at the old Hank sitting at the end of the corridor, frowned, and accelerated his pace.

Old Hank saw Zack, an old, wrinkled face that looked like a rag, and it was instantly the same as sassafras. It's impossible to avoid, just sit there and don't move.

Zac stood in front of Old Hank. He was very disrespectful. He moved his chin. He pulled and pushed his arms, legs, and feet for a long time, and finally got his face. Before, breathe. Say something like, "Why are you here? You are very healthy, just a little tired."

Zac's first reaction was actually concerned about the health of Old Hank.

Old Hank pushed Zac's face away, "Let's do it so close!"

Zac pouted and gestured to the surroundings, "Environmental interference is too much." It was the reason why he had reached the old Hank's health conclusion for a long time. "How are you here?" Asked again.

Old Hank grunted and turned away, not wanting to answer.

Then, Zac can only guess the answer by himself. "You, come to Drake?" Zac glanced at the door at the end of the corridor. On the top of the door was "Surgery area, non-medical personnel are prohibited from entering".

People do n’t think that Zach is looking for someone in an environment that he does n’t like, just use his smiling skin to face a little nurse, and ask "Where is Dr. Grande?" Guide him here.

Old Hank gave a heavy nasal sound, which seemed to be correct. Just looking away at Zac, "What are you doing here! The Lord knows that you guys don't need to come to this place!"

Zac shook his head helplessly and sat down beside Old Hank. "I, too, find Drake." It must be emphasized. naive.

Our childish vampire glanced at the person sitting in the seat opposite, looking like a family, leaning together leaning against each other, it was like sleeping for a long time. This reminds Zack--

"How long have you been waiting here?" Zack glanced at Old Hank.

Old Hank was too lazy to look at Zack, and asked, "What time is it now."

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Huh, 24 hours!" Old Hank answered.

Zac frowned. "Did you eat? Sleep? You won't sit here all day ..."

Zac's caring blame failed to say the whole thing, "I'm an old man, do you know what it means to be old!" Old Hank stared at Zac, "meaning that even if I thought that was impossible! I couldn't hold it. ! "

Uh, such a full-bodied look is completely unable to corroborate his own words. But Zac was not good at talking back, the nurse who came over motioned to apologize, and pressed old Hank, "You can lower your voice, this is the hospital."

"Huh!" Old Hank was quite obedient and lowered his volume. "Drake came out once in the middle of the night and fell asleep before saying a few words." He was impatient with himself, "It depends on who he is. It ’s too heavy, and I ’m embarrassed to wake him up, and then I fell asleep. He woke up again when he woke up. ”The wrinkled eyelids lifted up, and looked at the sleeping family across from him,“ At noon An intern came out and informed the progress of the operation, saying that it would be at least four or five hours. "It seems to be recalling something," what about heart bypass surgery, what I don't understand, it is time-consuming anyway. "

Zac opened his mouth and said, "Heart bypass." Zac's repetition was not his understanding. He just used a vampire's straightforward understanding of the language. It felt like this ... something that he couldn't release after hearing it. Is the heart something that can be bypassed? At least Zac couldn't let his blood go by his heart.

"Hey!" Zach suddenly beckoned to a nurse. "You, come here and explain, heart bypass surgery."

Old Hank may be instinct. When the redness in Zac's eyes enveloped him, he photographed Zac, but he was stopped by Zac as soon as he was ready to speak.

The little nurse hadn't come over yet, the door of the operating room opened.

"Family of **** is ..." The whole family who had just slept stood up like a clockwork, wrapped up the doctor in an instant, and the overlapping voices rushed to him "Is the operation over? Father? , Grandfather, husband, brother, how are you? ”

Zac felt that it was not a good time to continue to acquire knowledge. He waved his hand to the nurse who came by and recovered the redness.

"Um ..." The surrounded doctor seemed a little flustered, "No, no. Hug, sorry ..."

"Sorry? Why do you have to say sorry? !!!" Someone started to get excited. Zac and Old Hank both saw the shaking doctor from the crack. The rare opinions of the two were in agreement, and they looked on without making any noise.

"No, no!" The doctor shook his head vigorously and panicked completely, "I mean the operation is not over! Mr. Xx is very good ... uh, no, not very good ... wait! Wait a minute! Please don't Excitement, don't, don't catch me, please ... "

"Let the doctor talk!" There are reasonable relatives.

"Thank you." You can hear the doctor breathing in a breath-taking envelop. He spent almost four or five seconds adjusting his emotions. "The bypass was successful."

Overlapping relief, but was interrupted immediately by the gas lift-the doctor's words did not finish:

"But Dr. Grande found a perforation in Mr. xx's interventricular septum, the size cannot be repaired ..."

I was interrupted. "What do you mean you can't fix it by saying" hole "?" The interrupted person twitched their fingers together and squeezed them together. They probably only held the size of a needle.

"Hole." The doctor tried to explain, circled with his fingers, "The blood flow that was originally divided by the interventricular septum will divert in reverse ..."

Was interrupted again. This is what people are like. The more they do n’t understand, the easier it is to be self-righteous, especially in this eager to be “optimistic”. “But you said before that bypass surgery requires blood flow to the heart to be cut off, right? Blood flows from that machine! There is no need to go through the extracorporeal circulation of my father ’s heart, right! My father ’s blood does not have the reverse shunt of what you just said, right ?! "

"Oh!" Old Hank called, because Zac hurt him.

Zac released old Hank, grabbed his hand, and continued to look at the doctor.

"Uh, yes." The doctor didn't seem to know what to say next, "But, but ..."

"But this means your father, brother, husband, grandfather, husband ..." The person who helped the doctor answered was Zack, "There is no heart, I can only rely on that machine. I hope that machine can be installed in his Inside the body. "

So when people, including Old Hank, looked at the person who gave the answer, Zac, Zac was gone.

A vampire will not miss to witness a machine that can replace the heart. Therefore, our Zach is already standing behind his Grand Brothers.

"Beautiful ~" Zac exclaimed.

Every sober creature in the operating room looked at him.

"Who are you !!!" The anesthesiologist actually questioned first. But there was only this one, and the waking creature had only Drake in the spot in a moment.

"Beautiful ~" Zac's finger has been clicked on the machine next to the operating table, just like a tape player with a magnification of 20 times. The running sound of the pump can clearly see the connected pipeline, the flowing Bright red. Zac seemed to choose a direction casually, his finger moved toward the pipeline, and followed the blood flow inside to open his chest ...


It was a sticky touch. The hand in the blood-stained glove caught Zac ’s hand. It was Derek, "How do you come in ?! What happened to these people ?! Have you disinfected ?!" The questions that pop up are probably in no particular order.

Zac raised his eyebrows and easily opened Drake's hand. He said what Drake sounds should be very inexplicable-"You should be lucky I am very full now."

Zac did n’t continue to move his fingers anymore. What he should have seen, “beauty” was not his only conclusion. “You seem to be in a bad situation, brother.” Zac looked at the machine that replaced the heart , "Is there a name for this machine that obviously doesn't fit into the patient's chest?"

The instinct of a doctor, at least the instinct that Derrick showed when Grande was confronted by Maya, was to answer questions. But this instinct was suppressed, "You shouldn't be here !!!" He began to quickly cross Zac, examining the doctors and nurses who were lying on the ground.

Zac knew that Drake must rationalize his sudden appearance in his mind, and how he was instantly released to everyone. Let him go reasonably, Zac is very persistent, "What is this thing called?"

Fainting, fainting, fainting ... This is the result of Drake ’s examination, "Is this what you usually do ?! Make people faint ?!"

"Artificial, heart-lung machine." Zac found the sign himself, thinking with a crooked head. Zac will not touch the buttons on the machine, but in the explanation part, he can say, "oxygenator, and, uh, blood pump ..."

Derek, who could not answer, had already started to look at his operating room. "Where did you come in?" There was no trace of the door opening in the sterilization room. Informed relatives about the operation and the news that the doctor was in and out, "What about my intern?"

The rationalization process seems to be going smoothly. Follow him now, anyway, it will be broken soon.

Zac has lost interest in the 'beautiful' machine, because he has already said that this thing cannot fit in his chest. Then Zach also started looking for something really beautiful in this operating room, "Where did you put it?"

"I'll ask you my intern ?!" Drake stared at Zac almost fiercely, "Grand's surname is the only reason I don't call security now! So you better answer me !!!"

Zac didn't bother to bother, "Ah ~ I found it." I found the 'unrepairable' heart in the basin of medical waste. "It's really ... magical, I never thought about it. It is possible to define an organ in which a person dies. Now he is completely detached from the body and is dead here, but his master is still alive. Humans have never stopped to surprise me ~ "

Can you realize Zac's psychology? Maya will care that humans are changing human organs because of the meaning of ‘changing one thing into another’, which is the shadow of Papa ’s midnight. And Zac will care that he represents the heart of absolute life in his cognition, and can no longer define the state of life!

Zac looked around, didn't see the spare gloves, and looked at Drake, who had begun to walk to the pager, "Brother ~ Come and help him ~"

Drake glanced sideways at Zac, "You disappeared from here in two minutes!" The handset has been picked up.

"Come on, obedient." Chihong.

Don't go on. In just two or three seconds, Derek regained his consciousness, but he already stood by the operating table with a dead heart, "I, what's wrong with me ..." Too late to finish, he has already Seeing Zac try to disassemble the heart-lung machine that maintains the patient's life at this time!


Zac raised his hand with a slap, not too hard, enough for Drake to pounce on his patient's chest. Unbiased, the heart falls back where it should be.

Derek felt like he was being pulled up again, and Zac's dull voice aside, "Don't get too used to it, this is my one-off situation."

As he looked to his side, Zac was holding a No. 10 knife and squeezing it toward his wrist.

"Do you know." Zac tilted his head and looked at Drake on his side. "I came to tell you something you are not meant to understand. The purpose is to help you build your mind. What happened to Rand is irreversible, you do n’t have to worry about Grande. ”Zac raised his eyebrows, his wrist started to bleed, and flowed to the open chest on the operating table. Virtue has nothing to do with you. "

Too many things that are impossible to rationalize in the human brain are happening. Drake ’s brain is in the open chest, and the heart that has been classified as medical waste starts to stop completely when the heart of the medical waste begins to beat again.

"I'm not human. I don't know if you have heard of vampires. I'm a vampire, blood-sucking things." Zac's wrist has healed, and a drop of blood is being wiped off by Zac's finger, and it is on his lips Between, "My blood can be cured."

Zac's eyes turned away from Drake for a moment, looked at the open chest cavity on the operating table, pouted his lips, reached out and held the bone expander that fixed the chest cavity, "How to take this thing ..." Click, has been pierced The pull out came out, something that would never happen under normal circumstances-a chest door like a retractable door that can finally be closed, closed by brushing!

Zac raised an eyebrow, casually dropped the equipment in his hand, and continued to Drake, "I am not even Grand. I am just a vampire who holds your name. The Grand you found is not you at all. The Grand I want to find is me, something created by me, a vampire. So, when one day, this Grand created by me disappears, you do n’t have any ideas. "Of course I wo n’t miss it Yes, "Oh, Old Hank knows, so don't report any boring 'hope'. As for Benjamin." Zac said calmly and accepted the result, "He has moved away from Grande, I no longer represent him, so , I speak straight to myself. "

It's hard to tell if Drake is listening to Zach, because his pupils are shrinking as the knife edge on the patient's chest heals on the operating table.

Zach looked at the screen in front of the operating table. "Is those signs of this patient, are these data normal?" Zach didn't really ask, "At least in my perception, he is already very healthy. "After finishing, Zack nodded himself, and pointed the No. 10 knife in his hand to the chest of the patient who was already healthy and unmarked." For you to explain later, you still need to have an operation. " Open and clean. Zac sometimes feels uncomfortable doing things.

Nothing more was necessary, Zac walked around Drake, handed the sewing tool to Drake like a nurse, patted his shoulder, "I guess, you didn't come back for internship Is it necessary to contact the Organ Sharing Network. Heart, huh, huh, now you do n’t have to report which person ’s death will save your patient. Forget the perforation, I ’ll fix it for you. Grande ’s Brother, this is what I call the discount amount here. You can do it for yourself. "


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