There has been no clue there. Lin Xi really felt that she was about to die. He stomped Lu Beichen's hands and feet and said anxiously, "What about Lu Beichen? Why is there no clue yet?~"

Lu Beichen stretched out his hand and touched Lin Xi's soft hair, gently soothed her, and explained with a slight frown: "The other party has made a lot of preparations in advance for fear that we will find out. It will take some time to find a clue."

Hearing Lu Beichen's words, Lin Xi panicked all of a sudden: "What should I do, Yichen won't really have anything to do?"

According to what Lu Beichen said, the other party must have purposely arrested Yang Yichen, and things were not as simple as she thought.

If it’s just for money, you don’t need to spend so much time to hide anything.

Obviously there are other purposes, but what is it?

Yichen is usually so good, except for occasionally a little temperament, a little arrogant and domineering, he did not offend anyone~

Lin Xi really couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't wait in the restaurant stupidly, Yang Yichen still had no news, how could she let it go.

If something happened to Yichen, she would hate herself to death!

However, as soon as his front foot stepped out of the hotel entrance, I saw Yang Yichen walking towards the hotel entrance with his head down and listlessly.

As soon as Lin Xi saw Yang Yichen coming, the whole person couldn't believe it, and rushed to hug Yang Yichen: "Yichen, are you okay? Do you know we were scared to death just now."

Yang Yichen was stunned, "It's okay, what can I do!"

Then he freed Lin Xi's hands, bypassed Lin Xi and walked in...

Lin Xi's hand was pushed away, her arms were empty, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, her whole body was stagnant there, always feeling that Yang Yichen was not right.

But I can also feel how bad she is now, and dare not go up and disturb her.

There are still a lot of doubts in my heart...

"Yichen, are you really okay?" Lin Xi followed up and asked caringly.

Yichen disappeared for nearly an hour, and within this hour he didn’t know what happened.

She is the only one, and I don't know if she can bear it.

Yang Yichen found a chair next to him and sat down, raised his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Really? But I always think you are not quite right..."

At this time, Xiang Yi came back from outside and saw that Yang Yichen couldn't help but stagnate, and then handed the information in his hand to Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen opened the information, frowned and said, "You were caught by QB?"

When Lin Xi heard it, she suddenly remembered: "Yes, I remembered that Yichen's father's gambling organization was called QB."

"What is QB?" Su Wan'er couldn't help asking.

"It's the name of a gang, which is divided into many industries, including bars, casinos, and of course, there are also such places... If I guess it is correct, Yang Yichen's father should be the money he owes in their casino. Right?"

Lu Beichen said this to Yang Yichen.

When Lin Xi heard that Yang Yichen was indeed taken away by those people, he quickly grabbed Yang Yichen's arm and asked, "Yichen, what did those people do to you?"

As she said, she checked Yang Yichen, and Su Wan'er also ran over and sat around Yang Yichen.


Yang Yichen, who had been sitting silent for a long time, suddenly uttered a surprise, causing the people present to be taken aback.

Yang Yichen lowered his head to calm his anger, and said, "Can you please calm me down? I'm sorry I'm not in a good mood, I'll go home first."

"Yichen, I will go back with you."

Lin Xi stepped forward and took Yang Yichen's hand and said, but Yang Yichen took it down: "No, I'll just go back by myself, can go back to live with Lu Beichen tonight, I'm leaving."

As he said, they passed the crowd and went out...

Su Wan'er ran next to Lin Xi and asked suicide, "Is there nothing wrong with Yichen, right?"

"I don't know, I always think she will be very strange after coming back today."

"It should be scared, I feel that the QB organization sounds terrible."

"En~" Lin Xi looked worriedly at Yang Yichen's back and couldn't help frowning.

Turning his head to look at Lu Beichen: "Do you have a chance to find that organization?"

"of course!"

That organization was just made up of small gangsters, just to cheat some poor people.

For Lu Beichen, there is no need to use any force to find those organizations, let alone find them, even if they lift their nests, there is no problem.

"Xiang Yi, you take Su Wan'er home, and you must deliver her safely. Lin Xi and I have something to do in a while!"

"I know the boss."

After the two people left, Lin Xi looked at Lu Beichen, "How do you know what I am going to do?"

Lu Beichen smiled triumphantly and hugged Lin Xi's shoulders and said, "I just know."

How could she not know his wife's thoughts.

Lin Xi moved in her heart and gratefully looked at Lu Beichen.

She also knows that he has been very busy recently, and he has to help her with some things, put down his body to make her happy

In fact, according to his identity, he can leave these things to the people below him to do.

But he did not, instead, he did his best to do these things by himself.

She knew it was all because of her.

Biting his lip, staring at Lu Beichen's eyes embarrassedly said, "Um...I might really want to live with you today, Yichen..."

"I knew my wife wouldn't be willing to leave me alone,"


Lin Xi couldn't laugh all of a sudden. Seeing Lu Beichen's appearance dumbfounded, her mood improved a lot.

Lin Xi snuggled in Lu Beichen's arms and asked, "Do you think Yichen really will have nothing to do with her?"

Yichen's appearance today is really strange. Normally Yichen has always been lively, and suddenly becomes so quiet, everyone will feel something wrong.

And... it’s said that QB’s organizational methods are rather vicious, and it’s impossible to release people without money.

I don’t know how Yichen came back, whether they were forced to do some bad things,

I'm really worried about what happened to her, but now Yichen is obviously unwilling to be told by others, and doesn't know how to help her.

The more Lin Xi thought about it, the more worried she became. Her whole body became uneasy, her small faces wrinkled together tightly.

"Lu Beichen..."


"I want to find that QB organization now~"

"it is good!"


Half an hour later, a lively underground casino, with a bang, ushered in two uninvited guests...

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