The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset

Chapter 703 Unable to Ask (End Part 2)

Chapter 703 Unable to Ask (End Part 2)

The whole Internet went crazy for this couple, but the two parties were very low-key.

In the morning, Qu Feitai sent Ming Jing to school, and then went to the recording studio to record songs.

Ming Jing spent the whole day in the laboratory. In the past few days, because of the exposure of his love affair, many paparazzi have mixed into the school. Ming Jing simply did not even go to the cafeteria. He had some bread and mineral water at noon, and a meal was enough.

Professor. Other members of the laboratory hurriedly greeted Xie Anping when they saw Xie Anping walking in.

Xie Anping walked up to Ming Jing and shook his head: How can you be successful eating these, can your body keep up with nutrition? Come on, I'll cook a small stove for you alone.

Ming Jing said, Professor, I'm already full.

Professor Xie stared, and Ming Jing silently followed behind him.

Professor Xie is really kind to Der Spiegel. None of us are treated like Professor Xie's small talk.

Professor Xie's wife is well-known for her culinary skills. Every day, she cooks different dishes for Professor Xie. No professor would be envious.

If you have the genius of Mingjing, Professor Xie will give you some advice, but do you have any?

No one spoke.

Ding Jing is not only a genius, but also works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave. The data she conducts experiments is the most detailed and rigorous. Many problems that have not been broken through are in her hands, and they seem to be easily solved. The progress of research is advancing faster.

To her, everyone is really convinced.

Professor Xie's wife, Jun Lan, is a thin old lady with thick black hair covered in silver, clean skin, and hale eyes. The first time she saw the bright mirror, there was a flash of doubt in her eyes.

It turns out that you are the gifted student that Lao Xie often mentioned. You really have a handsome appearance, and you are blessed at first glance.

Hello, Professor, I am Der Spiegel.

Jun Lan smiled and held her hand: Are you Bo Yuxun's daughter?

Ming Jing raised his eyes in surprise.

The old man's eyes were warm and tolerant: He used to be my student. The first time I saw you, I knew you were his daughter. You two look very similar.

Xie Anping took another look at Ming Jing, and snorted, So you are that kid's daughter.

Jun Lan pulled her to sit down: When your father was young, he was the most dazzling genius in the medical school, and as his daughter, you are even better than blue.

The girl in front of her was neither arrogant nor impetuous, peaceful and gentle. After hearing this, she did not show any arrogance. It is really rare for such a young girl to have such a disposition. With time, her achievements will be even more brilliant.


Jun Lan frowned slightly.

You are sitting and chatting with your teacher, and I'm going to cook, is there any taboo?

I am a vegetarian.

Jun Lan gave her a deep look: I see.

Hualuo put on the apron and walked into the kitchen.

Professor Jun Lan's culinary skills are really worth mentioning. After Ming Jing finished eating a bowl full of rice, Professor Jun Lan kept putting it in her bowl. Later, Ming Jing couldn't eat anymore, so Jun Lan gave up.

At this time, an old man next door called Xie Anping to go downstairs to play chess. Xie Anping explained a few words, lifted the little maza by the door and prepared to go downstairs.

Wait. Jun Lan called to stop him, and took a large water glass from the kitchen and stuffed it into his arms.

Don't forget to drink water.

I got it, I got it, are you annoying? Hua Luo closed the door and left.

Ming Jing said with a smile: The affection of the professors for each other is really touching.

Jun Lan looked at the girl's smile, sighed, walked over and grabbed the girl's wrist, Ming Jing was about to break free, Jun Lan glared at her.

Ming Jing pursed his lips, Professor, I'm fine.

Let me tell you, I, Jun Lan, was born in a family of medicine. I can distinguish all the herbs at the age of three. If you try to fool my eyes, there is no way.

As time passed by, Jun Lan's brows became more and more tightly wrinkled.

She murmured subconsciously: How could this be?

Ming Jing took the opportunity to withdraw his hand: Professor, I'm really fine.

Jun Lan gave her a deep look: It's better to go to the hospital for a detailed examination, so as to clarify the cause and prescribe the right medicine.

It's very strange, the child's face has a serious illness, but the pulse is normal, is it a hidden disease brought by the mother's womb?

Qu Feitai finished his work ahead of schedule and drove to the south gate of Huaqing University. He was already very familiar with this road.

The coffee shop bought a cup of hot scented tea, and Qu Feitai put it in his pocket to warm it up. When he saw Ming Jing walking out, he walked over quickly.


The lights at the south gate flickered on and off. This side is relatively remote, and few students go through this gate, especially at night.

The two chose this place because they didn't want to be surrounded by people.

Under the light, Ming Jing's face was too pale, Qu Feitai subconsciously tightened his heart, and grabbed her hand.

The temperature of the tentacles made him frown tightly.

Why is it so cold?

After that, she stuffed the hot scented tea into her hand, Let's go back quickly.

He held Ming Jing's hand, that big palm was generous and warm, and he didn't want to let go of it after sticking to it.

Tomorrow is Saturday.

Qu Feitai looked back at her: What do you want to do?

Ming Jing walked over and leaned gently in his arms.

She is more and more greedy for this embrace.

Qu Feitai's heart went limp in an instant, and he wrapped her body tightly with the jacket. She was so thin, and the jacket just wrapped her in his arms.

Let's meet up.

Qu Feitai pursed his lips, buried his head in her hair, smelling the intoxicating fragrance, his heart was like in the clouds.

Okay, leave your day to me tomorrow.

Qu Feitai came to pick her up early in the morning. The first stop was the playground. It was the first time Der Spiegel set foot here. Because it was the weekend, there were many people in the playground. Most of them were primary school students, middle and high school students, and college couples. Also more.

When Ming Jing came out today, he deliberately made a simple disguise for himself and Qu Feitai. Ming Jing also took off his white clothes, put on the fashion Su Yinci bought for her, and wore the hat and scarf that Ming Xin wove for her. Qu Feitai, on the other hand, is wearing a sweater and jeans. Such an image makes it difficult for the public to connect the two with the image that has always been left to the public.

The innocence and romance of the carousel, the thrill and excitement of the roller coaster...the two played almost all the items in the playground.

The big pendulum was the scariest thing. Qu Fei's face turned pale when he came down from the platform, and he didn't recover from holding on to the wall for a long time.

Ming Jing handed him a bottle of water, and raised his hand to touch the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling a little worried: If I knew you were so afraid, I wouldn't have dragged you up just now.

After drinking the water, Qu Feitai waved his hands and said, A man should not be weaker than his girlfriend, right? That's impossible.

Ming Jing laughed: At this time, you are still acting brave.

Brother and sister, brother, let's buy a bouquet of flowers for the beautiful sister.

A little girl with braids ran over holding a large bouquet of roses. The roses were all packaged individually and sold separately.

Qu Feitai took out his wallet, pulled out a few RMB, squatted down, and looked at the little girl.

Your brother Hua is all gone, take the money and go home early. Qu Feitai folded the banknotes and put them in the little girl's messenger bag.

The little girl's eyes were shining brightly, Thank you brother, brother is a good man, I wish you and your beautiful sister a happy life together.

After the words fell, he stuffed all the flowers into Qu Feitai's arms, turned around and ran away with a da da da.

Qu Feitai stood up holding a large bouquet of roses, and looked at Ming Jing with a smile: Have you heard my little sister's blessing?

Ming Jing took the rose and sniffed the fragrance gently.

No wonder women like flowers, it's really romantic.

At noon, the two went to a nearby vegetarian restaurant, which was overwhelmed with customers, but fortunately, Qu Feitai had made an appointment in advance and entered the private room smoothly.

In the afternoon, I went to the video game city, as long as it was a gunfight game, Qu Feitai lost all without exception. In the end, Ming Jing's record was too outstanding, which attracted a group of young boys to watch, and there was a big and tall boy who wanted to compete with Ming Jing.

The result is naturally a worse loss.

Lost to a girl, she was still a little girl who looked thin and had little flesh. The boy's face was violent, and he was about to take off Der Spiegel's mask suddenly.

Qu Feitai held Ming Jing's waist with one hand, and when he turned around, he kicked the boy out.

The boy lost face, his face was livid, and he greeted his friend.

Qu Feitai was about to roll up his sleeves when Ming Jing grabbed his hand and ran away.

Do you want to enter the police station? It will really make headlines then.

The two ran out of the shopping mall in one breath, Ming Jing was relieved when no one caught up.

Glancing at Qu Feitai, he pointed his finger between his eyebrows: Why are you acting like a child, fighting bravely with others?

I just can't see them bullying you.

Ming Jing couldn't laugh or cry.

Then the two went to the movie theater again. While waiting for the movie to start, unfortunately, Qu Feitai was spotted by fans with eyesight. Ming Jing sensitively sensed that the girl was looking at her in the wrong way, and immediately pulled Qu Fei. Taiwan ran away.

Crazy fans are screaming and chasing behind.

The movie unfortunately fell apart.

Realizing that the two of them were being chased all day, they couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Then the two were on the hot search again.


As New Year's Day approaches, Resurrection has also started its promotional mode. The premiere ceremony is scheduled to be held at Blue Sky Cinema in Jingzhou on the 1st. The director and the main creative team are all present.

The invited media were gearing up. This was the first time Su Yinci faced the reporter's camera after his comeback, and it was really worth recording.

The audience at the premiere ceremony is divided into three types, one is fans, the free tickets obtained in the official website lottery, and the other is film critics invited by the crew. To write an objective film review, some of them are invited industry insiders, usually the producers and the leaders of the film JU.

After the screening of the movie, the meeting of the main creators will also be broadcast live on the official website. As of now, the number of reservations on the platform has exceeded one million. After Su Yinci's comeback, her influence is even greater than before.

It slapped a lot of black fans and industry insiders who saw the joke.

The auditorium was almost full. After the film opened, the audience was almost immersed in the thrilling plot. Because of the thrilling plot, some audience members could not help crying out. At the end, there were low sobs from time to time. The sound, in the flickering light, people's eyes sparkled with water.

At the end of the movie, there was thunderous applause.

The auditorium could not be calm for a long time.

Director Yu Dawei and the main creative team appeared on the stage, the media people were gearing up, and the live broadcast window pointed the camera in the direction of the door.

Su Yinci is wearing a long red dress and long hair shawl. Her hair is black and thick, making her face more delicate and delicate. With a little makeup, her national beauty can hardly be concealed, just like the most beautiful peony. .

Twenty years ago, Su Yinci used this face to kill all over the entertainment industry. Twenty years have passed, and all the fans back then have married and started families, and they are slowly entering middle age.

Time is the cruelest, it's like watching the flower bud bloom from blooming to withering, and then crushed into mud.

But she is still the same as twenty years ago, the proudest, freshest and most beautiful peony on the branch.

It was as if twenty years had passed with the flick of a finger, like yesterday.

Everyone was shocked by this face, which was the same as in memory, and was moved by the tolerance of time to her.

Time has never defeated a beauty, and Su Yinci has obtained the most perfect proof.

The appearance has not changed, but the temperament is more stretched and natural, and even more inexplicably a little more palpitating momentum, raising the eyes and sweeping lightly, makes people tremble subconsciously.

A series of exclamation marks floated across the bullet screen, and the fans were so amazed that they ran out of words.

And the scene was surprisingly quiet, only the sound of the shutter clicking kept ringing.

Yu Dawei coughed, and everyone who was reminded gradually regained their spirits.

Su Yinci held the microphone and said softly, Hello everyone, I am actor Su Yinci and single mother Jiang Xing.

Wow the scene became restless.

It was only then that everyone came to their senses. The disgraced, crazy and calm heroine in the movie just now, who was fighting wits and courage with criminals, is now this bright star in a red dress?

The contrast is too great, and when they were immersed in watching the movie, everyone didn't notice the shadow of Su Yinci on Jiang Xing. She is Jiang Xing, an ordinary woman, but she can risk her life for her daughter. .

This is the pinnacle of acting.

At this moment, the same thought flashed through everyone's minds, Su Yinci and the actress stabilized.

I remember that I couldn't help but stood up and said: Mr. Su, your acting skills are really good. I completely forgot about you when I watched it. You played this role very well. However, I have a question to ask on behalf of the audience. Let me ask you, is it convenient for you?

Questions from the media were screened by the team in advance to prevent emergencies. However, this reporter was obviously too excited and stood up without going through the procedure of raising his hand.

Of course, please ask. The woman's every move was extremely elegant.

The reporter's Adam's apple rolled, his expression was extremely excited, and the hand holding the microphone was sweaty.

This is his childhood goddess.

The first work of your comeback should be the top priority. What led to the cooperation between you and Director Yu? Is there any story in it?

This is what many people want to know.

Director Yu is the director I wanted to work with when I was young. Now that I have such an opportunity, I naturally wish for it. However, what really attracts me is the script. The role of Jiang Xing, in some ways...

Su Yinci lowered her eyes and smiled, as beautiful as a youth.

It makes up for the shortcomings in my heart.

Sounds like a great story.

At this time, a man stood up on the edge of the seat, and it seemed that his position should be the fans' area.

Secretly, Zheng Qing frowned, waved his hand, and signaled the security behind him to get ready.

Miss Su, there are rumors on the Internet that you got the resources this time because you became a mistress for a certain big shot. Is this true? The man said in a bad tone.

The audience gasped, this man must be messing around.

Fart your mother. Yu Dawei was violent and cursed directly.

The current entertainment industry is full of smog and rumors are flying all over the sky. It's all thanks to you blind people. If you can still say such irresponsible words with your eyes open after watching a movie, you can donate your eyes.

Yu Dawei is very rigid, he is not afraid of offending people, he wants to say whatever he wants to say, slandering his promising juniors is simply slapping him in the face, and he is also a sinner who hinders the development of the film.

Su Yinci didn't change his face from the beginning to the end, still smiling, just when the man was about to be invited out by the security guards, Su Yinci spoke.

I, Su Yinci, don't need a man in exchange for resources. What's more, my husband will misunderstand such unfounded rumors.

Although it was rumored that she was married and there was a lot of trouble some time ago, she did not admit it herself after all.

But now, she is equivalent to admitting that she is married in front of the media.

The fingers of journalists pressed the shutter more frequently.

And when she said I, Su Yinci, don't need a man for resources, her eyebrows were slightly raised, her eyes were calm, she was really domineering.

The man was dragged out of the back door by the security guard covering his mouth.

Excuse me, Miss Su, is your husband a legendary financial giant?

Miss Su, it is rumored that you are together with Dean Bo of the Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medicine. Is it true?

The reporters asked questions in a hurry.

Yu Dawei rolled his eyes angrily. At the premiere of the film, he was all concerned about the actor's personal feelings. Putting the cart before the horse, when will there be a tomorrow in the film industry?

The other actors were completely reduced to Su Yinci's foil, and none of the reporters looked at them, completely ignoring them.

Su Yinci raised her hand, and the scene fell silent instantly. No one noticed that they subconsciously obeyed Su Yinci's every move.

Actually, what I want to thank most is my family. Without their support and understanding, I am afraid I would not be able to continue on this path so smoothly, especially my husband.

Su Yinci looked gently towards the direction of the last row.

Everyone followed her gaze and looked back. The back row was completely dark, and only a few vague figures could be seen vaguely, but their faces could not be seen clearly.

But everyone knew that the husband Su Yinci was talking about was sitting in it.

Didn't everyone just ask why I accepted this script?

A heartbreaking sadness flashed in Su Yinci's beautiful eyes.

Jiang Xing is a person who can sacrifice everything for her daughter. Her bravery and perseverance deeply moved me. Many years ago, it was my cowardice and incompetence that forced me to abandon my daughter. After so many years, I There is not a single day that I do not live in remorse and guilt, I think, even if I were braver and stronger, my daughter would not have suffered so much for so many years...

The scene was shocked, and on the live broadcast, the barrage was even more silent.

The daughter, who was shocked by Su Yinci's sudden revelation, couldn't find Bei.

Even the actors around her looked at her in surprise.

Yu Dawei, who was the closest, took a deep look at her. She acted so hard, probably to make up for her regrets.

Su Yinci slowly raised her head and looked towards the last row of the auditorium with gentle and loving eyes.

Naughty, mom, I'm sorry.

Tears flickered in Su Yinci's eyes.

Su Yinci actually has a biological daughter, which is much more shocking than getting married.

Maybe this daughter is the truth behind her retirement.

This time, the media reporters brought their truth-seeking spirit to the extreme, rushing to the last row with the camera on.

Before the light of the camera came over, a figure stood up first, and all the cameras were aimed at her in an instant.

The girl was wearing a peaked cap, a mask, and a long black trench coat. She was thin and frail.

She got out of her seat, walked down the stairs, and walked up to Su Yinci.

Everyone held their breaths, Su Yinci, the mysterious daughter, was finally about to reveal her true colors.

The barrage was even more exciting.

The girl took off her hat and mask, and her black hair, like Su Yinci's, flowed down her shoulders.

Seeing that face clearly, everyone was amazed at the same time—as expected of Su Yinci's daughter, she has perfectly inherited Su Yinci's beauty. Compared with Su Yinci's beauty, her daughter is more aloof and refined.

If Su Yinci is a peony in the world, then her daughter is a celestial being.

Looking closely at the eyebrows and eyes, they are somewhat similar, but they are two kinds of extreme beauty.

The tea of ​​Xia Shao and the coldness of winter snow are vividly reflected in the two.

While everyone was admiring the completely different beauty of the mother and daughter, someone gradually recognized the girl.

Isn't she Ming Jing? My God, she is Su Yinci's daughter...

The fans on the barrage started to swipe the screen frantically, almost all of them were blown away by the news and couldn't find their way back.

Su Yinci touched the girl's face, her eyes were as gentle as water.

Ninny, in fact, my mother is very cowardly. She has a lot to say. I don't know how to tell you. Only when I face the public's camera, I seem to have courage in my heart.

She smiled, but there were strings of tears in her eyes.

When you were just born, you were thin and small, and you didn't cry a word. I looked at you and thought, this child is a piece of flesh that fell from my body. From now on, I am no longer alone in this world. Alone, I have a daughter who is connected by blood...

It's your mother who can't protect you, and made you suffer so much at a young age. From now on, mother will never let you leave mother.

Su Yinci suddenly hugged her and burst into tears.

Because of you, I have the courage to fight against the whole world.

My daughter, mother really loves you.

At this moment, the scene was silent.

At this moment, the audience finally understood why Su Yinci played Jiang Xing so well.

Because both of them have a motherly heart that loves their daughter deeply, and they can give everything for it.

Looking at this scene, I couldn't help it, and everyone's eyes began to moisten.

Being a mother makes it easier to empathize.

Ming Jing gently hugged her back, I never blamed you, Mom.

Su Yinci's whole body was shocked, and her tears became more violent.

She doesn't care about her image, nor does she care about being pointed at by others, she just wants everyone to know that she is Ming Jing's mother, the person who loves her the most in this world.

In the last row, in the darkness, Bo Yuxun's eyes were moist.

Qu Feitai looked at Ming Jing's figure with affectionate and gentle eyes.

Then the hot search will be lively.

Ming Jing is Bo Yuxun's daughter, and now she is Su Yinci's daughter. From this, it is known that Su Yinci and Bo Yuxun were lovers many years ago, but they separated for unknown reasons. After the breakup, Su Yinci found out that she was pregnant. She secretly gave birth to her daughter, but because of the difficult situation, she placed her in foster care.

So Ming Jing grew up in a remote mountain. She went down the mountain for her senior sister and entered Jiangzhou. In the process, she found her biological parents step by step.

Bo Yuxun and Su Yinci reunited after a broken mirror, and the family of three lived happily together.

Netizens are all comparable to Sherlock Holmes, and quickly analyzed the so-called truth based on the clues, and some netizens broke the news that the truth about Su Yinci being banned back then was actually being chased and killed by her enemies. She had no choice but to put her in foster care in order not to hurt her daughter .

Seventeen years later, the enemy who persecuted her finally fell, and she had the opportunity to reunite with her daughter and lover.

After piecing together the truth of the year, seeing the mother and daughter embracing each other at this moment, everyone felt extremely uncomfortable.

Those Hei Su Yinci's voices were completely muted, and those who mocked her for being a stepmother also disappeared.

Soon the news of Bo Yuxun and Qu Feitai's appearance at the premiere came out, and there were some blurry photos taken by the reporters, but both of them were in good shape, and fans recognized them at a glance.

——Why do the son-in-law and the father-in-law look like brothers? I really want to ask Dean Bo how he takes care of it, he is too young.

——Xiao Fei must treat our Ding Jing well. She really suffered a lot before, but she grew up so well. The charity foundation she founded has really saved many people. She is an angel.

——Because I have been exposed to the rain, I hold an umbrella for others, which is really kind to the extreme. Her parents are so lucky to have such a beautiful and kind daughter.

——To be honest, what Su Yinci said to her daughter made me cry. Only when I became a mother did I know that if someone dares to touch my daughter, I will really do my best. I heard that her new movie is about maternal love Yes, this is also the reason why she took over the film, and she has already bought tickets to support it, and I will take the whole family to watch it.

——The evaluation given by film critics is five stars, saying that Su Yinci has contributed the most explosive acting skills in the film industry so far, and the expectations are full.

——Su Yinci's acting skills are not bad at all. She was rated as the most aura newcomer many years ago, but her acting skills were ignored because of her outstanding appearance. After so many years of accumulation, she has a sense of story and even more Easy to interpret roles.

——The return of the king, let the entertainment circle tremble.

Mr. Qing is Cai Lun of Jincheng Entertainment, and the marketing accounts and black fans who smeared Ms. Su on a large scale before are also from this person. She has a lot of marketing accounts and has a good relationship with the media. She has done it in this way. A lot of newcomers.

Cai Lun's artist, Luo Ziyin, has a movie released during the Spring Festival. Fighting in this time period is already cruel, and they shot ahead of time.

Report the results of the investigation.

Zheng Qing sneered: Luo Ziyin, she finally can't sit still.

Luo Ziyin was also famous for her beauty many years ago, but she has been suppressed by Su Yinci. After Su Yinci was banned, she gradually emerged. Unfortunately, after so many years, what she left to the entertainment industry is a deep-rooted image of a vase, and her acting skills are a little bit There is no progress, and the appearance is gone, and the age is coming up, so I can only continue to play the vase of the middle-aged mistress in blockbuster movies.

After Su Yinci came back, Luo Ziyin's last advantage was completely wiped out, how could she sit still.

Zheng Qing is well aware of these dirty tricks in the circle, but it's a pity that they shouldn't have set their minds on Su Yinci.

Today's Su Yinci is no longer the rookie who was easy to bully back then.

She is in the first grade of junior high school, and I am in the fifteenth grade. If you have any tricks, just use them.


Resurrection was extremely popular, and after the relationship between Su Yinci and Mingjing Bo Yuxun was exposed, her image became more vivid and attracted a lot of fans.

After opening the Weibo account, the number of followers has increased terribly. In just one week, the number of followers has increased by 15 million.

Mingxin posted a blog to promote Su Yinci's new movie, and attached the ticket stub of the premiere.

——Teacher Su is my idol, and his acting skills are superb [Chong Chong Chong].

Ming Xin has 30 million fans, and once she posted a blog, it immediately set off another frenzy.

Only then did everyone know that Ming Xin was there at the premiere.

It was also at this time that everyone remembered that Ye Zhen's original name was Ming Xin, and she was Ming Jing's senior sister. The two grew up together, and their relationship is better than that of real sisters.

——After Mr. Su opened Weibo, the senior sister was the first to pay attention to it. Well done, senior sister.

——The senior sister has been silently guarding the mirror, and the relationship between the two is envious.

——I have knocked on the CP of Qu Feitai and senior sister before, I was wrong, is the senior sister going to call brother-in-law when she sees Xiao Fei again? Just think about it.

——The legendary top-ranking boyfriend in the Ming music scene, the mother of the national goddess, and the youngest actress sister mirror in history.

——The one upstairs also missed a brother-in-law of the popular movie star【狗头】.

—Is that what I thought it was?

—Yes, it was him.

——Dean Bo: Am I not worthy of having a name? Obviously, he is the youngest dean x youngest academician x honorary professor of Huaqing University, isn't such a title not enough to make people blind?

——Is Mingjing even better? At the age of fourteen, she won the gold medal in the CMO competition and was recommended to Huaqing University. She entered the research team of the School of Biomedical Sciences and became a core member in a short time. Professor Xie was full of praise for her. She is a scientific research genius and a future pillar of the country. To explode, such a genius doesn't need the aura of others at all, is it others who are proud of her?

Not to mention that Der Spiegel did not receive any systematic study before she was twelve years old. She is simply an unborn genius. Do you know how many people can be saved in a year by the charity she founded? Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. She grew up as a Buddhist, compassionate, indifferent to fame and wealth, and has a noble character. Don't make jokes with those messy jokes in the entertainment industry, it is purely defilement to her.

Gradually everyone fell silent.

It seems that Der Spiegel is very lucky, because her relatives and friends are glamorous big stars. Compared with them, as an amateur, she seems to be much bleak.

However, in life, the light on her body is unmatched by anyone.

On the contrary, those so-called big stars pale in comparison to her.

Those big stars are gathered together because of her, and she is the moon who is surrounded by stars.

Don't fight or grab, don't be arrogant or impetuous, the cold and gentle moon.

At this time, Huaqing University announced the results of the final exam.

Der Spiegel topped the list with the first place in the majors of the three colleges, and no one can shake it.

Across the three major fields of literature, medicine and mathematics, Ding Jing is the first student with such strong grades since the establishment of Huaqing University.

As soon as the results were announced, the school's official forum became a sensation.

No matter how good a student is, he can only specialize in one field and climb to a peak, and even the most powerful is a double break. However, Ming Jing climbed three peaks at the same time in a short period of time, which is unbelievable.

When the news of Der Spiegel’s minor came out at the beginning, many students in the school were dissatisfied, because the requirements for the minor major were very high, and they could only apply for the minor major after their grades in the previous semester had reached the standard line. Obviously, the school opened the back door for Der Spiegel alone.

Now that the results are out, those who had doubted it are silent.

In the annual summary report published by the scientific research team of the School of Biomedical Sciences, the name of Der Spiegel is impressively behind Professor Xie Anping's name, which is generally ranked according to the contribution of the group. This scientific research team has achieved remarkable results in recent months, and the author of the project report is also Der Spiegel, the professionalism and rigor of this report is comparable to a paper, which perfectly demonstrates the scientific research level of the author. The name Der Spiegel has also attracted the attention of the industry.

Before you know it, the Spring Festival is here.

The movie Resurrection started the year very well, and its pre-sales were among the best in the same period.

However, the popcorn movie starring Luo Ziyin failed. Even if it was scolded by the audience, it was considered popular. The sad thing is that no one paid attention at all.

At this time, Luo Ziyin's scandal of meddling in other people's marriages broke out. To prove her innocence, Luo Ziyin sent out a lawyer's letter on Weibo, demanding to sue all the netizens who spread rumors.

Soon the original partner posted a blog directly @罗子阴手户她, announcing the explicit chat records between Luo Ziyin and her husband, as well as the room opening records, photos and videos, and all kinds of evidence.

Luo Ziyin's goddess character set that Luo Ziyin has worked so hard to maintain for many years has collapsed into a mess, passers-by ridiculed, fans are disappointed, and she has a moral stain on her back.

And the movie starring her was even boycotted by the audience, and the producer paid blood, and ended disastrously.

It is rumored that the producer has already sued Luo Ziyin to court, and the two parties have been caught in a long-term lawsuit.

The popularity of Resurrection made Su Yinci's name popular in the streets and alleys again, and her subversive acting skills let everyone see more possibilities in this actress who is famous for her beauty. She was 18 years late , but her era has only just begun.

On New Year's Eve, the whole family gathers together to make dumplings, watch the Spring Festival Gala, grab red envelopes, and watch the year together.

Ming Jing got three big red envelopes from the old lady Bo Yuxun and Su Yinci, and asked her to put them under the pillow so that she would have good luck in the coming year.

Ming Xin sent a video, Ming Chen and Ming Ti Xiaoyao sent her New Year greetings one by one, the little guys said one by one, I miss you, my sister, everyone's heart softened.

My sister will go back to see you soon.

Ming Jing stood on the balcony, looking at the living room, Mrs. Bo Yuxun, Su Yinci, and Huai Qing were amused by watching the sketches on TV. Everyone's faces were filled with the joy of the New Year.

Under the sky not far away, fireworks are in full bloom.

Qu Feitai's phone call came in, and the deep and magnetic voice was sexy and gentle.

Happy Chinese New Year, my girl.


After the new year, time flies by day by day.

Ming Jing returned to Jiangzhou to visit Mr. Shen and Mrs. Zhu.

The two elderly people are in fairly good health. When they learned that Ming Jing had found her biological parents, they were sincerely happy for her.

Shen Ziqian is already one and a half years old, the little guy walks vigorously, and when he sees a beautiful sister, he wants to hug her.

Mao Nana was very speechless: Do you know what this kid caught when he caught Zhou? Lipstick, he didn't grab anything, he grabbed a lipstick, and I don't know who put my lipstick on it, this kid can't keep it all I will be a playboy in the future, no, from now on, I have to educate him well, not let him go astray, especially not stumble on women.

Ming Jing hugged Shen Ziqian, and Shen Ziqian preferred to sneak into Ming Jing's arms, his mouth was about to flow out, and he shouted: Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang...

Ming Jing couldn't laugh or cry.

Mao Nana's face turned green.

He went up and grabbed his son by the collar to lift him up, and slapped his ass.

Your father is such a well-behaved person, why did you give birth to such a flamboyant person? I am so angry.

Shen Ziqian didn't cry when he was beaten, and stretched out his stubby little hands towards Ming Jing in mid-air: Xiangxiang, hug.

Mao Nana: ...

Where did you learn all this?

When Ming Jing left, Shen Ziqian cried the worst, chasing after him on his short legs, crying so wronged that Mao Nana felt very distressed.

Mao Nana lowered her head and rubbed her son's little head; You boy, you have good eyesight, and your sister Mingjing is the best.


Miss, you are finally back.

Xiao Hua rushed forward with excitement all over her face, hugging Ming Jing in her arms.

Ming Jing smiled helplessly: Don't call me Miss from now on, call me by my name.

Mingjing. Xiaohua's voice was crisp.

Ran Tengxiao stood on the stairs, looking down.

It seems that Ran's family is not worthy to be your family.

Xiao Hua kicked it over: Master Xiao, it's clear that you most look forward to Ming Jing's return, why are you talking so eccentrically?

Ran Tengxiao swiftly dodged and snorted coldly: Who expected that?

Turned around and walked in.

He's been a bit of menopause recently. After all, he's an old man in his thirties, so please understand. Xiao Hua pouted and said, before walking into the living room, she took Ming Jing's arm.

After sitting for a while, Xiao Hua found an excuse to leave with a wink, and there were only two people left in the living room.

Congratulations. However, there was not much congratulation in the tone.


I hope he can really make you happy. If he fails you, I'll tear him apart. Such a calm tone, as if killing someone is as casual as smoking a cigarette.

If you want to push Ran's family into the grave, do it as much as possible, but I think you have no chance.

Ran Tengxiao looked at her seriously, and suddenly frowned: Why are you so pale? Are you sick?

Hua Luo stood up and strode over, grabbing Ming Jing's wrist.

Her arms were too thin, and he didn't use much force at all, and her fair skin turned red.

Ming Jing sat on the sofa, looking up at him quietly.

Ran Tengxiao finally let go of his hand, Sorry.

His hands didn't know where to put them.

You helped me back then, and now is the time for me to fulfill my promise.

Ming Jing took out a note from his bag and put it on the coffee table.

Ran Tengxiao stared blankly at the note.

Xing Xing likes living abroad very much. I hope you will never disturb her, and let her be an ordinary person with peace of mind.

Ming Jing got up and left.

When she got to the door, she didn't look back.

No matter how beautiful the scenery in the distance is, don't forget to look back. The people who are with you, many people wait until they lose it and then start to regret it. I hope you won't.

Then he left without looking back.

Ran Tengxiao picked up the note, with a row of numbers on it.

The password to the underground vault.

It really was her.

Ran Tengxiao's expression was gloomy and inexplicable as he crumpled the note with his fingers.

Master Xiao, did Ming Jing leave? Why don't you remind me, she finally came back...

Xiao Hua ran down from upstairs, looking very annoyed.

Ran Tengxiao turned his head.

Xiaohua shrank her neck suddenly, Master Xiao's eyes were so scary, she felt like a little white rabbit being targeted by a big bad wolf.

Scared, scared, slipped away.

Where are you going? A man's deep and faint voice sounded from behind.


Mingjing went to see Mingchen and Mingti.

The two little girls are already fourteen years old, and they are very slim.

One is dignified and generous, the other is lively and bright, like peerless twin flowers, they depend on each other.

The two hugged Ming Jing's arms, one left and the other right, acting coquettishly and funny at the same time.

Second sister, I like Aunt Su's new movie very much. She has great acting skills. Can you get me an autograph?

Ming Ti has recently become obsessed with Su Yinci, she is close to the water and the moon is the first to get the moon, who makes Aunt Su the second sister's mother, the students don't mention how envious she is.

Of course, Aunt Su also asked me to say hello to you on her behalf. She likes you very much.

Really? The eyes of the two were curved and they smiled happily.

When did Second Sister lie to you?

Second Sister, when will you and Brother Qu get married? Ming Chen shook Ming Jing's arm.

Ming Jing was startled.

Ming Ti glared at Ming Chen fiercely, and motioned her to shut up.

Ming Chen puzzled and said: Second Sister, aren't you in a relationship with Brother Qu? On the Internet, it is said that dating for the purpose of not getting married is hooliganism.

Mingti wanted to pounce on her and cover her mouth.

Ming Jing smiled, and gently stroked the top of Ming Chen's hair: If that's the case, isn't my sister really bad?

Ming Chen shook his head like a rattle: It must be that Brother Qu is not good enough to match Second Sister.

At this time, Mingchen still didn't understand the sadness in the second sister's eyes, she just felt that the second sister was a little strange, maybe she didn't like brother Qu that much.

One day she finally met someone she liked, and recalled the look in the eyes of the second sister that day, and she finally understood what the second sister said, is that sister bad?

She covered her heart and wept uncontrollably.

Her innocence turned into a knife, invisibly hurting the person she loves the most.


From winter to spring, the dead trees sprout new buds, and everything is full of vitality.

Ming Jing spent more and more time in the laboratory, and finally on a noisy afternoon with cicadas, a stack of experimental data and reports was piled up in front of Xie Anping.

Xie Anping put on the reading glasses, at first he looked at it slowly, but then his eyes widened as he looked more and more, and finally he was stunned on the chair.

He looked up in disbelief: You did all this?

The girl nodded gently and peacefully.

The summer sun penetrated the window and fell on her body, standing there seemed to be shining. Xie Anping suddenly realized that he was at a loss for words.

Do you know what kind of turbulent waves will be caused by the publication of this data and conclusion? It only took less than a year, and you are simply a genius.

Teacher, this is just the beginning. Next, I still need a lot of money and time, as well as clinical trials. I need your support when I come to you.

Is there any reason for me not to support you? Xie Anping had tears in his excited eyes.

If you succeed, you will become a hero for the benefit of all mankind. The teacher is proud of you.

Xie Anping deeply understands that doing scientific research requires not only persistent patience, but also strong wisdom. At such an age and with such achievements, perhaps she was sent by heaven to save the world.

Don't worry, you don't need to worry about funds, the teacher will help you solve it, you just need to do what you should do seriously, and other teachers will help you settle it.

In July, under the recommendation of Xie Anping, Ming Spiegel met with Lin Ye, the person in charge of Shenghui Pharmaceutical. Shenghui Pharmaceutical is the largest pharmaceutical group in China and the largest investor behind the scientific research team.

It's really a boy born from a genius. Ming Jing is younger and calmer than I imagined.

Lin Ye was in his thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked refined and elegant.

Ming Jing said indifferently: Boss Lin is absurd.

Student Ming Jing has been soaking in the laboratory. It's worked hard. Next, take a good rest. During the clinical trial stage, I will send someone to take charge, so that the hard work of Student Ming Jing will not be in vain.

Xie Anping turned cold: Boss Lin, what do you mean?

Want to sit back and reap the rewards?

It's nothing interesting. Professor Xie should have reached the age of retirement. The company will take good care of your old age and strive to let you spend your old age peacefully.

As for Ming Jing. Lin Ye pushed a bank card in front of Ming Jing.

If you voluntarily give up your achievements, you can successfully enter Shenghui Pharmaceutical after graduation and become a core member of the R\u0026D organization. This is the dream of many Huaqing University graduates.

The money in this card is enough for you to spend the rest of your life without worrying about food and clothing.

The girl smiled, and Lin Ye was subconsciously stunned by the brilliance revealed at that moment.

The girl clamped the bank card between two fingers, flicked it lightly, the bank card brushed against Lin Ye's ear, flew into the wooden door behind him, and nailed it deeply.

Lin Ye froze and couldn't help shaking his whole body.

you you…….

Mr. Lin didn't inquire about it before he came. The last thing I need is money.

Lin Ye really didn't inquire about it. He only knew that he was a sophomore. He thought that the company had invested so much money in R\u0026D results, and the results could not be counted as hers. Give some money away and forget about it.

It never occurred to me that it was a mistake.

He basically doesn't watch entertainment news, let alone pay attention to the entertainment circle, so he is very unfamiliar with this face.

If you have a little understanding, you will know how stupid what he just did.

Ming Jing stood up slowly, and glanced at Lin Ye condescendingly.

Either inject capital obediently, or pack up and leave, there are only two ways, think about it and contact me.

The words left Xie Anping, who was still in a daze.

After getting out of the box, Xie Anping asked nervously: There is the monopoly Shenghui Pharmaceutical behind him, if you push him into a hurry..., it's all my fault.

Professor, don't worry. This kind of ill-intentioned company does not produce life-saving medicine, but harvests the hard-earned money of ordinary people. I know the person in charge of a pharmaceutical company, and it should be no problem to solve the funds.

Ran Tengxiao owns a biopharmaceutical company, but he didn't put too much energy into it. Der Spiegel had considered whether to cooperate with him before, but now the virtue of Shenghui Pharmaceutical has been kicked out by Der Spiegel.

He talked with Ran Tengxiao on the phone about the cooperation, and Ran Tengxiao naturally had everything he needed. He knew that this was an excellent opportunity, and if he seized this opportunity, his biopharmaceutical company would stand out.

After agreeing on a time, Der Spiegel hung up the phone.

Walking out of the hotel, I saw Qu Feitai leaning against the car window at a glance.

Seeing her, Qu Feitai lowered the brim of his hat and walked over quickly.

How did the conversation go?

Let's take Professor Xie home first.

Xie Anping is already very familiar with Qu Feitai, and often picks up Mingjing. In his eyes, this young man is very reliable.

Ming Jing, you still need to pay more attention to your personal safety recently. I don't think Lin Ye is a good match. I'm afraid he will cause trouble for you.

Qu Feitai, who was driving, frowned slightly, and unconsciously clenched the steering wheel with his fingers.

I'll pay attention.

The Affiliated Hospital of National Medical Sciences was finalized for the clinical trials. With Bo Yuxun as the director, everything went very smoothly.

One day in September, Ming Spiegel met the first patient who tried the drug, and the results were remarkable.

It was a young girl, a medical student, who had already been sentenced to death by cancer. With the determination to die, she chose to be an experimenter for the development of medicine.

It never occurred to her that she would regain her life because of this.

Student Li, this is Miss Ming Jing, don't you want to see her?

Li Mei knelt down directly to Ming Jing, wanting to kowtow to her, but Ming Jing hurriedly stopped her.

You are my lifesaver, and I can never repay you for saving my life. In the future, I will definitely study hard and treat more patients like you.

Ming Jing smiled: You are still young, if you have more opportunities in the future, they will definitely come true.

There was a hint of doubt in Li Mei's admiring eyes, the girl in front of her seemed to be several years younger than herself.

Her tone was as if... she had no chance.

Mingjing walked through the wards, groaning in pain, exhausted family members, life tragedies were staged here all the year round, and countless joys and sorrows were performed here.

Ding Jing only wishes for a little less suffering in the world, and a little less suffering.

Stopping in her tracks, she suddenly frowned, and the dean's assistant who was following her immediately asked worriedly, You, what's wrong with you?

This is the dean's precious daughter. If she gets sick, the dean will definitely feel distressed to death.

The girl's face was morbidly pale, and her brows were slightly frowned, which was a kind of heartbreaking sadness.

She smiled, Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.

After talking, he hurriedly turned into the bathroom next to him.

Ming Jing squatted in front of the toilet, spouting a mouthful of blood, instantly staining the toilet red.

Her body was like a candle in the wind.

Even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save her now.

She squatted on the ground with her back against the door panel, staring at the void, dazed.

Then slowly raised his hand to catch a ray of sunlight that jumped in.

The ringtone of the mobile phone broke the condensed atmosphere, Ming Jing did not move, and let the ringtone continue.

When it rang for the third time, Der Spiegel was connected.

Qu Feitai's anxious voice came from the phone: Are you busy? Why don't you answer the phone?

There was a long silence, only the sound of very light breathing.

Qu Feitai, I sprained my ankle, come and pick me up.

Half an hour later, Qu Feitai walked out of the inpatient department with Ming Jing on his back.

Bo Yuxun, who rushed over just after the meeting, was full of worry, Why did you sprain your foot? Did you go to the orthopedics department? I'll call the director of the orthopedics department right now...

Ming Jing grabbed his hand that was about to make a phone call, leaned on Qu Feitai's back and smiled, Are you going to use public affairs for your daughter's sake? I don't bear the charge.

Bo Yuxun frowned even tighter, and raised his hand to touch Ming Jing's forehead: Your complexion is not very good, why don't you stay in the hospital, I'll take you for an examination myself.

I'm really fine. It's just that I'm too tired from doing experiments these days. Just go back and have a rest. Don't worry.


On the way back to the car, Ming Jing unconsciously fell asleep.

Qu Feitai parked the car and went upstairs with Ming Jing in his arms.

Putting her on the bed and was about to cover her with a quilt, Qu Feitai's eyes froze suddenly.

He pinched Ming Jing's skirt and stroked it with his fingers.

He put his fingertips under his nose and sniffed, his pupils shrank suddenly.

is blood.

I don't know when, Ming Jing no longer wears white clothes, and often she prefers to wear dark clothes.

Qu Feitai got up and walked to her dressing table, there were few skin care products.

Suddenly Qu Feitai picked up a powder cake on the table.

Der Spiegel never wears makeup, but this powder has traces of use.

Qu Feitai suddenly turned his head.

What are you hiding?

Ming Jing slept groggyly and had many dreams. When he woke up, there was darkness in front of his eyes.

There is only a ray of moonlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the hazy brilliance falls.

She coughed suddenly, like opening Pandora's box, the cough became more and more severe and frequent.

A cup of warm water was handed over, Ming Jing's body stiffened, and he slowly raised his head.

In the darkness, the man stared at her quietly, as if all her disguises were invisible at this moment.

Ming Jing sighed, and turned on the bedside lamp.

So you didn't leave.

Her body was getting weaker and weaker, that's why she didn't notice someone in the room immediately when she woke up.

Qu Feitai handed the water glass to her, Ming Jing took it and drank it.

The man stared at her deeply: What are you hiding from me?

It's nothing, it's just that I've been a little tired recently...

You still have to hide it from me, what happened to the blood on your skirt?

Qu Feitai's voice suppressed his anger.

Ming Jing pursed her lips and said calmly, Menstrual blood.

Qu Feitai was stunned, and then his face flushed instantly.

Yes... sorry... I thought you...

Ming Jing looked at his bewildered look, and his heart felt like a needle prick, with fine and sharp pains.

The hand hanging by the side shook and shook.

Go back, I'm fine.

Then you have a good rest and call me if you need anything.

After Qu Feitai left, Ming Jing curled up his knees and buried his head between his knees.

In the lonely room, a touch of sadness filled the air.


The effect of clinical trials is beyond imagination. The advent of this immunosuppressive drug is not limited to vaccines and genetic modification, but uses the body's strongest natural defense system to kill cancer cells from the inside. Foreign research institutes have successfully developed it, but it only targets specific types of cancer cells.

And this immunosuppressive drug completely uses the strongest immune system T cells to kill cancer cells. The greatest feature of this research is that it does not target one type of cancer cells and is not restricted by genes.

The results of clinical trials proved the success of this research, and the international medical community was shocked. In the future, human beings will conquer cancer cells. They did not expect this day to come so soon.

How many lives will this save.

When they learned that this great research was done by a sophomore in Huaguo, they said it was impossible.

The most authoritative journal in Huaguo's medical field has already published the research results, with the names and photos of the researchers attached to it, and the one ranked first is a young and beautiful girl.

The name Der Spiegel will resound throughout the world from now on.

Scientific research does not look at age, but only at strength.

For a while, many foreign research institutes offered an olive branch and wanted to cooperate with Der Spiegel. If this drug is put into production, it will generate immeasurable profits. These medical research institutes and pharmaceutical companies are not charities, but capitalists in essence. The pursuit of profit-based.

However, it was later learned that Ding Spiegel had reached a cooperation with a domestic pharmaceutical company. After checking, I almost vomited blood.

It's just a little-known small company, why should it get such an opportunity.

For cancer patients and their families, it has nothing to do with them. The magic drugs developed by these researches have always been monopolized by scientific research institutions or pharmaceutical companies, and the sky-high drug costs cannot be afforded by ordinary families.

At this moment, Ming Jing was standing in Bo Yuxun's office.

She said, Dad, please help me.

Bo Yuxun looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and after a long time he said, Ming Jing, you are the greatest pride of Dad in this life.

No matter what you do, Dad will stand by your side without hesitation.

Ming Jing lowered his eyes and smiled: If one day I am no longer here, I hope my father can help me continue on this road.

It takes five years for a new drug to go from clinical practice to marketing.

She can't wait anymore.

What Mingjing asked Bo Yuxun to help her was that after she left, this medicine would not be used by capital and would truly help every patient.

Bo Yuxun frowned: What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean you're not here? Bah, bah, bah, you can't talk nonsense like that.

Ming Jing stood up, Dad, your birthday is coming soon. I want to give you a surprise for this year's birthday.

Bo Yuxun's eyes showed anticipation: Then dad will be waiting.

There is only one week between Bo Yuxun's birthday and Ming Jing's birthday, and he is already thinking about what birthday present to prepare for his precious daughter this year.

His daughter doesn't like jewelry and doesn't like dressing up, so preparing gifts for her is the most troublesome.

That's a sweet annoyance.


This winter seems to be colder than last year.

In mid-November, I felt the freezing cold.

Entering the house, there is sufficient heating, which instantly dispels the cold air all over the body.

There was a crackling rolling sound from the kitchen, and Ming Jing put on his slippers and walked in, only to see Su Yinci's innocent face, and the kitchen had become a battlefield.

Mess everywhere.

Su Yinci looked innocent: I just want to cook.

Ming Jing rolled up his sleeves, walked up to Su Yinci, and looked her up and down; Aren't you hurt?

Su Yinci shook her head.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to cook. There are limited things everyone can do. You don't have to force yourself to know everything. In this family, my father and I are very good at cooking, so you just have to wait and eat.

The only time Su Yinci cooked in this life was a bowl of longevity noodles for Ming Jing on her birthday last year.

She looked at Ming Jing who was picking up the garbage, and sighed: I am a mother, but I still want my daughter to take care of me, so shameful.

Who said a daughter can't take care of her mother?

Ming Jing cleaned the kitchen very neatly, took out the vegetables he had just bought, and was ready to start cooking.

Do you want to make a bowl of longevity noodles for Dad? I can teach you.

Su Yinci shook her head: I only do it for my daughter, he doesn't deserve it, hum.

Su Yinci sometimes has a little girl's temper. In the past two days, she has quarreled with Bo Yuxun for some reason, and the two are in a cold war.

Why are you two arguing? May I know the reason?

Su Yinci and Ming Jing seem to be mother and daughter, rather they are more friends. Su Yinci likes to talk to her about everything.

Su Yinci thought for a while and said, You also know that my body cannot conceive again, but he...he wants a child.

Su Yinci's voice dropped.

Ming Jing chose Cai's hand, his eyelashes drooped, and said lightly: What about you? Do you want a child?

Su Yinci shook her head: You are enough for me.

Ming Jing put down the things in his hand, turned around and felt Su Yinci's pulse.

Su Yinci sighed: It's useless, Miracle Doctor Mo has said that my body was severely damaged when I gave birth to you, and I couldn't get pregnant again.

Even if her body is not damaged, the divine grass that keeps her alive will make her unable to conceive.

In this life, she is satisfied with only Mingjing and one child.

Ming Jing let go of his hand, thought for a while and said, It might as well try.

Su Yinci's words reminded her that if they had another child, after she left, they would not be so sad.

There was a slight hope in Su Yinci's eyes: Really... is it really possible?

Give it a try, there might be a miracle, I will teach you a set of exercises, you practice every morning and evening, and medicine, I will bring it to you after I prepare it.

After Bo Yuxun came back, the two snorted at the same time, neither paying attention to the other.

After a while, Der Spiegel successfully broke the ice for the two of them.

The two of them will never be angry for more than two days.

Ming Jing took advantage of the opportunity between the two of you and me, and hid in the bathroom.

Closing his eyes and pinching his fingers, after a long time, he suddenly frowned.

Wow spit out a mouthful of blood.

Wiping off the blood from the corner of her mouth, she tidied up her appearance and went out again.

Ming Jing made a big table of gourmet food, and soon Qu Feitai pushed Mrs. Bo to arrive.

The family celebrated Bo Yuxun's birthday.

The gift that Der Spiegel gave him was still a kit.

It's just that this kit was made by Ming Jing himself. There is an elegant Chinese character Xun embroidered on it, and there are auspicious cloud patterns beside it. The color matching is harmonious and the workmanship is exquisite. Even the beads on the drawstring are top-quality Bodhi seeds, exuding Faint sandalwood aroma.

Bo Yuxun liked it at first sight, and couldn't put it down.

He was about to open the kit, but Ming Jing stopped him: This kit can only be opened when you encounter a problem one day.

Bo Yuxun smiled and said, Dad knows, Dad must cherish it well.

Isn't that how it's played on TV? There is a wonderful plan hidden in the kit, but he didn't think it would be of any use, it was his daughter's filial piety.

Ming Jing picked up the water glass; Dad, Mom, thank you for giving me life. I am satisfied with this life.

After the words fell, he raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

He drank a glass of boiled water out of the guillotine posture.

Bo Yuxun laughed and said, You child, how old-fashioned you are when you talk.

Only Mrs. Bo didn't have a smile on her face, and those dry eyes seemed to be hiding inexplicable sadness.

After dinner, Ming Jing sent Qu Feitai away and made an appointment to meet tomorrow.

Then I washed up and went back to my room to get ready to rest.


When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Mrs. Bo sitting beside the bed.

come over.

Mrs. Bo waved her hand.

Ming Jing obediently walked over and sat down beside her: Grandma, what's the matter with you looking for me so late?

Mrs. Bo raised her hand and stroked her cheek slowly, as if she wanted to describe her appearance in her heart.

You can fool them, but you can't fool me.

Ming Jing lowered his eyelashes and remained silent.

Mrs. Bo suddenly put her arms around her and cried bitterly.

Grandma is sorry for you.


After a sleepless night, Ming Jing opened the curtains, and the sky was gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

It's not appropriate to rush to evil today.

When she walked into the bathroom and washed her face, she stared at the face in the mirror, which was a little too pale.

He picked up the powder puff and spread it on his face, instantly covering up the paleness of his face.

Ming Jing picked out the dress in the closet and chose the dress that Su Yinci gave her on her birthday last year. She looked at it in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction.

Then he picked up the jewelry box, and wore the ruby ​​necklace on his slender neck.

The black hair was pulled up, and a hibiscus hosta was inserted into the black hair, and a strand of temple hair slipped down, adding a bit of gentleness.

A dignified and gentle peerless beauty was reflected in the mirror.

Ming Jing took the black coat from the hanger, put it on, and tied a bow around his waist.

Mrs. Bo was sitting on the balcony, and a girl's gentle voice came from behind her.

Grandma, breakfast is on the table and I'm going out.

When the door was closed, old Mrs. Bo's withered eyes were filled with water, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Ming Jing met Qu Feitai in the elevator and handed him the packaged breakfast.

Your favorite burrito, no coriander, no green onion.

Qu Feitai smiled, and couldn't help pinching Ming Jing's face: You have perfectly grasped my appetite, what should I do, I can't leave you more and more.

Ming Jing's eyes were unbelievably gentle, and he said in an extremely calm voice: There is no one in this world who can't live without someone.

Qu Feitai frowned, suddenly lowered his head, facing her nose.

What happened to you today?

Ming Jing pushed him away and walked out of the elevator beside him.

I'm running out of time, take me to school.

Qu Feitai followed behind her, It seems that I haven't said a word to you, happy birthday.

He looked out through the skylight in the basement: I don't know if it will snow today? Do you remember our agreement last year?

Ming Jing paused, Remember.

Qu Feitai smiled openly, I hope the weather will be beautiful today.

When they arrived at the south gate of the school, before Ming Jing got out of the car, he turned his head and glanced at him: Come pick me up early in the afternoon, don't forget.

Qu Feitai laughed and said, How could I forget?

Ming Jing nodded, opened the car door and went down.

Qu Feitai sat in the car, watching Ming Jing step by step into the school gate.

For some reason, his heart suddenly beat very fast.

Like an instinctive reaction, he immediately got out of the car and chased after him.


Ming Jing stopped and turned around slowly.

For a moment, I was embraced by a warm embrace.

She froze for a moment, and suddenly her nose felt a little sore.

what are you doing?

I suddenly want to hug you, will you hug me for a while?

Ming Jing was silent, wrapping his arms around his waist.

In the early morning, some students occasionally passed by the south gate and found Qu Feitai and Mingjing.

At first they were excited to take pictures, but after a long time, they are not used to it.

It's just that the relationship between these two people is too good.

A girl took a photo and posted it on Weibo: Today is also a day of being sprinkled with dog food.

Ming Jing pushed him away, looked up at him quietly.

Suddenly she tiptoed, and kissed his lips lightly like a dragonfly.

Turned around and ran away quickly.

Qu Feitai was stunned on the spot, and after a long while, he raised his hand to touch his lips.

Mingjing, take the initiative to kiss me.

The expression on his face was more excited than when he won the coveted music award.

Qu Feitai returned to the recording studio in a blissful manner.

Worked all day and lost my mind.

Huang Chao laughed at him, this relationship is affecting his career, this year his work has dropped a lot, he just washed his hands and went home to be a cook.

With a muffled bang, Huang Chao turned his head, startled by the scene in front of him.

Xiao Fei, are you okay?

Qu Feitai clutched his arms, his face gloomy.

It turned out that his arm was accidentally cut by the sharp edge of the cymbal.

Why are you so careless? I'll take you to the hospital immediately.

Qu Feitai clutched his arm, the blood came out, but he didn't feel any pain at all, he just felt his heart fluttering.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of the blood stains on Ding Jing's skirt and the used powder on the dressing table.

He stood up abruptly and rushed out regardless.

Huang Chao couldn't catch up in time, so he braced his waist and gasped: I still have to see the producer in the afternoon, it's not good for you to let others dove.

This artist, he really can't control it anymore.

Ding Jing took a philosophy class in the morning and discussed the meaning of life with the teacher.

At noon, she went to the cafeteria to eat with her classmates, and received a call from Bo Yuxun.

Dad finishes early today and goes back to celebrate your birthday with you. Tell Dad what you want to eat.

Thank you, Dad. Mom's call came in. I'll hang up first.

Ninny, what did you eat? Su Yinci went to a neighboring province to shoot a magazine yesterday, and is now in the car heading to the airport.

Fried noodles.

Are you with your classmates?


Mom's plane is at 3:00 in the afternoon, and I'll be home at about 5:00. There are many beautiful handicrafts in the small town here. Mom picked out the ones you might like and gave them to you when you go back. But these are just souvenirs, not birthday gifts. Birthdays Mom has prepared the gift early.

Ming Jing lowered his eyes and smiled: Well, then you should pay attention to safety on the road.

Ninny, mommy loves you.

Ming Jing hung up the phone, and the girl on the opposite side exclaimed: Ming Jing, your parents love you so much, they call you almost every day, and your boyfriend picks you up to and from school rain or shine, and still loves you so much, I I envy you so much.

There is no jealousy in the eyes of girls, only pure envy.

The gap between the two is too big, how can they be jealous?

The girl's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and there seemed to be a kind of misty sadness.

The girl was stunned for a moment.

I'm done eating, let's go first. Ming Jing picked up the plate and left.

Ming Jing spent the afternoon in the laboratory. At four o'clock, a girl stood at the door of the laboratory: Student Ming Jing, someone is looking for you outside.

Ming Jing's eyelashes trembled slightly, he calmly put down the tools in his hand, put on his coat and went out.

Student Mingjing, I am the person in charge of Ran's Pharmaceutical Group. I still have a lot to consult with you about the clinical trials of new drugs. Do you think it is convenient for you now?

Ming Jing glanced at him lightly, for some reason, the man's heart skipped a beat, as if he had been seen through.

Let's go.

The man stared at Ming Jing's back, heaved a sigh of relief, and a poisonous light shot out from his eyes.

He squatted for a long time. The girl had her boyfriend pick her up from school, so she couldn't find a chance. If she didn't have a chance, she could only create one and trick her out of school.

When the two walked out of the campus, a van was parked by the side of the road. The door suddenly opened, and a burly man rushed down. Behind him, the man showed a sinister smile.

Unexpectedly, Ming Jing didn't say a word, and got into the van directly.

This made the harsh words prepared by the man useless.

He lowered his head and sent a text message to Lin Ye: Boss Lin, she's already in the car.

In the car, the girl closed her eyes and fell asleep, while the man stared greedily at this face, couldn't help stretching out his hand...

There was a crisp click, and the man's face twisted in pain.

Ming Jing shook off his hand, his eyes were cold: Don't you want your own claws?

The man snorted coldly: You will feel better later.

Ming Jing closed his eyes again, with a faint frown between his brows.

Half an hour later, the car drove into an abandoned factory building.

Ming Jing got out of the car, and when she looked up, something cold fell on her face.

Ming Jing touched it and murmured, It's snowing.

The man behind him wanted to urge her, but he didn't dare to open his mouth after feeling the burning of his wrist.

At this moment, the cell phone in Ming Jing's pocket rang, Ming Jing took out the cell phone, it was Qu Feitai calling.

The mirror was switched on and placed next to the ear.

Where are you? I asked your classmate, and she said that you left with a stranger. Where are you now? Tell me quickly.

The man's voice was mixed with anxiety and eagerness, as well as a faint uncontrollable madness.

Qu Feitai, look up.

Qu Feitai who ran to the school gate raised his head subconsciously.

The winter night came very early, and it was nearly five o'clock when night fell.

The street lights were turned on, and under the sky, in the intertwined light and shadow, snow petals were falling one after another.

Look, it's snowing.

On the phone, the girl's voice was unbelievably gentle.

I didn't miss the appointment, we watched the snow together.

Qu Feitai grasped the phone tightly with his fingers, and suddenly he couldn't control the panic in his heart.

Tell me, where are you now?

Qu Feitai, do you still remember what I told you that day at the racecourse?

It was me who selfishly pulled you into this emotional vortex, I'm sorry, live well, and...

forget me, please.

The voice was gentle and calm, as if without the slightest emotion.

In an instant, all sounds stopped abruptly.


Qu Feitai looked at the hung up phone, his eyes were bloodshot.

His fingers trembled.


Qu Feitai lost all reason, he desperately shouted Calm down, you must calm down...

Call the police, call the police first.

Qu Feitai called Li Ling directly, but Li Ling didn't take it seriously at first, he knew Ming Jing's ability clearly.

Only gradually, he noticed something was wrong.

Qu Feitai is not a person who does not distinguish between serious and serious, he is talking incoherently at the moment, something must have happened to Ding Jing.

He immediately summoned his men.


The faint Sanskrit sound sang, floating between the heaven and the earth.

All conditioned dharmas all return to impermanence. Those who are loving and united will return to parting. All behaviors are like this, and there should be no worries.

Master Ku Rong walked in through the wind and snow, looked at the mess on the ground, shook his head and sighed.

Ming Deng walked over, clasped his hands together and made a sound of offending, then bent down and carefully carried the girl on his back.

Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?

Master Kurong was full of compassion.

Disciple... disciple's wish is fulfilled.

Master Kurong stretched out his hand, and a tear fell on his palm.

Every fool who calls death, heretics insist on breaking, after all, there is still something that can't be broken...

The snow is getting deeper and deeper.

The snowflakes all over the sky are like a rain of pear blossoms falling on the world.

In the snow, two rows of footprints, one deep and one shallow, were quickly covered by fresh snow, as if no one had ever been here before.

The world is silent, the snow falls silently, only the boundless night spreads.

There are three extra articles

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