The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset

Chapter 59 Slap in the face (part one)

Chapter 59 Slap in the face (part one)

Ran Bowen is a very cautious person, he divided the Qinglong Seal into two, he kept half of it for himself, and the other half, according to her speculation, should be given to someone he trusts very much, this person Yu Jiang has been undercover by his side for a year, and also Not found.

The outside world knows that Ran Bowen has no heirs. In fact, he had a marriage, but was killed by his enemies when his wife was pregnant with Liujia. Since then, Ran Bowen seems to have changed, and began to secretly plan, recruit soldiers, and train killers.

But according to Yu Jiang's observation and speculation, Ran Bowen had a lover, and this lover gave birth to a child for him, just to prevent the tragedy from happening again. None of the relatives knew anything.

And the other half of the Azure Dragon Seal should be in the hands of Ran Bowen's lover.

Did your mother give you half of the Azure Dragon Seal? Zheng Qing asked.

Ding Jing was already immune to this title, She is already dead, what do you think?

Zheng Qing gritted her teeth and cursed: Nighthawk, the thing that crosses the river and destroys bridges, my mother will one day peel his skin and constrict his tendons, and then cut him with a knife to relieve his hatred.

Everyone has a position, there is no right or wrong, he is wrong, he should not deceive.

A cold light suddenly shot out from Ming Jing's eyes, murderous intent surged, and he calmed down instantly.

Then what should we do now?

Ming Jing's eyes flickered, thinking of An Zhitinglan's assassination last time.

Madam Jiang, what role did you play in the incident twelve years ago?

What clue did Ran Tengxiao find?

Zheng Qing frowned: I don't know very well. I didn't pay much attention to the Ran family and the Qinglong Society before. I would have collected more information about the Ran family if I knew it earlier, so I wouldn't be blinded now.

Ming Jing said, No problem, give me your disguise tool.

Zheng Qing gave her a half-believing glance, felt in the trunk, and brought a black luggage bag.

It's all inside, what are you going to do?

Ding Jing unzipped the zipper, and there were all kinds of tools inside, including a wig and night clothes.

Ming Jing took out tools, and began to skillfully apply makeup and foundation in front of the mirror, which instantly covered her fair skin into a khaki color, and her overall temperament dropped a lot.

Zheng Qing's mouth opened wider and wider until he could finally stuff an egg.

Put on a short wig, put on night clothes, and button up a duck-tongue cat.

A tall, thin boy was born.

Zheng Qing looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief. He had healthy wheat-colored skin, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight nose, and dark eyes that were bright and energetic, like the brightest star in the night sky. It was obviously the same face, but The feeling is completely different, the whole person is reborn, as if the bone is reborn.

She couldn't believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

Could it be possible that the skill of Yi Rong can be inherited?

Ding Jing put on a mask, You wait for me here.

Just as she was about to open the car door and get out of the car, Zheng Qing suddenly grabbed her hand: Ming Jing, let me go, I have experience.

Ming Jing glanced back at her, his dark eyes flickering dimly in the dimly lit compartment, I want to avenge my revenge myself.

What surprised Zheng Qing even more was that even his voice changed.

Hualuo pushed open the car door and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.


There was a suffocating tranquility in the room, and a faint smell of blood wafted out.

The man was sitting on the futon, with one hand lightly clasped on the table, and the other hand spinning the wine glass. The facial features on his handsome face were profound and sharp, like a sharpened sword, sharp and menacing.

There are two men standing on the left and right in the box, bowing their heads respectfully.

In front of the table in front of the man lay a man covered in blood, his slightly heaving chest proved that the man was still breathing heavily.

Ten minutes have passed. The man said quietly, taking a sip of his wine leisurely.

Ye Jian drew out his dagger, squatted in front of the blood man, and cut off the middle finger of his right hand.

On his right hand, only his thumb and index finger remain.

The man screamed in pain, and his whole body twitched.

You kill me. The man said desperately.

No, no, I like to torture people. Don't you think it's interesting to watch him die little by little in despair?

You are a pervert...

The man frowned: Noisy, since you don't want to talk about it, I don't want to listen to it either. Cut off your tongue and take it back to make wine.

Ye Jian pinched the opponent's chin, and the tip of the knife approached.

The point of the knife was reflected in the man's pupils, and he was exhausted physically and mentally after all the torture. Finally, he broke down and shouted: I say, I can say anything.

The man on the main seat snorted: I don't cry when I see the coffin.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Jian put away his dagger and backed away.

The man said slowly: But I have one condition, let my family members go, they are innocent, otherwise I won't let you go even if I die.

It depends on your sincerity.

The man slowed down, and said slowly: Twelve years ago, Jichang betrayed Master Wen. He has hidden a lot of evidence in his hands these years. He went to Beijing with the evidence, and Master Wen chased after him with people and arrested him. The son used it to threaten him, who knew that the intelligence made a mistake and the wrong person was arrested, that child...

The man coughed violently as he spoke. In the silence of the room, his cough was particularly ear-piercing.

After waiting for a long time, he continued: The child's status is very important. Mr. Wen was trapped in the capital. When the child saw Mr. Wen's face, Mr. Wen wanted to kill him to avoid future troubles. Who knew that Yu Jiang would suddenly betray him. Killing Master Wen while Master Wen was not paying attention, Yu Jiang would also kill me, but my heart grew on the right side, so I escaped this disaster, and then I hid incognito.

The man squinted his eyes: Do you think Yu Jiang is trying to save that child?

No, she was originally an undercover agent. The man said firmly.

Why are you so sure?

Because she told Wen Ye before he died, I can read lips, and I saw it.

What did she say?

She said she would exchange Ran Bowen's head for freedom.

Where is the Azure Dragon Seal, was it taken away by her?

The man's pupils constricted suddenly, I...I don't know.

It doesn't seem to work. Ran Tengxiao sighed.

Uncle is dead, it's useless for you to keep this secret, why don't you let Qinglonghui be in my hands and carry forward.

We once swore in front of Master Wen that we would never betray, and I have already broken the oath.

So, since you have already become a treacherous person, why bother to keep the bottom line hypocritically, tell me, I will let your family live a better life.

Father, save me. The boy's cry for help came from the next door, but his mouth was quickly covered, and only the sound of struggling could be heard.

The man crawled to Ran Tengxiao's feet, and kowtowed: Master Xiao, please let my son go, he doesn't know anything.

I gave you a chance just now.

The man gritted his teeth, Master Wen's Qinglong Seal was taken away by Yu Jiang.

The other half, who did uncle give it to?

The man hesitated for a moment, and the cry for help from the boy next door came again.

The man stood with his head on the ground, and said in despair, Master Wen's lover.

The man raised his eyebrows, Oh? Why didn't I know uncle still has a lover?

Master Wen protected her very well. Every time I saw her, I went there alone, so I only know that this person exists, but I haven't seen her.

You still haven't told the truth.

Master Xiao, what I said is true, that's all I know, I didn't lie to you. The man kowtowed.

In this case, you can exchange that woman for your son.

Ran Tengxiao got up, walked out slowly, walked to the door, and looked back at him: In three months, if I haven't seen that woman, you should prepare a coffin for your son.

A group of people left, and the man knelt on the ground, holding his head in his hands, grabbing the ground with his head, and crying in despair.

Master Wen, Shouchang is sorry for you.

On the roof, a black shadow lay there quietly. For an unknown period of time, it almost merged with the night.

Waiting for people to walk away, he jumped to the backyard lightly, and when he turned around, a tall man stood there and asked, Who are you?

Ye Jian watched the young man opposite him coldly. He was dressed in black, tall and thin, with the brim of his hat pulled down, looking quite mysterious.

The boy tilted his neck, a simple movement, for some reason, gave people a very evil feeling.

Passerby. He had a very cool young voice, but his Mandarin didn't seem to be very good, with an awkward accent.

You can't leave today. Ye Jian stretched his hands, raised his fists and rushed forward.

The young man dodged nimbly, like a swimming dragon, Ye Jian sighed in his heart, what a beautiful posture, knowing that this young man is not simple, he became more serious.

After a few rounds, he didn't take advantage of it at all. Instead, he was kicked back and forth by the opponent stepping on the shoulder.

Falling to the ground in embarrassment, he turned his head in disbelief, and saw the young man with his arms folded, his chin raised slightly, his eyes under the brim of his hat gleaming, his brows arrogant and arrogant, his right hand clenched into a fist, his thumbs pointing down.

It turns out that the subordinates of the Qinglong Society are so pusty, it's really shameful.

Ye Jian finally discovered the strangeness of his accent, which is the usual accent for foreigners when they speak Mandarin.

You... where did you come from, you little brat, you're dying? Ye Jian rubbed his buttocks and got up, this young man's skills were really wicked.

In the blink of an eye, four more men emerged from the darkness, each tall and strong.

The young man raised his eyebrows, hooked his fingers, and said arrogantly: Let's go together.

The four of them looked at each other, feeling that they had been greatly humiliated, and rushed forward together from four directions.

Four beat one, still a skinny boy, no matter how he wins, it would be disgraceful, but this boy is too arrogant and can't bear it.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes watched all this with interest.

Hall master, this young man is too self-reliant. The wind, rain, thunder and lightning are masters personally selected by the hall master. My senior brother and I can hardly deal with one of them. The four of them fight together, it is too much face for this kid. Ye Shuang said angrily .

The man raised his eyebrows: Don't speak too early, be careful of slapping your face.

Ye Shuang looked again, and saw that the young man was surrounded by four people with ease. Although he did not lose the wind, he did not take advantage of it, but this is already unbelievable.

The wind is very good at close attacks, and is good at speed. The rain is soft and the wind is gentle, and the water can't be moved.

The four have their own characteristics and complement each other's weaknesses. They are all masters alone, but together they are invincible.

This is the biggest contributor to the rise of the Azure Dragon Society and the sharpest sword in Ran Tengxiao's hands.

However, at this moment, the fragile young man was moving around, nimbly like a swimming dragon. She seemed to have eyes all over her body, and she accurately predicted the sneak attack from behind, and jumped up with her legs curled up. Dian Guang's hands, and his left and right hands were patted on the shoulders of Feng Ji and Yu Xing respectively, their bodies rolled in the air, and the three of them were thrown out at the same time. The moment they landed, they slid down Lei Shan's crotch and climbed onto his back flexibly. With his knees resting on both sides of his ribs, he clasped Lei Shan's throat with one hand, and raised the dagger with the other hand, pausing in front of his eyes.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, so fast that almost only afterimages can be seen, everything has been settled.

Papa papa. In the darkness, there was a loud slap.

A man stomped out of the darkness and looked at the young man with great interest: He's good at it, may you be interested in working under me?

Ye Shuang exclaimed: Master, this kid's origin is unknown, just in case...

Ran Tengxiao ignored her, just stared at the boy, his tone was like a big bad wolf coaxing Little Red Riding Hood, You can think about it, house, car, woman, wealth and power, as long as you want, I can satisfy you.

The boy jumped off Lei Shan and said disdainfully, Who cares about these things?

Then what do you want? As long as you say it, I will promise you.

I want to kill you, do you agree? The young man's brows were extremely cold.

Ye Shuang shouted: What nonsense are you talking about, brat? You must be tired of your work.

Ran Tengxiao said with a smile: As long as you give me a satisfactory reason, I can think about it.

The young man snorted coldly: You guys from the Azure Dragon Society don't count what you say, and you are his nephew, so you must be even more so.

Ran Tengxiao narrowed his eyes: Oh? Do you know my uncle?

The young man was silent, and then said viciously: Ran Bowen betrayed his promise and killed my father. He is already dead, but he still has a son. If he is a debtor, I must kill his son.

The whole yard became very quiet in an instant, Ye Jian silently lowered his head, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning even slowed down his breathing, Ye Shuang opened his eyes wide in shock.

In this suffocating silence, Ran Tengxiao smiled and asked very gently: Who is your father? How do you know that my uncle has a son?

The young man seemed a little annoyed, Why should I tell you that you, like Ran Bowen, are treacherous people, so I won't be your lackey.

You seem to have misunderstood. Ran Tengxiao said.

I don't care about any misunderstandings. Anyway, you are Ran Bowen's nephew, so that's right. After I find Ran Bowen's illegitimate son and kill him, I will come to settle accounts with you.

Hualuo jumped onto the wall and disappeared into the darkness.

Ye Jian subconsciously wanted to chase, but Ran Tengxiao said, Don't chase.

At this time, a man walked out from behind Ran Tengxiao. He was 1.75 meters tall, very thin, with a Chinese character face, restrained eyes, hiding shrewdness.

Jichang has a son who was sent abroad by him when he was young, and he should be this old when he calculates his age.

Ran Tengxiao glanced at him: Is he Jichang's son?

Lin Feng frowned: Every word of this young man is guiding us. If he is not a real young man, he will be too scheming at this age. If he is Jichang's son, his appearance this time is to avenge Jichang. As for The secret of Master Wen's illegitimate son, as his confidant, it is impossible not to know this secret, everything makes sense.

Jichang's son? Ran Tengxiao stroked his chin and suddenly smiled.


However, we still can't take it lightly. Yujiang is a lesson from the past. Hall Master, please ask someone to go abroad to check it, just in case.

Ran Tengxiao nodded: If he is really Jichang's son, he can be used by us.


Ming Jing got out of the car and walked slowly towards the living room.

As soon as I walked into the living room, the light suddenly came on.

Zhu Shaodan swayed over with his arms folded, and looked up and down at Mingjing.

Look at what time it is now? A girl from every family, who came back so late, is it plausible?

Mingjing discovered that there is a kind of person who looks like a human, but can't understand human words, such as Zhu Shaodan in front of him.

So? Ming Jing asked indifferently.

Zhu Shaodan sneered and said, Zhu's family has access control. If you don't come back before eight o'clock, you can sleep at the door.

Ming Jing glanced at him, and Zhu Shaodan felt a little nervous in his calm eyes. To cover up, he straightened his chest and raised his head: What are you looking at? Look at it again and dig out your eyeballs.

Ming Jing said indifferently: Since you hate me and I hate you too, then we hate each other and don't talk to each other, but you still want to hang around in front of me. You either deserve a beating or you want to arouse my anger. Note, you choose yourself.

Zhu Shaodan said in disbelief, To get your attention? Who gave you the confidence?

Then don't look for presence in front of me. Hua Luo didn't look at him again, and walked upstairs.

Zhu Shaodan pointed at her back and spun around angrily: You said I was trying to get her attention? Are you kidding me?

Mother Zhou smiled and said: Young master, I think what the lady said is reasonable, you see that the lady doesn't talk to you, you are the first to pick it up every time, in the eyes of outsiders, it may be that you want to attract the attention of the lady Well? If a person hates another person, he will never say a word to him, even seeing it will be an eyesore, why would he stay up in the middle of the night and wait at the door just to say a few angry words, you say right?

Zhu Shaodan jumped: What do you know? I will never like her, just wait and see, hum.

Zhou's mother looked at the back of the boy running away as if fleeing, shook her head and laughed: It's really a child's heart.


Sister, that woman actually said that I deliberately got her attention. It's too much.

Zhu Shaodan suddenly pushed the door open and entered, Zhu Xiangxiang hurriedly hid his phone and looked at him with a frown: Why didn't you knock on the door?

Zhu Shaodan scratched his head: Oh, I forgot, besides, what secrets do we have between siblings? Are you doing something bad behind my back?

Zhu Xiangxiang's eyes flustered, and he quickly looked away: What nonsense are you talking about? We are all adults, do you know the difference between men and women, let alone we are not related by blood.

Don't you think I'm your younger brother? Zhu Shaodan said unhappily.

Zhu Xiangxiang choked and pursed his lips: I didn't mean that.

That's fine.

Zhu Shaodan rolled his eyes, and pulled Zhu Xiangxiang's sleeve: Sister, my brother's birthday is next week. As a good brother, I have to give him a birthday present, but now I don't even have money for meals, so you can lend me some money. Money, when I have money, leave and return it to you.

No, I promised mom that I won't give you a dime.

It's fine if our mother doesn't know, let's do it secretly, I promise, and don't let the third person know. Zhu Shaodan raised his hand and swore.

Zhu Xiangxiang shook off his hand and said helplessly, Okay, I'll give you the money, but remember, don't let mom know.

Yeah, thank you ma'am.

Zhu Xiangxiang took out his mobile phone, the page was a chat interface, Zhu Shaodan glanced at it, and Zhu Xiangxiang quickly switched the screen, and clicked on WeChat to transfer money to him.

Zhu Shaodan asked curiously: Sister, it's so late, who are you chatting with?

Zhu Xiangxiang's body froze, and he said indifferently: A classmate asked me a question.

Male or female?

Zhu Xiangxiang rolled his eyes at him: You are sick.

I'm afraid you will be deceived by men. My elder sister is so beautiful. Don't be deceived by men's sweet words. Men don't have a good thing, of course, except me and dad. Zhu Shaodan touched her confidently. Glossy hair that I combed myself.

Zhu Xiangxiang sneered in his heart, you wish all the men in your family good things.

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