Chapter 384 Escape

At the breakfast table, the servants did not dare to show their air.

Yun Mo frowned and said: The young master is making trouble every day, so we can't keep him locked up all the time.

Qu Lanting ate breakfast slowly, and said lightly after hearing the words: One day is one day, it's better than going to Jiangzhou to die.

Now the struggle between Jiang Chunlan and Ran Tengxiao is imminent, and the hatred between the two sides is so great that they must never die.

Xiaofei is simple-minded and inexperienced, so he can't beat those old foxes at all, and because he witnessed the death of Ran Bowen, he was the only witness besides the dead Yu Jiang, and neither side will let him go.

Now that Ming Jing is involved again, Xiao Fei shaves his head and picks up his hair, so it must have really fulfilled Master Withered Leaf's comment.

Even if Xiao Fei hated him to death, he would not let him out.

I'm afraid that he will go to extremes. Yun Mo watched Xiao Fei grow up and knew the kid's temper well.

Qu Lanting patted the chopsticks, You stay at home and guard him. If he is gone, I will take you as a questioner.

Hua Luo picked up his coat and left accompanied by bodyguards.

Qu Feitai saw Qu Lanting's back from the second floor, and smashed the window with a lamp, but the window was made of bulletproof glass, so even if it was smashed for a day, there would be no cracks.

Qu Lanting strode away without looking back at him from the beginning to the end.

Qu Feitai threw away the desk lamp and sat helplessly on the ground.

The room was in chaos, without any electronic equipment, and even fearing that he would commit suicide, he put away all the ceramics and sharp objects.

The door opened a crack, and the servant pushed the breakfast in.

Young master, let's have breakfast.

A chain was tied to the door to prevent Qu Feitai from escaping when the servant delivered the meals.

Qu Feitai has not had a drop of water for three days, his lips are dry and peeling, his eyes are tired and bloodshot, his whole body is extremely haggard, and he can no longer see the demeanor of the top male god in the entertainment industry.

He leaned against the wall and fell slowly.

Seeing this scene through the crack of the door, the servant turned pale with shock, Mr. Yun Mo, it's not good...

Yun Mo shouted with a sullen face, What are you shouting for?

The servant panicked: Young master fainted, he hasn't had a drop of water in three days, so don't be surprised.

Yun Mo frowned, and strode upstairs, he kept the room key, opened the door and saw Qu Feitai collapsed on the floor.

Call the family doctor and ask him to come as quickly as possible.

After the servant left, Yun Mo picked up Qu Feitai and put him on the bed.

The family doctor arrived soon, checked and found that it was just a faint caused by dehydration caused by not eating for a long time. First infuse some glucose to restore body functions, and eat liquid food slowly, otherwise the hard-working people will not be able to bear it if this continues.

After the glucose drip was administered, the family doctor went to rest, and Yun Mo stayed by the bed.

On the big bed, the boy's eyes were closed tightly, he didn't know what he dreamed of, and his brows were furrowed uneasily.

No... I didn't kill...

Yun Mo got closer and finally heard a few words clearly.

For so many years, the young master has not come out.

Well now, it's straight into a nightmare.

Good luck tricks people.

Yun Mo was worried that this was the young master's trick, but after a day, the young master still did not wake up, and he didn't know whether to worry or rest assured.

At this time, a little girl ran in quickly, lying on the bed and shaking the unconscious Qu Feitai: Little uncle, what's wrong with you, little uncle? Get up and play with me.

Miss Youyou, don't disturb the young master's rest, let's go out first. Yun Mo coaxed softly.

No, I want to accompany little uncle. The little girl hugged Qu Feitai's arm tightly.

Yun Mo had no choice but to continue to accompany her.

The little girl's name is Qu Youran, she is six years old this year, and she is in the top class of the International Kindergarten.

As Qu Lanting's daughter, she is the apple of the eye of everyone in the Qu family.

What fell from her eyes was not called tears, but Jindouzi, and Yun Mo was most afraid of her crying.

Uncle Yunmo, I'm a little hungry, can you help me go to the kitchen to get some snacks? The little girl blinked a pair of black and white eyes, which was really irresistible.

Yun Mo got up: Okay, you stay with your little uncle, and I'll get you some snacks.

Just as Yun Mo walked away, Qu Youran pinched Qu Feitai's nose with his back foot, and said with a giggle, Stop pretending, little uncle.

Qu Feitai suddenly grabbed her little hand and opened his eyes: Little girl, you murdered your uncle.

Qu Youran pouted: Who told you to lie to me?

Qu Feitai patted the little girl's head: Yuyou, uncle didn't do it on purpose.

I know, you fell in love with a girl, but Dad didn't agree with you being together, so he locked you up. Dad is too hateful. I support you, little uncle.

The little girl said with a look of righteous indignation.

Qu Feitai smiled bitterly: If only things were really that simple.

The little girl rested her cheeks on her hands, and her bright eyes were full of intelligence and cunning: Little uncle, tell me, is my future little aunt very beautiful...

Qu Feitai was taken aback for a moment, Little aunt?

The little girl looked innocent: That's right, little aunt...

Qu Feitai covered her mouth: Don't talk nonsense.

Qu Youran blinked mischievously: Little uncle, your ears are red, you are shy.

Qu Feitai looked a little at a loss in front of his eccentric little niece.

Little uncle, don't worry, I will help you escape to meet little aunt. Qu Youran covered her mouth and snickered.

Suddenly Qu Youran's ears twitched, Little uncle, lie down quickly, Uncle Yunmo is back.

Qu Feitai immediately lay down and closed his eyes.

It was night, and the Qu family fell into a deep sleep.

The night watchman at the door leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

A black shadow cat sneaked over, took out the key and opened the bedroom door: Uncle, I'm here to save you.

Qu Feitai frowned and asked, Where did you get the key?

I secretly put Li Ma's insomnia waist in the water for Uncle Yunmo to drink, and sneaked into his room to steal the key. Little uncle, you should go, you will be found out later.

Qu Feitai had mixed feelings, No matter what the reason is, you can't steal things. It's wrong to do so, you know?

Little uncle, I know I was wrong, I will apologize to Uncle Yunmo, you can go now.

Qu Feitai patted her head: Thank you, little uncle.

Qu Feitai disappeared into the night without looking back.

Qu Youran shrank her shoulders: It's so cold~

Just turned around, almost scared to death.


Qu Lanting stood there for an unknown how long, his face was hidden in the darkness, and Qu Youran shivered in fright.

But she still plucked up the courage to stop at the door, Dad, it's wrong for you to lock up the little uncle, he has the right to pursue his own happiness.

The person she is most afraid of is Qu Lanting, but now she can't care so much for her little uncle.

Qu Lanting stared at her deeply: Happiness? Do you, a child, understand what happiness is?

Qu Youran proudly puffed up her chest: Of course I know that happiness is being with the one I love, and even if people in the whole world object, I still want to be with her, just like my little uncle...

Qu Lanting shook his head, walked over and patted her head: It's cold, go back to sleep.

Qu Youran grabbed the hem of his clothes and raised her head: Will you still arrest the little uncle and lock him up?

The person who can keep him locked up can't keep his heart locked up, so let him do what he wants.


It was minus ten degrees in Jingzhou in the early morning. Qu Feitai was only wearing a thin sweater, and he was so cold that he lost consciousness after walking a few steps.

He didn't care about that much, and ran down the mountain desperately, and his body sweated as he ran, so he didn't feel so cold anymore.

After walking for a long time, he finally saw a taxi. The driver stopped in front of him. Qu Feitai saw a young couple sitting in the back seat. They were so drunk that the smell of alcohol could be smelled through the window.

Qu Feitai frowned, and the driver urged: Get in the car quickly, you won't be able to wait for the car to come in the middle of the night, you will freeze to death soon.

Qu Feitai had no choice but to sit in the co-pilot.

Master, go to No. 18 Chunxi Road.

It was a well-known wealthy area, the driver couldn't help but look at him a few more times, but the night was dimly lit and he couldn't see his face clearly, but he felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

On the other hand, the girl in the back seat, who was a little bit flustered, heard the voice and muttered, It's like the voice of my male god...

The boy said dissatisfied: Isn't your male god me?

The girl sneered and said, Just you? Can you compare with my male Shen Qu Feitai? You're not even worthy of lifting his shoes.

Qu Feitai huddled in the back of the chair, silent.

The driver turned on the radio, and the gentle and intellectual voice of the anchor came out, soothing every tired soul in the middle of the night.

Hello, listeners of Midnight Singing, I'm the anchor Xiaoya. Just now, a friend from the audience called the hotline. The goddess he had a crush on in college will become someone else's bride tomorrow. He wants to order a song Feitai's White Clothes , as a gift to the girl he had a crush on, to commemorate the years of that crush...

The familiar prelude sounded, and the girl in the back seat suddenly poked her head over and sang along.

On the main road late at night, the girl's crazy singing voice was a bit sad, which gave this familiar song a bit of sadness.

The driver sighed: Another lovelorn, this song has become the Divine Comedy of Broken Love? Eight out of ten days, I ordered this song for various reasons.

Qu Feitai didn't say a word, and turned his head to look at the fleeting night scene outside the car window.

It turned out that it was doomed to be lost from the very beginning. Everyone could hear the sad tone under the bitter appearance of this song, but he was still deceiving himself.

The taxi couldn't enter Chunxi Road, Qu Feitai was about to get out of the car and walk in, when he suddenly realized that he hadn't paid, he felt all over his body, there was no mobile phone or change.

Qu Feitai took off the watch on his wrist and handed it to the driver: PATEK PHLIPPE's limited edition, let's use it as fare.

After that, he opened the door and got out of the car to leave.

The driver quickly stopped him: Don't fool me with a broken watch...

When the boy in the back seat saw the shiny watch, he sobered up instantly, and rushed over with bright eyes: Master, I'll give you a thousand dollars, you can sell this watch to me...

When the driver saw him like this, he knew that the watch was not simple, so he immediately put it away: It's a good idea.

The boy gritted his teeth: Can you sell it to me for five thousand yuan?

The driver was shocked. Is a watch so valuable? No wonder he came to Chunxi Road, he was indeed rich.


Walking in Chunxi Road, there are all single-family courtyard houses.

After finding the house with the eighteenth mark on the sect, Qu Feitai coughed a few times and walked over to knock on the door. Thinking of something, his raised hand dropped.

Just as he was about to leave, the door behind him opened with a creak, and a figure sneaked out.

Qu Feitai glanced back, his eyes met, the man was stunned, and quickly rushed over to give him a big hug.

Xiao Fei, I thought my eyes were blurred. It's really you. Didn't you get locked up by your elder brother? Why did you appear here?

It's hard to say, let's find a place to talk slowly.

Let's go. Bai Ziyan put his arms around his shoulders, Let me tell you, my brother is fighting with your elder brother, staring at me like a thief every day, I can't take it anymore, and plans to run away from home in the middle of the night , go to Jiangzhou to join Mingjing...

Bai Ziyan suddenly shut up, and glanced at Qu Feitai cautiously.

Seeing that Qu Feitai didn't respond, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qu Feitai pursed his pale lips: Are you going to Jiangzhou?

The original plan was, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Of course brothers are more important.

Let's go to Jiangzhou together. Qu Feitai said firmly.

Bai Ziyan was stunned for a moment, then took a careful look at him: Are you sure?

Mingjing is Ran Bowen's daughter, you seem to mind about it, if so, don't force yourself.

Ming Jing’s life experience is too shocking, not only the Qu family can’t accept it, his elder brother heard that he has a good relationship with Ming Jing, and expressly forbids him to play with Ming Jing in the future, otherwise his legs will be broken, and he is afraid that he will go to Jiangzhou again. He was locked up, and he also found an opportunity to sneak out.

No, what I owe her, I want to pay her back myself... Qu Feitai clenched his fists and left without looking back.

Bai Ziyan was at a loss and became more and more confused.

He quickly chased after him, We both have no documents and no money, how do we go to Jiangzhou?

Qu Feitai said: You don't have to worry about it, just go to the company with me first.

Bai Ziyan slapped his head: I almost forgot, you are still a top star.

Qu Feitai didn't dare to go back to his residence, he was afraid that Qu Lanting would send someone to wait for him, so he waited downstairs in the company until morning, and finally arrived at Huang Chao after eight o'clock.

Huang Chao hugged him and cried for a long time. He lost contact with him after the Jiangzhou dinner party. He called the police as soon as he heard Qu Feitai's name. , Huang Chao sensitively sensed that something was wrong, and wondered if Qu Feitai had offended some important person.

You're scaring me to death. I thought something happened to you. It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive...

Qu Feitai said in a deep voice: Help me report the loss of my ID card and apply for it again. Also, lend me some money.

Huang Chao looked at him in disbelief: haven't committed any serious crimes, are you being wanted? Xiao Fei, don't scare me, I have a heart attack.

Bai Ziyan added fuel to the side and said: It's more serious than being wanted, alas, poor Xiaofei...

Huang Chao clutched his chest and took a pale step back, oh my god, the sky is going to collapse.

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