Chapter 37: Mercy

The old man gradually calmed down and stopped convulsing.

I saw the girl take out a tissue from her school bag, and then an unforgettable scene happened.

An inconceivable girl who looks beautiful and clean, her light white fingertips are as if tempered by snow lotus, not stained with the slightest dust in the world, such a pair of holy and beautiful hands are wiping the vomit at this moment...

The contrast in the picture was too great. Many people couldn't bear to close their eyes, but they couldn't help but look at the girl.

Her expression was as calm as ever, as if she was doing an ordinary thing.

It's just so peaceful that it makes people feel abnormal.

Even the granddaughter of the old man can't do this, this girl is too kind and too powerful...

Gao Chang rushed out through the crowd and saw this scene.

A scene he will never forget in his life.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, and said angrily, Thank you...thank you.

Ming Jing saw a corner of the mobile phone protruding from the old man's pocket, took it out and said, Let me inform your family.

The old man's mobile phone did not have a password, so it was easy to open. There was a person named Shen Zhou in the recent call log, and Der Spiegel dialed to inform the other party.

When the other party heard that the old man had fainted on the subway, he was shocked and immediately asked where he was.

Temporarily on Metro Line 2, the next stop, People's Park, people have already called 120, acute cerebral hemorrhage, and the situation is critical.

Hold on.

Ming Jing heard the other party ordering someone: Contact the nearest hospital in People's Park and open up a life channel. My father's safety must be ensured.

This voice is full of arrogance, majesty and determination, only those who have been in the top position for a long time have such an aura.

Madam, thank you for your brave actions. The doctor will be here soon. Before the doctor arrives, please watch over my father. I will definitely repay you for saving my life in the future.

Efforts with little effort are worth mentioning.

After a short wait, the People's Park Station arrived, and the flow of people began to surge. The flight attendants also arrived and directed the police officers in the subway station to evacuate the crowd.

Ming Jing said to the policeman, Help me get the old man out first.

The marshal hesitated for a moment. After all, the old man's head was covered in blood. It was too scary to look at. Is it really okay to move casually?

But now is the peak passenger flow period, and the subway cannot really stop running because of this old man.

When the marshal received the notice, his face changed immediately. He immediately said, After receiving the notice, the subway is temporarily suspended. Wait until the medical staff arrives.

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows, it seems that this old man's family has a lot of background.

The subway was out of service, and the crowd began to commotion. Many people took photos and recorded videos with their mobile phones.

Most of them are discussing girls who are brave enough to do what is right, but in the video, the girls keep their heads down, their long hair covering their faces, and the pixels of the video are not good enough, so no one can see their looks, but their delicate and tall figures are enough to make people unforgettable .

In less than five minutes, under the opening of the police, the emergency doctor came in with a stretcher and quickly confirmed the old man's condition, The patient has acute cerebral hemorrhage, and his heartbeat and blood pressure are normal...

Hua Luo took a quick look at Ming Jing, Did you push the lateral position?

Der Spiegel nodded.

The other party said: Acute cerebral hemorrhage is accompanied by vomiting. The vomit must be cleaned up as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause asphyxial shock. You did a good job and saved a life.

The doctors and nurses worked together to lift the old man onto the stretcher and quickly pushed him away from the subway. Ming Jing followed and Gao Chang hurried to catch up.

A man in a suit and leather shoes walked over through the crowd and asked the policeman, Where is the lady who saved the old man?

The marshal pointed to the back: It's over there....

As soon as he turned his head, there was a turbulent crowd behind him, and the girl had already disappeared without a trace.

Gao Chang was going to chase Ming Jing, but when he saw the man walking over, he was surprised for a moment: It's him?


When Shen Zhou rushed to the hospital, the director was alarmed and mobilized the best medical staff in the hospital to ensure that Mr. Shen was safe and sound.

The lights in the operating room went out, and the doctor came out. He is a well-known expert in brain surgery. With him performing the surgery, the patient was naturally saved from danger.

Mr. Shen, don't worry, your father's operation was a success, and he has been transferred to the ICU. There is no problem with the 24-hour observation, and he can be transferred to the general ward.

Thank you, Professor Wu. Shen Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and almost lost his balance, Professor Wu hurriedly supported him.

Mr. Shen, your father was actually given first aid in a timely manner. Acute cerebral hemorrhage is very dangerous. Your father was in critical condition at the time. Someone gave him first aid and sent him to the hospital in time, which saved your father's life. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. It is the bounden duty of a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded, and I am not the one to thank. After finishing speaking, he left.

At this time, Shen Ke walked over quickly, Sir, that girl had already left when I looked for it.

Shen Zhou said in a deep voice: She is my father's savior and my Shen Zhou's savior. No matter what, she must be found.

Shen Ke took out his mobile phone, found out the video circulating on the Internet and showed it to Shen Zhou.

This is a very comprehensive video. It was shot from the moment the old man fainted. Everyone surrounded him, but no one stood up. Only one girl broke through the crowd and came out.

She is very thin, but her back seems to have a holy light.

Someone advised the girl not to cause trouble, but the girl ignored it and went forward.

She checked and dealt with it calmly, and then cleaned up the old man's vomit without fear of dirt... There was an exaggerated scream from the crowd.

From beginning to end, the girl didn't hesitate at all, she calmly knew what she was doing.

Seeing this scene, surprise flashed across Shen Zhou's eyes.

He thought of the voice on the phone, there was the gentle and moving voice of the oriole coming out of the valley, and the calm and calm like a mountain. He could distinguish people by hearing the voice. He was not only brave and kind, but also had hills and valleys in his chest. Such talents must be found.


Ming Jing exited the subway station and walked to the opposite side to wait for the bus.

Ming Jing, why didn't you wait for me. Gao Chang caught up panting.

Ming Jing glanced at him, and quickly moved away.

You were too brave just now. Aren't you afraid of being touched?

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The girl's brows were indifferent, but she spoke with an unspeakable compassion. She was alone in the chaotic and turbulent crowd.

Gao Chang stared blankly, his eyes straightened, he forgot what he wanted to say, he only knew that at this moment, in his eyes, was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

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