The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset

Chapter 344 The Bo Family (Part 2)

Chapter 344 The Bo Family (Part 2)

Han Ye is used to this kind of situation.

As long as Bo Yuxun was around, these women would never see another man in their eyes.

Han Ye raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bo Yuxun.

This is classmate, Dr. Bo from Jingzhou. Han Ye introduced concisely.

Liu Yaxin's eyes brightened slightly, and she looked at Bo Yuxun even more earnestly.

Hello, Doctor Bo, my name is Liu Yaxin. Liu Yaxin stretched out her weak and boneless hand.

Han Ye answered next to him: The daughter of Xinrong Real Estate.

Sure enough, the added sentence deepened the smile on Liu Yaxin's lips, and her slightly raised chin carried just the right amount of pride.

This Dr. Han is too witty, and this sentence is just right.

After all, she couldn't introduce herself as the daughter of Xinrong Real Estate, so she would inevitably be suspected of boasting.

Han Ye rubbed his nose, what, this Miss Liu may have misunderstood, he was reminding Bo Yuxun that Xinrong Real Estate is not qualified to carry your shoes.

After all, Bo Yuxun never had a good look at women who pounced on him. Even the daughters of those wealthy families in Jingzhou, don't want Bo Yuxun to treat him differently, let alone the daughters of a small real estate in Jiangzhou.

What surprised him was that Bo Yuxun nodded very gently: Miss Liu, hello.

Han Ye's eyeballs were about to fall out of shock. Has Bo Yuxun's temper changed over the past ten years?

Liu Yaxin shyly glanced at Bo Yuxun, then quickly lowered her eyes, and then couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at him, the spring in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Doctor Bo, is this your first visit to Jiangzhou? Let's add a WeChat account. If I have time, I will take you around Jiangzhou. There are many interesting places in Jiangzhou.

Hua Luo had already taken out his mobile phone, and quickly switched to the code scanning mode.

Bo Yuxun smiled and said, Miss Liu, please.

His hands were in his pockets, and he didn't move.

The smile on Liu Yaxin's face couldn't hold back anymore. Did this Doctor Bo not understand her hint?

Doctor Han, Doctor Bo, so you are here too. A man came up to him and started chatting with Han Ye and Bo Yuxun. Liu Yaxin was blatantly ignored.

Liu Yaxin's face turned into a pig's liver, watching that Doctor Bo was pulled into the crowd, his face was embarrassing.

One step closer to WeChat.

It doesn't matter, there are plenty of opportunities. Liu Yaxin took out the powder from her handbag, opened it and adjusted her makeup in front of the mirror.

Li Jiaojiao's face was reflected in the mirror, Liu Yaxin turned her head.

Miss Li, Miss Zhao.

Aunt Liu, I haven't congratulated you yet on getting out of the sea of ​​misery. Seeing that you look so good, I feel relieved.

It's not that Liu Yaxin didn't hear the sarcasm in the other party's tone, she curled her lips when she heard the words: Miss Lao Li misses you so much, I'm fine.

Really? I really don't agree with Aunt Liu's way of picking a man. Even if she picks a man with her eyes closed, she is a thousand times better than Aunt Liu's ex-husband. Aunt Liu, if you look for a man again, you must keep your eyes open. Mo Going to be confused again.

Liu Yaxin's nose was going to be crooked, took a deep breath, and said through gnashing of teeth: Miss Li has such leisure, why don't you care more about yourself.

Then turned around and stepped on the high heels and left, took a step and almost sprained her ankle, staggered, and grabbed a passing waiter in a very embarrassed way, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people, Liu Yaxin wished to find a place Get in.

It's ridiculous. A broken shoe that even a security guard doesn't want is worthy of thinking about Dr. Bo. Li Jiaojiao said disdainfully.

Just now she heard Han Ye's words and knew that it was Dr. Bo from Jingzhou.

Sister Zhen, this Doctor Bo is not bad. Li Jiaojiao showed a little girl's tenderness on her face.

Zhao Zhen looked away: He and Dr. Han are college classmates, and they should be almost forty. At this age, he can be your father.

Li Jiaojiao smiled and said, What's the matter? Age can't stop true love. I like this Doctor Bo. I must chase him.

Zhao Zhen was speechless, Just as long as you're happy.

Li Jiaojiao is the kind of strange woman whose three views follow her five senses. She can do everything in three minutes, even chasing men. Just now, she couldn’t take her eyes off Liu Jingyun, but after a while she fell in love with Doctor Bo again. Fall on both sides.

In the lounge, there was also a slight commotion due to the arrival of Doctor Bo.

Doctor Bo, is that from the Bo family in Jingzhou? Guo Han, the second wife of Gao Er, was a little surprised.

Mrs. Gao Yang Yan narrowed her eyes, Second brother and sister, why, don't you know each other?

The second sibling's natal cousin married into a high school in Jingzhou, so she is better informed about the news in Jingzhou than ordinary people.

Madam Li and Madam Ye pricked up their ears at the same time.

Bai Weining swiped his phone and arrived at Qu Feitai, and he couldn't wait to go out. When he heard these people mention Dr. Bo, he was a little surprised: Uncle Bo is here too?

Yang Yan looked at Bai Weining: Ningning, do you know this Doctor Bo?

Bai Weining nodded: Of course we know each other. Uncle Bo is Ye Zi's uncle. Oh yes, Ye Zi is my best friend. Her father is Bo Yujian. Everyone should be familiar with this name.

Everyone was familiar with this name, and they were even more surprised: So Dr. Bo is Mr. Bo's younger brother? God, why did he come to Jiangzhou? When did the Zhu family join the Bo family?

Bai Weining sneered inwardly, these wealthy wives are too ignorant, even Uncle Bo doesn't know about it.

For a moment, the eyes of the ladies looking at Bai Weining changed, and they almost forgot that this is also the daughter of the Bai family in Jingzhou. Although he is a side branch, he is much more powerful than those present.

After all, Jiangzhou was ranked high, but when they went to Jingzhou, they couldn't even rank in Moliu.

Bai Weining raised his chin slightly, with just the right amount of pride, Uncle Bo is a medical genius, he has a pivotal position in the international medical field, he just returned to China last month, and now he is working in Jingzhou General Hospital, Mayor Qian, everyone knows , His mother needs heart surgery, which is only performed by Uncle Bo in China. Mayor Qian invited Uncle Bo after three visits to the thatched cottage. I heard that he will introduce his sister-in-law to Uncle Bo, but his sister-in-law is not good enough for Bo the lintel of the house.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Gao Jia curled her lips, Then Uncle Bo must be quite old, I guess the children are old.

Yang Yan and Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Li sighed at the same time.

Guo Han suddenly said: This Doctor Bo is single and unmarried.

After saying a word, I was shocked in all directions.

That's right, ordinary vulgar fans can't catch Uncle Bo's eyes. Bai Weining's tone was slightly smug.

Gao Jia and Ye Lan looked at each other, Isn't Uncle Bo suffering from some hidden disease?

Bai Weining frowned delicately: Cousin, what nonsense are you talking about? It's just that you haven't closed your eyes all the time. There are as many wealthy daughters in Jingzhou who want to marry him as the crucian carp crossing the river. They are rather short than excessive, so there is no hidden disease. .”

Li Qingyao took a sip of tea slowly: You have such high vision, no wonder you are still single in your forties.

Bai Weining couldn't hear what others said about Bo Yuxun, so he choked back, Of course you won't think so when you see Uncle Bo.

It's so lively. Liu Muxue pushed open the door of the lounge.

Li Qingyao immediately stood up in surprise: Xiaoxue, why are you here?

Of course I received an invitation from Ming Jing. Liu Muxue rushed over to hug Mrs. Li first, and said affectionately, Auntie, I miss you so much.

Madam Li happily patted her on the back: You girl, you always give people surprises, why don't you tell me in advance, so that I can send someone to pick you up.

Is it a surprise to tell you in advance?

Madam Ye looked at Liu Muxue, and suddenly smiled and said, Madam Li, won't you introduce me?

Mrs. Li took Liu Muxue's hand: My niece, Liu Muxue, Xiaoxue, have met some ladies.

Liu Muxue smiled generously and said, Hello, ladies.

Your niece is so beautiful. Her eyebrows and eyes are really similar to Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li is so lucky.

Yang Yan stared at Liu Muxue and suddenly smiled and said, Is it the Liu family in Liuxian Town?

Madam Li's smile remained unchanged: I made all the ladies laugh. This girl is spoiled by her parents and she doesn't know any rules.

The ladies looked at each other. They had heard of Liuxian Town, but they had never seen it. It was quite mysterious.

Even the Liu family can make friends, this Miss Zhu is really amazing.

Cousin. Liu Muxue held Li Qingyao's arm affectionately.

Li Qingyao took her to introduce Ye Lan Gao Jia.

Ye Lan smiled and said, So you have such a beautiful cousin in hiding.

When Gao Jia heard that they talked about Liuxian Town, he only thought that Liu Muxue was from the town, and he didn't pay attention to it at all, and didn't even give it a serious look.

Cousin, let's go to Mingjing. I haven't seen her for a long time. I miss her.

Li Qingyao said with a smile: She is the master's house today, and she is so busy that she doesn't touch the ground. There is no time to entertain you. You should just stay there.

Liu Muxue pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

Ye Lan asked with a smile: How did Cousin Xiaoxue and Ms. Zhu know each other?

Liu Muxue sat down, ignored Bai Weining's face next to her, took a bite out of a piece of pastry, Yeah, it's the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the drunken concubine, and Ming Jing knows me best.

Gao Jia gave him a blank look, without any education.

Oh sister Ye, you asked me how I met Der Spiegel. We were admitted to the CMO together, won the gold medal together, and entered the national team together. I am the only teammate who fought side by side with Der Spiegel.

So that's it. It seems that Cousin Xiaoxue is still a top student, hiding her secrets.

To be admitted to the national team, this IQ is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Average, just a little bit better than ordinary people, oh yes, that Uncle Bo you were talking about just now, his niece Bo Lianye joined us in the winter camp.

Liu Muxue turned her head and looked at Bai Weining with a smile: Miss Bai, haven't you heard Bo Lianye mention it?

Bai Weining smiled, How could Ye Zi tell me such a small matter.

He also takes himself too seriously.

Really? It seems that your relationship with Bo Lianye is not very good. Liu Muxue curled her lips.

Bai Weining was a little speechless, this stinky girl who came out of nowhere, with such a tone of voice and no manners at all, dared to call Lianye by her name directly, really thought that taking the exam with Lianye would make her equal?

Does she not know what the Bo family in Jingzhou represents?

Oh, by the way, I remember Bo Lianye's little aunt, that is, the Doctor Bo you are talking about, his twin sister, named Bo Jiang, she will be my sister-in-law soon, and I will definitely drink the wedding wine when the time comes. Call you. Liu Muxue finished speaking casually, and took another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Wow, it's so delicious.

In terms of relatives, who is afraid of whom?

Now not only Bai Weining, but everyone present was shocked.

Madam Li thought for a while: You have so many brothers, which one is it? Why have I never heard of it?

The Liu family has a large number of people, especially in the generation of Liu Muxue's father, there are so many children, Liu Muxue's only cousin can't count on one hand, and all of them are social elites.

The Liu family has a strong sense of clan, and the cousin is no different from the elder brother.

Liu Muxue compared her eyes with both hands: The one who wears glasses, the one who has never taken second place since he was a child, the professor of the Department of Mathematics of Huaqing University, the vice chairman of the Huaguo Mathematics Association...that idiot Liu Xiangyue .”

This long series of introductions stunned everyone again.

Her brother is so powerful.

Bai Weining couldn't believe it: Uncle Liu is actually your brother?

Because it was too shocking, the voice was too sharp.

Liu Muxue gave her a white look: Could it be your brother?

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