Chapter 171 Demeanor (Part 1)

Have you heard, Zhu Xiangxiang has returned to Zhu's house again, this drama is simply amazing, with ups and downs.

Madam Zhu personally sent her to school this morning, and drove a red Ferrari, not to mention Dora.

What's going on? Didn't you say that Zhu Xiangxiang was kicked out by Zhu's family? Why did she go back? Zhu Mingjing Zhuyu is in front, Zhu's family is blind, can they still fall in love with her?

It's easy to raise one more person. I wish my family a great career. Are you afraid that you can't afford it? I guess it's because I'm afraid of gossiping and putting on airs. No matter what happens, I will be with Zhu Mingjing, the serious Miss Zhu family. Can't compare.

In the morning self-study time, the class was talking about the scene at the school gate in the morning in twos and threes, and glanced at the protagonist of the incident in the corner of the back row from time to time.

A centipede, dead but not stiff. Tao Xingxing snapped off the pencil in his hand, and said viciously.

Xing Xing, you... what do you want to do? The deskmate Ma Xiaoxiao was a reserved and shy girl. The two hit it off yesterday and quickly became good friends. Seeing Tao Xing Xing like this, she was a little scared.

Tao Xingxing snorted coldly: Zhu Xiangxiang is a shameless mother who robbed Ding Jing, not to mention, she still stays at Ding Jing's house and does not leave. With such a deep plan, Ding Jing is no match for her. As a good friend of Ding Jing, I have the responsibility I also have an obligation to help her clean up the house.

Tao Xingxing waved his hand: Don't worry about it, I'll take care of her, this time it fell into my hands, I want her to look good.

Tao Xingxing is very popular, and he has several friends in every class. Now, relying on his status as a good friend of Mingjing, he is in the fourth class like a fish in water, flourishing, and has a revolutionary friendship with Huang Liang, and was successfully elected as the class monitor.

The squad leader is the existence of authority. It is not easy to put small shoes on a person.

When the get out of class was about to end, Huang Liang said: The party secretary of our class hasn't been selected yet. Let's choose someone during this time. There will be no voting this time. The work of the party secretary is different from that of other class committees. It requires ideological awareness. High, who wants to recommend himself.

Everyone looked at each other, Tao Xingxing immediately raised his hand: Teacher, I recommend a candidate.

Huang Liang nodded: You say.

Tao Xingxing stood up and said with a smile, I recommend Zhu Xiangxiang.

The whole class was stunned, including Zhu Xiangxiang.

Zhu Xiangxiang suddenly looked up at Tao Xingxing. She and Zhu Mingjing wore a pair of pants, how could she kindly recommend herself?

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Huang Liang looked at Zhu Xiangxiang. He didn't understand the gossip among the students, but he also knew that Zhu Xiangxiang was the former school belle, and his grades were not bad, so he nodded: Student Zhu Xiangxiang, what do you think?

Zhu Xiangxiang stood up and subconsciously refused: Teacher, I...

Teacher, as far as I know, Zhu Xiangxiang was the party secretary when she was a freshman in high school. She must be very handy in this job. We are in the same class now, and class honor is the first choice. Zhu Xiangxiang, as a high-level ideological consciousness People, you won't refuse, will you?

It is difficult for Zhu Xiangxiang to refuse this big hat.

Huang Liang didn't hear Tao Xingxing's yin and yang eccentricity, on the contrary, he felt that Tao Xingxing was considerate and considerate, sincerely caring for the class, praised her and then made a final decision on Zhu Xiangxiang.

After class, Ma Xiaoxiao asked curiously: Why did you recommend her? Didn't you fight against her? Didn't this fuel her arrogance?

Tao Xingxing said with a smile: We are all in the same class. We see each other when we look up and see when we look down. Why do we have to make the relationship so rigid? Besides, Zhu Xiangxiang is really capable, so it doesn't count as burying her talent.

Then he patted Ma Xiaoxiao on the shoulder, and went to the bathroom with other students.

Passing by the door of Class 1, Tao Xingxing stood at the door of the classroom and waved excitedly at Ming Jing.

In the last few classes, a get out of class came after class, and everyone is used to it.

Ming Jing smiled and nodded.

After Tao Xingxing left, Ming Jing lowered his eyes and unknowingly wrote a few words on the straw paper.

She stared at the words on the paper, lost in thought.

After Song Yinzhang finished the questions, he raised his head and looked at the bright mirror. Seeing her frowning, he thought he had encountered some difficulty, so his gaze fell on the paper involuntarily.

I saw three words written in the blank space under the straw paper, one stroke at a time, penetrating the back of the paper.

Mingjing's writing is smooth and smooth, and he can write every stroke, and he must have thought a lot in his heart.

Ran Bowen?

Is this a person's name?

There seems to be only one family named Ran in Jiangzhou, right?

Song Yinzhang looked at Ming Jing with some puzzlement.

Ding Jing crumpled the straw paper into a ball slowly.

After class at noon, Tao Xingxing immediately ran to the first class to look for Ming Jing, Hurry up, hurry up, there will be no sweet and sour pork ribs when it's late.

Ming Jing smiled and shook his head: If you go early, there may not be any.

But it's definitely better than going later.

Yinzhang, how does it feel to be at the same table as the goddess of mirror? The two men surrounded him from left to right, and followed Song Yinzhang out of the classroom door.

Song Yinzhang looked at the scene of Tao Xingxing running with the mirror from a distance, shaking his head and laughing.

The two have completely different personalities, and it's amazing how they can become good friends.

Mingjing is good to everyone, but there is always a layer of distance, but not to Tao Xingxing. Song Yinzhang is quite curious about this point.

Everyone is gone, don't look at it. Li Yan teased.

Song Yinzhang glanced at him: Don't talk nonsense, Ming Jing and I are just friends.

Just friends? Are you still a man? I haven't seen you for a summer vacation. How did you become cowardly?

Song Yinzhang said in a deep voice: I don't care, but Ming Jing is innocent, a girl, she can't make such a joke, and don't say such things in the future.

Li Yan heard the warning in his words, touched his nose: All right.

The cafeteria was overcrowded at this time, and the appearance of the mirror was like a bomb thrown into the water, causing thousands of waves.

If it weren't for the school's new regulations that prohibit the use of mobile phones in school, and the cafeteria is patrolled by the dean and the student union, Ming Jing would be surrounded by mobile phones right now.

Ming Jing is now like a national treasure in a zoo, with eyes from all directions, Ming Jing is indifferent, Tao Xingxing is heartless, and the lightness of the two makes those eyes a little embarrassed.

Mingjing, let me tell you, Zhu Xiangxiang is in my class now, I will help you watch her in the future, and promise not to let her be a monster again.

Don't do anything, let it be.

Tao Xingxing finally got the sweet and sour pork ribs he had been longing for, and happily left with the plate.

When it was Ming Jing's turn, the aunt in the cafeteria saw her and said excitedly, You are Ming Jing's classmate. You are much prettier in real life than on TV. Auntie reserved the last sweet and sour pork ribs for you.

Auntie, I don't... Ming Jing watched helplessly as the aunt who was cooking put the last serving of sweet and sour pork ribs on Ming Jing's dinner plate.

Too thin, eat more meat. The aunt said distressedly.

Ming Jing smiled helplessly: Thank you, Auntie.

In the future, I will come to this window for lunch. I will save all the delicious aunts for you. I promise to make you fat and white in a month. Girls are lucky only if they have meat on their faces.

I'll give you some more of this fish-flavored shredded pork, as well as pot-packed pork...


Wow Ming Jing, the cafeteria aunt is too eccentric, why did you give you so much meat? Looking at the meat dishes on Ming Jing's plate that were almost overflowing, Tao Xing Xing was amazed.

Ming Jing told the whole story, and Tao Xingxing burst into tears, Auntie is too funny, doesn't she know that you are only vegetarian? But by the way, haven't you become vulgar? It's okay to eat less, and you still need nutrition for your body. followed.

Ming Jing shook his head: I'll give you all to eat, I'll go to the supermarket to buy a piece of bread later.

At this time, someone nearby changed Ming Jing's dinner plates, and they were all vegetarian dishes that Ming Jing often ate.

Ming Jing turned his head, and Zhao Zhen sat beside Ming Jing with the plate of meat and vegetables that was about to overflow.

As the female school bully of Shengde High School, Zhao Zhen is the focus of attention wherever she goes. Now that she has been promoted to the third year of high school, she is much more low-key than before, but she is still a terrifying existence in the whole school.

I was standing behind you just now. It's been a few days and you don't know me anymore. It's really sad. Zhao Zhen's tone couldn't hear a trace of sadness.

Tao Xingxing's eyes widened, so those gazes just now may not all be looking at the mirror, it may also be Zhao Zhen standing behind her.

Ming Jing smiled and said, Thank you.

Why are you thanking me? I'm the one who took advantage of it. I'll follow behind you when you cook in the future. Within a month, I'm sure you'll be able to raise a white and fat baby.

Zhao Zhen picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and stuffed them into her mouth, and said contentedly, The sweet and sour pork ribs in our school cafeteria are the best. How many people from other schools covet me? After all, I've been honored by you, right? Missy.

Zhao Zhen is used to being praised by others, and her words always have a strange smell, Ming Jing doesn't care, Tao Xingxing couldn't stand it, and glared at Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen glanced at Tao Xingxing with a smile: Ms. Ben knows that she is good-looking, so it's useless to stare so big. If you are jealous, find a mirror and take a look.

Hmph. Tao Xingxing pricked the rice on the plate indignantly, imagining it as Zhao Zhen's face.

She looks amazing, what arrogance.

Zhao Zhen sighed: Jiang Jinchen and Gao Chang went to college, without a beautiful man, suddenly feel boring...

It was rare for Tao Xingxing and Zhao Zhen to think of going together, and he nodded in agreement: The forum is now holding a new school flower competition, Ming Jing, you must be a well-deserved school flower, but this school girl, after Jiang Jinchen and Gao Chang left, The quality of the rest is uneven, the most promising one is your deskmate Song Yinzhang, when the two of you will both be elected, the two of you at the same table, one schoolgirl and one schoolgirl, are absolutely perfect.

Zhao Zhen gave her a white look: Don't you think that Miss Ben doesn't exist?

Tao Xingxing really wants to compare her with Mingjing, aren't you bringing shame on yourself? But he said with a smile on his mouth: Miss Zhao, last year I wish Xiangxiang that year. If you lose, you will lose. Why do you have to compete with a small white flower for the rich and noble flowers in the world, but this year, you will lose to Mingjing. It’s not a shame, how high is the gold content, don’t you think?”

Small mouth is pretty good at talking. Zhao Zhen sneered.

But you are right about one thing. Losing to Zhu Xiangxiang is embarrassing. Losing to Mingjing is okay, at least not embarrassing.

The two were talking about the belonging of the school belle, and Ming Jing ate quietly.

Zhao Zhen stared suddenly, then laughed.

Are all the freshmen this year so stupid? It's fun, it's so fun, they're braver than Miss Ben back then.

I saw a few teenagers walking in with friends and companions at the entrance of the cafeteria. Among them, the leader was not wearing a school uniform. He was dressed in a non-mainstream outfit. His half-length hair was dyed in various colors, and his long bangs covered half of his eyes. He looked very much like a flower peacock. , with his hands in his pockets, with a tugging expression on his face, a group of boys followed behind him step by step, all reduced to younger brothers under his arrogance.

As soon as the boy walked into the dining hall, it exploded like an ice cube thrown into boiling oil.

Zhao Zhen laughed until tears came out, This year's freshmen are so much fun, it's so lively to watch.

Ming Jing glanced lightly, the corners of his eyes twitching.

No matter how many times you look at Zhu Shaodan's outfit, it's too eye-catching.

Just as Zhu Xiangxiang turned around after eating, he accidentally bumped into a boy.

Sorry, I didn't mean it. Zhu Xiangxiang said politely.

Isn't this the former school belle? Why is she alone? It hurts my heart to see it. The boy sneered.

Zhu Xiangxiang frowned, bypassing him and leaving.

Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly stopped in front of her, Where are you going, our Zhu Daxiao.

It is very ironic to call the school belle now.

What do you want to do?

My shoes are dirty, if Senior Zhu Hua is willing to allow Yu Zun to polish my shoes, I will forget about today's incident.

The other students couldn't help gloating at the commotion here.

At the beginning, Qi An pursued Zhu Xiangxiang hard, and the whole school knew it, but our senior Zhu Hua was unmoved, didn't even give Qi An a look, and even embarrassed Qi An in front of everyone, Qi An's self-esteem was damaged, From then on, no one was allowed to mention Zhu Xiangxiang in front of him.

This is because of love and hatred, Qi An deliberately took revenge on Zhu Xiangxiang.

Seeing Zhu Xiangxiang being bullied by Qi An, pitiful, this is really a tiger in Pingyang being bullied by dogs, but no one stood up to help Zhu Xiangxiang out.

Today is different from the past. Today's Zhu Daxiaohua and Zhu Daxiao do not refer to Zhu Xiangxiang.

And that person... Everyone subconsciously looked in one direction, and when they realized that she was sitting with Zhao Zhen, talking and laughing, a trace of fear appeared in their complicated moods.

Zhu Xiangxiang's face was a bit embarrassed, and she finally remembered who the person in front of her was. She had been chasing her vigorously before, but she didn't expect to turn his face so abominably.

I've already apologized, don't go too far.

Excessive? Qi An curled his lips, You still think of yourself as the eldest lady of the Zhu family, please take a piss and look like yourself, today's shoes, you have to clean them, or you have to clean them .”

Hey, you speak so loudly. You dare to ask my sister to shine your shoes. Could it be that you are paralyzed? I saw a colorful boy with highlighted hair come out of the crowd. The clothes are also very eye-catching.

This is Shengde High School, the school rules are strict, even Zhao Zhen wears school uniform honestly, where did this kid come from, he is so arrogant.

Qi An frowned and looked at him: Who are you?

Shaodan? Zhu Xiangxiang looked at him in surprise, and shook his head thinking of something: You go back quickly, leave me alone, I'm fine, don't make trouble for everyone.

Zhu Shaodan walked up to Zhu Xiangxiang, Sister, don't worry, with me here, I won't let anyone bully you.

Zhu Shaodan deliberately amplified his voice so that the people around him could hear it clearly, and there were discussions all over the place.

This shaggy boy is Zhu Xiangxiang's younger brother?

Little brother is obviously very handsome, why is he dressed in such an eye-catching way, there is hope for a good school grass, it's too violent.

The focus is skewed, okay? Why is he Zhu Xiangxiang's younger brother? Is he his own or Zhu's family...?

Zhu Shaodan looked around at everyone, and said with a smile: Hi everyone, my name is Zhu Shaodan. I am new to Shengde High School. I hope everyone will be kind to you in the future. Zhu Xiangxiang is my sister. If anyone bullies her in the future, first ask me about my fist...

After Zhu Shaodan finished speaking, he swung his fist directly at Qi An's face, and yelled at him, Fuck you, I wish you could bully Zhu Shaodan's sister too? Give it to me.

Zhu Shaodan? The surname is Zhu, is it the young master of the Zhu family?

Before recovering from the surprise, the young man who was smiling just now suddenly swung his fist at Qi An with a harsh tone, and everyone shuddered in unison.

It's over, Shengde High School is about to produce another school bully.

Zhao Zhen raised her eyebrows, turned her head to look at Ming Jing, and said with a teasing smile, Your younger brother is very brave, quite like my lady back then.

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