"Okay, okay. Don't be modest, everyone. We have everything in the wine glass." This guy Song Xiyang also came to join in the fun, saying he wanted to see the beautiful scenery of the capital.

"Wujiang, go to bed early." Fang Shuxin woke up from her sleep and saw Li Wujiang still crawling on the table writing materials.

"You go to sleep first. I haven't finished writing the materials that Minister Mu has given me. I'll go to bed when I finish."

"What time is it? I can just write tomorrow." Fang Shuxin hugged Li Wujiang from the next year, and her whole body was pressed against Li Wujiang. The plumpness and softness made Li Wujiang's heart flutter. Putting down his pen, he kissed Fang Shuxin while she wasn't paying attention. The two of them were entangled for a while, but in the end they couldn't hold back their passion and became crazy again.

"Shu Xin, you have to arrange for someone to consider the packaging of Liuhe Winery during this period. The rebirth of Liuhe Winery depends entirely on you."

"Okay, Wujiang. This is how I think about it. We will arrange a spokesperson for the winery and shoot an endorsement advertisement for the winery, which will be broadcast on major TV stations in turn and reported on major print media. In Liuhe The county holds a grand national wine culture seminar and a thousand-year-old wine opening event. What do you think?”

"Okay, Shu Xin, you are becoming more and more in line with the times. You are becoming more and more aware of the power of the media. But I will add two more. One is that we must strive for prime broadcast time at this year's New Year's Gala, and the other is that in the Millennium Old Wine During the opening ceremony, hold an opening ceremony and invite major stars to perform to create a sensation."

Fang Shuxin thought that her thoughts were avant-garde enough, but compared with Li Wujiang's thoughts, she found that there was still a big gap.

"Husband, you are so awesome. You always have such a good plan when you open your mouth. You are like a treasure chest."

Seeing Fang Shuxin's exaggerated look, Li Wujiang also found it funny.

"Well, wife, please take good care of your husband in the future, and I'll teach you more." Looking at Li Wujiang's sullen expression, Fang Shuxin guessed what he was talking about. The two men chased each other and fought each other.

Two days later, Li Wujiang handed over the plan to Mu Liancheng. Mu Liancheng specifically told him to practice hard and report any successful experiences as soon as possible. After Fang Hongwei met Mu Liancheng, he returned to Nandu City first. This time Li Wujiang returned to Huayuan alone.

When he knew that Lu Donghui was leaving, Li Wujiang did not rush back to Liuhe County. Instead, he went to the provincial capital and reported to Minister Su Zhenghai first.

"Your boy is getting more and more courageous now. He makes decisions on work matters without reporting to you."

Li Wujiang knew that Su Zhenghai was talking about the activities of cadres and workers going to the countryside to help farmers. "Minister Su, I am just piloting this in Liuhe County to see the effect, and then report it after summarizing the experience."

Chapter 179 There are still differences between people

Su Zhenghai pointed at Li Wujiang and said, "I think no one can control you kid. You can do whatever you want."

Li Wujiang quickly explained, which made Su Zhenghai look good.

"Minister Su, when the pilot program in Liuhe County shows results, I hope you can come to Liuhe to have a look."

"Then it depends on your performance. If you want to do it, you have to do the job well."

After talking about this matter, Li Wujiang quietly asked Su Zhenghai, "Minister Su, are there going to be major adjustments this time?"

When Su Zhenghai heard Li Wujiang's question, he said with a serious face, "Is this a matter for your kid to consider? Just do your job well."

Li Wujiang was a little embarrassed, so he stood up and left Su Zhenghai's office.

In the organization department, Li Wujiang also met an old acquaintance, Shen Zhengyuan. Li Wujiang has not seen Shen Zhengyuan since he was transferred to Liuhe County. After the two people met, they were very happy. We found a restaurant together and chatted while eating.

"Brother Zhengyuan, I heard that you have been promoted again and are now the director of the Organization Department of Luonan City. You are making rapid progress."

"Wujiang, don't laugh at me. I'm competing with you. It's like you ride a rocket and I drive a tractor."

Shin Zhengyuan's metaphor was very vivid, and the two people laughed when he said it.

"Wujiang, I heard that you are doing very well in Liuhe County. You have bitten off a hard bone. This means you can do it. No one else would be able to do it." Shen Zhengyuan looked at Li. Wujiang, this kid has really made rapid progress in these years. Although I am constantly improving, there is still a big gap compared with this kid. Maybe one day this kid will surpass himself.

"Brother Zhengyuan, please don't flatter me like this, or I will be proud." Li Wujiang laughed even as he said it. "You are now the Minister of Organization. You have more contact with Minister Su. Are there any latest instructions from the province recently?"

Shen Zhengyuan looked at Li Wujiang staring at him and knew what he was asking. If it were another cadre, he would definitely not say anything, but Li Wujiang was different. "Wujiang, I guess you have also heard that there will be a major adjustment in the provincial party committee this time. Secretary Lu will be transferred. I don't know where exactly. Governor Huang will take over and the new governor will be transferred in from outside. "

Li Wujiang nodded after hearing this. It was not easy for Shen Zhengyuan to know so much, because he was not yet at the center of power. "Time flies so fast, Secretary Lu has to leave too."

Li Wujiang rushed back to Liuhe County after finishing his work in the provincial capital.

After Qiu Qiming's accident and Song Shaofei went to the countryside, the director of the Liuhe County Government Office and the county magistrate's secretary had been vacant, which made it impossible for Li Wujiang to carry out many of his tasks. Li Wujiang asked Li Yihuan to re-select, and finally confirmed Dong Bin, the mayor of Fengwan Township, as the director of the government office. The secretary matter was put on hold for the time being until Song Shaofei finished going to the countryside to help farmers. First, the staff of the General Department followed Li Wujiang.

"Director Dong, let's see what work arrangements we have these days."

"County Magistrate Li, in the past few days, you must first go to various towns and villages to investigate the situation of poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance. At the same time, you must also hear about the technical transformation of the winery, the Liuhe Wine Culture Plaza, and the construction of the museum."

"Okay, you make arrangements and we'll go down right away." Li Wujiang asked Li Yihuan to arrange for people to inspect Dong Bin. Although Dong Bin is a native of Liuhe, he is not from Lu Zhenjun or Zhang Zhihe. Moreover, he has a good official reputation and is a practical person. He has done well in Fengwan Township. That's why Li Wujiang assigned him to such a key position as director of the county government office.

"Xiaoyan, how are you doing in Matou Township." Li Wujiang's first stop for investigation was Matou Township, where Deng Xiaoyan was stationed.

"County Magistrate Li, although the conditions in Ma Tou Township are poor, I have done a very fulfilling job. Recently, I contacted the agricultural experts of Tianfu Company. Based on the industrial characteristics here, we chose to introduce the Chinese herbal medicine project. Now every household is actively signing up. join."

"Okay, Xiaoyan, that's good. In just one month, we have found a way for people to get rich. This is very good." Li Wujiang was very touched by Deng Xiaoyan's hard work.

"Thank you, County Magistrate Li, for your encouragement, and I also want to thank Township Chief Guo for your support." The Township Chief Guo mentioned by Deng Xiaoyan is Guo Jia, who is also Lu Zhenjun's son-in-law. He is about the same age as Li Wujiang. He was able to be promoted to the position of township mayor so quickly. Behind the scenes, Relying on his old father-in-law. However, Li Yihuan mentioned in his inspection report that Guo Jia was very kind and humble, and he was also very dedicated and diligent in his work. Although he is young, his work ideas are very clear. The most important thing is to keep a certain distance from Lu Zhenjun.

Li Wujiang looked at the young township head and said, "Mr. Guo, that's good. What are Ma Tou Township's plans for agricultural work this year?"

Guo Jia seemed a little awkward, but still said generously, "County Magistrate Li, Ma Tou Township supports county government cadres and employees to go to the countryside to help farmers. A pilot village has found a project to help people get rid of poverty and become rich. In addition, on the basis of the county, Matou Township has also mobilized township cadres to go down to the villages. Every village must have village cadres to help villagers resolve conflicts. , do a good job in service matters, and at the same time look for ways to get rich.”

As soon as Guo Jia's words came out, Li Wujiang felt that this young man was really good and could draw inferences from one example to other cases. The county government had issued plans for county-level units to send cadres and workers to the countryside, and Ma Tou Township could follow up on the supporting actions. "Township Chief Guo, you have a good idea. I hope you can make good use of township cadres in actual work and mobilize their enthusiasm for work. In addition, if a township wants to develop, it must first have industrial projects. What are the next steps for Matou Township?"

"County Magistrate Li, Matou Township is rich in marble mineral resources. We hope to introduce enterprises around marble resources for deep processing."

"Okay, just have an idea. I happen to know a marble company owner here, and I will contact him recently. You can personally lead a team to visit him."

Guo Jia was also very happy when Li Wujiang took the initiative to help contact the company. Originally, he thought that Li Wujiang would be prejudiced against him. After all, he was Lu Zhenjun's son-in-law. It seems that County Magistrate Li has a very broad mind.

Leaving Ma Tou Township, we came to Longyuan Town. The situation here is completely opposite to that in Ma Tou Township. Li Wujiang came to inspect the work. Secretary Lu Lu Fengshou and Mayor Zhang Shengshuan both said they were sick and asked for leave and did not come to accompany the inspection. Just arranged for a deputy mayor to come over. Li Wujiang knew the reason why Lu Feng failed to harvest. Lu Zhenjun recommended him to the city as deputy county magistrate. However, the city did not agree, so the guy started to lose his temper and cursed his superiors.

Chapter 180 Bold rectification and establishment of accountability system

Agricultural assistance cadres reported that Longyuan Town simply did not implement the county's policies and did not support their work. Li Wujiang asked Dong Bin to record the relevant issues on the spot. Deputy County Magistrate Liu Yuan is required to arrange for personnel to conduct an inspection specifically on agricultural assistance activities, and to report and criticize the townships and towns that do not implement the county government's policies and the cadres who go to the countryside to assist farmers in their work. At the same time, an accountability system must be established.

"County Magistrate Li, look, this is the report of the recent inspection by the special inspection team on the implementation of agricultural assistance activities in various towns and villages." Liu Yuan's work efficiency is still very high, and Li Wujiang arranged the work to be implemented quickly.

"County Magistrate Liu is very efficient at work. It has been almost two months since I came here. How do you feel?"

"County Magistrate Li, after I got to the grassroots level, I felt that the conditions in the countryside were too bad. Your policies to help farmers are so right. However, some cadres still can't understand your good intentions, and they still maintain the past style of doing things. He lacks passion for work and has a serious mentality of waiting for things to happen. When the county government arranges a job, there is no response when he arrives in the township. "

"Okay, County Magistrate Liu, you are worthy of being someone close to Secretary Fang. You have a unique vision and can see the problem right away. Whether the work is done well or not depends on the grassroots cadres. If there are a lot of policies from above, but nothing happens below, how can the work be done well and how can the people be satisfied? How can we mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres to work? On the one hand, we rely on the selection and appointment of the Organization Department, and on the other hand, we must hold accountable the cadres who do not act, act slowly, or act recklessly. I suggest that the county government set up an inspection department, and you will be responsible for it. You will specifically check the implementation of the tasks assigned by the county government and county leaders by various units. For those who do not work according to the requirements, the first notice will be criticized, the second time will be a reminder, and the third time will be directly transferred from the original position. If we don't do something serious, the people below will not take it seriously."

Li Wujiang said so much at once that Liu Yuan couldn't remember it. He was not convinced that Li Wujiang could be the county magistrate at such a young age. Now it seems that he is really capable. There are too many things for him to learn.

"County Magistrate Li, your method is great, but I'm afraid many cadres can't adapt to it."

"County Magistrate Liu, you came from Nandu City, and you know the development of various counties and districts very well. Now all parts of the country are pursuing development and reform. Our Liuhe is backward and started late. If we don't use some hard measures, how can we live up to Secretary Fang's trust. Of course, we must not only find problems in the work of cadres, but also be good at digging out good examples and summarizing. For those who do well, we must praise them with great fanfare, and for outstanding cadres, we must focus on promoting and using them."

At the first meeting to promote agricultural assistance activities, Li Wujiang severely criticized Longyuan Town and praised Matou Township. He also commended outstanding agricultural assistance cadres.

"Secretary Lu, who has the final say in Liuhe County? Why did we let this kid ride on our heads?" Lu Fengshou complained in Lu Zhenjun's office.

"Fengshou, bear with it. Things are different now. We should put the overall situation first." Lu Zhenjun has been very low-key recently. He basically does not show up at the meetings of Liuhe County. He always lets Li Wujiang do it for him.

"Secretary Lu, you are not afraid of this kid. If it doesn't work, we will get rid of him."

"You should put away your ideas. You don't look for the problem from yourself. Why is Matou Township praised, and your Longyuan Town is lagging behind. You and Zhang Shengshuan are both very busy. County Magistrate Li went to your township for inspection, and neither of you showed up. Is this reasonable? After all, he is also a county leader. At least he doesn't have the attitude to treat his superiors." Lu Zhenjun is also helpless about the cadres he promoted. It was he who made them arrogant and domineering.

"You are right. The meeting criticized me and praised your son-in-law." Lu Fengshou relied on his age and seniority to argue in front of Lu Zhenjun.

"Say it again." Lu Zhenjun said to Lu Fengshou with an angry look on his face.

Seeing that Lu Zhenjun was angry, Lu Fengshou said nothing more and stood up to say goodbye.

Speaking of his son-in-law Guo Jia, Lu Zhenjun was also helpless. Guo Jia was not a local, but a college student from another place who was assigned to Liuhe County. Guo Jia had no background and no backers, and it was not easy for him to work in Liuhe at the beginning. Later, he was favored by Lu Zhenjun's daughter, and with Lu Zhenjun's matchmaking, the two got married. Guo Jia took advantage of Lu Zhenjun to get promoted, but Guo Jia was arrogant and did not agree with their Lu family.

The equipment transformation of the winery has entered its final stage. Li Wujiang asked Xie Kun to produce at full capacity, and arranged for the sales department to establish sales channels across the country.

"Chief Li, according to the current production capacity, if we produce at full capacity, who will the winery sell to? We don't have so many customers."

"Mr. Xie, don't worry about this issue. Just produce at full capacity according to my requirements. But we must ensure the taste and quality of the wine, especially the high-end wine. I have asked the media company to design the packaging of the wine, and you can contact it later. I believe that the winery will be in short supply for some time in the future."

Xie Kun was still a little worried about Li Wujiang's confidence, but he strictly followed Li Wujiang's instructions.

When New Year's Day was approaching, Li Wujiang led the Liuhe County investment promotion team to Jiangzhou to attract investment. Xie Fei and Feng Yun had already made preparations there. Li Wujiang also contacted Fang Shuxin's uncle Ma Deming in advance. Ma Deming is now the secretary of the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee. He welcomed Li Wujiang's arrival.

At the same time, Li Wujiang also contacted his party school friend Lei Ming. Lei Ming knew Li Wujiang's intention and said that he would organize enterprises in the jurisdiction to participate in Liuhe County's investment promotion activities.

After Li Wujiang arrived in Jiangzhou, Wang Jianhua personally went to the airport to greet him.

"Jianhua, you've gained weight again."

"Life in Jiangzhou is too good, I can't help it." Wang Jianhua said with a smile.

"How is the mobile phone company doing now?"

"Wujiang, you have a high vision. The mobile phone market is too hot now. We can't meet the market demand even if we produce at full capacity. I have discussed with Beiyang that we should start the second and third phase projects."

"Okay, the mobile phone market has great potential in the future. You can start the second and third phase projects as soon as possible. But when you manage Changting Mobile Phone Company, don't forget that you are also the vice president of Changting Group. You have to do a good job in the business of Changting franchise stores in the south."

"Don't worry about this. The mobile phones produced by Changting are now sold exclusively through franchise stores. We have also established an after-sales service system."

Chapter 181: Build a service-oriented government and improve service quality

"It seems that you are getting better and better. In addition, how is the tourism development company I asked you to contact?"

"I contacted you for the work you assigned as soon as possible. This company is China Travel International, which specializes in investing in the tourism industry. I will introduce you to it when you come here this time."

"Okay, brothers are still reliable. You will send me to Shu Xin's uncle's house first. After all, he is an elder. When we come here, we must first visit his elders."

"Wujiang, have you and Shu Xin decided when to get married?"

"If nothing goes wrong, it should be on the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month."

"This is a good thing. When the time comes, we will make a fuss. But Wujiang, Nazi and the others, what are your plans?"

Li Wujiang was helpless. He had to concentrate on his mind in the future. "Nazi, I will treat her well."

Wang Jianhua did not ask anything else. It was already evening when they arrived at Ma Deming's house. Li Wujiang asked Wang Jianhua to go with him. Wang Jianhua refused, but took out the specialties prepared in advance from the trunk. Li Wujiang also expressed his gratitude to Wang Jianhua for his attentiveness. Since Li Wujiang had to stay at Ma Deming's house for dinner that night, he let Wang Jianhua go first.

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