Li Wujiang and Wang Changhai leaned on the window and looked out, and they actually found more than a hundred people sitting in front of the government with banners.

Song Changgong and Wang Changhai didn't dare to speak, so they waited for Li Wujiang to tell them how to solve it. Li Wujiang became calmer at this time. When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Tian Maolin disappeared and the people surrounded the government. It is no coincidence that the two events happened at the same time.

"Mayor Changgong, what do you think of these two things?" Li Wujiang was not eager to express his opinion, but wanted to hear Song Changgong's opinion.

"Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. Our Standing Committee has just passed the construction of Chengnan New District and the upgrading plan of Bianzhou Electronic Information Industrial Park. Two things happened here in succession, and they are both related to Chengdong District. What a coincidence. "Song Changgong is also a person who doesn't rub dirt in his eyes. It's okay to have political disagreements, but it's wrong to use them to create trouble."

"Yes, this kind of demonstration is obviously organized by someone. Secretary Li, I will immediately arrange for the police to maintain order and investigate the organizers." Wang Changhai also took the initiative to express his position. If there is a matter of besieging the government, the public security organs are bound to shoulder their responsibilities.

"Okay, since those are the two things, I would like to ask Mayor Wang to arrange them as soon as possible. We must do a good job of explaining to the demonstrators, exercise restraint, and avoid conflicts."

Wang Changhai also understood Li Wujiang's mood, said that he would fulfill his mission, and left in a hurry.

Song Changgong and Li Wujiang were the only two people left in the office. "Mayor Changgong, I think this incident is very targeted, and I am very worried about Comrade Maolin's safety."

"Yes, these people are so courageous and dare to do anything. But I can't figure out why they would attack Comrade Maolin?"

Song Changgong's question reminded Li Wujiang of something. He said to Song Changgong, "Mayor Changgong, please call and ask Dongjiang Group and Jinchuan Group whether the land property change procedures in the Electronic Information Industrial Park have been completed."

Song Changgong was stopped by Li Wujiang. He really didn't know about this situation. At this time, Li Wujiang briefly told Song Changgong the situation reported by Tian Maolin.

After Song Changgong heard what Li Wujiang said, he quickly dialed a number.

Li Wujiang looked at Song Changgong's expression on the phone, and from the changes in Song Changgong's expression, he confirmed his guess.

"Secretary Li, you are really right. Chengdong District has indeed passed the procedures for changing the nature of the land during Comrade Maolin's absence, but it is currently being publicized, and there is still one day left for the publicity period. These people are so bold, for their own sake Dare to do anything for the benefit of others." Song Changgong also strengthened his suspicion at this time.

Chapter 827 Handling cases in violation of regulations and using power for personal gain

"These people are so brave and cruel, they dare to do this under our noses. If they are allowed to pass, I will be ashamed of Comrade Maolin and the people of Bianzhou City. Please arrange for the municipal government to issue a notice urgently Stop the work of changing the nature of the land, and carry out investigation, cleanup and rectification within the city.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. But Secretary Wujiang, what should we do with the people surrounding us outside?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Since some people want to use tricks, then we will give them a chance and let them perform to their heart's content. The higher they jump, I will let them come back as they came."

Song Changgong looked at Li Wujiang's murderous look and guessed that Li Wujiang was going to go crazy.

"Secretary Chen, there is only one day left in the public notice period, so the change procedures can be completed." Fu Xinsheng said with a smile.

"Lao Fu, you can still play a role in critical moments. This matter will definitely give you credit." Chen Xuezhou did not expect that the things that had been stuck and couldn't be solved could be solved so easily.

"Secretary Chen, who knows where did District Chief Tian go?"

"Lao Fu, you are asking where District Chief Tian has gone. How do I know? Maybe he went out with someone, or maybe he was taken away by the relevant departments." Chen Xuezhou was still very careful, facing He didn't tell Xinsheng what his plans were.

"Some people say that Director Tian has been kidnapped. This is a crime. Once discovered, the matter will be serious." Fu Xinsheng deliberately tested Chen Xuezhou. It was he who had the idea to make Tian Maolin disappear for two days. But he didn't mean to kidnap Tian Maolin. If that were the case, he would be an instigator.

"These are all unfounded rumors, and you believe this. Well, this is not something we have considered. You should be ready now and wait to complete the land property change procedures."

"Comrade Maolin, you'd better tell the truth. If we brought you here, we must have some evidence, otherwise we wouldn't have brought you here."

"Director Du, I don't know what I have to explain. I am a municipal cadre. You brought me here. This requires Secretary Li's approval. I want to see your procedures." Tian Maolin was on his way back home from the construction site. On the way, Du Haiping and his party from the Fifth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection were forcibly brought here.

"Comrade Maolin, since we brought you here, we must have gone through the relevant procedures. This is not your concern now. Look at what this is?" Du Haiping handed a photo to Tian Maolin.

"This is impossible, this is not mine." Tian Maolin saw a bag of money in the trunk of his car, and he had no idea what was going on.

"We knew you wouldn't tell the truth, so look at this photo again."

When Tian Maolin saw the photo handed over by Du Haiping, he loudly said, "You are wronging a good person. What does this photo mean?"

"Comrade Maolin, why are you so excited? Look at the handbag in this picture and the handbag in your trunk. What do you have to say? You'd better tell the truth and maybe we will treat him leniently."

"Director Du, please stop lying to me. The photo of delivering the package in this photo was clearly taken secretly by someone. What does this mean? Let me tell you, I don't even know who the other party is, let alone collect money and goods from them. If you want to interrogate me, I must see Secretary Li, otherwise no interrogation will be effective. Is this the case handling base of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection? I think you brought me here without permission from the leadership. of."

Tian Maolin's words hit Du Haiping's Achilles heel. He did not get any formalities. He only brought Tian Maolin out at the request of some people.

"Director Du, we have been out for three days. If the stalemate continues like this, it is not an option."

"Xiao Gu, don't be anxious. It's not that easy to take down such a stubborn person. Besides, things have reached this point. If we don't take him down, how will we explain to Secretary Sun when we go back?"

"Director Du, the key is our procedures."

"Don't worry about this. The procedures are being processed. Our key task now is to capture Tian Maolin."

"Secretary Chen, it's bad, something serious has happened." Fu Xinsheng ran to Chen Xuezhou's office in a panic.

Chen Xuezhou was in a good mood at the moment, but his mood was suddenly disturbed by the intrusion of Fu Xinsheng. "Lao Fu, how long have you been away for? How come you're back again?"

"Secretary Chen, the municipal government has issued a notice to freeze any land procedures starting today, and now we will start to check whether there are any violations of procedures in the process of changing the nature of the land."

After hearing this, Chen Xuezhou dropped the teacup in his hand to the ground. Not long after this excitement, sad news came. "How is this possible? Why is it so coincidental for the city to issue the notice at this time?"

"Secretary Chen, has the city mastered our actions a long time ago? It's just at the critical moment that they want to take us down in one fell swoop. Now it's over." Fu Xinsheng was very panicked.

"Why are you panicking? The matter may not be as serious as you think. We are also following the procedures now. Even if this matter comes to light, it has nothing to do with us." After Chen Xuezhou panicked for a moment, he calmed down.

"Secretary Chen, we do have some problems in the process of change procedures. If the higher authorities come to investigate, they will definitely not be able to cover up."

"Don't you know how to adapt? Just say it was caused by a mistake at work. What can they do if someone fails to do his job? Everything must be calm."

"Secretary Jia, Bianzhou is very lively recently?" Tan Chengxu said with a smile.

"Old Tan, excitement is not a good thing. Bianzhou is in troubled times now. The leaders want to calm it down and develop the economy. But at this time, more troubles are happening. I'm worried that this is not a good sign." Jia Guowang does not want Bianzhou to If something goes wrong, no one can escape.

"Secretary Jia, are you overthinking this? This is all the trouble caused by Li Wujiang and has nothing to do with us."

"I'm worried that if we don't look for trouble, trouble will take the initiative to find us. A case of the disappearance of a district chief and a case of crowd siege. These two incidents are not simple. Once they are linked to human operations, then Trouble."

"No way, who is so bold as to really kidnap the district chief? This is a death-defying rhythm." Tan Chengxu was also shocked. Such a major case occurred in Bianzhou City, which is a death-seeking rhythm.

"I'm worried now that some people are too bold to do something behind our backs, which will eventually cause us trouble."

"You don't mean those people in Bianzhou, do they? How dare they be so bold?" Tan Chengxu became more and more surprised.

Chapter 828 Wave after wave of containment incidents

"Old Tan, call Secretary Yabo and ask about the situation in Bianzhou."

It didn't matter if Tan Chengxu didn't hit him. Once he hit him, he felt that even though Zhu Yabo responded calmly, he still felt unnatural. "Secretary Jia, it's possible that the Bianzhou people made their own decisions."

"This group of people dare to act so recklessly for a little profit. It is really lawless. You tell them to find a way to calm this matter down as soon as possible."

"Secretary Cai, don't worry. I will definitely handle the matter in Bianzhou. If you need anything, I will ask you for help."

"Secretary Li, does Secretary Cai also know about Bianzhou?"

"Bianzhou is so big, it's hard to figure it out. Some people want to cause trouble, so I'll see how they end up."

"But it has been a few days, and there is no news about Comrade Maolin. No one has come to ask for ransom. This kind of behavior is a bit unlike a kidnapper." Feng Yun saw Li Wujiang lying on the window and looking at the crowd outside. I don’t know if he listened to what he said.

"Go on." Li Wujiang said casually.

"Secretary Li, could it be that we got it wrong from the beginning and it was not a kidnapping at all? Recently I heard rumors that Mao Lin was taken away by comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission. Is this really the case?" Feng Yun asked My own opinion.

Li Wujiang really didn't think about this. If Tian Maolin, a division-level cadre, was really double-regulated by the Discipline Inspection Commission, he would need his own approval. Sun Chengkun wouldn't be so bold as to take someone away without his approval. But as he looked at the scene below, these people might really have this possibility.

"Call Secretary Sun and ask about the situation?"

Feng Yun called Sun Chengkun in front of Li Wujiang. "Secretary Li, Secretary Sun said he didn't arrange for anyone to arrest anyone. He needs to verify the specific situation before reporting to you."

After listening, Li Wujiang called Yu Yunlin, secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Li Wujiang greeted him and explained his purpose.

"Wujiang, according to the procedure, the jurisdiction of your Bianzhou cadres is in Bianzhou. Our Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection generally does not take them away directly. Even if we do, we will inform you in advance. But don't worry, I will let the people below verify this matter."

"Thank you Secretary Yu for supporting our work."

"Feng Yun, call Mayor Changhai and ask him to come over."

Feng Yun didn't expect Li Wujiang's thoughts to jump so fast. He was talking about Tian Maolin, but why did he think of Wang Changhai again. But Li Wujiang explained, so she did it.

"Mayor Changhai, have there been any new progress in the past two days?"

"Secretary Li, we have checked the surveillance along the road these days, and we have not found Comrade Mao Lin's final whereabouts. We are very ashamed."

"That means our direction may be wrong. But your priority is to check the following people." Li Wujiang asked Wang Changhai to go outside the window. "Look at how many people have earrings and tattoos on their heads and hands. Check if these people have criminal records?"

Feng Yun and Wang Changhai were shocked by Li Wujiang's thinking. Li Wujiang saw the big picture from the small and found problems from some subtle things.

"Okay, Secretary Li, I will arrange it immediately." Wang Changhai was in a hurry, coming and leaving quickly.

"Secretary Yifeng, have we handled Comrade Tian Maolin's case recently?" Sun Chengkun was also shocked when Feng Yun called him. Tian Maolin is a director-level cadre, and the adoption of double-regulation measures requires Li Wujiang's approval. Although he and Li Wujiang have different political views, they will not violate procedures.

"Secretary Sun, I didn't arrange for anyone to handle Comrade Mao Lin's case. Comrade Mao Lin is a division-level cadre. If you want to question him, you need to report this to me." Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Xiang Yifeng said.

"Did other comrades handle this case?"

"Secretary Sun, that's impossible. We didn't tell them, and they dared not handle this case privately." Xiang Yifeng said with a smile. He thought it was impossible.

"You call each case room here and ask them about their respective situations."

Xiang Yifeng saw that Sun Chengkun was so serious, and it seemed that this matter was not simple. He called one by one, but when he called Du Haiping, the call didn't go through. He called Du Haiping's office staff and the call still didn't go through. He felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Secretary Yifeng." Sun Chengkun also saw the change in Xiang Yifeng's face.

"Secretary Sun. Haiping and the comrades in their department couldn't get through."

After hearing this, Sun Chengkun choked on a mouthful of tea and coughed a few times. The thing he was most worried about still happened. He had a bad relationship with the top leader to begin with. If something like this happened again, he would have trouble explaining himself. "Ask the office what they did when they went out, and whether they had filed a record?"

The result is predictable. The office had no idea what case they were handling.

"Find them immediately, no matter what method you use. These people are so bold that they left without asking for permission or reporting. Who gave them the courage?" Sun Chengkun was going crazy.

"Mayor Wang, we have identified more than a dozen people from this group, all of whom have a history of fighting and brawling. What should we do now?"

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