"Brother Jiang, we won't go out to drink. We also have a small courtyard in Jiangnan. The three of us will have food and wine just like we did in Bianzhou. Isn't it great?" Li Na said with an excited look to Li Wujiang. This reminded Li Wujiang of the scene when the three of them slept together. He was a little excited and urged the two to leave quickly.

After the investment promotion trip, Li Wujiang asked Liu Huawen to lead the team back to Huayuan, and he went directly to Beijing.

"Wujiang, you are a little bold this time. You stayed on the other side for a long time without following the itinerary. Do you know what this means?" Although Fang Zhiguo was angry, he was more of a reminder.

"Dad, I know I was wrong, but this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Hua Yuan, so I want to fight for it again."

"Isn't it just to meet Guo Hongming? Can't we meet him in Jiangzhou?"

"For these entrepreneurs, we want to show our greatest sincerity to the other party, otherwise it is not easy for Hua Yuan to win such a big project on its own."

"What was the result? Did you achieve your goal?"

"It basically met my expectations."

"Okay, you must always remember that politics always comes first in officialdom. Losing this bottom line is the biggest challenge to your political life. When you meet the leader later, you must take the initiative to admit your mistakes and don't quibble."

"Okay, I'll listen to your arrangements."

"Wujiang, your attitude of admitting mistakes is good. Tell me about your gains on the other side this time."

Seeing that the leader did not criticize him, Li Wujiang's trembling heart calmed down a little. "Secretary Hu, I have gained a lot on the other side this time. Mr. Ma Zhenhua is willing to go to the mainland to trace his roots and worship his ancestors, and lead young people to carry out exchange activities. We have reached agreements with the other side on student exchanges, cultural exchanges for young students, and agricultural products."

"Well, Mr. Ma Zhenhua can come, which shows that your trip has been fruitful. You in Huayuan Province should make good preparations and increase cross-strait exchanges through various forms to achieve mutual exchange. I heard that you have a lot of insights in decentralization and empowerment in Beijing."

"I can't say I have any insights, just some personal ideas." Li Wujiang saw that the leader was willing to listen, so he briefly reported his ideas, "Leader," Leaders delegate power to local governments, so that they can focus more on major issues that are related to the long-term and overall situation, and plan for the overall situation and grasp major issues. With the development of society, local governments also bear more social management responsibilities, which can fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of local governments. "

"Wujiang, work hard at the grassroots level and blaze a new path for the development and governance of our country. Hope rests on you, the young generation. "

"District Chief Tian, ​​this is the land change procedure for the industrial park. I hope the district government can sign and handle it as soon as possible." said Fu Xinsheng, director of the Chengdong District Land and Resources Bureau.

"Director Fu, this piece of land belongs to the industrial park. According to the plan, it is all industrial land. How come there is such a large area of ​​change?" Tian Maolin asked casually.

"District Chief Tian, ​​originally this place was planned as industrial land, which is problematic in itself. If such a large park does not leave enough land for real estate and commercial development, how can it attract related companies to invest and build factories in our Chengdong District. These changes in the nature of land are also to better serve the work of the industrial park. "

"Okay, you are right. We must do everything around the industrial park. So put the procedures aside for now, and the district government team will study it first. "Tian Maolin certainly knows who these lands belong to, and he also knows the little thoughts of these people. But now is not the time to tear up. He can suppress it for a while. What to do with the specific situation requires Li Wujiang to come back and discuss before deciding.

"Secretary Liu, you are back, why didn't Secretary Wujiang come back? "During this period, Li Wujiang was away, and Song Changgong was so busy that he realized that it was completely different when Li Wujiang was there or not.

"Mayor Changgong, Secretary Wujiang said he had something to do in Beijing, so he asked me to go back to Huayuan first."

"Okay, how are the results of your investment promotion along the way?"

"Secretary Li took us from Taiwan to Hong Kong, and from Jiangzhou to Jiangnan. This time I was really eye-opening. I have also gone out to attract investment before, but never on such a large scale. At first, I thought that the goals and visions set by Secretary Li were a bit too advanced. Now that I have really run a lap, I know how Secretary Li dared to set such a grand goal. Secretary Li said that if Haihong Group can invest in Bianzhou, it will achieve a production capacity of 30 billion in the short term and a goal of 100 billion in the long term, which will drive 100,000 jobs. "

Song Changgong didn't expect that Liu Huawen went out with Li Wujiang for a walk, and now he keeps talking about Secretary Li. It seems that this trip has a great impact on him. The most important thing is that Bianzhou's current GDP is only more than 100 billion. A Haihong Group will double Bianzhou. What a concept. If this is true, Bianzhou will enter a leapfrog development.

Chapter 822 When the time comes, a hit will hit the target

"Okay, you have worked hard. When Secretary Wujiang comes back, the municipal party committee will personally arrange a celebration banquet for you."

"Xiaofang, just obey me. Brother Yong will treat you twice as well in the future."

"Brother Yong, you can't do this, you can't do this." Xiaofang cried.

"Stinky woman, I gave you face. How many women want to be with me, but I don't agree. Now I give you a chance, but you still refuse me. I tell you, there is no woman I can't get in this life. If you resist again, be careful that I will chop you up. I have done a lot of murders." Chen Fangyong forced Xiaofang to sleep with her.

At this time, a pair of eyes outside the door were staring at Chen Fangyong.

"Sister Huijun, this devil cannot be left here. He has ruined so many innocent girls. I really can't stand it." Liu Rumeng told Xu Huijun what she saw.

"Rumeng, Brother Fa said that we need to wait a little longer. When the time comes, we must strike with one strike. You are with him, so be careful about everything and don't show your hand. You know who he is." Xu Huijun advised.

After Liu Rumeng left, Du Youfa walked out of the room.

"Brother Fa, can't such evidence bring down Chen Fangyong? How long do we have to wait?"

"Chen Fangyong is not the key, the key is the big fish behind him. It's easy to take down Chen Fangyong. If we anger the people behind him, we will suffer in the end."

"This scum, bullying men and women, is full of evil. I can't rest in peace if I don't punish him according to the law. If the big man behind him doesn't move, we will never bring them down."

"Don't worry, I think the time is coming."

"What time."

"I know Wujiang's character. He has been in Bianzhou for half a year, and the situation is almost ready. He will not tolerate Bianzhou being so obscure. If Bianzhou wants to develop, it will inevitably touch the interests of these major groups. When they collide head-on, we can provide some assistance from behind."

"Will there really be such a day?"

"Believe me, this day will come soon."

Li Wujiang came back from the capital. Song Changgong and the members of the municipal party committee warmly welcomed his return, which surprised Li Wujiang a little.

"Mayor Changgong, what's the matter? Why is it so grand?"

"Secretary Wujiang, you have come to the treasure island and won glory for our country. You are now the pride of our Huayuan."

"I can't say I am proud. I just said some things that should be said and did some things that should be done. Okay, everyone, don't stand here. You have worked hard. Let's get busy with work."

"Secretary Wujiang, I heard that your trip to attract investment is quite fruitful. Haihong Group is expected to invest and build a factory in our Bianzhou." Song Changgong asked impatiently.

"It seems that Secretary Liu has communicated with you. I met with Mr. Guo of Haihong Group and discussed the cooperation in detail. Mr. Guo agreed to send an inspection team to our Bianzhou for inspection in the near future. As for whether we can cooperate in the end, it depends on our subsequent negotiations."

"As long as Haihong Group can come, we are willing to talk about everything. This is a giant project." Song Changgong learned about Haihong Group in detail afterwards, and then he really realized the strength of Haihong Group, so he is now eager to promote cooperation between the two sides.

"Mayor Changgong, can you really promise anything?" Li Wujiang asked with a smile.

Song Changgong felt bad after hearing Li Wujiang's question and asked, "Did Haihong Group put forward any conditions?"

"Haihong Group did not take the initiative to propose, but I made a promise to them in order to attract Haihong Group to invest and build a factory in Bianzhou."

"Secretary Wujiang, this promise is not very normal. For a region like our Bianzhou, it is very large in the mainland. Even if we don't offer preferential policies, other places will offer preferential policies."

"Of course, it is normal to promise, but you will be surprised if I tell you the promise." Li Wujiang told him about the land policy and tax incentives. Sure enough, Song Changgong was shocked after hearing it. "Secretary Wujiang, if this is the case, what is the point of our investment promotion? This is a huge loss for us in Bianzhou."

The reason why Li Wujiang took the initiative to talk to Song Changgong was to explain it to him clearly, so that it would be convenient to fight for this project. "Mayor Changgong, we should look forward and look long-term. I promised them, and they have to agree to my request."

"What request?"

"I hope Haihong Group can achieve an output value of 30 billion in three years and 80 billion in five years. As long as Haihong Group really takes root in our Bianzhou, according to our vision, the output value reaches the requirements. Just think about it, with such a large-scale output value, we will lose one or two years of tax revenue and land transfer fees, how much will we gain in the future."

Song Changgong finally understood Li Wujiang's idea. What Li Wujiang said made sense. Maybe Bianzhou gave up 3 billion, but in the future Haihong Group will bring 10 billion or 20 billion to Bianzhou. This is vision. "Secretary Wujiang, I'm impressed by you. So you're calculating here, really smart."

"Mayor Changgong, actually there's more to it. We talk about building a new city every day. The arrival of Haihong Group is equivalent to building another new city. Haihong Group will accommodate 100,000 people, and its arrival will drive related companies to invest in Bianzhou. I have also communicated with Mr. Wang of Changting Company. By then, the Changting mobile phone project will also invest in Bianzhou and build the world's largest mobile phone production base. By then, our electronic information industrial park will become the largest and most advanced industrial park in the country."

"Secretary Wujiang, after listening to your words, I am excited and want to do a big job now. Just tell me what we should do next?"

"First of all, we should do a good job in receiving Haihong Group's investment inspection. We should receive them with the highest standards. At that time, I can invite Secretary Cai to attend related activities. Secondly, I have such a plan. I want to upgrade the specifications of the electronic information industrial park and put it under the direct management of the city. With the increase in the number of enterprises in the industrial park, I think it is imperative to improve the specifications of the industrial park."

Song Changgong didn't expect Li Wujiang to change the subject and say that he wanted to improve the specifications of the industrial park. This is certainly a good thing for the city, but there are some concerns. "Secretary Wujiang, this is good. But I'm worried that Chengdong District will disagree."

"In this way, we can proceed in two steps. First, we will improve the specifications of the electronic information industrial park. For the time being, it will still be managed by Chengdong District, and the main person in charge of Chengdong District will be the top leader. When the time is right, we will separate the electronic information industrial park."

"Okay, this is a good idea. Then we will submit the planning of Chengnan New City and the planning of the electronic information industrial park to the Standing Committee for deliberation."

Chapter 823 Land nature change, leaving loopholes

"By the way, I heard that there are some different voices on the planning of Chengnan New District?"

"There were indeed some minor incidents, but this matter has been resolved satisfactorily. Now our citizens and cadres are very supportive of this plan. Thanks to Comrade Feng Yun, the idea of ​​​​blocking is indeed a good way. Facing the Internet and new media, our old ideas must be changed."

"Maolin, have the land nature change procedures of Haohan Group, Dongjiang Group and Jinchuan Group been sent to the district government?"

"Secretary Chen, yes, the land used by these groups involves a relatively large area, and the industrial land is changed to commercial land, which is inconsistent with our plan. We are arranging people to review it." Tian Maolin knew that Chen Xuezhou would ask this question sooner or later, and he had already thought of the reason to deal with it.

"Director Fu and his team have reviewed the change of land nature. Your government just needs to go through the formalities. The city is now advocating to solve difficulties for enterprises and create a good environment for their development. These enterprises are all major taxpayers in our district, and we must serve them well."

"Secretary Chen, you are absolutely right. However, there are procedures. We should be more cautious about major matters such as changing the nature of land. Don't let the superiors hold us accountable when something goes wrong. Don't worry, I will communicate with these major groups to express that we attach great importance to this matter and are also stepping up the review of the nature of the land."

Chen Xuezhou saw Tian Maolin saying this, and his mouth was blocked and he didn't know what to say. Finally, he said, "You should hurry up and handle this matter. Don't let this matter delay the construction of several major groups."

"Secretary Chen, I think District Chief Tian is stalling. Several of our departments have reviewed and signed, and what else does the district government need to review?" Fu Xinsheng tried to sow discord in front of Chen Xuezhou.

"Then why do you think he should delay? What good will it do him?"

Fu Xinsheng stuttered, "I don't know. Is it that District Chief Tian is still holding a grudge?"

"What grudge does he hold? Who has a grudge against him?" Chen Xuezhou heard the innuendo and started to speak loudly.

When Fu Xinsheng heard that Chen Xuezhou was angry, he immediately said, "Secretary Chen, I said the wrong thing. I was wrong."

"Okay, it's important to get the business done first. There is no time limit for handling the change procedures. Just look at the time and remind him more often."

"Secretary Li, this is the situation. Now they are pressing step by step. What should I do next?"

"Maolin, you did a great job. Since there is a plan, follow the plan. If you want to change the land use, change it. I have high hopes for the Electronic Information Industrial Park. I hope that the Bianzhou Electronic Information Industrial Park will be in the four major areas of computer, mobile communication, smart terminal, and ultra-high-definition video display. The pillar industries have formed a complete industrial chain and supply chain, becoming one of the important production bases and supporting industrial clusters of smart terminals in the country. In order to further promote the development of the leading industries of the electronic information industrial park, we will vigorously cultivate and develop local enterprises led by Changting Electronics, Zhongke Telecom, and Huayuan Electronics, and attract high-quality industrial resources such as Xiangjiang and Jiangzhou to settle down. "

"Secretary Li, the purpose of expanding the electronic information industrial park is to develop and strengthen related industries, but some people insist on changing the nature of the land for their own selfish interests, which seriously damages the development of the work park." Tian Maolin fully implements Li Wujiang's thoughts.

"You don't have to worry about this. Your main job now is to start the land leveling work of the newly planned area and the water, electricity and access projects. "

After hearing what Li Wujiang said, Tian Maolin realized something and asked, "Secretary Li, is there any big move in the city?"

"Since you are here, I will tell you something, but you have to keep it secret now. The Municipal Party Committee plans to upgrade the specifications of the electronic information industrial park. "

Tian Maolin thought, upgrading the specifications means that the industrial park in the eastern part of the city has become an industrial park in Bianzhou City. Although he and Li Wujiang were in agreement, he was still reluctant to let his baby go when someone else took him away. "Secretary Li, then the industrial park will become the city's industrial park."

Li Wujiang knew what he was worried about, and said, "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the city plans to have a transition period for the time being. The electronic information industrial park will be managed by Chengdong District for the time being. I suggest that the top leader of the district government serve as the director of the industrial park."

Tian Maolin was relieved when he heard this. He served as the director of the industrial park. After the industrial park became independent, he would be the top leader. "Don't worry, Secretary Li, we will manage the industrial park well."

"Also, the electronic information industrial park will have major moves in the near future. You must speed up the progress. I don't care what method you come up with, you must push it as soon as possible."

Before the New Year, Beijing issued a plan to promote the rise of the central region, vigorously supporting the development of the central region. The plan mentioned supporting Bianzhou City to establish a national transportation hub city, supporting Bianzhou City to build an aviation center, supporting Bianzhou City to establish a national electronic information industry park, supporting Bianzhou City to achieve linkage with Fengzhou, Shangzhou, Anzhou and other places, and forming a Central Plains city cluster centered on Bianzhou.

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