"When you come to the capital this time, let the brothers take good care of you. Eat, drink and have fun. We all have a lot of wine and beauties." As Zhao Qianlong was talking, Fang Shuxin threw a chopstick over and hit him on the head. superior.

Fang Shuxin was angry. She dared to lead Li Wujiang to pick up girls under my mother's eyes. She was seeking death.

It was Zhao Qianlong's quick turn, and he immediately changed the topic, "Sister-in-law, I'm talking about us picking up girls, Brother Jiang picks up you." This joke completely enlivened the atmosphere at the scene.

Li Wujiang felt that it was actually quite good to have such a group of friends. Drinking, chatting, bragging, and spanking made him feel very happy.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Qianlong asked about business, "Brother Jiang, you have arrived in the capital this time, do you want to give advice to the brothers on what to do next?"

When asked about serious matters, these people all pricked up their ears. What Li Wujiang taught was wealth knowledge.

"With the continuous development of our country's economy, people's living standards will continue to improve, but the existing productivity cannot meet the people's needs for a better life, which means that the people's livelihood industries related to the people will be a big cornucopia in the future. , such as the real estate industry, home appliance industry, and automobile industry, there will be a surge in demand in the future. Therefore, in the future wave, there are development opportunities everywhere. As long as everyone can seize the opportunity, they will be able to achieve leapfrog development. "Li Wujiang did not. You talk a lot, and if you talk too much, I’m afraid they won’t be able to digest it. What needs to be said has been said, but it depends on their ability to comprehend.

"Brother Jiang, we seem to understand what you are saying, so just do whatever you say and we will just follow it." Wang Chao was anxious to express his determination.

Everyone stared at Li Wujiang. In the future, people's demand for houses will be greater and greater, and the real estate industry will become an emerging industry. Changting Company will prepare to establish a real estate company. If you want to invest in shares, you can discuss it with Shu Xin.

Everyone present began to talk about it, saying that this one requires an investment of 10 million yuan, and that one requires an investment of 20 million yuan. Fortunately, Fang Shuxin stopped them and said that it was very hard for Li Wujiang to come here. We can slowly discuss this matter in the future and let everyone disperse.

Zhao Qianlong looked at Li Wujiang and Fang Shuxin with a look that everyone understood, and said, "Then don't disturb the eldest brother and sister-in-law's spring night." Everyone said oh in unison. Fang Shuxin's face turned red immediately, and she was about to hit Zhao Qianlong with something, but luckily Zhao Qianlong ran faster.

Fang Shuxin took Li Wujiang back to the hotel. Fang Shuxin wanted to leave, but Li Wujiang stopped him and asked her to stay with him again.

The two of them hugged each other and sat on the sofa.

"Wujiang, you really plan to set up a real estate company. Now the houses are allocated collectively. Can you sell the houses?"

Li Wujiang looked at the night sky outside and said, "Shu Xin, look at how everyone lives in collective housing and tube buildings. Many families live in one house. Everyone's life is too inconvenient. Our country's economic system will Adjustments will be made soon, and by then our country will enter a stage of comprehensive market economic development. With the liberalization of the market, people's demand for housing will be huge. We must seize the opportunity of market changes and be the first to lead step by step. ." Fang Shuxin was frightened by Li Wujiang's reasoning. The current social and economic development system has not been figured out yet, and even the old man in his family has not chosen which step to take, and this young boy dares to predict the future. This is also related to the future development of her family, so Fang Shuxin cautiously asked Li Wujiang how he knew the future development direction.

Li Wujiang said, "After more than ten years of turmoil, our country's economy has fallen behind. Although reform and opening up have been carried out for ten years, the determination is not strong enough and the development is not fast enough. The country urgently needs to develop and grow, and the people expect a better life. This requires We must reform and develop. Failure to reform is a retrogression of history, and failure to develop will fail the expectations of the people. Senior leaders have also made many speeches and pointed out that let us be bolder in reform and opening up, and boldly try it when we see it. , boldly break out. Planning and market are two means of social development. In today's society, it is about seizing the opportunity to liberate productivity and ultimately achieve common prosperity." After speaking, Li Wujiang fell into deep thought.

What Li Wujiang said had a great influence on Fang Shuxin. Before, Li Wujiang gave Fang Shuxin the feeling that he was talented in investment. He didn't expect that Li Wujiang also had such a far-sighted vision in politics. What Li Wujiang said tonight was so important. She needs to take Li Wujiang's words back, and it's time for her family to make a choice.

Chapter 51 Fang Shuxin’s family background is simply wealthy

Fang Shuxin left, and Li Wujiang didn't stop him, still thinking about the future.

"Shu Xin, who did you hear these words from? This person is too courageous. Don't listen to his advocacy." Fang Shuxin's father, Fang Zhiguo, said angrily.

After Fang Shuxin came back, she found that her father and the old man were not sleeping, so she directly told her father and the old man what Li Wujiang said.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard his father yelling angrily. Fang Shuxin knew that she lived in such a big family, and every word and deed was important. When I resigned some time ago, I was scolded by my father and other elders. Fortunately, the old man stopped him and said that the child was still young and it was a good thing to go out and explore. Otherwise, Fang Shuxin would not have been able to resign from public office at that time.

Fang Shuxin came back tonight and told her family what Li Wujiang said. She also knew that she had taken a big risk. Her father was a die-hard and had doubts about developing a market economy. But if your family chooses the wrong direction, it will be difficult to turn around in the future. So she had to say it tonight.

"Zhiguo, Xinxin is also kind-hearted. It's no big deal to talk about it." The old man opened his mouth. He felt the most sorry for Fang Shuxin and was afraid that she would be wronged.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Fang Shuxin cried sadly when she saw her grandfather speaking for him.

"Girl, don't cry. Tell Grandpa who told you this." The old man is over 80 years old this year. He has fought for decades. He is still very strong, his mind is very clear, and he is very sensitive to politics. He understands that if he chooses the wrong direction, he will lose opportunities, which is fatal for a big family. Now the country is facing transformation, which is crucial to the development of the country, but the development of their big family is also at a crossroads. The old man usually walks very close to senior leaders, and the ideas of senior leaders are very similar to what his granddaughter said just now. So he wants to ask and think about it.

Fang Shuxin heard her grandfather ask her who said it, and suddenly she couldn't open her mouth. She didn't know how to say it, how to introduce Li Wujiang.

Seeing his daughter being hesitant, Fang Zhiguo said, "Your grandfather is not asking you questions, just speak up."

The old man was very clear-headed. He could see Fang Shuxin's dilemma at a glance and asked, "Is it the guy who asked you to quit your job and start a business?"

Fang Shuxin saw that her grandfather had guessed it right away, so she didn't hide it and said, "Yes, it's him. He published an article in the internal reference some time ago and was recognized by the leaders. Recently, he was seconded to work in the propaganda department of Beijing."

"Oh, it's rare for such a young age to have such a good opportunity. Bring him back to let grandpa meet him when you have time," said the old man.

When Fang Shuxin heard that the old man wanted to meet Li Wujiang, she thought of meeting his parents, and her face suddenly turned red, and she didn't say anything. The old man asked Fang Shuxin to rest early and left Fang Zhiguo.

Fang Shuxin stood outside and heard the old man get angry, saying that Fang Zhiguo lacked long-term vision and was not as good as a young man in looking at problems. Fang Zhiguo, a provincial and ministerial-level cadre, was scolded by the old man and dared not say a word.

"Comrade Xiao Li, welcome to work in the Propaganda Department." Deputy Minister Huang specially received Li Wujiang, which surprised Li Wujiang. How could a small cadre like him disturb the leader to receive him?

"Thank you Minister Huang for your concern." Li Wujiang was a little flattered.

"Xiao Li, this time I seconded you to take advantage of your intelligence and wisdom, especially your ability in propaganda, to take our propaganda work to a new level." Minister Huang set a very high tone, which made Li Wujiang blush.

Li Wujiang said, "Leader, I came here mainly to learn from you, to learn the work spirit and work ability of the leaders of the ministries and commissions, and then bring them back to Huayuan Province."

"Don't be modest, Comrade Li. Although you have been working for a short time, your ability is obvious to all. This time, you are asked to come mainly to assist in our country's foreign propaganda work. This year, the domestic and international situation has changed dramatically. How can we establish a good image of a great power to the outside world, let our country integrate into the world as soon as possible, and welcome friends from all over the world to visit our country, and promote the comprehensive development of our country's society, culture, and economy." Minister Huang saw that Li Wujiang was listening very attentively and took notes in a notebook. He felt that this comrade was very thoughtful, so he continued, "You have arrived at the ministry, first adapt for a period of time, and then our Director Li will personally introduce you to your main work in the future." Minister Huang pointed to the man next to him, and Li Wujiang and Director Li nodded to each other.

"Shengli, Xiao Li is a new comrade on the propaganda front. You should treat him well. Don't think that he is a new comrade and dare not use him. You should use him boldly and learn from Xiao Comrade." Minister Huang's words made Li Wujiang feel ashamed.

"Okay, Minister Huang, we must use Comrade Wujiang's wisdom to promote the great development and new situation of external propaganda." Director Li, that is, Li Shengli, said. Director Li is not very old, about 40 years old, wearing a pair of glasses, very scholarly.

Then, Director Li and Li Wujiang said goodbye to Minister Huang.

The Propaganda Department has set up a special external propaganda office. This department is personally led by Li Shengli. At present, there is only Li Wujiang. It seems that the propaganda department has also made good intentions on how to use Li Wujiang. Li Wujiang is a deputy section-level cadre, the most basic staff in the department. He was seconded to play his role. If he was placed in an ordinary department and used as an ordinary clerk, there would be no need to second him.

Li Shengli is an arrogant person. He was originally a bureau-level cadre, and Li Wujiang was a deputy section-level cadre. The two were far apart in rank and were not equal at all. There was no need for him to target him directly, but the leader attached great importance to this comrade seconded from the local area, so he had no choice but to hang up the director of the External Propaganda Office. In fact, Li Shengli was very upset to cheer for this kid, but there was nothing he could do. He simply told Li Wujiang some future work directions and let Li Wujiang think about it himself.

Li Wujiang was alone in an office, a little lonely. At this time, he was thinking that he might as well go back to Huayuan Province. But he knew that he couldn't go back for the time being, and since he was here, he had to do a good job here.

Just when Li Wujiang was bored, a beautiful woman came in.

"Hello, I'm Dong Yueyue, are you Li Wujiang?"

"Yes, hello, I'm Li Wujiang." Li Wujiang was still wondering why a beautiful woman took the initiative to talk to him.

Seeing Li Wujiang's puzzled expression, Dong Yueyue said, "Shu Xin is my good sister. When you come here, she has already greeted me in advance and asked me to take care of you."

Chapter 52 Breaking through the defense line, feelings quickly heat up

Looking at this carefree girl, Li Wujiang felt a little interesting. At least he was not alone here anymore. It was good to have a beautiful woman to talk to.

"Sister Dong, you are not only good in figure, but also a good person, and you are also righteous. From now on, my little brother will rely more on your care here." Li Wujiang's mouth seemed to be greased, trying to please the beauty in front of him.

Dong Yueyue liked to hear good things and said happily, "Don't worry, here, you have a sister to look after you, and no one dares to do anything to you."

Dong Yueyue then introduced several young people such as Deng Dongyang and Song Fei to Li Wujiang. The young people were easy to get along with and we soon chatted together. Li Wujiang's extensive knowledge also put them at a disadvantage. After a few days, Li Wujiang became very familiar with the Propaganda Department.

Li Wujiang strolled freely in the Propaganda Department during the day, and when he returned home at night, he hugged Fang Shuxin and gnawed fiercely. The relationship between Li Wujiang and Fang Shuxin has been developing by leaps and bounds in the past few days. Li Wujiang has almost taken possession of them all, but in the end they still did not break through the last layer of their relationship.

At this time, Li Wujiang's hands were kissing Fang Shuxin, and Fang Shuxin felt an unbearable itching all over her body. Although Fang Shuxin is usually very bold, she is extra cautious when it comes to men and women. This may be due to the good upbringing of her big family, which makes Wujiang scold her. Fang Shuxin was too shy to move. At this time, Fang Shuxin was lying on the bed like a puddle of mud, letting Li Wujiang bully her.

Fang Shuxin said softly. Let Li Wujiang completely ignite his passion, the two of them entered the gentle land, and Li Wujiang finally got his wish.

Afterwards, Li Wujiang saw Fang Shuxin shed tears. He quickly coaxed Fang Shuxin and said that he was sorry for her and would be good to her in the future.

Seeing Li Wujiang being so nervous about herself, Fang Shuxin laughed and said that she was crying with joy and hoped that Li Wujiang would treat her well in the future.

Li Wujiang agreed vigorously. One night, the two of them hugged each other and slept until the end of the world.

Li Wujiang was sitting in the office, thinking about the scene with Fang Shuxin last night. It was so beautiful just thinking about it. While he was having a sweet dream, Li Shengli came over and asked Li Wujiang to go to his office. Li Wujiang cursed several times quietly in his heart.

"Wujiang, you've been here for a week, and you're almost used to work. Do you have any ideas for external publicity now?" Li Shengli saw Li Wujiang yawning, and wanted to step forward and slap him twice.

Li Wujiang and Fang Shuxin worked too late and did not sleep well. They planned to catch up on their sleep at work, but they did not expect to be called by Director Li for questioning. Li Wujiang still had to answer the leader's question. After thinking for a while, he said, "External publicity is an overall and strategic task of the country, and a strategic task of the propaganda and ideological front. External publicity is mainly to demonstrate our country's reform and opening up, A good national image of unity, enterprising, equality and friendship introduces our country’s excellent cultural connotation and declares our country’s policy proposition of taking the path of peaceful development. We must adhere to the independent foreign propaganda policy and adhere to the two-step strategy of bringing in and going out to form an all-round and multi-faceted strategy. A high-level and wide-ranging external publicity structure, so as to explain to the world our country’s splendid civilization of yesterday and its vision of peaceful development of tomorrow.”

Li Shengli was dumbfounded at this time. He originally wanted to embarrass this kid, but he didn't expect that this guy said so much, and it sounded quite similar. It seems that there is a certain reason why the leader chose him.

"Wujiang, what you said is good, but how to implement it in detail? You go back and write a specific plan for the leadership's reference." Li Shengli said.

"Director Li, when writing this plan, do you have any specific requirements? You have a high position, are far-sighted, and have a broad mind. You can give me some instructions." Li Wujiang didn't know many of the ways in the capital, so he just asked if he didn't understand. ask.

"When you write, you must be consistent with the actual situation in our country, and avoid making false claims. The plan you write must be targeted and easy to operate. If you don't understand something, you can ask other colleagues in the department for advice." Li Shengli said.

Li Wujiang agreed easily. He knew that he was here just for work, not for fun.

In the past few days, Li Wujiang closed his door and worked hard on writing during the day, and discussed life events with Fang Shuxin when he returned home at night. As the saying goes, as long as a woman breaks through for the first time, if you don't take the initiative later, she will. Fang Shuxin's fighting ability is far inferior to Xia Ruohan, and about the same as Li Na. Li Wujiang was also sympathetic and did not forcefully ask for it.

At the weekend, Li Wujiang acted as the host and invited Dong Yueyue, Dong Yang, and Song Fei to go out for a small gathering. He also invited Fang Shuxin, Zhao Qianlong, Huang Jin, and others, and arranged it at the Kyoto Hotel.

Zhao Qianlong is a well-known young master in Sijiu City. Dong Yang and Song Fei are from out of town and I don't know him. Dong Yueyue knew each other, because they were all children from the compound. When they met, they teased each other crazily, drank, and hugged each other while drinking, making it look like the two were having an affair.

Just as they were drinking happily in the house, they heard someone making noises outside, telling people inside to leave quickly because Mr. Zhou was coming to have dinner.

The manager of the hotel didn't know Li Wujiang and the others, but he was very afraid of Mr. Zhou.

The manager walked in and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, today is the weekend. There are many people dining in this hotel, and there are still many people queuing up behind. I think your meal is almost done. If it's over now, I can give you a call." 20% off.”

Zhao Qianlong said angrily, "I owe you the 80% discount. Get out. I won't leave today and will continue eating." Then he picked up a beer bottle and threw it at the manager.

The manager ran out in fear and said to Zhou Shao, "I'm sorry, the people inside haven't finished eating yet and need to wait for a while."

This Zhou Shao is none other than Zhou Changyuan. In this city, no one has ever given him face. He is hosting a banquet for friends today. Let's see who is giving him face. When Zhou Changyuan opened the door, he saw that they were all acquaintances, and Zhou Changyuan's face was a little ugly.

It happened that the person who came with Zhou Changyuan was still outside saying, "Zhou Shao, look who is blind and drive him out."

Before Zhou Changyuan spoke, Zhao Qianlong shouted, "I thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be Zhou Shao. What's wrong? My brother Wujiang is hosting a banquet for colleagues here, and you are here to mess things up."

Zhou Changyuan was originally a master who was not afraid of heaven or earth, but when he met Zhao Qianlong, the devil, he had no choice, because his father was better than his own. He turned around and was about to leave, but Zhao Qianlong would not allow him to do so, and insisted that Zhou Changyuan drink three glasses of wine as punishment to apologize to Li Wujiang.

Chapter 53: Publicizing a new plan, Changting was subject to malicious complaints

Li Wujiang saw that Zhou Changyuan was afraid of Zhao Qianlong. Li Wujiang had known Zhao Qianlong for so long, and although Zhao Qianlong did not take the initiative to reveal his identity and Li Wujiang did not ask, there were only a few surnames among the leaders, and Li Wujiang guessed who was behind Zhao Qianlong. Li Wujiang did not stop him. Li Wujiang did not cause trouble, but he was not afraid of trouble. He would not be soft-hearted to such a domineering person, and he would now use Zhao Qianlong's power to suppress Zhou Changyuan. Seeing Li Wujiang's contempt for him, Zhou Changyuan was so angry that he wanted to throw the wine on Li Wujiang's face, but he still held back and said, "Brother Li, let's make a concession, and we can get along well when we meet in the future."

Li Wujiang said lightly, "There is nothing good about you and me." This sentence suffocated Zhou Changyuan back. Zhou Changyuan drank three glasses of wine in a row and went out without looking back. The younger brother behind him couldn't catch up.

Li Wujiang knew that he had a grudge with Zhou Changyuan, but he was not afraid. He sat upright and walked properly. There would be a way when the car reached the mountain.

In less than a week, Li Shengli got the plan written by Li Wujiang. You don't know until you read it. After reading it, you can say that this kid is really good. The plan fully expounds the concept of my country's foreign propaganda work, insisting on the unshakable leadership of the state. The leadership is the foundation and lifeline of the country. It is the interests and destiny of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. Any work must be carried out under the leadership of the state and unswervingly publicize the country's policies and principles; adhere to the confidence in the road, adhere to the road unshakably, the road determines the destiny, and adhere to the road with Chinese characteristics. It is related to the future of our country, the destiny of the nation, and the well-being of the people. We must adhere to it and never waver. We publicize it vigorously, and the ultimate pursuit is to achieve common prosperity for the people; adhere to cultural confidence. Our excellent traditional culture has accumulated the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation. The pursuit of knowledge is the rich nourishment for my country's endless growth and development. It plays an important role in continuing and developing Chinese civilization and promoting the progress of human civilization. We should increase cultural output, let the world see my country's profound culture, and build an economic development platform with culture as the medium. We should adhere to reform and opening up without wavering. Reform and opening up are in line with the international trend, are needed for social development, and are called for by the people. my country's reform and opening up is an unprecedented exploratory and pioneering vision. We should not only absorb the beneficial achievements of other countries, but also fully reflect my country's basic national conditions. In reform and opening up, we should boldly publicize the policies and achievements of reform and opening up, so that the world can see the tremendous changes that reform and opening up have brought to my country. We should innovate forms and means, from foreign news propaganda, exchanges between Chinese and foreign media to international public relations propaganda, establish a unified leadership, the Propaganda Department coordinates, and various foreign propaganda forces cooperate with each other. A large foreign propaganda pattern with all-round, multi-level and wide fields that operates in an orderly manner will be gradually formed and improved. We should establish more than a dozen effective foreign propaganda work mechanisms, such as the coordination mechanism for foreign news reporting, the exchange mechanism between Chinese and foreign media, and the joint meeting mechanism for cultural foreign propaganda. Propaganda work should be carried out with two hands. On the one hand, we should "go out" and strengthen the foreign exchanges of universities, societies and associations to promote our own culture abroad; on the other hand, we should "bring in" and invite international media and international friends to exchange with our country, hold various large-scale sports and cultural exchange activities, and let friends from all countries see the ever-changing face of our country.

After reading it, Li Shengli said nothing. He thought that this was a very grand topic, involving the strategic layout of the country's future propaganda, which was not something that he, a director of a department, could decide, so he submitted the plan to the leaders of the department.

"Talent, Lao Huang, this kid is so young, but he has such foresight and strategic vision. It's really not easy, really not easy. I will take this plan to the leaders for research."

The affirmation of the minister made Deputy Minister Huang very happy. It was controversial to recommend this kid at the beginning, but now this kid really lived up to expectations and did not damage his old face.

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