The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 346 334 Carlos

Chapter 346 334. Carlos

The terrible demon leaped out from Lu Tao in the subspace. After receiving the sacrifice from Ahriman, the Lord of Changes had demanded that this powerful demon end.

The All-Changing Demon Lord, Carlos, the chief demon under Tzeentch, came to the battlefield.

Carlos, whose full name is Carlos Fateweaver, is a great demon of Tzeentch, also known as the Almighty Lord, and is considered the prophet of Tzeentch. Responsible for predicting the future on a daily basis, Tzeentch sent nine secretaries specifically to record its prophecies. This is why if you want Carlos to go down personally, you need to get the consent of the Lord of Changes. After all, if you want to put down your secretary, your boss will not agree.

This powerful demon was once just an ordinary demon, but because its master was not omniscient and omnipotent at the beginning, in order to understand the future, he came to the Well of Eternity at the center of reality, hoping that He gained the ability to see into the future, but Tzeentch did not dare to jump by himself. So the old helpless man threw his all-changing demon kings into the well one by one with coaxing and coaxing, but none of them came back.

Until Carlos, the lucky big bird, came back successfully, but he also became crazy and delirious, and also grew another head. From then on, Carlos knew everything about the past and the future, but he could not see the present and could only guess what was happening now based on the future. When asked a question, one of its heads will tell the truth, and the other will tell an equally believable lie.

Now the secretary (crossed out) of the Lord of Changes, the Chief Demon, has arrived, and his huge body, several meters high, looks even more intimidating under the fluttering of huge wings. Finally, this huge demon landed on the battlefield, and with him landed a large number of chaos demons and huge demon engines. The number of these demons was enough to flood the forging world!

One of Carlos's heads, with a yellow light flashing inside, looked at the Mechanical Ark in front of him and said with a wicked smile.

"They will prevail, and the fragment will be reborn! Ahriman's plan will fail!"

But the other head, with its blue light flashing, said calmly and angrily

"Those people will fail and be torn into pieces by the Lord of Change, and their souls will become the nourishment of the great game!"

On the battlefield, the position that had just been swept by the subspace storm was in ruins, but Kalai and the Skitarii did not wait for the storm to completely dissipate before returning to the battlefield. When Croix returned to the battlefield, the first thing he saw was the terrifying demon.

If he hadn't already experienced so much, Crova would have gone crazy the moment he saw the other person's eyes. Just at that moment of looking at each other, the terrifying spiritual knowledge and strong desire for knowledge almost destroyed his mind. The brain is so full that any other sage will feel crazy when he sees the demon's eyes, and ordinary mortals will lose their minds and be unable to speak.

Fortunately, the sage overcame that terrible scene through his strong will and reason. He tried hard to open his eyes, looked at the monster with wide eyes, raised the power ax in his hand and roared loudly.

"With the glory of the God of All Machines! Eliminate the heretics!"

Salva saw the terrible demon above Cambridge, and immediately ordered the naval guns to fire, and at the same time accelerated the siege team members to quickly repair the engines and take off. Now the main engine lift-off force is as long as it can make the Ark take off. If they can successfully escape the constraints of gravity, they can be quickly captured by the gravity of the huge amphibious landing ship and dragged into a safer network. transfer within.

Huge plasma cannons and glittering automatic cannons quickly hit Carlos's face. The Templars transferred through the crystal and a large number of Stalkers and Immortals also charged towards him. Drones, Phoenix fighter jets, and reconnaissance ships in the sky also projected disintegration rays and plasma solutions at him.

Carlos glanced at the powerful attack in front of him, and just raised his right hand casually. Thousands of purple psychic flames appeared behind him and immediately flew over his head. The energy of the subspace seemed docile in the hands of the prophet. The animals are driven by it.

The purple subspace energy then rushed forward, covering the cannonballs and plasma beams attacking the All-Changing Demon Lord. He successfully neutralized all the enemy's attacks with such an easy move. Then, Carlos glanced at the charging enemies again, chanting subspace spells with his two mouths, and then waved his staff, causing the subspace energy behind him to spurt forward. The terrifying energy directly caused the enemies in front of him to spurt out. Tens of thousands of charging soldiers fell to the ground, and some who got too close had their souls and bodies crushed to pieces.

Ahriman stood on the mountain in the distance and calmly watched the end of the battle. This is the power of the All-Change Demon Lord. They are the most powerful servants of the Lord of All-Changes. To gods like Gray, they are just desserts after a meal, or the product of boredom.

But for the life in the physical universe, they are terrible opponents. Every carefully prepared attack can easily resolve the attack of an entire army.

Just when the All-Changing Demon Lord was about to take another step forward, Netate, who temporarily ran aside through the teleporter, started to take action. The rune weapon flashed with blue light, and the bullet containing the power of fragments pierced Carlos's right wing.

Carlos, who was suddenly attacked, screamed in pain after being attacked, and then his four eyes stared angrily at the direction where the bullet was shot. Then, his two mouths began to quarrel with each other

"Ah, you will die! The so-called servants of the gods, the final outcome is only death!"

"He won't die, we will die! Leave here and attack those mortals!"

"No, only if he dies can the Lord of Change's plan succeed!"

"If we die, the Lord of Change's plan will not succeed!"

"We can beat him, we can beat him!"

"His god is right above his head, we can't beat him!"

"We can kill the master of the fragment, as long as he dies, the fragment will be twisted! As long as the fragment is twisted, the Lord of Change will win!"

"If the Lord of Change wins, we can survive and don't have to fight him! We can kill him!"

Netat frowned and listened to the chirping of the two bird beaks in the distance, speaking like two lunatics with no logic. However, we can still roughly hear something from their language, that is, this guy is going to cause trouble for Salva.

And if Salva dies, then his mission will be completely ruined. No one wants to see Gray's sullen look. Although Netat didn't know if he could beat that guy, he probably had to do it now.

With this thought, Netat pulled the lever of the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, loaded another bullet, and aimed at the fast-moving Carlos.


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