The old man's body was thin, but he had an air of stalwartness. At this moment, he rushed out of the dazzling light, and his power was terrifying to the extreme. . fastest update

The front is empty, as if the road has been cut off here, and there is no more way.

At the back, Xinghe trembled, Zhou Xu was shocked, as if captured by the breath of the old man's body, there was a sign that he was about to be engulfed.

His people are like an abyss, wanting to swallow everything!

This is amazing!

Lin Xun's heart suddenly hung in his throat, and the shock was unbearable. What kind of terrifying cultivation level must this be to achieve this step?


Or is it the King of Saints?

Lin Xun didn't know.

What surprised him was that in the end, the old man restrained his breath, and the original straight figure became stooped, as if he had lost all his strength, and there was a feeling of low, helpless, and unwilling to be lonely.

Like a traveler who has wandered for a long time in the years, and like a veteran who has fought in the battlefield for many years.

"I take Qiankun as the chess game, the ancient and the present as the chess pattern, the Da Dao as the chess score, and my life as the chess piece, I want to play against the sky..."

"But in the end...after all, I lost..."

The old man sighed.

That sigh, with an indescribable unwillingness, touched Lin Xun's heart greatly, playing against the sky with great courage!

"This road is broken, where should we go? Is it really impossible to escape the chess game and break the cage of bondage?"

The old man's voice became more and more low, and his figure was desolate, standing there alone, the front, empty, was a real big nothingness.


Suddenly, the old man straightened his spine again, and a terrifying divine light burst out from his pupils.

"With my body, build the road to severance!"

"With my soul, guide the obstacles ahead!"



The figure of the old man suddenly turned into an infinite light, rushing towards the vast void that was empty, and could no longer be seen...

At this point, the screen suddenly disappeared.

Lin Xun was suddenly awake. In front of his eyes, the stone monument was mottled and slanted, and the air of ancient vicissitudes was blowing on his face. The stone carvings on it were still scribbled and disorganized.

But Lin Xun's body was soaked in cold sweat. The scene just now was simply too incredible and terrifying beyond imagination.

An old man, rushing between heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, rushing to the sky, striding Qingming, shuttled in the Zhouxu starry sky, stepped out one step, and the stars moved!

When he did all this, he was actually playing against the sky, trying to get out of the chess game and break the shackles to get free!

This kind of spirit is definitely rare in ancient and modern times, even if it is a sage, I am afraid that it can only look up to its back.

However, what moved Lin Xun the most was the old man's final decision, using his own body to build the road to severance, and using his own soul to guide the obstacles!

Is this not reconciling to this failure, so he left a ray of incense, so that later generations can complete the path he persistently pursued?


The forest of steles is quiet, the world is far away, and in front of the ancient stone stele, all the strong people are concentrating on comprehension and deduction, the picture is quiet and solemn.

After a long time, Lin Xu calmed down, and when he looked at the scribbled stone engraving again, the vision he had just seen was no longer there.

Abandoning distracting thoughts, Lin Xun sensed again with his soul.

In an instant, the scrawled and mottled stone carvings seemed to be transformed into a vast ocean, and a terrifying vortex emerged, engulfing the sky.

Immediately, it turned into a storm, raging between the universe.

Not long after, another black hole appeared across the void, silently engulfing a dazzling starry sky...

A picture that is magnificent and full of destructive power is chaotically reflected.

Too much!

The complex atmosphere and the messy pictures were intertwined, making Lin Xun's eyes black. With the power of his spirit, he felt an unbearable oppression. He was upset and wanted to cough up blood.

This is the breath of the avenue, but it looks very different.

It didn't take long for him to tremble all over, as if he was about to be unable to support it. The power of the Great Dao was full of terrifying destruction and raging aura, and even swallowed his soul and will!

It was at this moment that the original source spirit veins, which were already extremely hot, suddenly spread out a strange heat flow, rushing all over Lin Xun's body.

In an instant, Lin Xun cleared his mind, felt a pure and vast power, and his mind became calm and powerful like never before.

The chaotic and destructive aura of the Great Dao could no longer invade his heart at this moment, but instead he peeped into all kinds of wonderful truths in the chaos.

Lin Xunfu went to the heart and began to concentrate on the deduction.

In a trance, he seemed to feel that a holy light was transpiring from the source of the spiritual veins, vaguely like a big abyss, and in the depths of the abyss, there seemed to be sages chanting sutras, like an illusory sound. Sounds like the sound of heaven.

His spiritual power was fully functioning, and he displayed the secret technique of the prisoner's heart, and his power of perception reached an unprecedented level in an instant.

The various mysteries imprinted in the stone carvings were deduced by him little by little, and then comprehended in his heart.


As time passed, the ancient forest of monuments became more and more quiet and solemn.

It's just that the strong ones will be eliminated soon!


A young man suddenly twitched, raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted unwillingly: "Impossible, my comprehension and deduction have not gone wrong, how can I not get the profound meaning?"

The quiet atmosphere was broken.

Before the young man could react, he was moved away and eliminated.

In the following time, one after another strong man failed, or his face was bleak, he was stunned, or he beat his chest and feet, frustrated and mourned, or seemed to be crazy, hissing and roaring...

But without exception, they were all eliminated.

This is the fifth test. It is aimed at the perception of controlling the power of the Dao. It seems that there is no danger, but once it fails, it will be eliminated.

Along with it, there are strong people who have successfully passed the test.


A stone tablet glows, and a waterfall-like silver radiance emerges, like a dream.

In front of the stone tablet, a woman showed an excited and joyful smile, clenched her jade hand tightly, and murmured: "Xinghuan Profound Truth, although it is only the fourth-grade avenue, it can be used in battle, but it can allow me to attract the power of the stars and burst out. Unprecedented combat power..."


On the other stone tablet, there was a vision of a rolling blood river, galloping across the sky, which was truly spectacular.

A young man in black robe stood up and laughed: "The Avenue of the Blood River really exists, and it fits the avenue of my quest!"

"Xunfeng Avenue!" Suddenly, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the peerless Tianjiao Lei Qianjun, overwhelming the sky.

Not long after, Yu Xuguan Mu Jianting opened his eyes: "The power of extreme yin, blending with my extreme yang, just like yin and yang, my avenue, now complete!"

Similar scenarios happened one after another in the next time.

Some people are eliminated, and some people pass the test, get the fate, and pass the test.

Until later, in this ancient forest of monuments, there were only less than 200 people left, that is to say, in the time just now, about 300 strong people were eliminated!

And through the assessment, there are only more than 100 people who have obtained the fate of Taoism, and there are more than 50 strong people who are deducing the stone carvings.


Outside, there is a tense and depressing atmosphere.

This is the last test, and it is also the most critical hurdle. If you pass it, you will not only get the fate of the Dao, but you can also reach the ancient road under the green lantern tree!

during this time. Whenever a strong player is eliminated from the game, it will attract a burst of nervous attention, and the voices of regret and sighing are endless.

"This time, I don't know how many people can reach the green lamp tree on the ancient road..."

Many big figures are not sure, this elimination rate is too high, shocking!

Of course, there was also good news, which caused a lot of uproar.

"Mu Jianting, understand the Great Yin Dao."

"Lei Qianjun, comprehend the Sunda Road."

"Zhongli Wuji, comprehend the road of moving mountains."


This made their respective clansmen and forces all smile and excited, and also made other cultivators envy and sigh with emotion.


At the same time, in the ancient forest of monuments, the test has come to the end.

In the field, only a few people were left to deduce enlightenment.

The other powerhouses have either been eliminated or have controlled the power of the Great Dao, and now they are all waiting outside the Forest of Steles.

"On the field, there are only four people left: Fairy Ji, Young Master Yu, Miss Luojia and Lin Moshen."

Everyone is watching closely.

They have all seen that the power of the Great Dao hidden in the stone tablet chosen by the four must be no trivial matter.

"If the Dao that Fairy Ji and the others have deduced is inscrutable, I agree, but this Lin Xun is clearly pretending to be a ghost!"

Sha Liuchan couldn't help but speak out.

In the huge forest of steles, only Lin Xun chose the outermost stone stele, and it was very ordinary. If it was replaced by other strong people present, I am afraid that the power of the Dao had already been deduced.

However, this Lin Xun has not made any movement so far.

Although Sha Liuchan hates Lin Xun very much, he doesn't think that Lin Xun's understanding will be weaker than other strong people.

Under such circumstances, he naturally thinks that Lin Xun is playing tricks and tricks.

The other powerhouses were also surprised. They carefully looked at the stone tablet that Lin Xun chose. It was indeed very ordinary. Although the stone carvings on it could not be seen, it was too ordinary just by looking at the weather of the stone tablet. There was nothing special about it. place.

"Don't speak too early, so as not to be slapped in the face again." Yue Jianming sneered.

In a word, it plunged into Sha Liuchan's heart like a knife, making his face gloomy and a little exasperated.

The expressions of other powerhouses also became strange.

When I was lighting the soul lamp before, this Sha Liuchan was really pitted by the Lin Moshen, and his face was slapped.

It is also in view of this that the other powerhouses were puzzled, but no one said anything, lest they say it too early, Lin Xun would also slap him in the face.

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to talk to me like this?" Sha Liuchan's eyes were sharp, and he glanced at Yue Jianming like a sharp blade.

"What are you, you couldn't make a sneak attack on Lin Xun at the floating and sinking sea, but you were defeated by one move, and you fled in fright. When you lighted the soul lamp, you lost all face, and now you still don't remember the lesson and make outrageous words. Ashamed?"

Yue Jianming is not afraid, this is the fifth test, and fighting is forbidden.

Hearing this, many people in the field couldn't help but laughed, thinking about it, this Sand Liuchan is really unlucky.

Sha Liuchan was so angry that his seven orifices smoked, and his scar was exposed in public, which filled his heart with shame.

"I will soon arrive in front of the ancient green lantern tree. At that time, I will be the first to slaughter the dog-leg next to you, the forest demon!"

Sand Liuchan's voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth, revealing a biting murderous intent.

At this moment, a vision occurred in the field, which shocked the world.

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