The Prodigies War

Chapter 798 Killing and Tribulation Comes


Outside the window, it was pitch black, and there were only a few scattered lights left.

Lin Wenjun stood in front of the window, she was calm and calm, and her pair of Danfeng eyes were full of icy hatred.

Although the enemy's trace has not yet been determined, as an opponent who has fought with the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan for many years, Lin Wenjun's intuition tells her that those black dog scrambles have come!

"Little bug, take care..."

Lin Wenjun took a deep breath, his figure flashed and disappeared out of the window, the graceful figure flickered and swept away into the vast night.

From beginning to end, she has never been hidden.

In just a moment, in the empty and dark alleys in the distance, there was a mournful barking sound.

Then, a team of Black Nightmare Spirit Riders appeared silently and quickly pursued in the direction Lin Wenjun fled.


In the outskirts, ancient trees are towering, and peaks are like a cluster.

Xia Xiaochong, who was walking freely through the forest, suddenly turned his head and asked in doubt, "Brother Lin Xun, why do I seem to hear a wolf howling, so intimidating."

Lin Xun's black eyes flickered with cold light, and he hummed, "Don't worry about this, let's go quickly."

He knew that the powerhouse of the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan had appeared, and Lin Wenjun... I'm afraid he also started a life-and-death escape.

This made Lin Xun suddenly realize a problem that had been neglected before. Why did Lin Wenjun do this?

In an instant, he looked at Xia Xiaochong, who was beside him. The girl had a pure face and big clear eyes. She was curiously looking at the flowers and plants he saw along the way, looking very romantic and simple.

Lin Xun understood.

He remembered the disaster that happened in the mine prison that year. At that time, Mr. Lu did the same, leaving the last line of escape for himself...

Lin Wenjun's current approach is almost exactly the same as Mr. Lu, everything is for Xia Xiaochong to have a chance to live!

"Little friend, please stay."


A gentle voice sounded in the distance.

Lin Xun slammed his feet, and a cold glow flashed in the depths of his black eyes.

When he looked up, he saw an old man dressed in black, with a refined appearance and an immortal appearance, floating in from the night in the distance.

A top cultivator of the Wheel-Shaping Realm!

In an instant, Lin Xun judged the other party's cultivation base, and was very sure that the other party was a human cultivator, not from the Black Nightmare Tengu.

The old man settled down more than ten feet away, no longer approached, and said with a warm smile, "Don't be nervous, little friend, I, Han Yanque, come from the Lingji faction, and I took the liberty to come here because I have something to discuss with my little friend. "

Lingji faction?

Isn't this the sect where Mo Feng is located?

Lin Xun looked back at Xia Xiaochong, who nodded and said, "Brother Lin Xun, I met this senior before the end of Tianzong's trial."

Lin Xun snorted, but he was still vigilant in his heart. So late at night, this old guy suddenly came and said that he had something to discuss with him, which was obviously nonsense.

The most important thing, as for running to this wilderness in the middle of the night to see yourself?

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

Although Lin Xunren is young, he has gone through countless bloody and dangerous experiences since his cultivation.

He didn't even have to think about it to know that there was something wrong with this Han Yan!

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk about things right now, please come back." Lin Xun refused directly, not giving him the right answer at all.

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opportunity to speak.

And, after speaking, he took Xia Xiaochong and left directly, leaving the back of Han Yanqian's head, which seemed very rude.

This made Han Yanque stunned, angry in his heart, but said with a smile: "Little friend, this is a great thing, it would be a pity for you to refuse like this."

As he spoke, he paced up to him.

Lin Xun suddenly paused and said without turning his head, "If you dare to follow again, don't blame me for being rude."

The voice was calm, but it revealed a decisive murderous intent, which made the surrounding atmosphere suddenly become chilling and tense.

Han Yanque's expression changed slightly, but he didn't expect that this young man would be so vigilant and alert that he would not be given a chance to approach at all.

"Little friend, what do you mean? I kindly came to be with you, but you threatened me with words. This is a bit excessive and rude, right?" His face sank.

Lin Xun ignored him and just accelerated the pace of leaving.

This made Han Yanque feel anger in his heart, his face became very gloomy, and he said coldly, "Little friend, if you don't stop, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe!"


When Lin Xun saw that the other party finally tore his disguise, he immediately felt welcome.

"What a little thing that doesn't know how to live or die! If you really think you are the peerless genius of the younger generation, can you be lawless?"

Han Yanque was so angry that he laughed, and he was furious. As an elder of the Lingji faction, he could be regarded as a big man in Huolingzhou. How could he ever be reprimanded by a junior like this?

One word, that kind of disdain and humiliation, is undoubtedly too direct, making Han Yanque unable to bear it.


Lin Xun didn't say anything, but there was a gleam as white as snow, a near-transparent edge swept out of his body and slashed towards Han Yanque.

The speed is too fast, like dazzling silver electricity, tearing the void, illuminating the night, with a peerless edge, extremely dazzling.

With a chirp, Han Yanque didn't have time to dodge, but a strand of hair was cut off by his ear, and the edge was too sharp, leaving a bloodstain on his face.

This is the power of Broken Blade. It is sacrificed in the way of the gods. With Lin Xun's current strength, it can definitely easily kill the powerhouses in the realm of rotation.

And this blow, Lin Xun just wanted to teach Han Yanque a lesson and let the other side retreat.

"Stop provoking my bottom line." Lin Xun put down a sentence and left with Xia Xiaochong.

Han Yanque's body was stiff and sweaty. At that moment, he was completely frightened, as if he was on the verge of death.

He couldn't imagine that this young man had become so powerful that it completely exceeded his previous estimates and judgments!

I'm afraid that even the peerless genius is coming, and I can't make a single blow, so that I can't react in time...

There was an emotion in Han Yanque's heart that he couldn't tell whether it was anger or fear.

At this moment, a strange, high-pitched whistling sound suddenly sounded in the distant night, like the cry of a night owl.

Han Yanque was instantly refreshed: "The Headmaster and the Supreme Elder are ready!"

Xiaoyin was a signal that told Han Yanque that the killing round was ready, just waiting for the prey to enter the round.

The reason why Han Yanque appeared to see Lin Xun before was just to delay time.

Han Yanque no longer hesitated, and the fear in his heart was swept away. In his opinion, now the arrow is on the string, and he has to send,

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There is no room for manoeuvre.

And with the headmaster and the elders in charge, even if the fighting strength is against the sky, he is doomed to die tonight!

"Little bug, let's grieve you first."

In the forest in front of him, Lin Xun frowned, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his black eyes. Before Xia Xiaochong agreed, he put the latter in the wordless pagoda.

Then, he suddenly turned around, his cold eyes shot into the divine light, glanced around, and said, "I didn't expect that those black dogs didn't come, you old beasts are the first to take it any longer, since you are here, show up. !"

"Young people, it's not good to export dirty, it looks very uneducated."

In the silence, a middle-aged man with neat clothes, majestic appearance and a majestic face appeared in the distant night with his hands on his back.

Almost at the same time, in other directions, one after another figure appeared one after another. There were old men, powerful men, enchanting beautiful women, and handsome men. There were more than ten people in total.

Although they look different and dress differently, they are all great cultivators of the Wheel Generation Realm, and some of them are the top characters in the Wheel Generation Realm!

A power like this can definitely make waves in Yandu City and deter one side.

But now, it's just to deal with Lin Xun alone. If other practitioners see this, I'm afraid it will be shocked.

"You old beasts ran out together in the middle of the night to deal with a younger generation of mine, and said I was uneducated? I think you are more shameless."

Lin Xun sneered, not afraid, but he was very puzzled, why did these great monks come to deal with him?

He noticed that Han Yanque was also among them, and there was no doubt that these great monks must all be from the Lingji School!

"Young man, you have seen the current situation, hand over the treasure ship in your hand, and I can save your life."

The majestic middle-aged man who headed him said that he was the headmaster of the Lingji School, Hua Qingchi, a great cultivator at the level of perfection in the Wheel-Shaping Realm.

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"Don't pretend to be confused. When you were at Xingzhui Peak, you escaped the pursuit from the old monster with the help of this treasure ship. I saw it clearly at the time!" Han Yanque scolded loudly.

It turned out that they were eyeing Haoyu Ark, and they wanted to kill people and seize treasures tonight!

Immediately, Lin Xun understood, but this made him feel a lot more relaxed in secret.

Originally, he was still a little worried about whether these guys were instructed by the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan, but now he can finally be sure that it was just for the purpose of "robbing treasure".

Lin Xun smiled, his black eyes were cold, he glanced at the people of the Lingji faction, and said, "At the beginning, I spared Mo Feng and others of the Lingji faction once in Ziniu Mountain, but I didn't expect that you would repay your kindness and revenge, but instead wanted to take me away. Treasure, it's really shameless."

Everyone's faces sank, and they were all very annoyed. They used such power to make a big deal out of it. Who would have thought that this young man was so arrogant that he didn't take them seriously!

"Young man, I'll give you one last chance. Now hand over the treasure ship and spare your life, or you will die!" A mighty man drank violently, his eyes were cold, his murderous intent was evident, and he had a forcing power.

The other people didn't look good either, so they were ready to kill.

"What do you do with so much nonsense with him, kill him quickly, and take the treasure ship from his body!" The middle-aged beautiful woman also spoke up, with a more aggressive and tyrannical attitude.


ps: The fifth update will be delivered, and continue tomorrow! Children's shoes, don't forget to cast your precious monthly ticket, good night~

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