The Prodigies War

Chapter 756 The crown covers the capital and the people are alone and haggard

Lin Xun is leaving!

In recent days, the news about this has been widely circulated in the Forbidden City, and it has become a hot topic that is most concerned by major forces and cultivators.

"Hey, I've known for a long time that a young genius like Young Master Lin is destined not to stay in the empire for long."

"Young master is unparalleled, and the crown covers the capital. If Young Master Lin leaves, I am afraid that no one else is qualified to hold this title."

"The fish leaps into the sea at this time, and the flowers bloom in the sky. I believe that even if Young Master Lin goes to the mysterious and vast ancient wilderness, he is destined to remain anonymous!"

Many practitioners either regretted or sent blessings.

For Lin Xun, most of the cultivators have a kind of admiration and respect. A young man from outside the southwest frontier, but he made great progress all the way, rose strongly in the Forbidden City, and finally became a juvenile genius that attracted the attention of the world.

With such style, who can compare?

And there are countless legends about Lin Xun, which are still circulating in the market today and are talked about with great relish.

How can a teenager like this not be amazed or amazed?

Now, he is about to leave the empire and go to the ancient wilderness to seek the avenue, which is naturally a little reluctant. If such a young Tianjiao leaves, he does not know when he will be able to return. In the Forbidden City in the future, it is equivalent to one less legend. !

"Hahaha, God is pitiful, this ruthless devil-like guy is finally gone!"

"If he doesn't leave, there will be a shadow in my heart. The younger generation, if he exists, how can we shine?"

"Well done! I only hope that he will never come back for the rest of his life. Since he entered the Forbidden City in the past few years, he has been like an evil star, causing trouble and killing people everywhere.

And some of the forces and cultivators who had old grudges with Lin Xun, when they heard that Lin Xun was about to leave, were all ecstatic and celebrated, wishing to drink three thousand times to vent their inner joy.

Among the high-level clan forces such as the Chi family, the Zuo family, and the Qin family, these days are all in a joyous atmosphere, like a festival.

No way, Lin Xun was there before, which made them almost sleepless, and their hearts were almost covered with shadows.


Lin Xun is about to leave, how can they not be happy?

It was like sending away a plague god, which made these hostile forces almost cry with joy.

"Just leaving for the ancient wilderness has caused such a sensation and attention in the Forbidden City. In the entire empire, I am afraid that only Lin Xun has such influence."

And like some outsiders who have no hatred and no grudges with Lin Xun, and can't talk about closeness and admiration, they can't help but express such emotion.

Indeed, if it is placed on the body of ordinary cultivators, let alone leaving, or dying, I am afraid that it will not attract anyone's attention.

And Lin Xun is obviously different.

Today, he is famous all over the world, thriving in the empire, and his every move affects the hearts of many cultivators. It is difficult not to attract attention.


Bang bang bang!

In a restaurant, a group of cultivators were fighting each other, smashing all the tables, chairs, and slips.

"Fuck, how dare you speak ill of Young Master Lin again?"

"Grass, then Lin Xun is a little devil in the world. Now he is going to leave. Let's celebrate why? Are you not allowed to let others speak?"

Obviously, one side admires Lin Xun, and the other side wants Lin Xun to leave the Forbidden City quickly. This is the reason why both sides of the fight are ironic.

Lin Xun was drinking with Gu Liang. Seeing this, he couldn't help but get up and turned away.

"Haha, I didn't expect that your influence is so great now."

Going out of the restaurant, Gu Liang couldn't help laughing.

Lin Xun was also a little resentful. He originally planned to leave quietly, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible.

The two of them were holding the jug, and they could only hang out and drink to each other.

It's just that along the way, there are constant turmoils, and there are frequent encounters with cultivators who are arguing, or who directly roll up their sleeves and start a fight. There are constant conflicts in those restaurants, tea houses, brothels and other places, and it seems that it is not lively.

And the reason is the same, it's all a contest between those who support and support Lin Xun and those who don't support and don't support Lin Xun.

Lin Xun couldn't help but have a headache, and he lost his mind to drink.

He even suspected that if he stayed for a few more days, the Forbidden City would be a mess.

"Xiaohua, don't look down on me. When I grow up, I want to be a man like Mr. Lin Xun!"

On the way, a group of little kids were playing and playing, and a little kid with a runny nose said to a little girl seriously, "Now, as long as you promise to play with me, I will become a peerless genius in the future, and I will definitely let you go. You are my woman."

The little girl had a braid on her head, dressed in floral clothes, her waist was swayed, rolled her eyes, and said, "Zhang Xiaofan, you give up, I heard that Brother Lin Xun is still not married, when I grow up, I will definitely I'm going to marry Brother Lin Xun, and you... hum, wipe your nose clean before bragging!"

Gu Liang's expression suddenly became weird. Even such a big kid, he regarded Lin Xun as the object of his struggle?

It's really terrifying!

"Awesome, my brother, you still have an underage confidante." Gu Liang looked playful and winked at Lin Xun.

Lin Xun only replied with one word: "Go away!"

Afterwards, he carried the wine gourd and hurriedly fled from here. Those little brats were innocent, and he was worried that he would hear some more messy things.

"In the future, if you enter the ancient wilderness, you will make more friends, and you will not be as lonely as you are now..."

Looking at Lin Xun walking in the crowd in the distance, Gu Liang sighed in his heart.

In this world, there are countless people who know Lin Xun's reputation, but so far, few people have really understood Lin Xun.

He walked out of the 100,000-strong mountain on the southwestern border alone, and ventured into the world alone. His footsteps passed through Donglin City, Yanxia City, Blood Killing Camp, and the Forbidden City.

He also went to the Sea of ​​Annihilation, and he also entered the battlefield of blood murder, but every time, he always moved forward alone.

Everyone in the world is amazed by its reputation, only seeing its glory and light, how many people know the loneliness carved behind it?


This is the impression that Lin Xun left on Gu Liang.

Sometimes, Gu Liang is thinking, this may be called the height of the cold.

Even as a friend, Gu Liang never knew what Lin Xun was thinking, and how much pressure he was carrying.

In the distance, Lin Xun walked alone, dressed in a moon-white shirt, with black hair hanging down, holding a green leather wine gourd in his hand, walking in a beautiful posture in the vast crowd, looking so unrestrained.

However, Gu Liang felt more and more that Lin Xun, who was solitary in the distance, was very out of tune with everything in this bustling and noisy place.

Is this the practice?

Perhaps, what he pursues has long since transcended the world.

Gu Liang shook his head and quickly chased after him.


Two days later, in the early morning, it was just dawn.

It snowed heavily last night, and the entire Forbidden City was covered in a vast white world. It was crystal clear and had a holy taste.

When Lin Xun walked out of Xixinfeng Mountain Gate, Zhao Tailai was already waiting there.

After saying hello, Lin Xun couldn't help but look back, glanced at Xixinfeng behind him, and finally turned around silently and strode onto the treasure chariot.

"Heavy snow covered the capital, great scenery!"

Zhao Tailai let out a loud laugh, then rode the chariot into the wind and snow.

"Take care of yourself!"

In front of the Xixin Peak mountain gate, a group of figures appeared, Lin Zhong, Lingjiu, Xiaoke, Zhu Laosan, Lin Huaiyuan... Together they watched the treasure carriage go away, and finally disappeared in the vast snow and mist.

After Lin Xun went here, I don't know when we can meet each other. For the people of the Lin family, after all, there is too much reluctance and concern.


In Xiaoke's arms, tears welled up in Chiu Chiu's round eyes, and they fell rustling, turning into teardrops like fire diamonds.

The little guy also seemed to know that he would not see Lin Xun for a long time, and cried very sadly.


Xiaoke slapped Jiu Jiu's soft head with a slap: "Cry why cry, it's not the difference between life and death, it's really hypocritical."

Everyone suddenly smiled, and the sadness of parting was also diluted a lot.

"The ancient wilderness is vast, ancient, and boundless. There are thousands of ethnic groups and many races. There are countless ancient Taoist lineages standing up from the ancient times to the present, and there are more real saints galloping in it..."

The voice of the vulture was full of pride, "With Lin Xun's aptitude and background, he is destined to be able to flourish there, compete with the arrogance of the heavens, and shine!"

Everyone heard a rush of blood, leisurely yearning, and silently blessed Lin Xun in their hearts.


Royal Palace.

In the early morning, the palace was covered with white snow, silent and solemn, with a grand atmosphere.

A chariot rolled over the snow waves and drove into the palace. From beginning to end, it never suffered any obstruction. In the end, it stopped in front of an ancient altar deep in the palace.

The altar is nine feet high and built of five-color soil. The center is branded with the grid of nine palaces. It goes up to the sky and down to the ground, giving it a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

When Lin Xun walked out of the treasure carriage, Zhao Tailai patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's good to leave, see you later."

Lin Xun was speechless for a while, and almost rolled his eyes. Is this old fox too perfunctory?

Seeing that Zhao Tailai was already in control of the chariot, he left in a flash, and at the same time his loud laughter sounded in the wind: "It's just a trip to the ancient wilderness, it's not a big deal, it's not good to be too sad. On the contrary, I can't wait to hear the good news about your scourge of the ancient wilderness! Hahaha."

The scourge of the ancient wilderness...

A black line appeared on Lin Xun's forehead. Could it be that in the eyes of this old fox, he has always been a troublemaker?

The snow was white, but it did not cover the mysterious and ancient altar in front of him.

It is very special, with a unique ancient atmosphere, as if the traces of time and space are diffused on its surface, giving Lin Xun a dizzy feeling of "disorder of time and space".

"You came."

A gentle and calm voice suddenly sounded.

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