The Prodigies War

Chapter 692: The Hateful Playboy

As soon as the silver-robed man finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the field.

The members of the Star Frost Mercenary Corps are all characters honed in the sea of ​​swords and fire, and they are on the battlefield of blood killing.

Of course, they didn't dare to offend the role too much. After all, they still had to rely on big figures like Lu Wenting to eat.

Therefore, when they laughed, they did not continue to fan the flames and deliberately found fault.

But even so, Lin Xun frowned. He knew that the other party had misunderstood, but even if he misunderstood, the words of the silver-robed man were too harsh.

"My business is none of your business."

Before Lin Xun could speak, Abi spoke with some displeasure.

The silver-robed man was stunned: "Abi, didn't you see that this kid is a blood-sucking worm, how can you be friends with such a person?"

"Who are you calling a blood-sucking worm?"

I don't know when, Lu Wenting returned with a frosty expression on his face.

"I..." The silver-robed man refused to accept it, but was stunned by Hu Tong, who didn't dare to say more, and closed his mouth angrily.


Lu Wenting snorted coldly, and then said to Hu Tong, "Remember what you promised, I don't want anything wrong."

Hu Tong nodded solemnly.

Apparently, there was some kind of agreement between the two of them.

"Young Master Lin, everything has been arranged properly. This old man wishes him a smooth trip and a rewarding return!"

Lu Wenting said with a smile.

Finally arranged this hot taro action, which made Lu Wenting unhappy.

"Thank you."

Lin Xun nodded and said with the mentality of being at peace.


"Set off!"

Following Hu Tong's order,

A dilapidated treasure ship rose into the air, carrying Lin Xun and a group of members of the Xingshuang mercenary group, leaving the camp and flying away into the distance.

This treasure ship is extremely shabby and shabby, but it is extremely stable. It is like walking on the ground in the low air. The speed is not very fast, but it is not slow.

Acting in the blood-killing battlefield, the sky is forbidden, and flying on it will encounter unpredictable risks.

But just flying at a low altitude, there is no fatal threat.

Lin Xun was silent all the way. He could feel that, except for Abi, everyone else was a little bit repulsive and alienated from his participation.

This is nothing, the reason why he is willing to form a group with them is just to see how Hu Tong and the others fight and kill as old people on the battlefield of blood murder.

This is critical!

Lin Xun had just arrived, and his understanding of the battlefield of blood murder was only a half-knowledge, but Hu Tong and the others were all experienced old people, and there were many things worth learning.

Just like this way, Lin Xun discovered that these Star Frost members seemed to be rebellious, but in fact they all performed their duties.

Some are stalking, some are preparing materials before the battle, and some are analyzing and arranging the specific details of the operation.

And Hu Tong, who controls all this, like a wise and calm commander.

Through their chats, as well as the inadvertently leaked news in their words, Lin Xun also learned a lot about the bloody battlefield more or less.

This is a kind of learning.

Lin Xun knew very well that what he needed at the moment was a kind of experience and experience on the battlefield of blood killing, and only by deeply mastering these can he live longer in the battlefield of blood killing.

The only thing that made Lin Xun frown was that since joining this team, Liu Wen's attitude has always been very bad.

Liu Wen, the man in the silver robe, with a cultivation base in the middle of the cave, is quite young, and in the empire, he can be regarded as an outstanding figure of the younger generation.

Moreover, he has experienced killings on the battlefield of blood killing, and his strength should not be underestimated. He is much stronger than the average cultivator, which seems to make him extremely conceited and proud.

Although Lin Xun has been silent and low-key enough, the more it seems, the more confident Liu Wen is.

Along the way, he occasionally provokes contemptuous eyes

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Lin Xun.

Seeing that Lin Xun ignored him, he deliberately said some sarcastic words, like "imperial blood-sucking worms", "the ugly second ancestor" and so on.

No matter how good-tempered Lin Xun was, he couldn't help frowning, what did this guy think he was? Shame the object?

"Ignore him."

Suddenly, Abi next to him said, "As long as you can't bear it, his provocation will be successful, and then he will take this opportunity to repair you severely."

"Abi, what are you talking about? Why am I a bad guy?" Liu Wen looked a little annoyed.

"If you want to prove that you are not a bad person, keep your mouth shut!" Abi looked at him coldly, not afraid of Liu Wen.

"Okay, let's all give in."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, the other members spoke to persuade them, but their gazes towards Lin Xun became more and more repulsive.

Obviously, they all think that Lin Xun's sudden joining has destroyed the harmonious atmosphere between them.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, since you want to follow us to make a fortune, be honest with me!"

Liu Wen got up, his eyes were full of disdain, and his words were full of warnings and threats. After speaking, he turned and walked out of the cabin.

"Hey, I really don't know why the boss agreed to let a playboy join us."

"I hope he won't cause trouble for us, otherwise, the trouble will be big."

"Trouble? Hmph, on this blood-killing battlefield, I don't know how many children of noble families die every day. If he dares to cause trouble, the end is doomed to be bad!"

Some of the other members got up one after another and talked while leaving the cabin. There were elements of rejection, disgust, and threats in their words, which were obviously intended for Lin Xun.

Soon, Lin Xun and Abi were left in the cabin.

No matter how good-tempered Lin Xun was, there was a gloomy look on his brows. Before he came to the battlefield of killing blood, who would dare to talk to him like this in the entire Forbidden City?

"You just came to Camp 7 and suddenly joined us, you will inevitably be ridiculed and treated coldly, but don't be angry, they are just complaining, not targeting you on purpose."

Abi next to her spoke. She had a neat and aggressive temperament and was full of wildness, but she also had a delicate mind that belonged to a woman.

Lin Xun sighed: "I don't see it that way, at least I'm sure that if Liu Wen is given a chance, he will definitely not mind giving me a hard shot."

Abi raised her eyebrows, thought about it, and finally shook her head: "Forget it, don't talk about that, you'll follow me along the way, and there won't be any accidents for you."

"Why did you do this? Don't you worry about being implicated by me and making others dissatisfied with you?" Lin Xunrao said with interest.

Abi snorted: "I said this morning that I would cover you, how can I change my mind in a blink of an eye? This is not my style."

After a pause, she whispered, "Don't tell anyone what happened last night."

"What's the matter?" Lin Xun was stunned. In fact, he knew in his heart that Abi was afraid that others would know that she was crying on her knees last night.

"You forgot?" Abi was surprised.

"I can't remember, naturally I have nothing to tell others, what do you think?" Lin Xun blinked and said with a smile.

Abi burst out laughing, then glared at Lin Xun and said, "If you are more slick, I will pull out your tongue!"

After speaking, she couldn't help laughing again, and suddenly found that this little white face was quite interesting.

"By the way, don't call me Xiaobailian in the future, it's too ugly, just call me...Lin Twelve." Lin Xun thought for a while and said.

"Lin Twelve?"


"It doesn't sound good, it's better for Xiaobai face to scream smoothly."

Lin Xun was speechless for a while, changing a name still needs to pay attention to whether it is smooth or not?


"Boss, I need an explanation, why do you want to take that kid with you? Don't you see that this kid is a blood-sucking worm who robs military exploits?"

In another room of the cabin, Liu Wen was furious. He brought some members with him to express his dissatisfaction.

"Liu Wen, pay attention

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your words. "Hu Tong frowned and scolded in a deep voice.

"I know there is something wrong with my attitude, but I just can't stand it. Why should we risk our lives to hunt and kill a part of the military exploits by such an ignorant second-generation ancestor?" Liu Wen said angrily.

"Liu Wen!"

Hu Tong's face sank, "Don't talk nonsense to me, don't you just see that the boy and Abi have a good relationship, and you feel awkward?"

The other members looked at each other and were silent. They all knew that Liu Wen had always admired Abi and regarded Abi as his ban. Naturally, he could not tolerate being interfered with by others.

If the young man didn't know Abi, Liu Wen's attitude might be better, but Abi seemed to take good care of the young man, which made Liu Wen's attitude better.

"Boss! I'm thinking about us all, why do you bring up some irrelevant things?" Liu Wen was very unhappy and insisted.

"Okay, since you want a reason, I'll tell you."

Hu Tong said in a deep voice, "The reason why I agreed to this is because Master Lu promised that as long as you take that Young Master Lin to act together, the military merit obtained in this mission... will be doubled directly!"


Those members all gasped and looked shocked. If their military merit for this mission was doubled, wouldn't it suddenly change from 1,600 points to 3,200 points?

This is equivalent to completing two tasks of the same specification!

Is there such a good thing in this world?

All of a sudden, those members realized that if Lu Wenting, who was in charge of the military supply, could make such a promise, the identity of Mr. Lin was definitely not easy!

Even if he is a full-fledged dude, he is also an extremely powerful dude!

Even Liu Wen was stunned for a while, and the corners of his lips twitched imperceptibly.

For a long time, he was still unwilling, and said angrily: "Just because of some military exploits, we are going to be in the company of an imperial blood-sucking worm? Boss, you once said that you look down on this kind of person the most!"

Hu Tong also seemed a little sullen, and said coldly: "Yes, I really despise this kind of person, but if I don't agree, I will offend Lu Wenting! In this case, do you think that we will not be in Camp No. 7 in the future? Are you being harassed?"

"It can be said that with a single word from Lu Wenting, we will not be able to receive any tasks! At that time, none of us will want to exchange military merits!"

Hu Tong's face-to-face remarks silenced those members.

Only Liu Wen had a livid face, and he was still angry with himself, and he hated Lin Xun more and more. He thought that all this was caused by this ignorant and ignorant second generation ancestor!

"Remember, in this operation, it doesn't matter if the mission fails, but you must ensure that Young Master Lin returns to the camp safely!"

Hu Tong took a deep breath, his voice was decisive and unquestionable.

The other members understood that Young Master Lin's identity must be extremely special to receive such attention. This made them hate it, and they couldn't help but sigh that the lives of people are really different.

Such a playboy can get all kinds of care casually, and even Lu Wenting, who is in charge of the military supply, is treated with courtesy.

As for these people, they can only obtain military merit by fighting to the death, and exchange for wealth.

Especially Liu Wen, who was so angry that his teeth were about to shatter.


Just because he is a dude of extraordinary background and great background, can he be treated like this?

Even Abi is talking for him!


Could it be that because of that kid's identity, Abi also treats him differently?


Liu Wen endured the anger in his heart. He was afraid that he would not be able to control it, so he immediately slaughtered the hateful little white face.

In the next room, Lin Xun, who was chatting with Abi, had no idea that in the eyes of outsiders, he had become an outrageous, disgusting, and despised "playboy"...


ps: Jiageng send it! The foreshadowing is almost done, and the excitement will soon begin.

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