The Prodigies War

Chapter 660 If You Dare To Stop It, Kill It

Not only Shi Dingzhai and Qinglu Academy, but also the place where the Ning family occupied the Forbidden City, a stronghold of the Ye family of the East Sea King, a stronghold of the Gong clan of the tumbler aristocratic family, and various forces, big and small, all shook on this day.

And this day's Xinxin Peak is also very lively.

In the half year before Lin Xun's return, apart from Shi Dingzhai, Qinglu College, Ye Family, Ning Family, and Gong Family, almost no forces were willing to set foot on the door of Xinxin Peak.

After all, Lin Xundu was already dead. The so-called tree fell and the hozen scattered. Above the Xinxin Peak, there was no one worthy of attention. It was inevitable that some people would take tea to cool off.

In particular, after the forces of the Lin family supported by the Zuo family and the Qin family began to suppress Xi Xinfeng, Xi Xinfeng seemed to be in a state of isolation, bewildered and precarious.

Under such circumstances, other major forces are eager to watch the schadenfreude, how can they have any connection with Xixinfeng?

Even the forces of Shi Dingzhai, Qinglu Academy, Ning Family, and Ye Family are only secretly helping Xixinfeng.

The reason is quite simple. The only thing they valued is Lin Xun, and if Lin Xun is dead, who would care whether Xixinfeng is a blessing or a curse?

This is not because they are snobbish. In the final analysis, Xinxin Peak is different from other forces after all. It grows because of Lin Xun alone, and it is also implicated because of Lin Xun alone.

It can be said that Lin Xun is like the soul of Xinxin Peak, his quality is directly related to the life and death of Xinxin Peak!

The reality is so cruel, if you really think that you can rely on other forces to help you, it will be too naive.

However, today's Xinxin Peak has swept away the decadence and desertedness of the past six months, and it looks extremely lively.

Since the morning, some forces have successively sent representatives to visit.

Some of them are former business partners of the Lin family of Xixinfeng, and some are purely to investigate and confirm the news of Lin Xun.

Even, there are many forces that have secretly coveted the Lin family in the past six months and want to erode the Lin family's property. Now they are all panic and uneasy, carrying all kinds of expensive gifts, come to apologize and apologize, lest Lin Xun will do it again. When the butcher's knife was raised, the blade was until they were gone.

But at this time, how could the Lin family care about them?

Lin Zhong directly ordered that recently,

The Lin family had internal affairs to deal with, so they refused to see guests, and kept the representatives of the major forces from the door with a cold attitude.

And the more Xixinfeng is like this, the more it makes other forces firm up their ideas.

"It must be Lin Xun back, otherwise, how could the Lin family be so tough?"

Some of the forces that have offended Xinxin Peak in the past six months have become more and more anxious.

And those forces that have no grievances and hatreds with Xixin Peak are secretly grateful. Fortunately, they have not done anything in the past six months, otherwise, they will be in a dilemma today.

"I don't know how the Zuo family and the Qin family will react?"

This is the concern of many great powers.

After all, they all knew that long ago, there was an insoluble hatred between these two high-ranking families and Xixinfeng.

During the bloody time that happened more than ten years ago, the Zuo family and the Qin family secretly divided up a lot of the Lin family's properties.

Even now, the attitude of the Zuo family and the Qin family has always been clear, supporting the Lin family's collateral forces to compete for the power of Xixinfeng.

This is undoubtedly to drive away the wolf, to completely swallow the Xinxin Peak.

But obviously, since Lin Xun returned last night, everything has changed. Lin Xun's bloody killing made the Lin family's collaterals completely vassal and included in the Xinxinfeng Lin family.

Under such circumstances, what will the Zuo family and the Qin family do?

This is the focus of all forces

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Heart-washing Peak, in the Heart-washing Hall.

Lin Xun sat high on the main seat with a calm expression on his face.

He hadn't slept all night and had been dealing with the three collateral forces of the Lin family.

"Master, the three forces of Xixi, Yunheng, and Feifeng have been initially taken over by our forces, but it will take some time for them to be fully integrated and digested."

"In addition, some industries controlled by these three companies are still under statistics. We are short of manpower and can only take over step by step."

"Up to now, our actions have not encountered any obstacles. It can also be seen that after what happened last night, these three families have completely lost their will to resist. As for whether there are still some traitors who are not giving up, we still need to go further. to investigate."

Lin Zhong stood aside, summed up the news he received one by one, and then told Lin Xun.

He couldn't hide the joy in his brows, and when he looked at Lin Xun, who was sitting on the main seat, he unconsciously brought a touch of awe.

In the past, Lin Xun was always regarded by him as a junior to look after and support him.

But now it is completely different. The power and might that Lin Xun possesses was vividly displayed in a killing last night.

Even Lin Zhong was shocked when he learned that Lin Xixi was also defeated by Lin Xun.

After the shock, it is a change of attitude.

He knows that the young master is already a great cultivator who can really carry everything. His wisdom and skill are more amazing and outstanding than the master's back then.

From now on, the young master will be the real head of the Lin family! It is an existence that can be on an equal footing with any big man in the Forbidden City!

"These things will trouble Uncle Zhong for the time being. I only have one request. For some clansmen who betrayed the clan back then, I will never let one go! No matter who the traitor is or who intercedes, there is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Lin Xun's dark eyes were dark, and he had an invisible majesty when he sat there casually.

Lin Zhong froze in his heart, nodded, and immediately said: "Master, what do you plan to do with Lin Tianlong, Lin Nianshan, and Lin Pingdu?"

These three are the leaders of the three collateral forces, and they are also the biggest betrayers. More than ten years ago, they colluded with the Zuo and Qin families to divide up the Lin family property.

"Let them live, detain them in the ancestral land of the Lin family as guardians, and be confined there for the rest of their lives to atone for their betrayal."

Lin Xun said indifferently, "I want all the Lin family members to keep in mind at all times that these three people suffered because of betrayal, and they are the sinners of the Lin family. The shame and harm they brought to the Lin family must be spent in repentance for the rest of their lives. , even if you want to die!"

Lin Zhong trembled in his heart, realizing that this kind of punishment was more severe than killing them!

"Of course, the innocent clansmen of these three families should be treated equally, and they should be treated the same as the Beiguang Lin Clan. If there are outstanding performers, they can be rewarded."

Lin Xun pondered, "I don't want to see another Lin family that is in constant civil strife. No matter what means are used, they must be twisted together, instead of fighting each other and fighting each other as they used to."

Lin Zhong nodded solemnly: "Mr. Lingjiu has already made a lot of plans and layouts before retreating. I believe it is enough to completely solve the internal trouble of our Lin family. There will be no more signs of falling apart."

There was a touch of relief on Lin Xun's lips, Ling Vulture's wisdom and strategy made him feel admiration and amazement until now.

Since he has made arrangements, Lin Xun is completely relieved.

"By the way, don't forget the villagers in Feiyun Village."

Lin Xun suddenly said, "For our Lin family to rise in the future, we must learn more

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The talents and strength of the people, and the villagers of Feiyun Village are our most reliable candidates, and we must not treat them badly. "

Lin Zhong smiled and said, "You can rest assured, young master, this is inevitable."

At this time, Lin Huaiyuan suddenly came in a hurry, bringing back some latest news.

Today's Lin Huaitang seemed to be recovering from the pain of losing his younger brother, with a look of joy that could not be concealed between his brows.

No wonder he was delighted, Lin Xun had just returned one day, and the situation on Xixin Peak had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The big forces in the city came to visit one after another, and some of the forces who had been embarrassed to wash the peak during this time were also scared and rushed to apologize and apologize.

Until now, outside the gate of Xixin Peak, representatives from major forces have come to visit one after another.

Compared with the past, which was lonely and desolate, today's Xinxin Peak is like sweeping away bad luck and regaining a new look.

This makes Lin Huaitang unhappy. The more prosperous and powerful Xixin Peak is, the more his status will rise, and he will be able to enjoy all kinds of respect and treatment in the Forbidden City in the future.

This is much better than being forced to give up Xixinfeng's power.


When he looked at Lin Xun in the main seat, Lin Huaiyuan's heart suddenly froze, and there was an indescribable awe.

The bloody killing that took place in the three collateral branches of the Lin family last night was also clearly understood by Lin Huaiyuan.

Lin Huaiyuan was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground when he learned that the top management of the three families had been slaughtered and even Lin Xixi had been suppressed by Lin Xun.

Comparatively speaking, their Beiguang Lin Clan was less affected.

The most fortunate thing for Lin Huaitang is that, fortunately, he was decisive at the beginning, knelt directly in front of Lin Xun to ask for forgiveness, and even used actions to understand his determination, and just saved some unnecessary sacrifices.

It's just that, after going through these incidents, Lin Huaiyuan no longer dared to treat Lin Xun like he used to, and even when facing Lin Xun, he felt a sense of awe as a subject when he met the emperor, and he didn't dare to have any more in his heart. A trace of disobedience.

This is the power of killing.

Perhaps Lin Xun is still only a junior according to the clan's seniority, but now that he is in charge of Xinxinfeng and sits in the position of the head of the Lin family, then he is the master of the Lin family! No matter how senior you are, you have to show submission!

After returning all the news respectfully, Lin Xun didn't say a word, just nodded lightly, which made Lin Huaiyuan feel more and more emotional, his nephew's power is getting stronger and stronger!

"By the way, there is still one more thing that needs to be instructed by the owner."

Suddenly, Lin Huaiyuan remembered something and said, "Some of the industries controlled by the three collateral branches of our Lin family have already been occupied by the Zuo family and the Qin family. What do you think of the master?"

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes: "From last night to now, have the Zuo family and Qin family have any reaction?"

Lin Huaiyuan and Lin Zhong next to them shook their heads in unison. These two high-ranking clansmen did not know whether they were full of confidence, or were not afraid of everything at all. Until now, they have not made any response, which seems very strange.

When Lin Xun saw this, he smiled faintly, and his black eyes became more and more cold and calm: "It seems that they are planning to wait and see the changes, but unfortunately, I, Lin Xun, will not give in this time!"

"Uncle Zhong, you go and inform Zhu Laosan, and bring people to retake the properties occupied by these two families. If they dare to stop them, they don't have to worry about anything, just kill them!"

An order was issued casually, but it was full of murderous intentions.

Lin Huaiyuan and Lin Zhong were shocked, they were going to tear up their faces directly with the two high-ranking clansmen Zuo and Qin!


ps: Next, I will start to make up the two shifts owed the day before yesterday and yesterday, and the third shift will be around 10 pm.

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