The Prodigies War

Chapter 649 The power struggle of ugly appearance

Lin Zhong's remarks were sonorous and passionate, with questions.

The expressions of many Beiguang Lin Clan's bigwigs in the audience became unnatural, and they asked themselves, before Lin Xun didn't have an accident, they did gain a lot of benefits from Xinxin Peak.

Even in the Forbidden City, as long as they are members of the Xinxinfeng Lin family, they will be respected by three points.

But now Lin Xun is dead after all!

All this has changed. The Lin family of Xixinfeng is beleaguered and precarious. I don't know how many forces are targeting them, and they are almost collapsed.

At this time, how could the high-level Beiguang Lin family still be able to sit still?

joke! Without the support of my Beiguang Lin Clan, how could Lin Xun alone support the entire Heart Washing Peak? Remember, we don't owe him Lin Xun!

Some people are disdainful.

Don't talk nonsense, today's Xinxin Peak, a new leader must be selected, whether you want Lin Zhong or not, you must give a clear answer today!

Some people are aggressive and force the palace.

Lin Zhong, you are also an old man of the Lin family. You have always been loyal and loyal. I also admire it. However, now that Lin Xundu has died, our Lin family is facing such a big disaster. At the juncture of life and death, if we do not make changes , I'm afraid that the Xinxin Peak will be thrown away in our hands, I hope you think twice.

There were also people who persuaded bitterly.

I said, the young master is still alive, there is no need to discuss this matter!

Lin Zhong's words were firm and unmoved.

Seeing this, some people were so angry that they couldn't help scolding: "You old man, you are really dead brains, and you still expect that kid to come back?" It's been so long, he must have died in the depths of the sea of ​​annihilation, being chased and killed by all the kings of the dead. He is a little monk in the spirit sea, if he can survive, let me wipe my neck and commit suicide!

You, Lin Zhong, are trembling all over with anger. He has always had a good temper, but this time, he was really irritated, and his face was ashen and ugly.

Guys, you are going too far!

Xiao Ke, who had been sitting on the side of the hall, raised her eyebrows, but after all, she couldn't hold back and said coldly.

You are just an outsider, you are not qualified to interfere in the internal affairs of my Lin family, please respect yourself and keep your mouth shut!

An elder from Beiguang Lin scolded,

His name is Lin Huaitang, and he is Lin Huaiyuan's younger brother.

Yes, the internal affairs of my Lin family cannot be interfered with by you!

Other Beiguang Lin's bigwigs also spoke up and scolded Xiaoke.

Xiaoke's eyes froze, she was invited by Lin Xun to help Xixinfeng, but she was not a servant, and now she was ostracized and accused, and she couldn't help but get angry.

At this time, Lingjiu persuaded Xiaoke and sighed: Before Lin Xun left, he handed over the power of Xixinfeng to me. Then, I have to be worthy of his trust. don't do too much

Before he could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted: You, an old lame man whose cultivation base has been abolished, dare to speak up and teach us a lesson? Do you really think that you are the master of Xinxin Peak? Remember, this is my Lin family's territory, not a place where you, an outsider, can run wild!

These remarks are more than rude, they are simply undisguised humiliation and blows.

In the past when Lin Xun was here, they might still be in awe of the spirit vulture, but now, who would care about a lame man?


Xiao Ke was completely furious, pulled out the long knife, and murderous intent lingered in her clear eyes.

What, you little girl still want to do something on my Lin family's site? Those Beiguanglin clansmen sneered, all of them fearless.

They wanted to get rid of all these outsiders for a long time. The reason is very simple. Before Lin Xun left, he gave all the power to Lingjiu Xiaoke and others, which naturally made them very unhappy.

Now, since it is determined that Lin Xun is dead, they naturally cannot tolerate this situation and continue.

Xiao Ke, put away the knife.

Ling Vulture waved his hand, his expression calm and calm, but with an unquestionable taste.

After that, Ling Jiu looked at Lin Huaiyuan, who had been silent, and said, "Brother, it seems that everything that happened today has your acquiescence?

Lin Huaiyuan's eyes flickered, and after a while, he sighed: "I can't do anything either. The three side branches of Xixi Yunheng Feifeng have been changing frequently recently, and they have even given me an ultimatum to use tough means to occupy the Xinxin Peak and inherit it. The Lin family is in power, I have no choice but to do this.

So, do you think that only Beiguang Lin's leadership of Xinxinfeng can resolve this great disaster? The vulture asked.

Lin Huaiyuan was silent for a moment, and then asked: So Mr. Lingjiu thinks, how to solve this unprecedented dilemma?

Wait. Ling Vulture's answer is very simple, only one word.

But obviously, this could not satisfy those Beiguanglin clansmen.

snort! As I see it, we currently have only one path left.

Suddenly, Lin Huaiyuan's younger brother Lin Huaitang spoke in a calm voice.

which way?

The spirit vulture seemed to have seen through the other's mind.

Go and bow your head with the three collateral forces of Xixi Yunheng Feifeng, and let the four of us work together to control the Xinxin Peak!

As soon as Lin Huaitang said these words, it was like a shock, causing the atmosphere in the hall to suddenly become silent.


Lin Zhong was angry and decisively refused.

Even Lin Huaiyuan seemed a little surprised, stunned, and frowned, "Huaitang, do you think that if we bow to them, the other party will stop here?" The Zuo family and the Qin family are standing behind them. Under such circumstances, they will never let us go.

Brother, you are wrong.

Lin Huaitang looked confident and said lightly, in the final analysis, we are all a family, and we have no grudge against them.

Now that Lin Xun is dead, we just need to expel these outsiders, let go of Xinxin Peak, and accept Xixi Lin's and the others, and the disaster in front of us can be easily resolved.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more silent, and many people's eyes flickered and their thoughts were different.

These remarks can be said to be cruel. The implication is to completely clear the relationship with Lin Xun, and then bow to the hostile forces in exchange for peace and wealth.

You are simply wolf ambition!

Lin Zhong was so angry that he burst into anger. More than ten years ago, there was a bloody massacre in the Lin family. Almost all of my masters, except the young master, were killed. That was the biggest crisis the Lin family encountered. Collusion with foreign enemies to carve up the Lin family's foundation. Never thought to avenge those who passed away!

The Lin family is in crisis again, do you still want to repeat the scene more than ten years ago?

The young master disregarded previous suspicions and considered the overall situation of the Lin family, and finally agreed to let you settle on Xinxin Peak and give you all kinds of benefits, but what about you, is this how you repay the young master?

You are heartbroken!

Lin Zhong's eyes were split with anger, his expression was ashen, and his voice was thunderous, shaking the hall, causing many people to change color.

We are also doing this for the good of the Lin family. Are you willing to watch Xixin Peak decline until it is occupied by the enemy?

Lin Huaitang was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

Forget it, let's not mention it again.

However, Lin Huaiyuan sighed and said, we have already made one mistake in the past, and this time, we must not make one mistake again.

Lin Huaitang smiled slightly and said no more.

But he knew in his heart that his remarks had definitely moved many people's hearts. When the day when Xixinfeng was really forced to a desperate situation, there were bound to be many like him who would support this!

Brother, since you don't agree, what do you think we should do now? The power of Xixinfeng is all in the hands of those outsiders, and we can't help even if we want to help.

Lin Huaitang sighed and opened his mouth, his voice was faint, but he had hidden edge and pressed closer step by step. The implication was that he still wanted to take this opportunity to seize the power of Xixinfeng.

The tree fell down and scattered. When I first entered the Xinxin Peak, I once told Lin Xun about this problem. I never thought about it.

Ling Vulture let out a sigh. For a clan power, it is taboo for outsiders to engage in politics, especially when there are no leaders, infighting will happen sooner or later.

He had reminded Lin Xun and was well prepared for it, but unfortunately, people are not as good as God, and such things still happened.

snort! Mr. Ling Vulture, are you scolding me for being ruthless and unjust? Just a joke, you are just outsiders, but you hold on to my Lin family's power, so what do you want me to wait for?

Those high-level bigwigs of the Beiguang Lin Sect were dissatisfied, and they felt that Lingjiu's words had undoubtedly scolded them all.

Only Lin Huaiyuan sat there without saying a word, frowning.

To be honest, he didn't want to see such things happen, but now the news about Lin Xun's death has already spread. Also very headache.

How exactly?

Even he himself is a little helpless!

Brother, it's all at this time, what are you hesitating about? Xixin Peak can’t be left alone for a day. Now that you have been ordered to take charge of the power of our Lin family, it is a matter of course. Our Lin family can no longer tolerate being interfered by outsiders!

Lin Huaitang encouraged by the side.

The other Beiguanglin clansmen also agreed.


Lin Huaiyuan looked gloomy and uncertain.

As for Lin Zhongxiaoke and the others, their hearts were cold, and their faces were ugly. Only the vulture was calm and calm. He had already expected such things. Although it was unexpected, he was not surprised.

However, there was a trace of worry in his heart. If Lin Xun couldn't resolve the disaster, even if Lin Xun came back later, it would be too late!

dong dong dong.

At this time, the closed door of the main hall was suddenly knocked from outside.


Immediately, everyone frowned, this is the discussion hall at the top of Xinxin Peak, and they are holding the most crucial meeting.

Which attendant does not have eyes and dares to knock on the door at this time?


: Before 11:30 p.m. of the third watch.

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