The Prodigies War

Chapter 592 The Secret of Bodhi

When Lin Xun, Zhao Jingxuan, and Lao Ha were in action, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared in the area not far from the Zixia Divine Mountain.

It was a golden-winged Dapeng, the wings were cast like gold, and the terrifying light that flowed like an ocean was like a king, with a pair of sharp golden pupils, looking at the mountains in the distance.

"My God! Is that the Dapeng bird from the ancient times?"

At the foot of the mountain, many strong men exclaimed.


Golden-winged Dapeng opened his mouth and swallowed, and an unparalleled terrifying force swept out, instantly swept away dozens of strong men of all ethnic groups in the field and swallowed them into his stomach.

Click! Click!

Golden-winged Dapeng chewed slowly, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, cold and indifferent, as if he was eating an appetizer.

This scene was so shocking that it made the other strong souls panic, screaming in horror, madly fleeing towards the Zixia Divine Mountain.


Suddenly, the sky was obscured by shadows, and a huge snake head appeared like a mountain. Its blood-colored pupils were like a pair of lakes, and the snake letter it spat out was like a blood-colored waterfall that rolled backwards.

In an instant, more than a dozen strong men were swallowed into Shekou, and it was too late to even struggle.

However, when the giant snake was about to approach the Zixia Sacred Mountain, it was blocked and oppressed by a sacred force, which made it startled, making a soft hiss, and backing away.

Unparalleled Serpent!

Its body is like a winding mountain, covered with cyan scales, as if standing between the heavens and the earth, overlooking all living beings, and its breath is extremely terrifying.

"Damn! What kind of monster is this? Why is the breath more terrifying than the king of life and death?"

"Escape, go up the mountain!"

The only remaining powerhouses at the foot of the mountain, how could they care about fighting, they all went crazy and rushed towards the top of the mountain, the scene was chaotic.

The golden-winged Dapeng was indifferent, his wings converged, and he stood proudly in the distance in the distance, with a proud and cold expression.

It's just that when his eyes look at the Zixia Sacred Mountain in the distance, there is a hint of indescribable fear and a trace of unconcealed desire.

On the other side, the unparalleled serpent held its head high, pouted its scarlet tongue, and was also closely following the movements on the Zixia Mountain.

Originally, they were supposed to be old enemies, but at this moment, they seemed to let go of their old grievances.

Not long after, a butterfly the size of a fan appeared out of thin air, with colorful wings and a five-color halo flowing.

As soon as it arrived, it just glanced at the Golden Winged Dapeng and the Wushuang Orochi, and chose another area, silently staring at the Zixia Mountain in the distance.

When it comes to breath, it is not weaker than the other two at all.


A group of blue light appeared from another area. It was a green fox. Its fur was soft and smooth, like silk.

It stepped into the void, its pupils were deep and vicissitudes of life, like wisdom, its eyes swept over the other three terrifying beings one by one, and finally stopped and looked at the Zixia Divine Mountain in the distance.

The four terrifying beings living in different areas of the Demon Saint Mystery Realm appeared at the same time and looked at the Zixia Sacred Mountain, as if they were all waiting for something.

Those scenes seemed extremely shocking.

Fortunately, this deep purple mountain is covered with terrifying restrictions, and the sacred aura is omnipresent. Although the Golden Winged Dapeng and the others are extremely powerful, the more they get here, they are greatly suppressed and cannot get close to the past.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a disaster for the powerhouses of all races.


Not long after, another centipede appeared, with a body only about a zhang long, like a condensed green jade, with a ferocious and terrifying aura.

It looks very violent, and as soon as it appears, it rushes towards the Zixia Divine Mountain.

It is going to break through that Zixia Divine Mountain!

This scene made the eyes of Golden Winged Dapeng, Wushuang Serpent, Butterfly and Green Fox all condensed.

But soon, their expressions returned to indifference and calm.

Because that jasper centipede hadn't approached the Zixia Sacred Mountain, it was suppressed by a sacred aura, causing the centipede to collapse all over, screaming shrilly, and its body was almost crushed!

Fortunately, it saw the opportunity quickly and avoided it with all its strength, and just avoided the disaster, but when it looked at the Zixia Divine Mountain again, its eyes were full of fear and fear, and there was even a touch of unwillingness.

But in the end, it still forbears, waiting in the distance, silently paying attention.

Outside the market.

"The opportunity of the mountain has come, and it seems to be related to the legendary Buddhist saint!"

When the news came out, there was a sensation in the audience, and the great figures of all ethnic groups were in high spirits and smug.

In particular, the groups of the Dali Niu Demon Clan, the Jinluan Clan, the Yunyu Clan, and the Xuan'ao Clan who seized the opportunity and rushed to compete for the opportunity for the first time were even more cheering.

This biggest opportunity finally came to the world, which made those big men also full of longing, and they could not wait to enter the secret realm and go to explore.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

It's just that the excitement and joy didn't take long, and there was bad news——

"Monster, there are many monsters near Zixia Shenshan, including golden-winged Dapeng, mysterious giant snake, and five-color butterfly the size of a fan!"

"Many clansmen were eaten by them before they could escape!"

"It's more terrifying than the king of life and death, my God, how can there be so many terrifying existences in that ghost place all of a sudden."

On the altar of life and soul, the spirits of powerhouses of all ethnic groups flashed frequently, all of them were powerhouses who escaped by luck with the life-soul bone charm after being killed.

Through their narration, the big people in the audience felt a chill in their hearts, their faces were extremely gloomy, and they realized the seriousness of the problem.

"These terrifying creatures are obviously here for the opportunity in the Zixia Divine Mountain! They can't enter it, so they wait outside, which means that no matter which clan's children seize the opportunity, when they want to leave, they will be killed by them!"

A big man made a judgment and gritted his teeth with hatred.

"It's definitely not an easy opportunity to cause so many terrifying creatures to gather together. What's hateful is that we can only wait outside and cannot enter it to help!"

There are also big people who are heartbroken, and their faces are ashen with anger.

Who would have thought that the opportunity has not yet been grabbed, but it has attracted a group of terrifying creatures?

"It's not easy to be so serious. Since those terrifying creatures can't enter the Zixia Divine Mountain, it shows that there is still a chance to escape."

There are big figures to analyze, it seems quite calm.

"If they dare to kill my people, one day, the old man will kill them all!"

Suddenly, a thunderous shout sounded, but it was Niu Xiaori, the "bull demon king" of the powerful bull demon clan. His voice was fierce, murderous and domineering.

But that's all they can do. After all, they are in the outside world and cannot enter it. No matter how angry they are, they can only stare blankly, hoping that there will be a good result, and don't make any mistakes.

mountain top.

"Scam? Just these two words? It's his grandma, why is it a useless message! How can those bald donkeys do this? It's clearly a nonsense!"

The old clam cursed loudly, looking a little exasperated.

He took Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan to explore other altars together, because there was no opponent, so they quickly explored nine altars.

As Lao Ha had expected, obscure and bizarre Mahayana secret texts were left on each altar, but the contents were disappointing. They were similar to "Fangcunshan" and "scam", and there was no specific discovery.

This made the old man dumbfounded and annoyed. He originally thought that he could find some mysteries and guidance from these altars, but he never thought about it, it was all a bunch of nonsense.

If they find nothing in the end, they will lose a lot this time. Not only did they miss the opportunity to seize the opportunity in the first place, but they also waste a lot of time!

"Look elsewhere."

Lin Xun's expression was also a little gloomy, a little annoyed that he should not listen to the slander of Lao Ha, but since he has already started to take action, if he does not explore all the other altars, he will not be reconciled.

"Yes, yes, if you look elsewhere, you will definitely find something."

Lao Ha was also a little embarrassed, and had no face to face Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan. Seeing what Lin Xun said, he hurriedly borrowed a donkey down the slope.

"They've been staring at us."

Zhao Jingxuan felt a little uncomfortable, and pointed to the far area of ​​Zixia Sacred Mountain, where there were terrifying creatures such as the Golden Winged Dapeng.

They had discovered this situation before, and were extremely shocked, realizing that these murderous creatures must have also been attracted by this opportunity.

But when it was judged that they couldn't get close to this sacred mountain, Lin Xun and the others didn't bother to pay attention.

"Don't pay attention to them, a bunch of useless trash, can't even get in this mountain, they deserve to be staring at us and envy us."

The old clam looked very arrogant, and said triumphantly, saying that the Golden Winged Dapengs are a bunch of waste, which made Lin Xun want to slap him on the back of the head.

If those creatures that are scarier than the king of life and death are trash, aren't they even worse than trash?

"Hurry up and act!"

Lin Xun glared at Lao Ha.

Lao Ha also knew that this action was somewhat unsatisfactory, and he did not fight against Lin Xun, so he took the time to continue the action.

"A square inch of land is where your heart is. It turns out that Fangcun Mountain doesn't exist at all?"

"Unexpectedly, he lied to all of us"

"The Mountain of Fangcun really doesn't exist?"

Next, Lao Ha explored the secret Mahayana texts on one altar after another, almost all of which were similar to this.

This made his face even more ugly, and he scolded the Buddhist sage along the way, thinking that these bald donkeys were too bullying, leaving no clues, but leaving some bullshit, it was just deliberately fooling people.

Even Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan were speechless. What is the existence of Fangcun Mountain? Why are these Buddhist saints so obsessed?

Finally, when searching for the 30th altar, the old clam was refreshed and finally made a new discovery!

"If it is deduced according to the common words in the world, a square inch of space is where the heart is. The 'slanting moon and three stars' is like a stroke. When written, it is a word for 'heart'. It is rumored that the secret of Bodhi is hidden in this. Seeing the square inch, you must use the way of 'heart' to explore?"

When Lao Ha translated the secret Mahayana text on the altar, Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan were both startled and keenly aware of the key.

The Secret of Bodhi!

It turned out that the so-called mountain of square inches, the land of three stars with a slanting moon, hides the "secret of Bodhi"!


ps: It's gone tonight, the headache of the plot card.

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