The Prodigies War

Chapter 561 Gorgeous Counterattack

The Five Elements Holy Island is gone.

All that area collapsed, and the green palace, the Purple Gold Sacred Mountain, and the island in the heart of the lake sank under the lava lake.

In the end, even the lava lake sank and disappeared.

But deep below the ground, there is a quaint Taoist platform suspended, with dense chains interlaced on it, lingering with the forbidden atmosphere of the avenue.

The jade stone filled with chaotic energy stood on the Taoist platform, and there was a living figure floating in it. Beside him, there was also a broken golden scripture and an old medicine that looked like a horned dragon.

"This king remembers you, you can't escape, dare to snatch the creation that belongs to this king, and when this king is born, you will all have to die!"

In the jade, a sharp and angry voice came out.

Immediately, the sound disappeared, everything fell silent, and the area was shrouded in darkness.

Indistinctly, an old ape figure appeared, standing in front of the Taoist platform, staring at the figure of the living creature in the jade that fell into a deep sleep again.

"Fortunately, the holy medicine left by the master is still there..."

After a long time, the old ape let out a sigh, thinking of the handsome young man in his mind, thinking of the octagonal nine-story pagoda in his hand.

"Is that the tower, it still exists in the world..."

The old ape murmured in his heart.

Immediately, his figure turned into a rain of light and disappeared into the darkness.


In the vast desert, an illusory figure like electricity escaped, with a very fast speed, and disappeared between heaven and earth in a flash.

Not long after, a group of murderous figures appeared, overwhelming the sky, chasing in the direction where the figure disappeared.

This is naturally Lin Xun and the strong dragon whale clan who are chasing after him.



Lin Xun stopped abruptly, took out the four-image coiled dragon pillar, and instantly trapped a strong dragon-whale clan who was chasing after him into an illusion.

It didn't take long for the Dragon Whale Clan strongman with the situation in the cave to be killed, while Lin Xun sat on the ground and gasped.

His face was pale, his physical strength was extremely exhausted, and there was a trace of exhaustion between his brows.

But Lin Xun didn't dare to relax, he took out a bottle of medicinal pill, swallowed it in his mouth, and started refining and recovering with all his strength.

This pursuit has been going on for a day and a night.

On the way, Lin Xun was like a pre-planned hunter. Every once in a while, he would unexpectedly sacrifice the four-image coiled dragon pillar to kill the single powerhouse of the dragon-whale clan.

The four-image coiled dragon pillar is quite magical. It can evolve into an illusion and be isolated from the outside world. In a cup of tea, even the king can’t be attacked.

He also used this treasure to let Lin Xun kill seven or eight Dragon Whale Clan powerhouses along the way, including a veteran Dongtian Upper Realm figure!

However, Lin Xun was not feeling well either. The continuous battle and flight had consumed him a lot, and he had suffered a lot of injuries, so he couldn't find time to repair it.

Moreover, although the four-image Coiling Dragon Pillar is magical, its power will gradually weaken after the tea time has passed, and it will be broken by the enemy.

The most terrible thing is that the enemy will take this opportunity to lay out and besiege. When Lin Xun walks out of the four elephants, he will suffer a comprehensive blow.

Almost all the injuries Lin Xun suffered along the way were caused by this situation.

boom! boom! boom!

After a cup of tea, Lin Xun, who was meditating and repairing, was awakened, and instantly knew that the enemy was besieging the Four Elephants Coiling Dragon Pillar again.

"Too deceiving!"

Lin Xun also hated it so much that if he had peak strength, he would not be afraid at all, and could sweep and crush all enemies.

But now, his injuries are accumulating and his physical strength is too much, and he can't fight recklessly, otherwise he will be in danger of falling.

"When you get out of trouble this time, you must find a place to hit the realm! As long as you advance to the cave level, why should you be afraid of Linlang and Yu Xiaosheng?"

Lin Xun got up, took a deep breath, and took out the broken blade. His expression had returned to the ancient well, calm as snow.

As long as he is ready to fight, he will not be affected by all distractions. This is the fighting consciousness that he has cultivated in the blood killing camp.

When he left the illusion, Lin Xun flipped his palm, and a bright red fruit like a lantern appeared, shining like a scorching sun, spraying a fine glow, overflowing with an intoxicating fragrance.

A fruit of the Treasure Lamp King Ginseng!

Lin Xun didn't hesitate, opened his mouth to swallow it.

When he was hunted down before, he was always reluctant to waste such magical medicine, even if it was just a fruit, the value in Lin Xun's heart was more important than these opponents.

But now, his whole body is in extremely bad condition, and if he encounters any danger on the road, it will definitely be fatal.

Therefore, at this moment, he didn't care about wasting it, and decided to swallow the precious medicine and finish his work in one battle!


As soon as the bright and bright fruit entered, Lin Xun felt like there was an extra day in his body, releasing a terrifying medicinal power, replenishing the strength of the whole body at an incredible speed.

It was too huge and pure, the medicinal power was not violent, but it was strong and surging enough to make Lin Xun feel so comfortable that he almost groaned.

Moreover, the injuries he suffered all over his body healed in an instant, just like a miracle.

"It is said that a drop of the juice of the king ginseng of the treasure lamp can instantly restore the dying person to the peak state. Now it seems that the name is indeed well-deserved."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and felt the power in his body boiling like a volcano, feeling an unprecedented power!


Without hesitation, Lin Xun removed the four elephants and the dragon pillar, held the broken blade in his hand, and rushed out.


"Kill, this time we must not let him escape again!"

"Little bastard, still not dead?"

As soon as it appeared, there was a roar of scolding in all directions, and saw a group of dragon whale clan powerhouses besieged here, one by one with murderous intent, like a vicious spirit.

And when they saw Lin Xun appear, they immediately shot!


All kinds of weapons shone, releasing splendid rays of light, pouring down like a tide, and the power seemed to destroy and exterminate this area, making the scalp numb.

There is no need to doubt it, if other cultivators are here, they will be killed on the spot without even being able to react when they are suddenly attacked by such overwhelming attacks!

It's just that Lin Xun was already prepared, so naturally he couldn't sit still.


He shouted loudly, and the broken blade swept the bright and flaming starlight, and cut out the moon in a recruiting manner. In an instant, it was like a holy moon rising in the field, shining brightly, illuminating the mountains and rivers!


The overwhelming attack was like a piece of paper at the moment, pierced by the bright moon, turned into light rain, and collapsed in all directions.

Some dragon whale clan powerhouses had no time to dodge, and were hit by the aftermath, screaming, coughing up blood, and almost losing their lives.

In one blow, all methods are destroyed!

There were screams of anger and anger in the arena, and it was obvious that he couldn't believe it. How could the young man who was seriously injured and dying by their pursuit and murdered have such terrifying fighting power at this moment.

At this moment, Lin Xun has black hair tied behind his head at will, his face is delicate and quiet, his black eyes are like electricity, and he has a look of detachment all over his body.

The hand interrupted the blade and chanted, like a dragon and a tiger screaming, agitating the Quartet, making him more imposing and imposing, like a juvenile arrogant, with an unparalleled demeanor!

"He...why has his aura changed? I don't know how much stronger than before!" Someone exclaimed, his face suddenly changed.

The other powerhouses also noticed that their faces were gloomy.

"Whatever you do, let's go together and kill him!"

Someone was drinking.


It's just that as soon as his voice fell, Lin Xun suddenly appeared in front of him like a phantom, his hand raised the knife, and a bloody head fell off!

"I have no grievances or enmity with you, but you have been chasing and killing people all the way. It's so deceiving. I can only send you on the road today!"

Lin Xun's voice was calm, but he revealed unparalleled murderous intent, covering the entire field like overwhelming, making the void whine.

The dragon whale clan's strong men gasped, and they really became stronger!


Invariably, they started working together, daring not to be slighted.

The pursuit along the way made them exhausted and exhausted. If they didn't know that Lin Xun was seriously injured and dying, they would almost give up.

It's just that they didn't expect that Lin Xun had recovered in such a short period of time and became stronger than before!

It made them all realize something was wrong.


This piece of heaven and earth was in chaos, and the sound of earth-shattering explosions sounded one after another, and the rolling rays of light swept through, and the area of ​​more than ten kilometers was completely turned into devastation.

Lin Xun's figure flickered vertically and horizontally, wandering in the void, like a rainbow shadow, the broken blade in his hand shone brightly with starlight, wrapped in a fierce aura that defied the sky, and splashed in the ten directions.

I saw one after another dragon whale clan powerhouse slaughtered, screaming, scolding, and terrified screams resounded one after another.

The picture was so bloody that it dyed this desert land red, shocking.

What is strength?

At this moment, Lin Xun interprets this vocabulary incisively and vividly, waving the broken blade, his figure is like electricity, and he is traversing the battlefield, just like a peerless sharp cone, invincible and unmatched!

He was chased all the way before, and he had accumulated a lot of anger and hatred in his heart. Now that his strength has recovered, he will naturally not show mercy.


It didn't take long for the remaining dragon whale clan powerhouses to collapse. Unable to bear the pressure of this approaching death, they screamed in horror and began to flee for their lives.

How could Lin Xun let them go, step on the ice, chase after them, and continue to kill.


As soon as a cultivator set up the escape light, he was split in half by a wisp of knife energy, and blood poured out.


On the other side, a woman was wrapped in a cloud of radiance, sneaking cautiously, but in just a moment, the radiance around her was smashed to pieces, and her whole body was shaken to death!

"Quick! Go and join the Holy Son!"

Those strong dragon whale clan's eyes were split open, frightened and helpless, panicked like a lost dog, and were chased and killed by Lin Xun alone.

As for Lin Xun, he followed behind him without hesitation, but Broken Blade was replaced by a "No Truth Spirit Bow", which was held in his hand.


The bow body, which is like a white bone hole, has a rough and ferocious aura. With Lin Xun exerting his strength, the red bowstring like blood is drawn full, and it makes a humming sound like blood.


A nihilistic spirit arrow swept out, silently, piercing the head of a dragon whale clan powerhouse thousands of feet away, carrying a poignant scarlet blood.

Lin Xun didn't even look at it, his fingers twitched, and he pulled the bowstring again, like a god of killing from hell, trying to chase his soul all the way!


ps: Goldfish is on a business trip, this chapter is regularly published by the author in the background.

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