The Prodigies War

Chapter 397: The Step of Ice Chi

three days later. Read the fastest chapter on xiāng cūn xiǎo shuō.cóm\u0026lt;-\u0026gt;.

Heart wash.

Lin Xun suddenly woke up from the meditation, a throbbing flashed in his pupils.

Before, he seemed to have done a magnificent and illusory game, and in the middle, he saw one after another behemoth that only existed in ancient legends.

Some are covered with dragon scales, and their bodies are as transparent as ice and snow.

Some bear ancient stone tablets, sit on the ground, and look at the four poles!

Some squatted on mountains and rivers, roaring broken stars!

Some incarnate secret seals, exude immeasurable arrogance, and go straight to Xiao Han!


Those behemoths, or born with dragon heads, or born with dragon bodies, or covered with dragon scales, or with dragon whiskers and claws, are all strange, but all of them are extremely terrifying existences!

Lin Xun couldn't imagine how he could do such a strange thing.

This made him feel a little dazed even when he woke up at the moment.

"That seems to be... the legendary mythical beasts Bingchi, Baxia, Xiaofeng, Biqi..."

After regaining his composure for a while, Lin Xun thought for a while, vaguely judging the origin of those behemoths in the middle. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

This made him unable to help but have another burst of surprise, and then he suddenly remembered something, and began to feel the sea of ​​knowledge.

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, in addition to the portal to the sky and the holy bead of Tianshui, there is now an ancient and obscure symbol of "robbery" poured out of gold.

This is the symbol condensed after the fusion of the nine spiritual formations contained in the Nine Monuments of the Dragon Gate, which contains a mysterious inheritance-【Dragon Tribulation Nine Changes】!

When Lin Xun thought about the past, he suddenly felt as if he had returned to the ancient times again, and he saw giants one after another, either roaming in the sky, or sitting on the ground...

In the ears, there seemed to be another roar, shaking the soul.

"It really has something to do with it!"

Lin found this,

On the contrary, there is a lot of peace of mind, and it is certain that the magnificent and mysterious scene came from the influence of this "Jiao" symbol.

"I don't know what this inheritance is. How could it be hidden in the Nine Monuments of Longmen, and it has never been discovered?"

Lin Xun was curious and deeply realized.

In an instant, a figure of an ice chiro appeared in my mind. It was arrogant, it was poor for nine days, it was sent to Huangquan, it roamed freely, shuttled through the clouds, and it flickered.

At the same time, an obscure inheritance secret text flooded into Lin Xun's heart like a tide.

"Bingchibu, the first change of robbing a dragon, can be big or small, can be raised and hidden, big can make clouds and mists, small can hide and form, when raised, it can travel between the blue and the dark, and when hidden, it hides in Within the dust of Sumeru, this change is the mechanism of the body method..."

After tea time.

Lin Xun's eyes lit up with a look of shock.

Ice Chi step!

The inheritance of the first transformation of the dragon robbery, this is actually an extremely obscure and esoteric ancient footwork, which can swim in the Qingming, and walk on the river and sea, the big one swallows the clouds, and the small one hides in Xumi!

When the practice is to the extreme, one step out, the ice chi flies into the air, and can even be used to kill the enemy!

Lin Xun has never completely practiced the inheritance of movement skills before, but he has rich fighting experience, how can he not recognize the power of this ice chibu?

It is definitely a world-wide way of saying, "If you don't agree, then wait for me to come to the door in person in the future to solve these things!"


Lin Zhong immediately took the order and left.

And Lin Xun was sitting alone in the hall, thinking for a while, and said to himself, "Want me to forgive you so easily? Wishful thinking!"

He really hated these clansmen who betrayed them back then. He didn't know how to avenge the deceased clansmen. Instead, he colluded with outsiders to divide up his own inheritance.

Every time he thinks of these things, Lin Xun is filled with hatred that cannot be concealed. Under such circumstances, how could he easily forgive the other party?

Not long after, Lin Xun walked out of the Hall of Heart Washing and wandered around the mountain peak.

Wherever he went, whether it was his servants, maids, or those of the Beiguanglin clan, they all bowed and saluted, with awe and admiration on their faces.

It was from the heart of deference. Obviously, these days, they have also heard about Lin Xun's disturbance in the Forbidden City. When they treat Lin Xun, their attitudes naturally become different.

It was also at this time that Lin Xuncai truly realized what it was like to be the master of a peak.

Of course, this is far from what he expected. At least when the internal and external troubles of the Lin family are truly resolved, then he will be the veritable head of the Lin family!


ps: Thanks to Xizhe z children's shoes for the reward!

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