The Prodigies War

Chapter 393 Competing for Invitation

The turbulent dragon roar originated from the headquarters of the Lingwen Master commune, and then spread in all directions. Read the fastest chapter on xiāng cūn xiǎo shuō.cóm

The sound swept across the sky, shattering the clouds.

Passing through the streets, all the pedestrians in the streets froze, stopped their movements, and the scene of the bustling and bustling scene appeared for a short period of dead silence.

The spirit birds and spirit beasts in the city all wailed and squatted on the ground, shivering.

When this passionate, vast, and ancient dragon roar swept across the city where the great forces were entrenched, it also aroused the induction of one after another of terrifying thoughts.

"What a strong coercion!"

"The sound shook the world, it must be a vision, could it be that something big has happened in the Forbidden City?"

"It's the headquarters of the Spirit Rune Master Commune!"

"Send someone to see what happened over there."

Those terrifying thoughts converged in different areas of the Forbidden City, and they were all surprised and shocked.

And places like the Imperial Palace, the Seventy-two Peaks of the Mountain of Gatekeepers, the Qinglu Academy, the Imperial Military Department...these places with hidden dragons and crouching tigers also felt at this time.

All of a sudden, because of a dragon song that can be called a masterpiece, the entire Forbidden City was shaken, causing an uproar!


But Lin Xun was unaware of all this.

At this time, in his mind, he is accepting an ancient and majestic inheritance!

That power of inheritance is too vast, shining like golden light, roaring, ancient and vast, and finally converging into an ancient secret - "robbery"!

This word, like the traces of the avenue, is splendid, filled with ancient and terrifying dragon power, mysterious and unpredictable.

This is the "secret" that Lin Xun accidentally obtained by merging the nine divine formations into one!

A mysterious inheritance called [Jielong and Nine Changes]!

At this moment, the brilliant "robbery" character reflected in Lin Xun's sea of ​​knowledge is the inheritance force that is finally fused by the gathering of nine obscure and dense spiritual formations!

Even Lin Xun himself didn't think of it,

After completing the assessment of the Dragon Gate Nine Monuments, he will actually obtain such an inheritance.

Could it be that this is the biggest secret hidden in the Nine Steles of Longmen?

Lin Xun thought for a while, but couldn't be sure. ←Baidu Search→【ㄨBook?Reading House\u003ca href="; target="_;\u003e;/a\u003e]

Suddenly, an uncontrollable exhaustion surged into his heart. Only then did Lin Xun realize that his mental strength was exhausted too much, and there was a faint sign that he couldn't support it.

He didn't dare to think any more, took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and stood up from the gantry platform.


When his eyes glanced around, Lin Xun suddenly found that the atmosphere was deadly still, quiet, and the needles could be heard. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

Looking at all the spirit tattooists in the hall, they all looked sluggish, or shocked, or bewildered, or horrified, or feared...

No one speaks!

One by one seems to have become a sculpture, which is very strange.

Lin Xun couldn't help frowning, and when he looked at the Chu clan members, their expressions were dim, desperate, and extremely ugly.

Especially Chu Haidong, his face was pale and sluggish, with a miserable appearance like his body was hollowed out, which seemed very strange.

And Chu Yunkong, who was beside Chu Haidong, was not much better. His old face was full of frustration, resentment and unwillingness, like a concubine.

"Senior, I have passed the certification test, right?"

In the end, Lin Xun looked at Linghu Xiu on the side and asked tentatively.

Linghu Xiu's expression was sluggish originally, but when he heard the words, he suddenly woke up and nodded quickly: "Oh, oh, ah? You... awake?"

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Lin Xun with a strange and shocking look.

Lin Xun

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: "..."

What's waking up?

He didn't know what kind of shock it brought to everyone present when the Nine Dragons Song was produced, and Linghu Xiu was no exception, and was completely shocked.

It was only then that he finally woke up completely.

Taking a deep breath, Linghu Xiu said with a complicated expression: "Lin Xun... no need to doubt, you are already a real master of spirit patterns, and... and you are the most special one since ancient times."

His voice was as complicated as his expression.

It seems that until now, I still can't believe it, how could such a miracle happen to a junior spirit tattooist in his teens.

"Thank you senior for waking up."

Lin Xun smiled slightly, and through Linghu Xiu's words, he finally concluded that over the years, it seems that he is indeed the only one who has obtained the inheritance of the [Dragon Tribulation and Nine Changes]!

Immediately, Lin Xun's mind was slightly dizzy, knowing that he had consumed too much before, and he was almost unable to hold it.

He took a deep breath, turned and walked down to the gantry platform.

"Young Master Lin Xun, I am a high-level spiritual pattern master from Luo Jinfang in the Forbidden City. I have some questions about spiritual patterns. I would like to ask you for advice. Can you give me some pointers?"

"Young Master Lin Xun, I'm going to a high-level spirit tattoo artist..."


Before Lin Xun could step down from the Dragon Gate Platform, he was surrounded by a group of spirit tattooists who had just woken up from shock and looked adoring.

In particular, one of the old men shouted excitedly: "Master Lin Xun, you are astonished by your superb methods. I admire the five bodies to the ground. I only pray that I can worship you as my teacher, and I hope you can make it happen!"

As a spirit pattern master immersed in the spirit pattern, after seeing Lin Xun's miraculous means, who can resist it?

In their hearts, there are countless questions they want to ask Lin Xun for, and they are eager to get Lin Xun's guidance.

At this moment, Lin Xunzai and the others are no longer a teenager in their hearts, but a unique spirit pattern master who has created a miracle in the world!

What is a master?

That is a transcendent existence that has reached the level of transcendence in the spirit pattern!

"Sorry everyone, I'm a little tired now and want to rest."

Lin Xun was stunned for a while, and then he realized that he knew that after passing the test, he would definitely change everyone's opinion of him.

But he didn't expect that these spiritual masters of a lot of ages would be so fanatical, which was beyond his expectations.

"Humph! As a spirit pattern master, what kind of demeanor is it?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, causing everyone to look sideways. Immediately, they saw Yu Beidou, Cheng Jing, Shen Tuo and other big figures walking from a distance.


The spirit pattern masters on the scene sucked in a breath of cold air, darling, even these unusually rare giants were alerted and appeared here!

They suddenly shut up and dared not speak any more.

However, they were stunned when they saw Yu Beidou, who was known for his ruthlessness and seriousness in the past, but now he had a warm and bright smile on his face. He walked quickly to Lin Xun and said, "Lin Xun, what you did just now makes me happy. I've seen it all, it's amazing, I wonder if you are interested in joining the headquarters of the Spirit Rune Master Commune?"

Everyone looked weird, is this still the Master Yu Beidou that they know? Who has seen him with such a warm smile?

"Lin Xun, don't listen to him, the old man, Cheng Jing, from the Imperial Academy of Divine Engineering, as long as you come to the Academy of Divine Works, all your requests will be as long as our Academy of Divine Works can do it.

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Satisfied enough, I promise you all! "

Cheng Jing strode forward, and also came to Lin Xun's body, looking at Lin Xun with burning eyes, it was like looking at a rare treasure.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Master Cheng Jing of the Shengong Academy has always been known for being "strict", but now, he... He actually offered such favorable conditions in order to recruit Lin Xun, which is too abnormal!

However, when they saw that Master Shen Tuo from Qinglu Academy also stood up and directly stated that as long as Lin Xun joined Qinglu Academy, all conditions could be negotiated, all the spirit tattooists present were dumbfounded.

This is too crazy!

The Headquarters of the Spirit Rune Master Commune, the Imperial Academy of Divinity, the Qinglu Academy... If any Spirit Rune Master could win the favor of one of them, I'd be overjoyed long ago.

But now it's good, Lin Xun has not spoken yet, these three major forces have taken the initiative to grab people, and the conditions reported are better than the other, which makes the spirit pattern masters present not surprised?

"Cough, Lin Xun, if you are willing to join..."

Suddenly, a big man coughed dryly, obviously planning to step in and snatch Lin Xun.

But before he could finish his words, Yu Beidou, Cheng Jing, and Shen Tuo, who had a bad look, were all scolded: "You've crossed the border!"

Suddenly, the big man was helpless and withdrew from the competition.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally realized that Lin Xun's previous performance had made Yu Beidou and the others make a decision to compete for Lin Xun no matter how much they paid!

This kind of special treatment, I am afraid that Lin Xun can enjoy it alone...

The spirit tattooists present sighed for a while. They couldn't be envious at all, and they couldn't be jealous. There was no way. Lin Xun's previous performance was really amazing, and they all admired it. How could they be jealous?

This is dignified strength!

To be honest, Lin Xun was also shocked at this moment, stunned.

Immediately, a look of exhaustion appeared on his face, and he smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your love, seniors, but it's just a big matter. I'm too tired right now, and I need a break urgently. Why don't we...let's talk about it another day?"

However, seeing Yu Beidou patted his forehead, he said ashamedly: "It's my fault, I forgot that Lin Xun, you are in poor health now, so, you can rest at the headquarters of the spirit tattoo master commune, I will send someone to pick up some treasured medicinal herbs, guarantee Let you recover as soon as possible!"

"When it comes to medicinal pills, my Shengong Institute has the most first-class treasures in the empire. If you come with me now, Lin Xun, you will not only recover your body, but also gain unexpected benefits!"

Cheng Jing smiled and sent an invitation.

"Hehe, who doesn't know that my Qinglu College has a 'Yunshen Pond', which can play an incredible and magical effect on restoring physical strength? Lin Xun, you don't have to agree to join Qinglu College immediately, you can come and experience it with me now. Try it and see if it works.”

Shen Tuo spoke confidently.

All the spirit tattooists in the vicinity heard a burst of excitement and shortness of breath. Just to give Lin Xun a break, they received such special care. Looking at the entire empire, which spirit tattoo artist could enjoy such treatment?

Being greeted so warmly made Lin Xun even a little overwhelmed.

In the end, he still refused all kinds of invitations, and said firmly that if he wanted to return to Xixin Peak for meditation, he would not cause any trouble for everyone.

"Hey, this guy is obviously going to sell it for a price. Now that the initiative is in his hands, he can ask for the price and pay it back on the ground."

In the distance, Feng Qingyou, who had been watching all this, couldn't help chuckling when he saw this, seeing through Lin Xun's purpose for doing this.

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