Master, he broke through?

Lin Zhong's heart trembled, but when he looked closely, he found that Lin Xun did not have the unique aura that belonged to the spirit sea realm. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

This made him a little stunned.

At this time, the aura of the young master's body was too strong, and his body was like a big abyss, and a storm was surging.

But unfortunately, the young master did not seem to be promoted.

How is this going?

The storm whirlpool in the black eyes was restrained, returning to a deep calm, and Lin Xun's whole body gradually became silent.

He stood up tall, standing on the edge of the cliff with a handsome figure, hunting in the mountain wind, blowing his long messy hair, and there was a subtle demeanor that was detached from the dust and wanted to ride the wind.

Lin Xun took out the sword and slashed several knives. The long hair and beard like weeds were cut off, and then he used a silk rope to tie the hair back at random.

When he looked at him again, his appearance was no different from before, and even the frosty color between his brows was replaced by a touch of inner splendor.

"Master, have you been promoted yet?"

Lin Zhong couldn't help but ask.

Lin Xun was startled, smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I haven't seen enough of the elephants between heaven and earth, and I can break through it when I need it."

The voice was flat, but there was an absolute calm and confidence in it, as if for him, wanting to break through the promotion was an ordinary trivial matter, and it was nothing to be concerned about.

There was a strange feeling in Lin Zhong's heart. The young master in front of him seemed to be the same as before, but Lin Zhong always felt that during the more than 20 days of retreat and cultivation, some kind of transformation seemed to have taken place in the young master.

Become more calm, more introverted, and more incomprehensible.

"Uncle Zhong, tell me what happened during this time."

Lin Xun walked over from the edge of the cliff and walked along the winding mountain path at will.

"Master, a lot has happened during this time..."

Lin Zhong hurriedly followed the side and introduced it casually.

Until I returned to the study on the second floor of the Hall of Cleansing Hearts,

Lin Xun has a general understanding of what happened in the Forbidden City these days.

The successful holding of the Shi Ding Zhai auction is undoubtedly a good thing for Lin Xun. When he goes to Shi Ding Zhai next time, he can see how much money he has auctioned for his extraordinary treasures.

Lin Xun was not very interested in the duel between the monks of Yuelun Kingdom and Xiaojianjun Xie Yutang.

However, when I heard that this idea was able to fight Xie Yutang to a dead end, Lin Xun couldn't help but be a little surprised.

As far as he knew, Yuelun Kingdom was a small country more than 10,000 miles west of the empire, known as a holy place for monks to practice. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

When it comes to the overall national strength, it is far inferior to the Zi Yao Empire. In the impression of most cultivators, the Yuelun Kingdom is just a small place, and there is nothing to pay attention to.

But the appearance of this idea undoubtedly proves that there are also extremely outstanding and outstanding people outside the empire.

What really interested Lin Xun was the national exam that had already ended.

Among the top three in the national exam, there are two Lin Xuns who have met, like Bai Lingxi, the eldest granddaughter of the Marquis of Jinghai. When cultivating in the blood-killing camp, Lin Xun had come into contact with this person known as the "Pride of Heaven". white rhinoceros.

He even clearly remembered that Bai Lingxi was born with the innate attribute "Xingzhao Qianqiu"!

This is a mysterious soul talent that is extremely rare.

According to the division of talent attributes by the empire, "Xingzhao Qianqiu" can be roughly divided into the ranks of the fourth class.

Don't look at it's only the fourth grade, being able to possess such innate attributes has already surpassed the vast majority of cultivators in the innate!

The reason is that in the entire empire, there are too few cultivators with innate attributes.

Moreover, when Bai Lingxi broke through the human astral realm, it successfully gathered a spiritual power pool that surpassed the first grade!

At that time, Bai Lingxi only told Lin Xun about this secret, so he knew very well how terrifying Bai Lingxi's talent and background were.

But Lin Xun still didn't expect that in this national examination, Bai Lingxi could actually win the third place!

There is no doubt that in the two years after leaving the Blood Killing Camp, Bai Lingxi's cultivation must have also improved by leaps and bounds, and it has become completely different from before.

And Chi Zangfeng, who was ranked second, made Lin Xun frown a little. He remembered that the boy seemed to be younger than himself, but he was able to rank second in the national examination. This shows that Chi Zangfeng, this son, There is indeed arrogant capital.

The person who made Lin Xun the most strange was undoubtedly Song Yi, who was ranked No. 1. It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of a peerless genius he was. He was able to completely suppress such characters as Chi Zangfeng and Bai Lingxi. It was simply too shocking. .

From this, Lin Xun couldn't help but sigh, there will never be a shortage of monsters and heroes who can be called unparalleled in this world.

"Master, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Miss Xiaoke has already found out that the ambush we encountered when we returned from Shi Ding Zhai that night should have come from the three Lin clan of Xixi, Yunheng and Feifeng. action of power."

Lin Zhong suddenly said, "The leader of the Dongtian Realm powerhouse, nicknamed Qu Laoxie, is a notorious old devil in the empire, and he is best at searching for souls."

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes. He thought that the ambush that night was from the Chi family, but now it seems that he still somewhat underestimated the despicability of the other collateral forces of the Lin family!

"According to Mr. Lingjiu's analysis, the three collateral forces of our Lin family just want to use some dirty means to control you and become a puppet in their hands. Doing so will not damage your life, but also make them Returning to Xixin Peak and taking control of the clan is indeed a sinister intention."

Lin Zhong said this with a hint of chill in his voice. Obviously, he was also provoked by the other party's insidious means.

"So, as long as I leave Xinxin Peak, I may be attacked by them at any time, or ambushed?"

Lin Xun's black eyes were cold.


Lin Zhong said in a low voice, "Mr. Lingjiu suggests that you should bring Mr. Zhu with you when you go out to avoid any accidents."

Lin Xun snorted and said thoughtfully, "Uncle Zhong, if I kill some members of the Lin family, will you...will stop me?"

Lin Zhong froze all over, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a long time he said: "Young master, you are the master of Xinxin Peak now, this old slave will not go against your will, but... I also ask you to try your best to restrain yourself. Killing is bad after all."

There was a sneer on Lin Xun's lips: "Let's talk about it later."

Lin Zhong sighed in his heart, knowing that the three collateral forces of the Lin family had completely offended Lin Xun.



Early the next morning.

Lin Xun took the treasure chariot presented by Shi Yu and left Xixin Peak accompanied by Lin Zhong.

It is worth mentioning that it is Zhu Laosan who controls the treasure.

Today, at the time agreed with Beiguang Lin, Lin Xun will go to Beiguang Lin to have a duel with Lin Xuefeng.

Lin Xun didn't dare to be careless about going to Beiguang Lin's this time.

The reason why Zhu Laosan and Lin Zhong were brought along was not only to guard against the ambush from the three side branches of the Lin family, Xixi, Yunheng, and Feifeng.

More importantly, Lin Xun is not sure if going to Beiguang Lin's this time will be in danger!

After all, although Beiguang Lin's attitude towards him is relatively more kind, who knows that they will not suddenly turn their faces?

You must know that Lin Xun is going to the base camp of the Beiguang Lin family this time. If they suddenly change their attitude and detain Lin Xun directly, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although the possibility of such a thing happening is very low, Lin Xun has to beware of this.

Now accompanied by Mr. Zhu and Lin Zhong, who used to be a "white horse to find flowers", Lin Xun is confident that even if the Beiguang Lin family really has any unfavorable thoughts on him, he will never dare to act rashly.

"Master, this is Lin Xuefeng's current information."

Lin Zhong handed a piece of paper to Lin Xun.

It was written above that Lin Xuefeng, eighteen years old, son of Lin Huaiyuan, the leader of the Beiguang Lin Clan, condensed a first-grade spiritual power pool "Yanyu Jiangshan" when he was in the human realm, and was known as the most dazzling young generation of the Beiguang Lin Clan. of leaders.

The current cultivation base is Spirit Sea Realm.

In this year's national examination, Lin Xuefeng successfully passed the examination, ranking seventy-ninth, becoming one of the two children of the four collateral forces of the Lin family who passed the national examination.

Seeing this, Lin Xun said in amazement, "This time, among the children of the other forces of the Lin family who passed the assessment, besides this Lin Xuefeng, is there another person?"

Lin Zhong said casually: "The other is a descendant of Yunheng Lin's family, named Lin Qinglan. According to his seniority, he is your young master and your cousin. She is 18 years old this year, and she is a very talented little girl. Ranked 72nd. Like Lin Xuefeng, she has been successfully recruited by Qinglu Academy, and will go to Qinglu Academy to practice in March next year."

Lin Xun snorted and said with a smile: "The Lin family has been ruined so far, but there are still clansmen who can pass the national exam, which surprises me."

Lin Zhong sighed and said, "Young master, if this is left when the Duke of Daochen is still there, the young children of the clan can completely win the top ten places in the national examination, and it is not impossible to even compete for the first place. The master was... But the national exam is second, second only to the mistress!"

Lin Xun was stunned, and when he heard his father and mother he had never met, he had some indescribable emotions in his heart.

After a while, he shook his head and smiled: "When the national examination begins next year, I will try it too, at least I will get a dazzling result for the Lin family of Xixinfeng!"

Lin Zhong also smiled, with a look of longing in his eyes: "When next year, young master, you are destined to be in the spiritual sea realm. With your background and strength, you can definitely enter the top five in the national exam!"

He still has some reservations about this statement. According to his opinion, Lin Xun is the son of Lin Wenjing and Luo Qingxun.

That is to say, Luo Qingxun was the first in the national exam, Lin Wenjing was the second in the national exam, and Lin Xun had to at least get the first one in the national exam.

Of course, this was Lin Zhong's idea. He didn't dare to speak nonsense, so as not to make Lin Xun feel too much pressure.

At this time, Zhu Laosan, who was driving the treasure carriage, suddenly opened his mouth and spoke concisely.



ps: a little calvin, the second is a little later~

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