The Prodigies War

Chapter 335: Gorgeous Counterattack

It's no wonder that the old people lost their temper. Even if they were replaced by cultivators who could be called the giants of the world, such as the Cave Heaven Realm and the Revolving Wheel Realm, when they saw this thing, I'm afraid they would be jealous. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

Lin Xun did not laugh at these old men, but through their reactions, he made Lin Xun realize that the value of these treasures obtained from the ancient ruins on the Sea of ​​Annihilation is absolutely beyond imagination!

Just like at this time, just one piece of Jiuqu Danxin Iron made these great appraisers at Shi Dingzhai headquarters lose their temper, completely beyond Lin Xun's expectations.

In Lin Xun's view, among the treasures he obtained, this Jiuqu Dan Xintie can only be regarded as an ordinary thing.

Of course, this is relative.

After half a sound, an old man exhaled a long sigh and said with burning eyes: "There is no doubt that this is definitely Jiuqu Danxin Iron!"

The other appraisers also nodded as if they were just waking up from a dream.

Shi Yu immediately laughed, and his heart was filled with excitement.

When Qiu Lao in the distance saw this, his expression couldn't help becoming complicated. If that kid took out this thing early, how could so many things happen?

"Little friend, are you... sure you want to sell this treasure?"

Someone made a sound, and the eyes of those old men all looked at Lin Xun, their attitudes had become completely different from before, with a trace of respect and curiosity.

Jiuqu Dan Xintie!

Just looking at this treasure was enough to make them look at Lin Xun with admiration, but they were also curious, where did a young man like Lin Xun get this treasure, it was incredible.

"That's right, but I would like to ask all of you seniors to be safe. This Jiuqu Dan Xintie is just one of the treasures I want to sell."

Lin Xun flipped the palm of his hand, put away the Jiuqu Dan Xintie, and then took out a spirit flower with green stems and thirty-six leaves.

The leaves are thick and green, the veins are like obscure secret patterns, and the aura is shining like a blue cloud, hanging on the stems and branches.

And the spirit flower is as clear as the blue and dark colors, budding, and the petals are illusory, spraying a fine haze, exuding a strong and fragrant cold atmosphere.

In a trance, everyone just felt like drinking a fairy spring, relaxed and happy, fluttering as if they were going to ride the wind, and it was indescribably wonderful.

"What a wonderful spirit,

This is? "

"Ye Sheng Thirty-six, the veins are like secret lines, clear and empty! Could it be... Could it be the one who has many gods and gods in the world..."

"Qingxu Linghua!"

"This is definitely the Qingxu Linghua who has been extinct in the empire for a long time and is known as the 'King of Spirit Medicine'!"

Those old men opened their mouths with trembling voices, their pupils dilated one by one, and stared at the magical elixir in Lin Xun's hands, their expressions full of excitement and shock.

For many years, they have never seen this flower. They thought it had already disappeared from the world. Who would have thought that it would be quietly reflected in their field of vision at this moment.

It almost made them think they were dreaming!

"Qingxu Linghua..."

Shi Yu hissed and took in a breath of cold air, this is a rare treasure that can make even the most powerful people in the Wheel Formation Realm go crazy! When it comes to value, it is even better than that Jiuqu Danxintie!

Because of having it, it is enough to let the practitioners of the Wheel of Revelation realize the wonderful truth of a mysterious and optional emptiness, so as to successfully condense their own primordial spirit!


Qiu Lao, who was struggling in his heart because of Jiuqu Dan's heart and iron, when he saw a Qingxu Linghua with thirty-six leaves, he was struck by lightning immediately, and the last bit of perseverance in his heart also collapsed, and he couldn't help rushing up. Before, take a closer look. Township · Village · 暁 · Said · Net

His eyes were burning, as if obsessed, and he muttered: "Unbelievable, incredible, this Qingxu Linghua has at least a thousand years of heat, and its appearance is almost perfect. It is a masterpiece of God..."

The scene at this time was very interesting. Lin Xun didn't say a word. The two spiritual objects that he took out one after another changed the situation.

A great book of self-sustaining identities

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Master Bao, without the arrogance and prejudice before, became obsessed, excited, shocked, and fell under the charm of spiritual things.

This kind of dramatic change made Shi Yu stunned for a while, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Ever since he met Lin Xun in the blood killing camp, he had never found anything that would make it difficult to live in Lin Xun.

Including now!

It is not something that ordinary people can do to make these senior great appraisers at the headquarters of Shi Dingzhai lose their temper frequently.

Some people will say that this is the credit of those two spirits, but don't forget that these spirits also come from Lin Xun's hands!


You can ask other cultivators to try with two similar spiritual objects!

"Can you see clearly, seniors?"

Lin Xun, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke and put away the Qingxu Linghua in his hand.

Suddenly, the old men woke up like a dream, with different expressions.

"It can be confirmed that this is indeed a Qingxu Linghua."

Qiu Lao coughed dryly and opened his mouth in a deep voice.

The other old men looked at each other, and when they were sober, they all felt slightly uncomfortable when they faced Lin Xun again.

Before, they seemed to regard Lin Xun as a young man who came to Shi Dingzhai to "take advantage" under the banner of Shi Yu, and his attitude was very rude and arrogant.

But now after seeing the two spirits that Lin Xun took out, they all realized that this time they had gone wrong!

But because of their face, they couldn't take their faces to apologize to a junior, and the atmosphere in the hall became a little quiet for a while.

However, this is exactly what Lin Xun wanted. He smiled slightly and said, "Since it has been confirmed, why don't you seniors set a price, um, according to the market price."

Hearing the word "market price", the old men's cheeks twitched imperceptibly, feeling like they had been slapped in the face, with a burning pain.

"Are you... sure you really want to sell these two treasures?"

Qiu Lao took a deep breath, endured the unhappiness in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.


Lin Xun said casually, "If Shi Dingzhai is unwilling to accept it, then I can go to another firm."

As soon as the words came out, an old man became anxious: "Little friend, don't misunderstand, because these two spiritual items are too precious and rare, and I am not sure whether you really want to sell them."


The others also spoke up.

Just kidding, if you can accept these two treasures, it will be of immeasurable benefit to Shi Dingzhai and them!

Under such circumstances, how could they just watch such treasures slip away from under their noses?

"Three young masters, what do you think?"

Qiu Lao looked at Shi Yu, his voice was gentle and friendly, apparently wanting Shi Yu to help and persuade Lin Xun.

Shi Yu's heart was about to burst into laughter, but he shook his head and said, "No way, he doesn't want me to give a 'friend price' just now. As a friend, how can I persuade me any more?"

Hearing the word "friend price", the old men looked uncomfortable again.

They are old and sophisticated, how can they not see that Shi Yu and Lin Xun are just like "revenge" them.

But they had no choice but to hold their noses in order to keep those two treasures.

"Let's see, please give me a price, I feel that if I can, I will sell these two treasures immediately, if not..."

Lin Xun pondered, "Then seniors, please look at Shi Yu's face, and don't embarrass me, this junior."

Those old people always felt that every word Lin Xun said at the moment seemed to be ridiculing and mocking them, which made them cry inwardly, regretting that they had offended the young man in front of them just now, and the situation suddenly changed. in this way.

It's called the present

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The most depressing thing in their hearts is that these two treasures are too rare and precious, and the price is not easy to give.

In layman's terms, if the wind is released to the outside world now, saying that Shi Dingzhai wants to sell these two treasures, no matter how high the price is, there will inevitably be many cultivators who will break their heads and compete for it!

"This... Little friend, can we discuss it in detail?"

Qiu Lao hesitated.

The others nodded, if the price was too low, Lin Xun would be dissatisfied, and Shi Dingzhai might miss these two treasures.

But if the price is too high, it will damage the interests of Shi Dingzhai.

Therefore, they must come up with a way to not only satisfy Lin Xun, but also benefit Shi Dingzhai.

"Seniors, please feel free."

Lin Xun nodded generously in agreement.

Immediately, the group of old men left in a hurry and found a quiet room to discuss.


It was at this moment that Shi Yu, who had been watching the lively beside him, couldn't help laughing again.

"This is actually a little trick. It can only suppress their arrogance and make them have to change their attitude."

Lin Xun said casually, he didn't feel anything.

"Haha, that's enough."

Shi Yu said, suddenly remembered something, and reminded: "Don't embarrass them too much later."

Lin Xun smiled and said, "It's natural."

Saying that, he transmitted his voice to Shi Yu in a low voice, "I might as well tell you, no matter what price they bid later, I won't agree."

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, and thoughtfully said, "That's right, who would be willing to take out such treasures and sell them for money?"

Lin Xun shook his head: "You misunderstood, it's not the issue of their quotation, but I have already noticed and decided to sell these treasures by auction."

Shi Yu suddenly realized: "Your method is really good, but if you do it, it will make us Shi Dingzhai suffer a lot."

Lin Xun said angrily: "Are you sure this Shi Dingzhai belongs to you? I did this to kill two birds with one stone. It not only helped me, but also gave you a chance to prove yourself!"

Shi Yu's mind was clear, he realized it in an instant, and said in surprise: "Are you trying to ask me to come forward and help you handle this matter?"

Lin Xun nodded: "Yes, no matter the auction price, at least it's all your credit."

Shi Yu pondered for a while, then looked at Lin Xun with a complicated expression, and said, "You brat is too deep!"

Lin Xun rolled his eyes: "Stop talking nonsense, do you agree or not?"

Shi Yu didn't think about it: "Promise, just kidding, an idiot would refuse this opportunity."

Lin Xun nodded, turned his hands and took out Jiuqu Danxintie and Qingxu Linghua, and handed them to Shi Yu.

After thinking about it, he picked three or four precious spiritual materials that he didn't need, and threw them to Shi Yu: "This is a rare opportunity, let's put them all up for auction."

Shi Yu has fallen into a sluggish state at this time, his eyes are straight, he never expected that Lin Xun just moved his hands at will, and then took out three or four kinds of treasures that are not inferior to Jiuqu Danxintie and Qingxu Linghua!

This this……

too crazy!


ps: Up to now, the promise made at the beginning of the month has been completed, the total number of words has exceeded one million, and the monthly update volume has exceeded 200,000!

In addition, there is an important thing to inform everyone. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Goldfish will be going away to attend a meeting of the Provincial Writers Association. I will not be at home, but I will stay up all night to save the manuscript and try to ensure continuous updates.

Updates on August 1st and 2nd will be scheduled to be updated on time at 12:00 noon. I also hope that everyone will vote for more monthly votes. Goldfish guarantees that there will be more updates in August than in July!

Finally, click on the next chapter to go directly to the second update~

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