The Prodigies War

Chapter 3092: The accident is coming

The faces of Xinhu, Lei Song and others quickly turned gloomy again.

They noticed that Xingjianxia and others did not return to the Lotus Leaf Sacred Mountain, but strolled around the area near the Lotus Leaf Sacred Mountain.

And they, who have been following behind, are like dogs being led by their noses, and they look really stupid.

"These three old things are clearly playing tricks on us!"

Pan Wu was furious and his eyes were terrifying.

He was wearing a navy blue crane cloak, with a colorful Dao sword on his feet, as powerful as a mountain, but at this time, his face was extremely ugly.

"How can I doubt that they are deliberately provoking us, as if to make us angry and do something rash."

Canglong frowned.

His figure was blurry, like an illusory light and shadow, and his breath was extremely obscure.

"In my opinion, we directly attack the Lotus Leaf Mountain. If there is an ambush or robbery, we can dodge it from a distance as soon as possible. In this way, we will never be led by those old bastards in Xingjianxia. Walk with your nose."

Dressed in sackcloth and holding the spear of Liaoyuan, Ziche Wuji was murderous.

Xinhu and Lei Song looked at each other and both fell silent.

If this situation does not change, they will only be controlled by others.

Caution and caution are necessary, but if you are too cautious, you will become intimidating.

"Everyone, stay far away, let me bombard the Lotus Leaf Sacred Mountain and break the predicament!"

Heart pot makes a decision.

His figure soared into the sky, and the snow-white monk robe fluttered, like a fairy in a Buddha, ethereal and out of the dust.


In his hands, with a burst of Brahma light, twenty-four crystal-clear, round and jade-like rosary beads emerged. Each rosary bead was engraved with a volume of mysterious Mahayana scriptures.

When this string of rosary beads appeared, bursts of Sanskrit chanting rang out between heaven and earth, divine flowers descended from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and visions of the pure land of the Buddhist kingdom appeared one after another, dyeing the heaven and earth into a vast and limitless area. , a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Dafan Zen Beads!

Among the eternal treasures held by the heart pot, the twenty-four rosary beads are all condensed by the relic beads of the Buddha of the Eternal Realm. The Buddhist texts engraved on the mountain represent the twenty-four supreme supernatural powers of Zen.

According to legend, when this treasure comes out, it can instantly transform into the twenty-four-layer Mi Luo Brahma Realm, which can suppress the world and destroy all evils in the world.

At the same time, Lei Song, Ye Jue and others avoided them, each offering their own treasures, ready to wait.

Ye Jue held the Xingxuan Thunder Whip in his hand, as if the thunder waterfall formed by hundreds of millions of stars was flowing.

The "Five Elements Heaven" Taoist sword in front of Pan Wu Fusheng uttered a clear and Yueyue sword, and the sword body emerged with the rules of the five elements, creating a five-layered magical sky.

Cang Longyue's originally illusory figure seemed to disappear at once, and in the nearby void, only a little bit of green streamer loomed.

The "Thousand Gate Rules" he masters involves the mysteries of space, and even the Taoist soldiers he masters, the "Living Fire Thorn", seem to disappear, making it impossible for people to see the whole picture.

Ziche Wuji held the spear of Liaoyuan, and his body was full of tyrannical and unparalleled rules of the gods.

Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the void whined in disorder.

It was just that terrifying power that suppressed the forbidden power and the order of the gods that covered the lotus leaf sacred mountain and rolled violently, suffering a terrifying impact.

Seeing that the heart pot is about to bombard the lotus leaf mountain,

In the distance, Xingjianxia, ​​Fu Nanli, and Ren Wutian looked at each other, and they all folded their bodies for the first time and rushed towards Xinhu and Lei Song.

There is a monstrous power emerging from everyone, and the breath belonging to the immeasurable realm is like a landslide and tsunami, making this world more turbulent.


Xingjian Gorge offers the Thunder Pagoda.

And Fu Nanli and Ren Wutian, who were beside him, each offered a red-colored Dao sword and an incomparable halberd.


Xingjian Gorge shouted.

The three of them came directly to kill them.

Seeing this, Xinhu and the others couldn't help sneering, they were just trying to attack the Lotus Leaf Mountain.

Can't hold your breath?

It seems... just now they all overestimated each other?


Suddenly, Xinhu's pupils condensed, and he was keenly aware that the moment they made their move in Xingjian Gorge, the power of the order of gods covered on the Lotus Leaf Mountain all roared and released terrifying power.

The order of the gods is one after another, and there are actually twenty-seven kinds!

At this moment, these god-order orders were all motivated by people, and the power released was like a torrent of Tianhe that covered the sky and covered the earth, sweeping towards this side.

In addition, in the nearby heaven and earth, a shocking explosion resounded suddenly, and then countless dense and gorgeous restraining power fluctuations rushed out.

God's ban!

The terrifying killing formation that was arranged by Lin Xun in the underground cave mansion.

At this time, this formation blocked Xinhu and their retreat.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!"

The eyes of Lei Song and the others flickered, but they were not panicked.

"Get out first!"

"it is good!"

At the same time, Xinhu, Lei Song and the others all made their full shots.


Twenty-four Great Brahma Chan Beads swept across the sky, and twenty-four Milo Brahma Realms emerged. The Xingxuan thunder whip blew up the sky, shedding billions of thunderstorms and stars, and the Five Elements Heavenly Dao Sword turned into a epee curtain...

As soon as these battle-hardened Boundless Realms started, they showed an incomparably old-fashioned tacit understanding, and they cooperated seamlessly.


The prohibition of the gods couldn't bear it anymore, and it collapsed suddenly, splashing countless magnificent light rains.

No matter how tyrannical this formation was, how could it possibly block the full blow of the six Boundless Realm characters?

The power of the order of the gods that was bombarded from the lotus leaf sacred mountain was resisted and resolved by Xinhu and Lei Song with their incomparable postures.

However, when they were about to retreat, Xingjianxia and the others had already killed them.

"You can't be entangled by them, or something will happen!"

Lei Song shouted.


I saw Xinhu and Pan Wu Fusheng together, Lei Song and Cang Longyue together, Ye Jue and Ziche Wuji together, killing Xingjianxia, ​​Fu Nanli, and Ren Futian respectively.

In a two-on-one match, he is going all out, not seeking to kill the enemy, but seeking to evacuate from here!

In such cases, they are confident that they can easily achieve what they want.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The earth-shattering fierce fighting and collision resounded, the heaven and the earth were disordered, and the terrifying power of the rules was like a collision of worlds, splashing endless light and rain, as if to overturn the eternal Qingming and subvert the ups and downs of the world.

too scary!

Those figures that can be called supreme giants, at this moment, appear to be incomparably stalwart and dazzling, and that kind of divine might can even make all beings in the heavens prostrate and worship.

And in this attack, the figures of Xingjianxia, ​​Fu Nanli, and Ren Wutian were forcibly retreated by the earthquake!

At this moment, Xinhu, Lei Song and the others have strong impulses, and taking this opportunity may be enough to kill these opponents!

But they all held back.

The "change" that had kept them on guard and alert had not yet appeared. At this time, it would be unwise to be entangled by Xingjianxia and the others.

In the final analysis, it is the most sensible way to hold back first, find out the details of the other party and who the "change" came from.

Therefore, Xinhu they are the first time

Withdrew, moved to the distance.

Appears conservative and cautious.

At this time, Xingjianxia and the others, who were knocked back by their blows, came to kill them with all their strength as if they were desperate, and they all glowed with terrifying power.

In addition, the twenty-seventh-level order powers of the gods on the Lotus Leaf Sacred Mountain were used by each of them, and they killed their opponents together.

Seeing this, Xinhu, Lei Song and the others became more and more aware that Xingjianxia and their actions were most likely creating an opportunity for that "change".

Therefore, they retreated more decisively and quickly, and did not intend to give Xingjianxia a chance to entangle them.

But at this moment-

A figure appeared out of thin air, blocking their retreat.

"A change has occurred!"

Xinhu, Lei Song and the others were startled, and all the energy in their bodies slammed to the extreme, as if they were going all out, and the power was even more terrifying than before.

Because for them, the "change" that can kill Xinying, Wen Zai, and many other powerhouses in the immeasurable realm, and destroy their camp's old nest, is definitely a stronger and more terrifying than Xingjianxia and the others. exist.

How dare they not go all out?


At the moment when they were going to do their best, there was a hint of astonishment in their eyes.

Lin Xun! ?

How could it be this damned little beast, when did he arrive in this world of spirit and martial arts?

Especially when they noticed that Lin Xun's aura that could not be concealed belonged to the Great Perfection of Creation Realm, they couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Just now, I was actually frightened by a small character in the Creation Realm...

It made their faces hot.

I thought it was an extremely terrifying "change", but I never thought it was just a grasshopper who could be run over by them at will!

All these thoughts flashed in an instant.

It's too late to say it, and the place where Lin Xun appeared happened to be the closest to Ziche Wuji.

Therefore, Ziche Wuji didn't even think about it at all, and grabbed Lin Xun from the air.

Lin Xun may be extremely weak, but he has already made these old fellows hate him to the core. At this moment, Ziche Wuji only has one idea, to capture this little evil beast alive, and slowly concoct him later.

It was at this time-

A playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lin Xun's lips.

Then, his figure suddenly rushed forward!

When he noticed this scene, Ziche Wuji couldn't help being surprised, so he was so anxious to die?

Just the next moment, his face changed.


The palm force he grabbed can pose a threat to the characters of the Boundless Realm, but at this moment, it was easily shattered by Lin Xun's punch.


Ziche Wuji's heart shuddered. The instincts he had cultivated in countless years of battle made him keenly aware of something wrong.

Could it be that this the "change"?

He didn't allow him to think too much at all. With his instinct, he violently swung the Liaoyuan Divine Spear in his hand. The scarlet spear edge was like a world-destroying blade, full of the terrifying and domineering divine gang rules.

At the same time as this blow was stabbed, Lin Xun's five Dao bodies swept out violently, and in an instant, he seemed to turn into six people, each holding the eternal Dao soldiers, and bombarded them.

clang! !

Ziche Wuji's Liaoyuan spear was forcibly blocked by Wuyuan Jianding.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

This is the power a Creation character can possess! ?

However, before he could react, Lin Xun's five Dao bodies had already killed together, besieging him, and there were terrifying destructive forces in all directions...


The third one is before 11pm~

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