The Prodigies War

Chapter 3071 Bad news

Lin Xun returned the jade slip to the black-robed woman, thought about it, and said, "I still have some doubts in my heart, and I need to ask you for advice. I wonder if I can tell you?"

Seeing that Lin Xun did not show any hostility after defeating the tall man, these people were also relieved.

The black-robed woman said, "Fellow Daoist, there is no harm in talking about it. As long as I know it, there will be no end to it."

Lin Xun nodded and said, "Dare to ask all of you, have you seen the descendants of Fangcunshan in these years?"

Fangcun Mountain!

The black-robed woman and the others all narrowed their eyes, with strange expressions on their faces.

"Before answering this question, dare to ask what is the relationship between Friends and Fangcun?"

The black-robed woman asked.

Lin Xun no longer concealed it, and said, "My dear Lin Xun, the fifty-fifth descendant of Fangcun Mountain."

Lin Xun!

The women in black robes changed their expressions.

The white-robed Eguan man was even more surprised: "It turned out to be that Lin Xun!"

"You all know Lin?" Lin Xun was surprised.

"of course I know."

The black-robed woman took a deep breath and said, "In other words, in today's world of spiritual martial arts, there is probably no one who doesn't know the prestige of fellow daoists."

Saying that, she explained the reason.

Just over ten years ago, three eternal characters from Ye Clan, Pan Wu Clan, and Xing Tian Clan from the Ninth Heaven Domain arrived at the sea of ​​destiny, and they also brought a piece of news——

All the Eternal Protoss in the Ninth Heaven Domain were trampled by Lin Xun, the successor of Fang Cun!

In addition, the Zen and Shamanism of the Four Great Ancestral Courts also suffered heavy casualties, all of which were written by Lin Xun!

This incident caused a sensation in the world of Lingwu, and was known by many terrifying beings distributed in this world.

And Lin Xun's name is well known to everyone.

"It turned out to be the news they leaked..."

Only then did Lin Xun understand.

Back then, he swept across the Ninth Heaven Domain, and only the Ye Clan, Xing Tian Clan, and Pan Wu Clan escaped. Just ten years ago, he had sent the Aoki Dao Body to the Ninth Heaven Domain again, but unfortunately, he still could not find the whereabouts of the three Eternal God Races.

But I never thought that the three Eternal God Races each dispatched an Eternal Realm existence, and they have already arrived in this Sea of ​​Destiny.

Obviously, what happened in the Eternal True Realm a few years ago was destined to be known to those old guys who were distributed in the Spirit Martial Realm.

Lin Xun calculated the time. When the news spread to the sea of ​​destiny, he was in the ruins of good fortune, and he was transforming the city of good fortune.

That is to say, even if the old monsters in the realm of spirit and martial arts know the news, it is probably impossible to know that they have already proved the realm of creation in the ruins of good fortune.

When Lin Xun thought about it, the women in black robes were all emotional, and the eyes that looked at Lin Xun were faintly filled with awe.

Only then did they fully understand that what they encountered this time was a dragon crossing the river, and it was clearly a peerless ruthless man!

"Fellow Daoist, you haven't answered my question just now."

Lin Xun, who woke up from contemplation, looked at the black-robed woman.


The black-robed woman immediately put away her distracting thoughts and said, "As far as I know, the descendants of Fangcun Mountain formed an alliance with Yuan Sect and Spirit Sect after they arrived in the Sea of ​​Destiny, and have been living on a sacred mountain in the core area for the past few years. .only……"

Speaking of which, she looked a little hesitant.

"Just what?" Lin Xun asked.

"I have experienced this firsthand, but let me

Say it. "

The skinny old man with the huge black sword box on his back said, "In the past, the strong men of the Shamanism, Zen, and the twelve eternal gods hated Fangcunshan, but because of the protection of Yuanjiao and Lingjiao, they were not No one dares to do anything to those who are inherited from the square."

As he said that, he looked at Lin Xun, "But more than ten years ago, after the Shamanism, Zen and those Eternal Protoss learned what the Daoists did in the Eternal Realm, a The calamity against Fangcun's successor also broke out."

"Just nine years ago, the Zen Buddhism Immeasurable Buddha Heart Pot came forward and joined forces with the Shamanism and the twelve eternal gods to go to the sacred mountain occupied by the Yuan religion.

A war broke out. "

Hearing this, Lin Xun's heart tightened, and his face changed.

He took a deep breath and continued listening.

"That battle lasted for seven days, and the killing was dark and dark. In the middle of it, the power of the Spiritual Religion was also mixed in, and the entire Spiritual Martial World was disturbed."

"According to the news that came out later, in this battle, two Infinite Realms of Yuan Sect were seriously injured, and two Creation Realms fell on the spot."

"There are also a lot of big people injured in the spiritual sect."

"On Fangcun Mountain, most of the descendants have not yet proven the Eternal Realm, so they were protected before the battle broke out. Only... only the eldest disciple was killed."

Lin Xun's whole body froze, his heart seemed to be clenched fiercely, and the big brother was killed! ?

How is this possible! ?

All of a sudden, his emotions were tumbling in his heart, and he couldn't calm down.


The skinny old man glanced at Lin Xun worriedly.

"I'm fine, keep talking."

Lin Xun was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice.

He tried to calm himself down, anger was never going to work.

"After the war, the territory occupied by Yuanjiao's forces was completely turned into ruins. Now Yuanjiao, along with Fangcun's successors, is entrenched on the sacred mountain where Lingjiao is located."

The skinny old man said, "It is said that their situation is not optimistic. As for the others, the old man is not clear. After all, those are things that happened in the core area. Creature characters like me are not qualified to go. blended."

"I have heard that over the years, Lingjiao, Yuanjiao and Fangcunshan have all been trapped on the 'Lianye Shenshan', which is the place where the Lingjiao is entrenched, but in all directions, they have been stationed in the shamanic religion, Zen and the powerhouses of the twelve eternal protoss have no chance at all to come out of the Lotus Leaf Mountain."

The tall man suddenly said, "Furthermore, Wu Leisong, the ancestor of the Witch Sect, has given an order. If the Ling Sect and the Yuan Sect do not hand over the heirs, there will be no chance to compete for the 'Great Dao Life Lotus' in the future."

After a pause, he continued: "The twelve Eternal Protoss also expressed their position together, saying that sooner or later, the Lotus Leaf Sacred Mountain will be leveled."

Hearing this, Lin Xun's heart was filled with uncontrollable anger, and his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

How could he not know that it was precisely because he swept the Yuan Sect, Zen Sect and the twelve Eternal Protoss that the anger of these forces was vented on the brothers and sisters in Fangcun Mountain?

And Yuanjiao and Lingjiao were also implicated in order to protect those brothers and sisters!

Thinking of this, Lin Xun wanted to kill him immediately.

This is hatred, and once formed, whether we are enemy or ourselves, each other will seize every opportunity to take revenge.

"You can

Do you know the powers of Shamanism, Zen, and the Twelve Eternal Protoss in today's Lingwu Middle Realm? "

Lin Xun asked.

The black-robed woman said: "On the side of Zen, headed by the Infinite Buddha Heart Pot, that is a being of the immeasurable realm. It is said that he has experienced six great silences and lifeless kalpas, and his body is unfathomable."

"In addition to the immeasurable Buddha's Heart Pot, there are three other immeasurable figures in Zen teaching, namely Xinying, Zhuo Xing, and Zhuo Kong. Among them, Xinying is an old antique that has passed through four great silence and lifeless kalpas. Like Xinhu, they are all It is the existence of immeasurable realms.”

"As for Zhuo Xing and Zhuo Kong, they are small immeasurable Dao Xings. The former has gone through two great silence and lifeless tribulations, and the latter has gone through one great silence and lifeless calamity."

"There are as many as eleven people in the creation realm of Zen..."

After the black-robed woman introduced the situation of Zen Buddhism, she began to introduce the situation of Shamanism.

In Shamanism, there are also four immeasurable realms.

The leader is Zu Wu Lei Song. It is said that this person is the junior brother of the ancestor of the witch sect "Tian Wu", and has a vast and immeasurable realm of Taoism.

The other three are Wu Hongzi, Tuonanfeng, and Xiaohe.

Each of them is a transcendent existence that is enough to look up to the heavens and walk in many epochs.

In Shamanism, there are still nine Creation Realms.

Knowing this, Lin Xun was also awe-inspiring and completely calmed down.

He never imagined that there were so many great powers in Shamanism and Zen Buddhism!

It can be seen from this that it was indeed a fluke that he was able to stamp out the entrenched places of Shamanism and Zen Buddhism back then, occupying the time of day.

After all, if it wasn't for the robbery of the Era, these old guys had to come to Kunlun Ruins. With his power, it was destined to be impossible to shake the foundation of Shamanism and Zen.

"As for the twelve Eternal God Races, each of them has at most two Infinite Realms, and at least one Infinite Realm character. When they are gathered, there are nearly 20 Infinite Realms."

"As for those who are strong in the creation realm, there are more."

The black-robed woman continued, "Fortunately, the relationship between them is not very harmonious. When they agree to the outside world, they can go in and out together, but at other times they are also in competition with each other."

"In short, the current world of Lingwu is respected by Zen Buddhism, Yuanjiao, and the twelve eternal gods. They firmly occupy the most favorable territory in the core area."

Hearing this, Lin Xun couldn't help but said, "What about Yuan Sect and Spirit Sect?"

The black-robed woman said: "The Yuan Sect has three immeasurable realms, the leader of which is the great immeasurable realm in Xingjian Gorge, and the other two are Ren Futian and Gu Yueming. It's just that in that battle, Ren Renji Neutian and Gu Yueming have been seriously injured, and I don't know if they have recovered now."

After a pause, she continued: "Besides, there are nine Creation Realms in Yuanjiao, but in the war that year, two have fallen, and now there should be only seven left."

Then, she told the situation of the Spiritual Religion.

Lingjiao is headed by Fu Nanli, and like Yuanjiao Xingjianxia, ​​it exists in the immeasurable realm.

In addition, there are two immeasurable realms, namely Shun Huai Jia and Xue Ye.

There are very few creatures in the spiritual religion, only six people.

Knowing this, Lin Xun clearly felt the difference!

Not to mention the twelve Eternal Protoss, just the top power of the two ancestral courts of Shamanism and Zen, should be better than Yuanjiao and Lingjiao.

If you add the twelve Eternal Protoss, the strength of each other is worlds apart, like a cloud of mud!


More to come tonight~

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