The Prodigies War

Chapter 3065 Kneeling down to the figure of the starry sky

"We're gone, what should all beings in this world do?"

Dugu asked suddenly.

Lin Xun was stunned and fell silent.

The other old monsters also had different expressions and subtle moods.

There are hundreds of millions of living beings in the nine heavenly realms of the Eternal True Realm. Once the era is destroyed in the future, these living beings will suffer.

In addition to the Eternal True Realm, there is also the Great Thousand Worlds, which will also suffer the blow of the era's destruction.

It can be said that this is a disaster that all beings belonging to an entire era have to face!

"We are all too busy to take care of ourselves, how can we take care of others?"

Duguyong said solemnly, "It is indeed our generation's duty to help the common people in the world, but we have to wait until we have the ability to do so."

Fang Daoping sighed lightly: "Oh, that's the truth, but when I think of how innocent all beings in the world are, but they have to lose their lives because of a calamity in an era, I feel very uncomfortable after all."

"There are still more than 800 years before the era of the calamity of the era. If possible, I will try my best to prevent the destruction of the era from happening."

Lin Xun said suddenly.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall fell silent.

If someone else said something like this, I'm afraid they must be regarded as crazy.

After all, in the past years, I don’t know how many eras have been destroyed in the catastrophe. If this catastrophe can be stopped, why has no one stopped it so far?

And you must know that in the previous era civilization, there were countless giants of the immeasurable realm who could walk in many eras.

Didn't they stop this from happening?

Obviously, those who tried to stop all of this have failed without exception!

And now, Lin Xun has made the same decision.

How can the old monsters here be surprised?

However, knowing that it can't be done, just relying on this responsibility and state of mind makes people moved and admired.

"In the future, we will talk about it later. If you can do it, it will be better. If you can't do it, you don't have to force it. After all, the most powerful beings in the previous era civilization were not able to stop this."

Xuan Feiling spoke up and seemed to encourage Lin Xun, but in fact he didn't have much confidence in Lin Xun's decision.

The same goes for other old monsters.

Lin Xun smiled and said no more.

Of course he didn't have to stop the calamity of the era, but if there was a chance to stop it in the future, why not stop it?

the same day.

Xuan Feiling and the other old men acted independently, summoning everyone in the Yuanjie to gather and tell the decision to go to the Ruins of Fortune.

No one objected, and everyone knew that such a decision was the best choice for them. Who could object?

In less than a day, Yuanjiao was ready.

Two days later, Qingyun Lingzun of the Ancestral Court of the Spiritual Sect also came with a group of big people, and they have also decided to go to the Ruins of Fortune with Lin Xun.

Therefore, when I came here this time, I brought everyone from the Spiritual Sect with me.

In this regard, Lin Xun is naturally very happy.

On the same day, Lin Xun took action, refining the entire Yuanjie directly, and took everyone away from the Eternal Realm.

No one knows that Zen and Shamanism have perished in the world.

No one knew that Yuanjiao and Lingjiao had been taken away by Lin Xun together and went to the Ruins of Fortune.

For the people of the world, the Four Great Ancestral Courts are too far away from them, and it is destined to be impossible to know that in this extremely short period of time, the Four Great Ancestral Courts have disappeared from the eternal real world.


Ruins of Creation.

In the vast starry sky, Lin Xun walked forward alone.

When the cultivation base reaches his realm, he can cross a star field with every step he takes. If it weren't for the fear of being backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth, he would have to suppress his own breath, and his speed would only be faster.


When he arrived at the starry sky where the City of Fortune was located, Lin Xun's consciousness suddenly sensed something was wrong.

With the area where the God of Fortune City is located as the center, there are many dense figures in the void in all directions.

These figures are obviously from different forces, each in groups.

These are not important, the important thing is that these figures are all facing the direction of the city of creation, bowing their heads and kneeling in the void!

At a glance, there are kneeling figures everywhere, men and women, old and young, and the scene is truly spectacular.

This surprised Lin Xun, but after a little thought, he vaguely understood.

Shaking his head, he walked straight towards the city of God of Creation.


"It's Senior Lin!"

"Senior Lin has appeared!"

Soon, someone found Lin Xun's figure, and there was a shock and an uproar in the field. Those figures who were kneeling there subconsciously looked at them.

It gives people the feeling that Lin Xun is the king who is here and is being worshipped by everyone.

"You and others are from the gods of various eras, but now you are kneeling here, and you are not afraid of the shame of the clan?"

Lin Xun stopped, opened his mouth indifferently, and heard the starry sky.

Those figures knelt there, but their expressions changed.

"Senior, I am here to atone for my sins! Please be generous and forgive the clan behind us. As long as the clan can survive, I am willing to pay all the price!"

A gray-haired old man spoke with a trembling voice, his expression full of awe and anxiety.

"Please forgive me, senior!"

"Please forgive me, senior!"

For a time, the kneeling figures in this starry sky all begged for mercy, and their voices echoed in the void for a long time.

That scene, if everyone in the world sees it, I'm afraid I'll drop my jaw in shock.

These are all the great figures of the major gods.

But now, all of them are like prisoners under the steps, begging for mercy in fear!

"Sure enough, you are here for this."

Lin Xun's eyes showed a sudden look.

Obviously, the news that Gao Yanghuai, Jiang Tao and other Eternal Realm figures have fallen here has already spread, letting the Protoss in the various era civilizations of the Ruins of Fortune know, and also making them aware of the danger of genocide, so they will ignore it. Face, regardless of life and death, resolutely chose to come to beg for mercy.

"Senior, in the past, I was blind, offended your divine might, and made a big mistake. I came here this time to get your forgiveness, and I hope you...have mercy!"

The white-haired old man trembled.

All eyes at the scene also looked at Lin Xun, with expressions of awe, anxiety, fear and pleading.

They no longer cared about their dignity and face, and for the sake of the lives of the clan, they could only come to kneel and beg Lin Xun to forgive them.

Otherwise, with Lin Xun's ability, it would be easy to destroy the Protoss behind them.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xun said, "You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living sin. Dedicate the order of the gods that your respective clans have mastered. Lin will not be to blame for the past."

Hand over the order of the gods!

These words made everyone present change color, and their hearts bleed, as if they were cut by a knife.

The order of the gods is the root of a party of the gods. Losing the protection of the order of gods, in a short period of time, it will have little impact on their clan, but in the long run, their respective powers will definitely plummet, and the clan's heritage will gradually. Go down!

But if you don't hand it over, I'm afraid you will face the anger from Lin Xun...

"Why, don't you want to?"

Lin Xunxun laughed.

"My Pu family is willing!"

Suddenly, a purple-robed man shouted, "As long as I can get the forgiveness of my predecessors, within seven days, my Pu family will send the order of the gods to the city of creation!"

"Yes." Lin Xun nodded.

Seeing this, the others present also spoke up.

"My Yan family is also willing to sacrifice the order of the gods."

"The Liangqiu clan is willing to obey the arrangement of the predecessors and hand over the order of the gods."

...for a while, more than a dozen Protoss agreed one after another.

Lin Xun couldn't help but be surprised. He speaks so well now?

From this, it can be seen that the battle a few days ago obviously scared these Protoss completely.

"Senior, my clan lost the order of gods a long time ago, this... how can I do this?"

Others looked anxious and spoke in a panic.

Such a situation is not rare, and soon there will be other strong people of the Protoss speaking up, hoping to compensate with other treasures.

"Then hand over the treasure of your clan."

Lin Xun did not hesitate to think.

Immediately, those Protoss powerhouses who did not have the order of the gods breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior, the order of the gods is too precious, and I can't be the master. I need to return to the clan to discuss. Can you...can you give me some time to decide this matter as soon as possible?"

There were also many people who were apprehensive.

"Yes, within three days, you must give me an answer, and those who have promised to hand over the order of the gods and the treasures of the town must be sent to the city of creation within seven days."

Lin Xun said casually.

He is not greedy for the order of the gods, but wants to use this matter to see if the major gods in the world are truly atonement, which will determine his attitude towards these gods!


Everyone agreed.

Lin Xun ignored these people, and with one step, the figure swept into the city of God of Fortune.

It was not until the figure of Lin Xun disappeared that the powerhouses of the world's major gods who were kneeling in the void were relieved and climbed up.

"Fortunately, things have finally turned around. Now I can always go back and explain to the clan!"

Some people were excited, and there were tears in their eyes.

Ever since they learned that Gao Yanghuai, Jiang Tao, and other eternal realms exist in the annihilation of the entire army, these days, all the god races in the world have been sleepless, terrified and desperate.

The most terrible thing is that even if they want to escape, they cannot escape from the ruins of creation!

Right now, although Lin Xun's requirements are a bit harsher, they are still within the range they can bear.

Of course, not everyone is happy, and many are full of bitterness, heaviness and helplessness.

Because they know that after doing this, the life of the clan will be difficult...

"Let's go, go back and tell the clan the news."

"Yes, it's not too late, let's go."

Soon, these powerhouses from the world's major gods all hurried away and disappeared in the distance of the vast starry sky.

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