The Prodigies War

Chapter 3060 The bell in the beginning appeared

The continuous use of the Blade of Ages and the magical powers of the Gate of Banishment made Lin Xun's Taoism consume a lot.

When the golden figure came with a terrifying power, with just one blow, Lin Xun's deity was shaken, and the whole person was smashed and flew out.


Lin Xun coughed up blood in his lips and his face was pale.

However, during this process, the Four Great Dao bodies restrained the opponent, but also gave Lin Xun a chance to breathe. Divine Pills emerged one by one, which were swallowed by Lin Xun and refined.

These divine pills are all rare treasures collected by the major Protoss. When they become Lin Xun's trophies, they are also stored by him as life-saving things.

And now, these magic pills come in handy.


The divine radiance roared, and Lin Xun's consuming Dao Xun quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And he did not hesitate, and once again killed the golden figure.


The golden figure had a gloomy expression, and waved the robbery spear, breaking the siege of the Four Great Ways in one fell swoop, and the spear stabbed Lin Xun's deity again.

Unparalleled strength!

How could he not know, even killing those clones would be futile. Only by destroying Lin Xun's deity can he truly kill Lin Xun.


The battle became more and more fierce, even if Lin Xun attacked with all his strength, he could only fight a tie with the golden figure.

The reason is that the combat power of this golden figure has obviously long exceeded the scope of the Creation Realm, and the power of the robbery he masters comes from the "Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation", which is extremely strange and unknown, and can easily crush the Eternal Dao. soldier.

It can be said that the real threat to Lin Xun in the battle is the power of the great silence and lifeless robbery borrowed by this golden figure.

Because of this, in the next battle, Lin Xun was constantly injured, coughing up blood again and again, and his face became extremely pale.

It seemed that they were so nervous and worried that the battle was too dangerous, as if they were struggling between life and death, they were afraid that Lin Xun would encounter an accident in the next moment.

However, to everyone's surprise, as time passed, Lin Xun actually resisted a heavy blow!

Eternal Dao soldiers are broken, and new ones will be sacrificed.

If you are injured by the opponent, you can directly refine the magic pill to repair.

From beginning to end, Lin Xun seemed extremely tenacious!

This made the golden figure also anxious and angry, unable to calm down.

Since becoming the messenger of destiny, he has never encountered such a difficult opponent, not only the combat power is against the sky, but also the life-saving cards in his hand are countless.


The golden figure roared violently, and Zhou Xu trembled in awe, and there was a torrent of robbery everywhere, as if he was executing the lord of heavenly punishment.

This attack was once again resisted by Lin Xun.

But no one noticed that when Lin Xun blocked the blow, there was a gleam in the depths of his eyes.

"Sure enough, the borrowed power is only borrowed after all, and it won't last long at all!"

Lin Xun noticed that although the power of the golden figure was still as arrogant as before, the power of robbery it released was obviously weaker than before!

This is the reason why Lin Xun refused to back away before.

The purpose is to fight a protracted war to see who can outsmart who!


The golden figure was obviously anxious, and he seemed to realize that if this continued, the situation would only get worse for him.

Therefore, from this moment on, it is almost no different from working hard.


The robbery was overwhelming, the spear crushed the void, and the desperate action of the golden figure caused a great impact on Lin Xun.

Looking from a distance, his clothes were stained with blood, and his body was covered with scars, which was shocking.

But Lin Xun's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and the fighting spirit in his body is also getting more and more fiery, because the power of the great silence and lifeless calamity borrowed by the golden figure is also rapidly passing and consuming!


Lin Xun shouted loudly, not giving in at all, hitting hard with head-to-head. Although he was injured and tired, he had a tendency to shake people's hearts.

After a while.

Lin Xun suddenly shouted: "Sword up!"


that moment,

The sky and the earth are pale, the sun and the moon have no light, and all the sword lights gather together, forming a splendid sword light with a length of ten feet and an uncertain throughput. That sword glow seemed to be transformed by a galaxy, in which countless stars were dotted, and the silver glow was shining. Even if they were separated by thousands of miles, everyone could feel the splendor and terror of the sword glow.

This is a sword condensed from the profound meaning of Nirvana!


The moment the golden figure appeared on the sword, his expression changed greatly, he let out an angry shout, and stabbed the robbery spear in his hand.


An astonishing scene appeared, and the sword beam with a length of Zhang Xu slashed down with an incomparable stance, crushing and blasting the robbery war spear inch by inch like a broken bamboo.

The golden figure was just about to dodge, but it was too late, when he saw the sword light strangling out like a dragon, instantly traversing the void, and a sword tore the golden armor on the golden figure with a straight sword mark, and even the flesh was pierced. Split in half from the top of the head.

Just a sword.

The golden figure who walked out of the Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation and claimed to be the messenger of destiny was split open by a sword!

This scene is simply shocking, making the heart of Lin Xun's nervousness hang in his throat and the others all stunned.

A powerful and terrifying sword! !

But before they are happy—


The turbulent currents rolled in the starry sky, and the primordial spirit of the golden figure escaped unexpectedly, avoiding the destructive sword far away.

"You bastard, do you really think this will drain my strength? Never mind!"

The primordial spirit of the golden figure roared, and suddenly reached out and grabbed it.


The robbery cloud in the depths of the starry sky suddenly rolled and turned into a mysterious vortex. At the same time, the outline of a bell filled the chaotic air and emerged from the robbery cloud vortex.

At this moment, time and space seemed to stand still, and the starry sky that had long collapsed showed signs of dead silence, as if being imprisoned by an invisible coercion.

The power of this bell is too terrifying, like the incarnation of the supreme taboo.

And the people who are in the city without disaster have only one feeling——

The sky is falling!

Everything will perish under this bell!

It is a force that makes people unable to resist, and makes people sink into despair, terrifying to the point of unimaginable.

And Lin Xun's face changed suddenly at this moment, and an uncontrollable chill surged in his mind, a deadly dangerous breath like a sharp blade, which stimulated his whole body to tense.

The first bell! !

That ominous treasure that once made Evernight Divine Emperor suffer!

Lin Xun never thought that he would see this treasure at this moment. When he was about to dodge, all the power in his body seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move at all.

His face changed immediately!

Looking at the robbery cloud again, the chaotic qi transpired and descended into the world, and the bell suddenly suppressed it.

The majestic and ancient city of God of Good Fortune shook violently as if it were overwhelmed, and it seemed that it would collapse and be destroyed at any time.

That scene, it seems that it is no different from the real world extinction.

Not to mention Lin Xun, even if the Boundless Realm exists, I am afraid that all thoughts will be turned into dust, and I will be completely desperate!

But at this moment-

A ray of black light swept out from the sky above the City of Fortune God, like a bolt of lightning, flashing past the obstacles of time and space at an incredible speed, breaking through the chaotic energy, and rushing into the vortex of robbery clouds.

clang! !

The lightning-like black light hit the bell of the first day, and a terrifying force that was completely beyond the understanding of the world erupted between the two.

After that, the entire Ruins of Fortune trembled violently, and the various epoch worlds distributed in the Ruins of Fortune were hit, and the sky was shaking. I don’t know how many creatures in those epoch worlds were disturbed and scared to death. .

In the starry sky, Lin Xun's eyes turned black for a while, and he was affected by the terrifying force generated by the collision.

To Lin Xun's surprise, the power that belonged to the bell of the beginning of the world that was imprisoned on his body disappeared!

When looking at the sky again, Lin Xun saw an incredible scene——

The Absolute Beginning Bell, which possessed the power of destroying the world, was forcibly resisted by the mysterious black light, and could not really be swept out of the robbery cloud vortex. Being blocked in the robbery cloud vortex, only a small part escaped.

But that small part of the aura of destruction crushed this piece of Zhou Xu, causing the entire Ruins of Creation to produce violent turmoil!

It's Hetu!

Lin Xun’s heart trembled, and he recognized that black light like lightning. It was the river map that had been guarding the sky above the City of Fortune for countless years, a treasure left by Chen Xi!


The roar of the sky and the earth kept resounding, and it didn't take long for the bell to roar in the early days, and it disappeared from the depths of the robbery cloud.

"No! This is impossible! How can the Taobao of my family master be resisted?"

Only the golden figure of Yuanshen was left with an angry roar, his eyes were splitting, and it was difficult to accept all this.

This is incredible.

As the messenger of destiny, he knows the power of Taichu Zhong best, and he can easily kill a character like him, but now, he is blocked!

How could he accept all this?


With the disappearance of the primordial bell filled with the chaotic aura, the turbulent robbery cloud vortex that was constantly violently smashed and exploded at this moment.

Immediately, the power of the Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation completely dissipated from the collapsed and destroyed starry sky.

At the same time, Hetu turned into a black light and flashed lightly, returning to the gray sky above the City of Fortune and disappearing.

At this moment, the golden figure seemed to realize something, as if struck by lightning, "No, don't leave me, don't—!"

As the voice sounded, the golden figure turned into a beam of light, rushing towards the depths of the starry sky as if desperately.

However, that gray cloud of calamity has long since dissipated, and the golden figure has completely lost the "path" to return.

For a time, as if he had been abandoned, his whole body collapsed, and he screamed: "Lord, why did you abandon me, why—"

The voice was full of fear, helplessness, and unwillingness, resounding in all directions.

It seems that there is no way to go back along the same path. For this golden figure, it is the most cruel punishment in the world.

At this time, Lin Xun's cold eyes were like lightning, and he rushed towards the golden figure!


Continue to add more tonight~

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