The Prodigies War

Chapter 3052: The Origin Mystery of the 4th Avenue Market

The rules of good fortune were born in the source power of the ruins of good fortune.

With Lin Xun's comprehension, various mysteries about the rules of creation also emerged one by one, and he understood them all.

The word fortune has many meanings.

Sometimes it can be described as chance, sometimes it can be described as nature.

But more often, it is regarded as the meaning of creating and cultivating, creating heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, and cultivating all things on the road.

The rules of creation are related to creation and cultivation.

With the enlightenment, Lin Xun's heart also burst into waves.

The reason is that the rules of good fortune are really too powerful, and mastering such power is like creating the master of the world!

The birth of a world originates from chaos. Chaos opens and divides heaven and earth, and all phenomena are born.

The power of the rules of good fortune lies in this. It can create a world in chaos, and then cultivate the avenues in this world!

This is not the same as the power that the eternal existence of Creation holds.

The realm of creation smelts all kinds of rules and powers into one, so it can create all kinds of substances, with the ability to turn stones into gold, and turn ordinary people into gods.

And the rule of creation is to create the world, to transform and breed a real world with avenues and all phenomena!

It was also at this time that Lin Xun finally understood the meaning of the Ruins of Creation.

Whenever the calamity of the era comes, the source power of the Ruins of Fortune will create and breed a new era of civilization, so that the road of cultivation will continue in cycles.

Like the civilizations of various eras distributed in the Ruins of Fortune, they were all created and nurtured by the Ruins of Fortune.

And this is what shocked Lin Xun.

The Ruins of Creation, etc. are the mother nests of civilizations of various eras! !

When those epoch civilizations are destroyed one by one in the epoch disaster, they will appear in the ruins of good fortune, so that it has evolved into a pattern where hundreds of epoch civilizations coexist today.

It's like falling leaves returning to their roots!

Of course, there are also some era civilizations that have completely disappeared from the world, like the Xianwu civilization of the last era.

"If so, mastering the rules of creation, doesn't it mean that I can create one era civilization after another?"

Lin Xun's heart trembled slightly, and he was shocked by this thought.

"No, the rules of good fortune can only create the world, and cultivate the avenues of all phenomena, but the taboo-like forces of life, time, and cause and effect are not created by the rules of good fortune."

Soon, Lin Xun realized the problem and calmed down, "This also means that the Ruins of Creation only create the world and cultivate all the phenomena of the avenue, but cannot create forbidden forces such as life, time, and cause and effect."


Lin Xun thought of Returning to the Ruins.

It is also one of the Four Great Dao Ruins. The Gui Ruins is like the destination and destination of all things. Even the fallen eternal characters will be transformed into the most primitive vitality and buried in the Gui Ruins. When the calamity of the era comes, the Gui Ruins will There will be a shocking change, and those buried vitality will be released...

In contrast, the Ruins of Fortune represent the origin and beginning of all things, creating a new era civilization after the calamity of the era...

Repeatedly, endlessly.

"If the Ruins of Creation are the starting point of everything, and the Ruins of Return is the end of everything, then what secrets do Kunlun Ruins and Zhongmiao Dao Ruins have?"

At this moment, Lin Xun's thoughts were flying.

In the past, he had never set foot on the eternal road, and it was impossible to think of these things.

And he suddenly discovered that the existence of the Four Great Dao Ruins, all of them contain hidden meanings.

The unparalleled secret that is not known to the world!

Time passed day by day.

On the third day of Lin Xun's retreat, the major gods responded to the call of Gao Yang and Jiang, and decided to send forces to kill Lin Xun ten days later. The news also spread to the City of Fortune.

For a time, the practitioners in the city were in an uproar and trembled.

It was also from this day that the cultivators gathered from the civilizations of various eras hurriedly evacuated from the city, and did not dare to stay any longer, lest the calamity come ten days later,

make them suffer.

In less than a day, the once prosperous city of God of Fortune became empty, deserted, desolate and empty.

Only some characters who are not afraid of death choose to stay, but only a very small number.

All of this was also known by the old monsters such as Wushang and Xingjia, and they realized the seriousness of the problem almost immediately——

This time, not only the power of the Gao Yang Clan and Jiang Clan, but also all the major Protoss in the world are also involved!

Gather the Eternal Realm characters of the world's protoss to deal with Lin Xun!

How can they sit still without suffering?

They set off for Silent Night Hill immediately, and wanted to discuss with Lin Xun how to deal with this.

"Seniors, my father is in retreat."

In front of the closed door of the main hall, Lin Fan and Su Bai were stationed there. When they saw Wu Yan and them arriving, Lin Fan bowed and said that Lin Xun was in retreat.

No worries, they frowned.

Ten days later, the power of the enemy will be under the city, and the time is too short.

"Little guy, how long will your father retreat this time?" Xingjia asked.

Lin Fan shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Forget it, we'll just wait here."

Make a decision without risk.

Seeing this, the other old monsters also nodded.

Although the situation was urgent, they knew better that if Lin Xun was at a critical moment of cultivation, he would definitely not be able to disturb him.

Of course, if Lin Xun had no sign of exiting before the enemy came, they naturally couldn't wait like this.

At the same time, Lin Xun, who was in retreat, was in a wonderful state of epiphany.

Yesterday, he had thoroughly penetrated the profound meaning of the rules of creation, and the laws of the Great Dao had also undergone astonishing changes.

Leaving aside the other profound meanings of the Dao, there are only four kinds of powers that he now possesses that can be called the supreme forbidden Dao.

They are Nirvana, Time, the Five Orders of Returning to the Ruins, and the Rules of Creation that have just been mastered.

Among them, the Nirvana rule is the core and the foundation of its avenue power, and the time rule is condensed by the innate power of the Great Abyss swallowing the sky.

The Five Orders of Return to the Ruins and the Rules of Creation respectively came from the power of the source of these two Great Dao Ruins.

It can be said that these four supreme ways have given Lin Xun the power to conquer the world on the eternal way, far exceeding the heaven-defying combat power of the group!

And just after penetrating the profound meaning of the rules of good fortune, Lin Xun's own Taoism also produced a wonderful change, as if it pierced a layer of window paper, it exploded completely.

He was about to prove the truth for the first time, but at this moment, an unexpected variable happened——

For countless years, the Treasure River Map, which has been guarding the sky above the City of Fortune God, actually felt something, and immediately released an obscure and vast power, shrouding Lin Xun's figure.

Then, Lin Xun's figure disappeared out of thin air, like being taken away from time and space.

Everything that happened suddenly made him

Totally caught off guard, and couldn't resist at all.

When his figure stood firm, he saw a shocking scene——

In a vast and endless chaos, a mighty long river is surging, without knowing its beginning or its end.

And in that mighty long river, the phantoms of civilizations of various epochs floated and sank, like a wave after another, interpreting all kinds of incredible scenes.

An era of civilization contains too many mysteries. There are all kinds of things, there are boundless worlds, there are endless creatures, there are a wide variety of ethnic groups, there are strict and complete cultivation systems, and there are...

But now, the phantoms of civilizations of each era are actually reflected in a mighty chaotic river. Such a scene shocked Lin Xun.

I can't help but think of one thing in my mind-

Back then, in the "Reincarnation World" of Nirvana Zizai Heaven, he had also seen a mighty long river flowing endlessly, but what was reflected in that long river belonged to the strongest people in every Great Dao realm in this era. .

But now this long river flowing in chaos is different, which reflects the civilization of the era!

This is where?

As soon as this thought appeared in Lin Xun's mind, a wonderful idea emerged in his heart——

"This is the long river of the era, which exists in the origin of the Ruins of Fortune."

"This place is the most taboo place in the world, just like the 'Mountain of Five Sequences' in the Returning Ruins, the 'Sea of ​​Destiny' in the Kunlun Ruins, and the 'Miao Miao Shen Hill' in the Zhongmiao Dao Ruins."

This is not a sound, it is like a feeling, which naturally emerges in Lin Xun's heart.

Suddenly, Lin Xun's heart became more and more shaken.

He has seen the five-order mountains, namely Penglai, Yingzhou, Fanghu, Daiyu, and Yuanqiao, which are located in the deepest burial place of Guixu.

But the "River of the Era" in front of him was the first time he had heard of it, the first time he had seen it!

As for the "Sea of ​​Destiny" in Kunlun Ruins, and the "Miao Miao Mound" in Zhong Miao Dao Ruins, this was the first time he knew about it!

After a while, Lin Xun calmed down and asked silently, "Why am I here?"

Sure enough, a thought immediately emerged in my heart, "Only in the long river of this epoch can we have the foundation to achieve detachment from the change of the epoch."

"He has traveled on this road."

Before Lin Xun could ask who this "he" was, a pretty figure appeared in his mind——

The man was wearing a blue shirt, carrying an ancient sword, and walking towards the vast distance with the waves of many epochs under his feet.

Chen Xi!

It was him...

Lin Xun’s heart was tumbling, and he remembered the ethereal voice Chen Xi’s figure made after he comprehended the mysteries of the Star Vault:

"In the future, if someone can explore Chen's layout here, it may mean that on this road, there is no one Chen..."

Back then, Lin Xun had wondered what kind of avenue the road that Chen Xi took alone was like, but now.

Looking at this mighty River of Era rushing through chaos, Lin Xun finally understood.

This path means to achieve real detachment from the change of the era!

And if you want to achieve this, you must first respond to calamity in this epoch before you can have the foundation to achieve detachment!

"So it is, so it is..."

Lin Xun understood it completely, and his deep Ruoyuan eyes became brighter.


It's too late, there are only two updates today, and I will continue to add more tomorrow~

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