The Prodigies War

Chapter 3050 The world is boiling

How to do?

This is undoubtedly a tricky question.

Gao Yanghuai and Jiang Tao looked at each other, and their brows could not help frowning.

You Ji's demise is such a foreshadowing, so how could they dare to underestimate Lin Xun?

Even, they have faintly retreated in their hearts!

It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke a vicious existence with the power to exterminate the clan?

But the writing on the stone tablet made the two Creation Realms realize that even if they chose to back down, they would be "visited" by Lin Xun a month later!

If that happens, the consequences will be serious!

"This time our action is based on the will of the supreme master behind the calamity of the era, and we must not give up halfway!"

After a while, Gao Yanghuai took a deep breath, his eyes filled with determination, "What's more, Lin Xun has declared war. If we back down, wouldn't we be making the world laugh?"

The words are high-sounding, but everyone knows that Gao Yanghuai's decision is really a last resort...

Of course, no one will debunk this.

Because they also know that they really can't back down!

"Yes, we can't just forget about it like this. Although Lin Xun's power is strong enough to destroy the Ji family, don't forget that this Ruins of Fortune has hundreds of epoch civilizations, and it is only the eternal There are as many as thirty-three Era Civilizations in which the real people are based, if everyone unites together, it is not hopeless to destroy him, Lin Xun!"

Jiang Tao also spoke in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then their eyes lit up.

Jiang is really old and hot, just relying on the strength of their Gao Yang clan and Jiang clan to deal with Lin Xun may be doomed to suffer heavy casualties. But if you join forces with other forces to act together, the gathered forces will not only become extremely terrifying, but also the casualties will be much reduced!

Moreover, with the status and influence of their Gao Yang clan and Jiang clan, it is also an easy task to unite with the Eternal Realm figures from the world's major Protoss.

"Brother Jiang's words are very agreeable to me."

Gao Yanghuai was full of energy, and said, "Don't forget, everyone, this is the ruins of good fortune, covered with the power of rules belonging to the supreme master behind the calamity of the era, and we are acting on the orders of the supreme master, I don't believe it, that supreme ruler will allow Lin Xun to continue rampant!"

The words were loud and powerful.

Jiang Tao's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but glance at Gao Yanghuai, and said, "Brother Dao's words awakened the dreamer. In my opinion, it's not too late, we should take action immediately."

There was also a faint hint of excitement in the words.

"it is good!"

Gao Yanghuai nodded.

Immediately, the two led their clansmen back to the clan and began to act as soon as possible.

Just three days later.

The Ruins of Creation were all sensationalized in all eras of the world.

The Gao Yang Clan and the Jiang Clan united and ordered the world to go to the God of Fortune Ruins to kill Lin Xun in ten days!

When such news came out, the world was shocked.

"The Yan Clan, Liangqiu Clan, and Ying Clan of the God Clan all spoke out and will fully support the two God Clan in this operation!"

"The Pu clan of the gods also announced that they will arrive outside the city of God of Fortune in ten days!"

"God Clan Chu..."

For a time, the world's major Protoss expressed their positions one after another, saying that they would dispatch their clans to the Eternal Realm to act together with the Gao Yang Clan and the Jiang Clan, so much so that there was an uproar in the civilized world of each era.

The world is boiling.

"Lin Xun! Who would have imagined that when he came back after so many years, there would be such a big commotion?"

"It is said that he pacified the Ji Clan of the God Clan overnight and declared war on the Gao Yang Clan and Jiang Clan. It was this incident that completely angered the major God Clan in the world, so much so that he became the target of public criticism."

"I have to say, this Lin Xun is indeed a ruthless man. When he is so powerful, how can he not let those Protoss be afraid?"

"This world... is going to be in chaos!"

All kinds of discussions continued to sound, and there were hundreds of epoch civilizations in the entire Ruins of Fortune.

But in these short three days, they were all shocked by such a thing.

As for Lin Xun's name, within these three days, it was well known to the cultivators of all eras of civilization.

"Lin Xun has the power to overthrow the Ji clan, and his combat power must be able to slay the existence of the Creation Realm, and as we all know, he already controlled the mystery of the Creation God City back then and became the master of the Creation God City. Next, even if the major Protoss join forces to deal with him, I am afraid that there will be some price to pay."

"It's useless to talk about it now, in ten days, we'll see the difference!"


Back in time three days ago.

Lin Xun took Lin Fan and Su Bai across the starry sky, and finally arrived at the City of Fortune after half a day.

"What a majestic city!"

When he saw the God of Fortune standing in the starry sky from a distance, Lin Fan couldn't help but exclaimed.

The majesty of this city is absolutely rare in the world, and even the stars appear extremely insignificant in front of this city.

Su Bai's eyes also flashed a strange color.

On the way here, he and Lin Fan had already learned the origin of the City of Fortune from Lin Xun's mouth, but when they saw it with their own eyes, they felt completely different.

Lin Xun's eyes looked at the heights of the City of Fortune from afar, where there was an obscure sky covered with chaos. Looking closely, there was a mysterious treasure that vaguely floated and floated in it, which looked like a dark tortoise shell.

That's Hetu!

It is a treasure left by Chen Linkong's grandfather.

It is this treasure that shelters here, so as long as you pass the calamity in this city, you will not be hit by the "Great Silence and Lifeless Calamity".

Of course, the power of the rules of this city will suppress the power of all cultivators. Once the characters of the Eternal Realm approach, they will be bombarded and shut out.

Even immortal characters can only enter and exit the City of Fortune by suppressing their cultivation to the level of the supreme emperor.

All of this means that unless Lin Xun, the master who controls the city, allows it, there is no way for other Eternal Realm existences to escape the killing of the Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation in the city.

Back then, after Lin Xun left, many sages from the ancient war alliances such as Wushang and Xingjia stayed in the city, one was to avoid the blow of Daji Wumingjiao, and the other was to understand the power of the origin of creation. , in this way, you can prove the way in the city.

"let's go."

Lin Xun led Lin Fan and Su Bai into the city.

He is the lord of this city, and naturally he will not be suppressed by the power of this city's rules.

And when Lin Xun's figure appeared in the city, the scenes of various areas in this huge divine city were also clearly presented in his heart.

At this moment, he clearly felt the power of the rules that belonged to this city!

It is like invisible air, omnipresent, covering every inch of the city, mysterious and full of incredible mysteries.

When Lin Xun was still in the Tianshou realm, although he could sense the power of such rules, he couldn't identify and comprehend it at all.

But now it's different. When he thought about it, all kinds of wonderful avenues like a tide flooded into his heart, making him have the urge to meditate and practice immediately.

But in the end he held back.

Just returned, Lin Xun planned to meet those old friends first.

"It turns out that they practiced in the depths of the starry sky..."

Soon, Lin Xun caught the aura that belonged to the Wushang Emperor and Xingjia Holy Buddha, and immediately moved away with Lin Fan and Su Bai.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the place where the "Fortune Star Vault" was located.

This is an extremely vast plain, no grass grows, the ground is hard, and it is paved with a layer of black hard divine stone.

And on the sky, it is dotted with dense and bright stars. Each star presents a different atmosphere of the avenue. Fill this vast world.

This celestial dome of good fortune was created by Chen Linkong’s grandfather, Chen Xi. It adopted the cultivation system of hundreds of epochs in a single celestial dome, unreservedly for future generations to observe and appreciate.

Back then, it was here that Lin Xun realized the ultimate mystery of the "Fortune Star Vault" and became the master of the God City of Fortune!

Just like in the past, in the area where the Fortune Star Vault is located, there are many figures sitting cross-legged, all comprehending the power of practice in the Fortune Star Vault.

Some frowned in thought, some sat still, some frowned, and some froze...

When they saw this scene, Lin Fan and Su Bai couldn't help but feel intense curiosity.

When Lin Xun saw this, he immediately said, "You can meditate here and experience the cultivation systems of different eras of civilization. This will be beneficial and harmless to your future cultivation."

Lin Fan and Su Bai agreed without hesitation.

And Lin Xun went straight to the depths of this area.

The deeper you go, the fewer people there are. Until later, there were only a dozen or so figures sitting cross-legged in the vast world.

When Lin Xun arrived, these figures all felt their hearts and opened their eyes one after another.

"Look, everyone, who is here."

"Haha, no wonder my mood is unsteady today, it turns out that a little friend is here."

"Lin Xun, why are you returning at this time?"

All of a sudden, various voices sounded, and I saw these figures stand up one after another and greeted them with a smile. The leaders were Wushu Zhandi, Xingjia Holy Buddha, Dragon Elephant Zhandi, and there were surprises and joys in their expressions.

"I have seen you seniors."

Lin Xun also smiled and bowed his hands. He was naturally happy to meet again after a long absence.

"Hey, you have already proved the Tao of eternity?"

Wushang saw the difference in Lin Xun's breath at a glance, and couldn't help showing a strange color.

Saying this, the other old monsters also reacted, and they all froze for a while, feeling a little unbelievable.

They clearly remembered that when Lin Xun left the God of Fortune City, he had only cultivated in the realm of longevity, but now it has only been less than a hundred years, and Lin Xun has already proved the Tao of eternity!

Such a promotion speed made these old guys startled and looked different.

"Would you like to sit down and tell us what you have experienced over the years and how you have been proving eternal?"

Wushang asked with a smile.

"That's right, today I'm waiting to meet with Xiaoyou Lin after a long absence. It's a pleasure to talk while drinking. What do you all think?"

Someone suggested.

Everyone nodded and smiled in agreement.


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