The Prodigies War

The 3041st chapter sees the stone statue again

Ji Guizhen looks like a young man, but he is actually an old antique that has existed in the world for countless years.

He comes from the first era world of the Ruins of Creation, and he has the Taoism of Creation Realm. He is admired wherever he goes. How could he have been beaten by such a big slap?

For a time, a strong sense of shame stimulated his primordial spirit to violently turmoil.

But seeing Ji Guizhen being so rude, Gao Yangli and Jiang Jue became a lot more honest.

Lin Xun looked down at the three and said, "Who will tell me where my child and apprentice are now?"

"The Ruins of Creation."

Gao Yangli seemed to know very well that if he resisted, he would not be able to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, so he seemed to cooperate, "No accident, they should have been sent to the Era of the Gods. Moreover, within three days, if we do not If you take it to the Era of the Gods, your son and apprentice will be killed."

Lin Xun's black eyes flashed, and he asked again, "How did you leave the Ruins of Creation?"

This question is critical.

It was also the place that Lin Xun couldn't figure out.

Because of the power of the black hand behind the robbery of the era, the Ruins of Fortune were sealed off a long time ago, making the Ruins of Fortune like a cage, and the hundreds of monastics of the era civilization distributed in it had no chance of escaping from it. .

Gao Yangli suddenly shut up, as if this question was too taboo for him, so he didn't dare to reveal the secret.

Looking at Ji Guizhen and Jiang Jue again, the same is true, not saying a word.

Lin Xun thought about it: "It seems that your appearance is also related to the mastermind behind the calamity of the era. Otherwise, a creature in the realm of creation, how dare to risk his life to come to the eternal real world?"

"You..." Gao Yangli's expression changed slightly.

Lin Xundao: "Don't be so surprised, this kind of thing is easy to guess, but I'm just curious, how did the mastermind behind the scenes contact you?"

Gao Yangli was silent again.

Jiang Jue on the side said coldly: "I can guarantee that you are destined to not get the answer from our mouth. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

She looked very calm, a look that was not afraid of life and death.

Lin Xun grabbed her neck with his hands, stared at her cold and beautiful face, and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you all die so easily."


The next moment, Jiang Jue's beautiful and slender body exploded, and before the shattered flesh was scattered, she was firmly imprisoned.

Then, Lin Xun saw a mysterious power of rules emerging from his palm, which suddenly condensed into an illusory cauldron.

This is condensed from the "Blood Transformation Rules", "Body Transformation Rules" and "Tao Transformation Rules" in the Five Orders of Returning Ruins.

Under Jiang Jueyuanshen's horrified gaze, the flesh and blood of her body were all refined little by little in the "cauldron".

In the end, it turned into a fist-sized, bright red Eternal Blood Stone, an Eternal Dao Stone that exudes amazing aura fluctuations, and an Eternal Law power, all of which are extremely pure and possess a primitive charm.

This scene also made Ji Guizhen and Gao Yangli shudder and their expressions changed.

"For me, instead of killing you, it's better to refine you all into such avenues of power. This is an extremely rare and rare eternal treasure."

Lin Xun said indifferently, "Of course, as I said just now, I won't let you die like this. The most painful thing in this world is nothing more than eight words, you can't survive, you can't die!"

Ji Guizhen, Gao Yangli, and Jiang Jue's faces have become extremely ugly.

"Haha, even so, you can never get what you want to know from our mouths!" Jiang Jue's Primordial Spirit sneered.

She was fearless.

Because the souls of the Eternal Realm have extremely powerful power, they may be killed, but it is simply impossible to search their souls.

Of course Lin Xun also knew this.

But, it didn't bother him.

I saw him turn his fingers into a knife, using the power of the blade of the years to make a stroke on Jiang Jue's primordial spirit.


It can be seen with the naked eye, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Jue's power of Yuanshen, which is filled with eternal breath, has plummeted.

It can only be stopped when it falls to the level of immortality!

This incredible scene made Jiang Jue scream in horror, "You actually deprived me of the realm of the Great Dao!!"

What could be more cruel punishment than this for the characters of Eternal Realm?

All of a sudden, Ji Guizhen and Gao Yangli also felt chills all over their bodies, like falling into an ice cave. They recognized it. This is the power of the years. Long ago, the Eternal Night God Emperor also mastered such forbidden magical powers!

"If you don't do this, how can you learn something from your soul's memory?" Lin Xun said, and he had already started searching for Jiang Jue's soul.


The torrent of memories like a tide was captured by Lin Xun, and about Jiang Jue's origin, growth, and cultivation experience... all emerged one by one.

But soon, Lin Xun frowned.

Because in Jiang Jue's memory, there is nothing he wants to know. From the beginning of this operation to the present, Jiang Jue has always followed the orders of the clan behind him.

"I said, you won't get anything at all!"

Jiang Jue's primordial spirit hissed, her cultivation base was deprived and she fell to the level of immortality, making her feel like she was broken, and life was better than death.

Lin Xun said indifferently, "No, at least I know where the Jiang clan is behind you, how many clan members your Jiang clan has now, and many secrets related to your Jiang clan, that's enough."

"You...don't you dare to kill Jiang's family?" Jiang Jue couldn't believe it.

"Why not?"

As Lin Xun said, he put the woman's Yuanshen Town into the Wuyuan Sword Cauldron.

His eyes turned to Ji Guizhen and Gao Yangli, "What about you, do you want me to do it, or do you take the initiative to explain?"

"If I say I don't know if you believe it?"

Gao Yangli's face was as pale as earth, and his writing was full of bitterness.

"Of course not."

As Lin Xun spoke, he grabbed him, first crushed his body, and then pierced his soul with the power of the blade of time.

Immediately, Gao Yangli was also horrified to discover that his own Daoism had suddenly fallen to the level of immortality, and he suddenly couldn't bear this kind of blow and let out a piercing cry, "No! No—!"

How could Lin Xun have any kindness, he went straight to the soul search.

After a while, his brows wrinkled again. Gao Yangli, like Jiang Jue, also didn't know the reason. He only knew that this action was related to the mastermind behind the robbery of the era.

After suppressing Gao Yangli's primordial spirit, Lin Xun looked at Ji Guizhen and said, "What about you, do you have anything to say?"

Ji Guizhen's face was extremely blue and gloomy, his eyes were splitting, he gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Xun, this is just the beginning, as long as you don't die, your relatives, your friends, and everything related to you. Everyone will suffer!!"

It seems to be cathartic, full of resentment and curse.

With a single stroke of Lin Xunpian's finger, the power of the blade of time is drawn in the discipline.

In the spirit of returning to the real world, the latter's Dao realm also fell all of a sudden.

But after all, he exists in the Creation Realm, and just this blow, he still maintains the Taoism that exceeds the Moment Realm.

Lin Xun didn't talk nonsense, and continued to draw down with the power of the blade of time.

Soon, Ji Guizhen's primordial spirit became extremely weak and fell to the level of immortality.

During this period, he tried to self-destruct his primordial spirit, but Bie Lin Xun held it tightly, so that at this moment, the whole person seemed to have completely collapsed, and his expression was numb and sluggish.

Lin Xun's expression was calm, and he searched for his own soul.

After a while, his eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with excitement and resentment.

In Ji Guizhen's soul memory, let him see scenes after scenes——

Like Lin Fan and Su Bai yesterday, they were taken away by an old man named "Gongye Liu" and went to the Ruins of Fortune.

According to Ji Guizhen's arrangement, Gongye Liu will take Lin Fan and Su Bai to the Ji family in the Era of the Gods for custody as soon as possible.

In addition, Ji Guizhen and Gongye Liu agreed that if he, Gao Yangli and Jiang Jue were in trouble, they would immediately kill Lin Fan and Su Bai.

This made Lin Xun break into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't kill these three people immediately before, otherwise, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable!

At the same time, Lin Xun finally knew how Ji Guizhen and the others left the Ruins of Creation.

It turned out that Ji Guizhen held a stone statue engraved with the word "Tai Chu" in his hands, and it was with the help of the power of this object that they could easily break through the blockade of the Ruins of Fortune!

Before they went to the Eternal Realm, whether it was Gao Yangli, Jiang Jue, or the old man named Gong Yeliu, they were all placed in an Eternal Dao soldier that Ji Guizhen carried with him. Leave from the ruins of creation.

Therefore, Gao Yangli and Jiang Jue did not know how they left.

The stone statue of the beginning!

Lin Xun's heart shook, and he immediately began to search for the items on Ji Guizhen's body.

Soon, a stone statue appeared in Lin Xun's field of vision.

This thing is nine inches tall, it looks like jade but not jade, and its entire body is pitch black.

And at the bottom of the stone statue, there are two mysterious inscriptions on the avenue - "The Beginning"!

The handwriting is like the traces of the supreme heaven, with a forbidden verve. Lin Xun only glanced at it and felt an inexplicable sense of depression, as if he had inadvertently offended a supreme being. , it is very heart palpitating!

that's it!

Lin Xun took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

When he was in the market back then, he had chatted with his senior brother Lingxuanzi about the "God Statue of Absolute Beginning". Lingxuanzi had sneaked into Zen Buddhism, and he had also consulted the classics of Zen Buddhism and learned something about this mysterious treasure.

According to Lingxuanzi's speculation, leading to this thing, you can get in touch with the mastermind behind the robbery of the era!

And now, Ji Guizhen also has such a stone statue in the beginning. No doubt, their actions this time were also instructed by the mastermind behind the calamity of the era!

Even Lin Xun was extremely suspicious that the mastermind behind the scenes might have already known about his eternal success in proving the Tao, and perhaps he also knew that whether it was Zen, Shamanism, or the twelve eternal gods were no longer useful.

Therefore, the mastermind behind the failure, who was unwilling to fail, began to use the power of the civilizations of the various eras of the Ruins of Fortune to deal with himself!


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